Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1963, p. 12

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#tge TweTv* THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALFR Hfngwood " .-'-' t1" WAR PRISONERS WILL SPEAK AT COMMUNITY CLUB bur Iranu - W.L. *045 B Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zal>oj villi bo the guests for the meeting Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 8:15 sharp. They wore prisoners cf wcr for 6 years l>ehind the fron Curtain. Phis will certainly lie interesting to everyone, sO let's have a large turnout. Mr. and Mrs. Zaboj will be more than happy to answer quest inns about their expenses. After listening to them, maybe our problems won't be so bad rtfter all. Please come and-hear nbou't it all. BlliliWood Method in t Church Services a.m. Worship services. 10:45 a.m. Church schoolufor all. Rev. Bruce Brenneman, pas- C'lvll Defense Meeting , Don't forget to attend the Civil Defense meetings on Monday in »h" school house. Duane Andreas is the instructor foj these verv imixirtant meetings. Returns from Holiday Vacation Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Brenneman and daughter, Kim, have returned home after spending the holidays visit inn in Anthony, Kansas. Buck to School After spending two weeks in the home ot his parents, Jay Walkington returned to Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, Iowa. ' • \ New Vcars Day Dthnt r (iucsts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby entertained family and friends for New Years Day dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oxtoby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas and Judy of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and family of Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelsoiv of Crystal Lake, Mr. and^Mrs. Herb Northrup of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. William McCabe of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas nnd Kevin were unable to attend. * Entertains Card Club Mix. (Jerry Kunz entertained* the Card Club on Wednesday afternoon in her home. J Mrs. Ruby Shepard scored ' high with Mrs. Buefah Karls of Richmond having low. Winter in California Frank Kempfer has left for California for the coming cold winter months. He will s]>end his vacation with his daughter and her family in Reseda. Ski Accident Mary Beth Hopp had a mishap on her skis during the holidays. She's carrying a cast on her Jeg. which was broken. Hope itY ~oon healed and you're running around Mary Beth. Sr. HI M.Y.F. Report Linda Low reports: Jan. 6 the-e was no M.Y.F meeting. On Jan. 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. Ringwood will De host for the sub-district meeting. New officers will be installed and the mirt-wintei retreat will be discussed at this meeting. On Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. Jim McFarland and Glenf Decker will lead the group in a discussion on vacations. We need different opinions, and you may want some advice, so we'll si e you there! Dace: Ringwood church. Time 7 p.m. Trip to Chicago ! Pat I./")w, Keith Schacht, i (>>nnie Schacht, Sue Fossum, > Norma Mendoza and Linda | Low took a trip to the Chi- ; cago Art Institute on Sunday, i Jan. 6. After looking at many 1 beautiful paintings plus some , amusing modern art, the group i was glad to get home and res', i Visittjd at the, Hospital Last week, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited Mrs. Carrie Just en, Mrs Katie Conway and Mrs Dorothy .Vwn. All three iadles are patients In Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock. Mrs. Aissen will undergo her surgery by the time this is printed. Good wishes go to you, Dorothy, tor a speedy recovery. Here 'n There " Mr. and Mrs. Ix>uks Brefekl sj»ent Wednesday evening in the Kugene Oxtoby home. Wednesday evening dinner quests in the Bob Brennar. home were Roy Harrison and Loren. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy -Pa^e of ! McHenry spent Thursday af^j te'rnoon in the home of Mrs. Ruby .Shepard. I Thursday afternoon callers | in the Mr. and Mrs. John Eh- \ lert home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strtffel and Mr. and Mrs. William Stoffel of 'Burlington, Wis. Mr. and Mrs^0*ecar Swanson of Purk Ridge visited in the L. E. Hawley home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and Jeff from Burlington, Wis. and Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond were dinner guests on Saturday in the John Eh lei t home. Sunday dinner guest? in the Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andrea.-; home were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hueniann and. famfly. from Johnsburgi Callers in the Bob Brennan home on Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Appell, Kathy, Steve and SU: sic, o! Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby were supper guests in the home of Mr. and tors. William McCabe at Fistakee Bay on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in Crystal Lake'on Sunday. Dinner guests on Wednesday in the Bob Brennan home were Roy and Loren Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ringolstetter of McHenry and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Brennan - Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan of New Munster, Wis., called on his folks, the Charles Brennans, last Saturday. Belated Christinas Dinner (iUfSt* Mr. and Mis. John Hogan entertained their family for Christmas Day dinner. Attending were Mr. and Mr*. Earl Sonnemaker and family, M'. and Mrs. Richard Thompson and family from Greenwood, Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholtz of McHenry and Tom Parsley of Crystal Lake, along with John. Harry, Jerry, Pat and Mike Hogan. Sunday at Hognns Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoiran had Mr. and Mrs. Rill Ashbaugh and family of Huntley, (ihe Ashbnughs were former Ringwood folks), Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson and family of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker and family of Detroit, Mich.. Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholt/ of McHenry, Tom Parsley of Crystal Lake, > well as their family (the Hogans.) Skiing Last Wednesday, Pat Hogan and Tom Parsley of Crystal Lake tried their skis out at Wilmot. They report a good lime was had skiing. Sonnemaker* Visit Relatives Mr. anil Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker and family of Detroit have "T>een standing the holidays at the home of Mary's folks, the John Hoggins. Last Wednesday they left\ for Peoria for, several days \\isit with Earl's family, Mr. aojl Mrs. Harry Sonnemaker. The Sonnemakers will return to th Hogan home over the weekend. Mrs. Rose Petroskv from Tw :n Lakes called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Thursday. They called en Mrs. Mike Freund in McHenry and on Mrs. Hubs Shepard. On Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. L. E. Hawley visited in the Bill Reinwall home at McHenry. Mr. and Mi's. Lewis of Wauconda visited Mrs Nellie Hepburn last Tuesday. Call me if you have any news for the coining week. Bye for now. --jper&onatd -- fers home in Crystal Lake. Sunday, where the latter remain ed for a few days visit in thi home of her son. The showei Miss Maureen O'Brien of honored Miss Connie Miller ol Crystal Lake spent New Years i Woodstock whose marriage t'. in the Ralph Smith home as j Roger Powers, grandson ol a guest of their daughter, Cin- l Mrs. Powers, will tnko plaec dy. | on Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder; The Jack Patzke family, spent Christmas week in the j recently returned from homo of their dauffhter, Mrs. j Germany, aro now making- Robert Belzer, and family In I their home in the Pearl Patzke South Bend, Ind., and New house, on Waukegan street re- Ye-tr's Day as a guest of Mrs. Walinder's sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Morris, and daughtei in Mt. Prospect Charles Sutton Thursday, January 10, 1919 RECALL PROUD HISTORY OF CP WITHIN COUNTY Early Activities Of Groiip Centered In McHenry Area cently vacated by the Donald I sy Fout family who Lakeland Park. Donald Wattles moved- to enjoyed a Smith became the neto teacher. Move Classroom Again the classroom had to be moved from Crystal Lake because of crowded conditions. This time the classroom was moved to McHenry. Carl Buckner, superintendent of District 15, made a room available at the Edgebrook school. This fall of 1961 finds the classroom in a- permanent room for j the physically handicapped lo- As the United Cerebral Pal- j eated at 1he North school, Association ot McHenry I Crystal Lake. The room is prowas also a hpliday guest in the I tr'lJ to Los Angeles, Calif., dur- Belzer horrte. j ing the holidays. Mrs. Harvey Rapp of Arling- Mrs. Leone Tonyan and moton Heights visited McHenry relatives Friday. Guests in the Charles Cors< home during the holidays included Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinsala, daughter, Margo. and County embarks on its annual campaign for funds, it iS interesting to look back on the somewhat short, but outstanding history of the organization, and the part our own community played in its beginning. It was organized on May 23, thcr, Mrs. A. P. Freund, visited thelatter's grandson, Stevie Freund, at Condell Memorial ' 1 ^55. with Mrs. Julia Covert hospital, Libertyville, where he [ elected president. The first maexpects to be confined for the ! j°r Pr°ject of the organization next two months with u broken ' was 1he establishment of a Mr. and Mrs. Emery Blanchard j 'eg 'and broken ankle, received j therapy ccnter at a church and children all-of ChiciTRrt^ in a skiing accident on Christ- \ basement in Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gnf- ; mas Day. Stevie's brother, -fith have returned from', a trip ( Mike, was taken to the same to Mexico City where they vis- i hospital Friday evening, folj ifed in the home of her sister, i Mrs. Mary Kauss, and attended j the wedding of ho* daughter, I Miss Su/anne Kr.uss, to Wil ; liam Wenks -.vhich took iJaee Ion Saturday. Derr*^9. : (Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'.i .ej low and daughter, Cheryl Ann, { ol Ft. Jennings Ohio, weie New Years guests in Ihe hoir lowing injuries sustained while playing basketball but was released the following day and is recovering nicely at home. Cathy Gut fey of Richmond M»ent'the past week with htr grandmother, Mrs. Irene Gi:ffcy. ^ Hugh Kirk and daughter of her parents, Mr. and Misi ^ilvp returned from a holiday Leo Blake. 1 visit with relatives and John Bolger has returned l< ' his- work in Harrisburg, Pa., after spending the holidays ! with his mother, Mr.v Jolm | Bolger. | j Mrs. Ernestine Christian and ; | daughter, Karen, of Glen Fl- j ! lyn, paid a holiday visit to hci j | parents. Dr. and Mrs. Henry i |"Freun<l. ! | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corse i attended the wedding of h friends in St. Petersburg and Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston and daughter, Mr.. George E. Johnson, of Skokie, m:,do by the organization ( It s»xin became evident that tlie need for physical therapy j was not enough for the afflictj ed children, but educational facilities had to lie provided too, since many of these children j were unable to attend a regu- | lar classroom. | From September, 1956, to | June, 1957, a classroom was | established and a teacher proj vided by United Cerebral Pali sy association of McHenry •County at the V.F.W. halP in McHenry. Therap^ was pro- ! vided foi the children at the McHenry hospital. During this time'efforts were vided with a spcqfeil non-skid floor, special ramps, walking bars, and a ramp entrance to aid the children in entering or leaving the room. Each summer younger children are sent to the CCC camp ik Riverdale subdivision, McHenry, organized by the Chicago Club for Crippled Children, where they receive physical therapy, speech therapy and recreational facilities. The adults were sent to Grassy camp at Carbondale for a similar program. A recreational trip to Florida was provided for two adult cerebral palsied by the organization. The above activities for the cerebral palsied and the handicapped room are all made possible through the annual fund drives, dinners, dances, rummage sales, etc., and especially through the efforts of the active members pf the Unitect Cerebral Palsy association of McHenry County, the Parents' Group and the women's diviof C. P. Holiday Hills ; JIMMIE JUSTES HEADS CEREBRAL PALSY FUND DRIVE Inez Young Next Sunday, Jan. 13, is the date set for the annual Cerebral Palsy drive. Jimmie Justes] chairman Of the drive here in Holiday • Hills, has her crew of volunteers all lined up .and assigned to districts, I know there seems to be an endless line of charities needing donations, but has your heart ever ached at the sight of a cerebral palsied child? Those of us who have children who can run and play without faltering can count our blessings by giving for those who can't. When you read the slogan, 'If he lived next door -- would you help?', it really brings it close to home. 1 Please give if you can, if you can't please be courteous to the volunteers. Someone will be at your door Sunday. were callers in the George H Johnson home Thursday. Out of town folks here to attend the annual holiday reunion of the Sutton family held at the Joseph Sutton home on Dec. 30 were Robert Sutton incorporate the education for physically handicapped child-, ren into the public school syj<- 1em. / in Kimbrother, Joseph Corso, of Kir.:- i ^.r'* Davenporfx Iowa; Roberi hurst If. Judy Painter of 0;ii. ] Siittor., uaugh/er, Gertrude. Miss Eleanor Larkin, Miss Gertrude Mack,„ Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton and son, Elmhurst; Mr. and'Wi-s. Robert Frisch, Laurie, Terry an*' Park which took plaec hunt on Dee. 29. Pfc. Richard WKsell was home from his army duties in Fl. J.eaverworth, Kansas for a holiday visit with his mo!her, Mrs. Agnes Wissell, and other relatives. While here he was guest of honor at a family gathering at the Robert Wisseil home. Present other than lie and his mother and the Robert Wissell family were Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Wissell of Loyal, Wis., Mrs. James Wissell and family and ihe James Cornuc family of Hebron. Mrs. Gertrude Pidgeon. Mrs. Laura Brennan and Mrs. Alma McAuliff were here from Chicago, Saturday, to visit theii brother-in-law^ Walter Brooks, who has been<aill. Mrs. Marion Karls and family have moved from w.'iOS W. Waukegar. street to one oi the L.L.L. apartments on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooney have returned trom a holiday j visit in the Martin Cooney | home in Fort Worth, Texas, i Miss Nancy Buckncr speni j a part of her holiday vacation in Long Beach, Calif., as the guest of her roommate it the University of Wisconsin. Mrs. Sibre Whiting and Mrs. David Powers attended a bridal shower Ml the loseph Po\v- Peter, iTTld the former's mother of Elgin. Mrs. Joseph Williams has received word of the death o! her cousin, Joseph Juenger. ROTARY NEWS .McHenry Man President In August, 1957, Charles J. Miller of McHenry was elected president. The county superintendent of schools and Trum.Tr. Robinson of District 10, Greenwood, made a classroom available for the children and William Whiteside became the teacher. ll;s salary was paid by both the school district and j chairman. As usudl, Earl cov- United Cerebral Palsy of the ! ered ^ subject Jn an expert county. He was aided by volun- Our program t his week was very interesting. I,t was entitled "Our Rotary' Magazine", with Earl Walsh) acting as teers of the organization. In June of 195S the Greenwhich occurred of a heart at-! wood school was unable to prolack at th® wheel of his c::r , vide a classroom for the class in Clearwater; t la., on Now , for the following school year, ears Day. Mr. Juenger, an The classroom \va> moved to Mgin mail man before his re- , Hebron. A non-teaching assistiremcnt, was accompanied 1} his wife, Anna, who was critfe, cally injured in the accident which followed the attack. Sunday guests of Mrs. A. P. Freund were Mrs. Evelyn Pctitclair and family of Wauke-! gan, Mr. and NJ_rs. Marvin Rooney of Wauconda\nd the Richard Frett family\ of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Norma Thortapsen of Grayslake visited (McHenry friends Sunday. Mesdames Herb Simon, Label Thomjxscn, Mary Hett<ii mann, Barbara Hanson, Mai Elshoff and Kathleen Simon/ were in Arlington Heights yes-' tcrday (Wednesday) to help Mrs. Kathryn Wayman celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reihansperger have returned home from a week's trip to !.o- Angeles*. Calif., where iln-- 10£*3 License ITO«J Plates Insurance & License Service MANGUS B. GRANT Plalndealer Building -- S812 W. Elm St Phone 385-4908 manner which /vas evidenced by the applatiSe he received. It was announced that Oscar Iber was sidelined for the time being, and all of ns are hoping that he will be back with us before long as his ready wit and pleasant smile is conspicuous by its absence when he misses our meetings. The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First, school in Crystal Lake. Physi- ; the development of acquaintcal therapy at the North school j ance as an opportunity for serwas provided by the Easter i vice, second, high ethical stan- Seal organization at the school j dards in business and profestwo days a week. | sions, the recognition of the tant was rynployed by the cerebral palsy ' organization to aid the teacher at this time. Again the crowded condition of the Hebron school required a different location, and the class was moved to the North Malstrom Silver Anniversary Who'd guess Berniee and Dick Malstrom have spent 25 whole years together? Well, that's how long they were married on Jai). 1. This was nice enough, but what was even nicer was that their daughter, Madelyn, planned and schemed for weeks before to make rt a really memorable occasion. On Saturday, Dec. 30, she took them out to dinner while approximately forty-five of their friends, and relatives gathered at their home for a big surprise party. Among the guests were their son, Dick, their daughter-inlaw, and two granddaughters from LaCrosse, Wis., relatives from Holiday Hills. Two long distance phone calls from New York and Missouri were received from members of the family who could not be present but wanted to wish them happiness. Congratulations to you, Berniee and Dick, hope we're around to see the golden anniversary. Cub Scout Blue Ajpd (>old Dinner Saturday, Feb. 2, is the date of the annual Blue and-Gold pot-luck dinner. With our Cub Scout Pack and their families adding up to such a large group, t<h(T dinner this year will be held at the McHenry American Legion hall. Further details will follow, but you families with Cub Scouts, mark the date on your calendar. Saturday, Feb. 2, 6:£0 p~m. G. L. A. C. Meeting The Griswold Lake Athletic Club wlil hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Jan. KJ, at the home of Coix Kasprxyk. Happy Birthday Belated birthday greetings to Gloria Smith who celebrated her day on Jan. 1. Wins 2nd Prine Congratulations to Bill Exline whose beautiful Christmas decorations, seen for miles, received second prize in the Island Lake best Christmas decorations contest. I'm not a bit surprised, even knowing that over ' 60 miles were travelled in viewing homes for the contest, they just couldn't pass that view without giving a prize. LICENSE DEADLINE Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has reminded motorists that only six weeks now remain before the Feb. 15 deadline for displaying 1963 license plates on their vehicles. The same as in past years, he pointed out, this is a deadline for having the piates mounted on the vehicles, not merely a deadline for having submitted applications. To be sure of having their plates in time for the deadline, persons applying by mail should have their^applications in his office by Feb. 1, Mr. Carpentier said. NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES NEEDS VAN DRIVERS You can earn more as an owner-operator driving for North American Van Lines. You'll be in a business for yourself in" an expanding industry, with America's fastest- growing moving van company. You will receive complete training--with pay, free uniforptC free licenses, free van maintenance and plenty of year-round work with no selling required. You must be over 23 and have a late model tractor or a reasonable down payment. We will assist in financing. Call Personnel Department, Anthony 4261, or write North American Van Lines, Department 10, Fort Wayne, Indiana, for application and further details. In October, 1959, Mrs. Dorothy Miller became president of the organization. Miss Cathy attended the Rose parade and Rose bowl game as a part of ^a group of University of WiscNnsin Alumni. Numerous other si(le trips were made in Los Angeles and a day's stop was made at Vegas enroute home. worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation to serve society, third, the .application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life, fourth, the advancement of international understanding, good will and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service. REMOPELING / Need ja Room, New Kttchen, Garage? Design Service & Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews FREE ESTIMATES Evening* Phone: 678-2861 4-6880 Weekend Specials! Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday January 1 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 BLUE STAR CRISP and CRUNCH* P. M. Whiskey *009! W • 10 Varities FREE! I Pint HALF & fiALF With each gallon of milk purchased or two 12 gallons. Maniitchewitz WINES (Uth 89 SUNRISE GROCERY 8020 Rt. ISO (1 blk. E. n«W l>rtdg«) McHenry _&• ' WALTER HUNTER AUCTION AUCTIONEERS: Wm. H. Russel and Wm. B. Sullivan Having decided to quit farming will sell all my personal property on the Perkins Farm, now owned by Leslie Sweet, situated on the White Road, 2 miles South of Sharon Wisconsin and 1 mile South of County Line Road, 5 miles North of Chemung, 7 miles Northwest of Harvard and 7 miles West of Big Foot, on: THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. 1963 Commencing at 10:00 a.m. 50 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 38 Holstein Dairy Cows; 5 Holstein Heifers; 1 Holstein Bull, 3 mos. old; 1 Holstein Heifer, bred; 4 Holstein Bulls, 1 yr. old; Riding Horse, Saddle and Bridle; 6 Geese and 3 Pekin Ducks. All Cattle TB and Bangs tested, state lab. and tube tested for Wis. Buyers. * MACHINERY AIIis Chalmers Diesel D1T Tractor; Int. "M" Tractor; Allis Chalmers 14 ft. Tr. Disc; Allis Chalmers Hay Conditioner; Allis Chalmers 4 Bar S. D. Rake; Allis Chalmers 14 in. 4 Bot. Slot Tr. PMw; Allis Chalmers 2 Row Tr. Cultivator; Allis Chalmers Field Chopper; J. D. No. 12A Gr. Combine w/motor; J. D. Field Chopper & Hay Attach.; J. D. 4 Row Corn Planter; Int. Power Corn Sheller; Int. Power Hay Mower; Int. 2 M, 2 Row Corn Picker; Int. 4 Rqw Tr. Cultivator; int. 3 Bot. 14 in. Tr. Plow; RT Wagon and Hay Rack; 3 RT Wagons and i Chopper Boxes; Gehl Power Hammermill, RT; Gehl Silage I Blower and Pipe, new; Gehl Green Feed Chopper; Lindsay 4 Sec. Iron Drag and Draw Bar; Meyer 48 ft. Gr. Elevator! Power Lift; New Holland Manure Spreader, 1 yr. old; Oliver j Tr. Disc; David Bradley Manure Loader; Soil Sergent; 18 ft. I Feed Bunk Power Unloading Jack; Work Bench; Power Lawn ' Mower; Power Table Saw; Power Band Saw; Electric Drill; | Emory Wheel stand with motor; Air Compressor; Vise; Grain j Blower; 2 Wheeled Trailer; Sm. Gr. Elevator w/motor; 2 Bot. ! Tractor Plow; Picnic Table; 2 500-chick Brooders; 2 Bicycles; s New Holland 65 Hay Baler Baler w/49 bale thrower, new; Int! j Gr. Drill, Fert. Attach. FEED 50 Ton Mixed Hay; 10 Ton Straw; 400 Bu. Oats; 15 ft SUaxe, 16 ft Silo. ftlLKING EQUIPMENT 4 New Style Surge Milking Units; 2 SS Strainers; Elec. Hot Water Heater; 2 Covered Carrying Pails; Surge-.Motor and Pump, new. WALTER HUNTER, Owner Lunch Wagon «m <.r<>undH I .,Us,£ Uaitk Term* Not Responsible for Accidents FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK Clerking Member F D4.C. Federal Sown* Sy»tain GRANT COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Fox Lake, Illinois ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES Classes Begin Week of Feb. 4th Registration at High School January 21st, 23rd, 28th & 30th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the general office or mail in registration to Grant High School. Courses Offered on Monddy: Contract Bridge Beginning Sewing Intermediate Bookkeeping Intermediate Typing Beginning Shorthand Millinery design Knitting (beginning) Upholstery Lawn Care and Landscaping . Courses offered on Tuesdays: Tailoring Intermediate Shorthand First Aid Small Boat Handling (Beginning March 12th) State and Federal Constitution Floral Arrangements and Design • Driver Education Courses Offered on Wednesdays; Intermediate Sewing Preparation for Citizenship Beginning Ballroom Dancing (For High School students only) Office Machines Medical Self Survival (Civil Defense Course) Beginning Conversational Spanish For Further Information Call JUstice 7-2561 v Write or call for eveaing soUMt^brodnife lor time of specific elaas.

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