Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1963, p. 18

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Pig* EKghiMB THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 10. 1963 Village of Sunnyiid* VEHICLE TAGS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE Betty Lehman S85-6S66 Vehicle stickers arc now avallablc and may be purchased at the home of the village clerk, Irma Gunther. Hours are 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and all day Saturday. John«burg P.T.A. The monthly meeting of the Johnsburg P.T.A. will be held on Tuesday,Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. The program for the,evening will be a demonstration by the Fox Lake Power Squadron, and a demonstration "Safe Boating through Education." Vacation The Jablonski family enjoyco a pre-holiday vacation visiting relatives in Chicago and sightseeing all the holiday decorations. The children and mom and dad wore able to do their shopping without rushing. Piit and Rich both agree it'{t a nice time of year to take a vacation. Cerebral Palsy Drive Louella Schultz h»s boon named chairman for the Cerebral Palsy drive. Holixns will be Chris Williams. Helen Koffskl, Susan Schultz and Betty Lehman. The week of Jan. 13, these ladies will come to your door. Give generously. Holiday Doings The Metzgers had a most enjoyable evening Thursday night when former neighbors, Sue and George Schuman, and their four daughters were over for a holiday visit. On Saturday the Metzgcrs drove to Chicago where they visited with their relatives. New Year's day Elizabeth's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. Herdrich from Mc- Henjy, paid them a visit. Guests at the Jablonski house over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. E. Schuman anil sons. Ollie and Fred Garner spent New Year s with their daughter, Sharon, and family in Wauconda. The Car.imaratas entertainer, their two daughters, Katie and Mary, and their families for the holiday, clso their daughter Judy. The Crowleys had son. Joe, and family over. Joe provided the entertainment by showing movies of his vacation. Senior Harringtons journeyed to Chicago where they celebrated the New Year with son, Bill, and his family. Gloria and Jean Scholtz had their relatives over for the holiday. Jean's brother provided the entertainment by playing his guitar. Chris and LaMarr Williams spent a lovely evening with the Roggenbuchs. i'he Kasperskis attended a party at the Moose. Clara and Ray Harrington and their children visited with their nephew in Elmwood Park. While there they got to visit with a no ice who lives Ja Great Falls, Mont., whom they hadn't seen for five years. A most enjoyable time was had. New Year's at the Richard Schneider home was a gala atfair with noise makers, confetti arid the works. Leonie and her overnight guest, Debbie Stull, were allowed to welcome in the new yoar. It was a happy family gathering and everyone had a good time. The Fredricks entertained. Rich's dad from Wisconsin for the new year. The La Bay family journeyed to Michigan to spend new year's with Ernie's relatives. The A1 May family entertained Irene's mother, Mrs. Spooner, from Spring Grove fur the New Year holiday. "The Donald Gaylords had a busy weekend. On Saturday they had a birthday party for Cammie's father. Those attenning were her sister and their families from Milwaukee, and Don's folks from Hebron. On Monday evening a New Years Eve party Was hold and those attending were Jim and Marilyn Kinder, Marilyn's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lang, Al and Irene May, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Died rich, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diedrich, Mr. and Mrs. W. Huffar, Harold Diedrich and Cammie's mother and father. Bdl and Irma Gunther went to St. Charles to visit his sister, Marian, and her family for the holiday. Gcrt Mackison had New Years dinner with George and Julia Siebcrt. Sick Lint Danny Williams was sick; with a jore throat. The Prell children came down with the flu again. Cathy La Bay was very sick with an oar infection, Peter Kaspnski had a bad cold, and I had to end the year with a running nose. Cub Scout N>hh On Thursday, Jan. 3, t lie committee of Pack 452 met at the home of Barbara Sisk. •Those attending were Cub Master Henry Zenner, Ray Thelen, Chris Williams, Betiy Lehman, Jean Hilstrom, Rosemary Lutz. Joan Stull, Mari lyn Wiggenfian and Beverly Lewandoski. Two new members were introduced to the committee, they were Dave Trent, who will be the new committee chairman, and Dudley Gregg, I.D. chairman. The main topic of discussion was planning for the Blue and Gold dinner which will be held on Feb. ID. Birthday Wished Go to Ray Harrington and Mike Jablonski on Jan. 10, Jimmy Herman on the eleventh, LaMarr Williams on the tweP fth and Jack Roggenbuch on the fifteenth. Happy Birthday to all of you. Anniversary Wishes To Jim and Marilyn Kinder on Jan. 13. May you both have many more happy years together. Cirl Juvenile Foresters The girl foresters will iWWt Monday, Jan. 14, at the Coin- I munity Club from 7:30-to 9 I p.m. Finals for the dance con- | test will be held at this ITUHM- i ing, In closing, I want to thank the? Plaindcalcr for the lovely gift. See you next week. 1*1 ST A lir.K TKISKACK Joyce Toeppcr 3H.">-30'14 W omen's Meeting Tonight The Pistakee Terrace Women's .auxiliary meets tonight at H p.m. at the home of Agnes Secord, Oaklcaf Avenue. Happy Holidays Eola and Williard Hillman spent Thursday through Saturday at the Chicago home of Loretta Gohde. Sunday dinner guests of 1 Tie Ru:.scll Parkers were Ait and Hilda Sehwebkg, Mavwood; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sehwebkg. Chicago; Alma and Herb Roue and Henry and Elsie Andersen of McIIcnry. Nancy Phillips was installed as librarian in Job's Daughters, Bethel No. '98 ojj. .Sal.UOUy. over ing. Guests of the Phillips family on Sunday in honor of Nancy'* eighteenth birthday included the Art Rohars, River Terrace, their houseguest, M«'s. Charles Rohar, Clearwater, Fla.; Patrick Weaver, Jim Larsen and Jan Fortune, Eimhurst. Following dinnc r Nancy accompanied Pat, Jim and Jan to the Phi Sigma Epsilon skating party at Crystal Lake. George and Mary Mecko visited their daughter, Carol Anne, at St. Francis convent in Joliet on Sunday. It was their first visit together since Carol entered the.convent as a novice on Aug. 13. Dave, Dale and Betty Zamastil returned home from their visit with the senior Zamastiis on Sunday as Grandmother and Grandfather came to the Terrace in the afternoon to visit Baby Dart, Barb and Don. "Weekend guest of the Cisewski family was Bemie's father. Foster Sedall of Chicago. Friday visitors at the Ed Weiss home were Marge and Bud Staben of Pistakee Hills. Dec. 27 guests in the Stadcr home included Mr. and Mrs. Ted M o n k m a n , D o w n e r s Glove; Mr. and Mrs. Mat Terney, Fox Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritccr, Riverdale; "Mr. a^d Mrs. Ewald Pradelski; Bernie Cisewski and Agnes Sedall, Pistakee Terrace: Elsie and Jerry Kirsch, son, Bob, of Chicago visited with the George Mecko family on Sunday evening and were treated to slides received N from Spain for Christmiy; wheres George. Jr. and his wife Alice are living. Arriving on Wednesday, Jan. 2, to spend a few days with hei bro.her, Antlvyfv Kurowski, a n d f a m i l y w a s S o p h i a Sehvvenkler, Tucson, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritter accompanied George and Wilma Stader t-> Downers Grove to visit ill" Ted Monkman family on Wednesday evening. The Harry Gavins, Sr. spent Sunday and Monday with Harry, Grace and children. What with Noel on vacation j Christmas week the Gregg I family made a trip to the Mu- ! scum of Science f.nd Industry ! and included lunching out. ! Topping ol'f his vacation they joined with five other couples i from Dee's card club for a ! Round Robin cocktail party I Sunday evening. The other (members included the Lou Spankucks, Wall.v Misavices, i Wally Szypeibaums, Archie j Fletchers and Bill Sehiicks of | Pistakee Highlands. | Visiting with Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Janssen and family of I Met a mora, on Sunday were Cal and Grace Vyduna and family Supper guests in the Toepi>ei home on Sunday were the Glenn Nelson family from Ma- April Pritchard, Demise Pradelski and Carolyn Mierzwa enjoyed an afternoon of Ice skating before returning to the latter's home for supper, followed by an all night pajama party just like the teenagers do it. Sunday afternoon, accompanied by Carolyn's brother, Keith, they completed their fun-filled weekend at the McHenry roller rink. Unable to make the trip home to Germany for Christmas the Hemkendrels family d d the next best thing and talked to their loved ones by phone. Holiday visitors at the Norb Mierzwa home Included ten year old Marilyn Mierzwa, East Moline, spending Christmas day and Wednesday along with thirteen year old Craig Ortinau, Chicago, who stayed from Christmas till New Years day. Antjie Thode of Pistakee Highlands and Rita Harbeck were supper guests of the Stahiman household on Wednesday following an afternoon of ice skating in honor of Cheryl's fourteenth bivthday. Visiting with her great-aunt, Mrs. Marie Haverkorn, in Oak Park Saturday through Monday was Debbie Jourdah. Anniversary Congratulations to Roy and Mary Genaze as they celebrate their wedding anniversary on Jan. 10. New Years Notations New Year's eve found the Jorgensons at the Sunnyside home of Bun Obstfelder. Noel and Dee Gregg attended the house party of Dee and Bill Bischoff, Pistakee Hills. Cards and pizza were the interest of the Tom Merhauti as they awaited the new year at the Mitch Sabaj home. Russell and Doyothy Parker joined Ewald and % Virginia Pradeski at the Connerty home New Year's Eve. The Howard Secords entertained Eleanor and Jim Moore as 1962 became history. Jackie and Ed Weiss accompanied Hazel and Bill Stahiman to the Knights of Columbus New Year's Eve celebration in Barrington. Attending a house party in Des Plaines along with five other couples were Harry and Grace Gavin. Thirty people from such places as Chicago, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Lombard and Eimhurst gathered at the home of Paul and Jean Fedorchak to greet baby new year 1963. Spending New Year's Eve with the Hillmans were George and Mary Mecko. Spending the evening with the Norb Cisewski family were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lester and Joan, and Rena Mischalak. These^overnight guests were joined New Years day by Mr: and Mrs. Victor Fracier, Kim and Lisa; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lisckowski and children; Mrs. Florence Mischalak, Mrs. Mathias, Mr. ami/Mrs. Elmer Hansen, Mr. ana Mrs. Gene Michalak and sons; and Jim Lester, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman. Addison, visited the Zamastil family Jan. 1 to exchange Christmas gifts and start getting acquainted with their newest grandson. Dinner guests at the Kuroski home the first day of 1963 were Mr. and Mrs. Jim of Chicago. Ewald and Virginia and children spent New Years Day at the Chicage home of Mrs. Martha Kacprczak celebrating the birthday of hi* father, Anton Pradelski. v Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright dined with their son, Richard Stull, and family on New Yera's day. Dinning out at a restaurant near Antioch New Year's day was Marie and William Kern and the Donald Kern family. Before finishing their holiday stay with the Calvin Vyduna family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Janssen accompanied the Vydunas for dinner at the Glenn Oaks home in Wheeling, New Year's day. The Janssens left for their return trip home to Bamesville, Minn, on Wednesday. The Leonard A. Toeppers of Trevor, Wis. entertained Len, Joyce, Lance and Lorin with dinner as wishes for a happy new year were exchanged. A sad note to begin the new year as Jean Fedorchak reports that their'German shepard, Zep, donated to the-Chicago. Police Department Canine Corps bn Aug. 15 was killed by* a car on New Year's day. Although she had given him up to a new owner Jean never forget hi|h and feels the loss deeply. Illnesses Many have been hit with colds as whole families report in under the weather. The Wi£- german family found someone sick almost every day of the holidays topped off by Mark having the mumps. Karen Kern was forced to stay home from school due to illness and Mother Lory wasn't feeling too well herself. William Kern was home from work the second day of the new year and Mari*j found it difficult to care for him right since she wasn't herself either. Linda Kettner came down with the mumps on Dec. 30 and Donri;a Pritchard is having a terrible time shaking the flu bug she caught before Christmas. MOTEL FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line/ of Dairy Products FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated J/hone b85-Uib5 or 385-0232 FOR COUNTRY CHARM AND COMFORT TOO! Any time you're driving through-- 65 Luxurious Rooms, Suites, Kitchenettes, Meeting Rooms--to fit your individual needs--with Television and Telephone in all units. • FREE Continental Breakfast • Family Rales! Ideal location-- So close to CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE, 'V ^MADISON and ROCKFORD-Near Arlington and Meadowdale Race Tracks. '^1 PHONE-459-4300 MANOR Routes V4 and 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois®-' (C s Ipf! % N ^ N V «.*• S V ivV •, • ' '• S £ >> ; #V f f ^ . , ^ * * . * (Q Slip*: Before it happens to you. ^ Get her a fume-frpe electric dryer. They're priced $20 to440 below gas (and they're flameless, trouble-free and fast). s See vour dealer now! (J Public Service Company (P Commonwealth Edison Company HOW TO PLEASE YOUR HOME ECONOMIST Introduce a lady to a new Cadillac--and a host of wonderful things happen. v For what feminine heart wouldn't skip a beat when the door swings open on motoring's most luxurious and comfortable interiors? v What lady could fail to ttmll to the marvelous handling ease of this majestic car? And how could she resisUlhe magic of her first arrival in this great motor car? For her Cadillac is a gallant and considerate escort wherever she goes, and even a routine journey becomes a special occasion. Bui it is to her practical side that this new 1963 Cadillac makes its deepest appeal. The car's original cost represents an unusual bargain in view of all a Cadillac provides. Cadillac's day-in, day-out economy of operation and upkeep . . . and its reassuring reliability . . . reveal over and over its soundness as an investment. And its remarkably high worth when the time comes for another new Cadillac will be final proof that the move to Cadillac was a wise one. When your thoughts turn to Cadillac--as they surely must--a consultation between you and your lady and your dealer is in order. There simply is no better way to win the favor of a practical wife. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 X. FROXT STREET • PHONE 385-6000 : r'V

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