Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1963, p. 2

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i Page Two THE McHENRY PLJMNDEALER Thursday. January 10. 1963 John Vycital Claims Bridd The Kytxt i Mot h o d i s t church, Beach Haven, N. wa%' the scone of the 3 ]>.m. wedding uniting Kn^ineman 3/<* .7r>hn Vycltal and Miss Natka Patricia Cranmer last Sattirrlfiy. Jvn. 5. John is the s«jn of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital, 2X09 N. Spring i-oad, N^cCullom Lake, while the bride's parenls are Mr. and Mrs. J. Goi-don Cranmer, Sr.. of Beach \Haven, N. J. The Rev. Pennington Corsdh officiated at the double ring ceremony, preceding the service, three solos were sunn by Thomas E. Kelley, "Because." ".Oh Promise Me," and . , COUPLE'S DINNER PLANNED BV GOP WOMEN'S CLUB Tht- torHetiry Township Re publican Women's club Februny meeting will l>c- a eouple'.s dinner to IK;- lield at the Mr- Hetuy «Aiounljy club, it \\.i> innounced this week by U dinner chairman, Mrs. Hem > Leisten, of Country <*!ub Fst ••He*. At a meeling in her horn* Monday, Mrs. Leisten and hei <_'ommjjMce chairmen discussed plans tor that evening. Mrs. Kol>ert Or^ler <>f Kdijebrook Heights, accepted ^haivm: tn«bi|) of (lie ticket <-nnm\ittec, ind wilt Ik> assisted by Mrs. Roland Herrnwmn an* I Mr*. Thofhas Fomvick.. Mrs. L e i s t e n a n d M i s . S a m Schmunk will <•<>- chiiirnu-n >»of <he decorations eonintittee. tyli'*- James Wegener and Mrs. ThfWna-s Davis arc ivs|iohsiblc tor the evenine's program. The dinner will i)e«in at 7 p.m. on Tuesday. Feb. 19, at MeHvnry Country ehii>, with a most interesting evening promised. The program will Inannounced as soon as plans are completed. Tickets for the dinner may be obtained irom Mrs. ROIK I I < Mr*. S«in<-sprl»K j To ltr\lcH Hwith fiiehard Malstrotm >l«rrled 2A lc»rs Mi. and Mr*. Richard Msil strc.m of Holiday Hills oelf bratc<I th^ir iweniy-fil'th we<< din^ anniversary Dec. 30 Wli! ;i surprise party tfiven by then daughter, Madelynn, at theii home. Tho actual anniversary ilate was Jan. I. . The three enjoyed dinner ou thai evening, and when th<: DCCW Officers Assume Duties Th^ Women's Society of OHVte- returned home there were ft tian Service of the Commui)* ly relatives and friends waitinu ity M -thodist church will hold lo help JMie Malstroms in its monthly nieelinft at ihe memorable celebration. Inclw PATRICIA AXN MIfXHIt church on Thursday, Jan. 17. Hi^hliphtini' the pir»Rram will be a lxK)k review "by Mi? Harr> Si inc.spring on Anne Morrow Lindbt-r^'y i:(west bock, "Dearly Beloved". Kvcry-, one who has ever h*wd Mr;-. Slinesprin;x .speak will realize the- intci(,'stini; pro^'rarn which awaits them., All members of the church are invited to attend, lie^innintf with the worship service at 11:45 in 1he -sanctuary, followed at noon by the luncheon! Immediately following will hi' the program and business mec-*- ed among-those present wei Ihe couple's son and wife a two </rnnddau»jhtcrs, Mr. a _Mrs: Kichard Malstrom a daughters, Jean and l.i/.a, l.aCrosse, Wis, Dot Miller - llugliCH Betrothal Told The engagement of Patricia Ann Miller to Randall L\ Hughes is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Orgler, or any meml>er of the I Mil|oi. Jr |>f 1419 Gnin, s1rect IX MKMOK1AM In Memory of our darlin Dorothy Louise Frisby. Memories are treasures no one can steal, DeHth is a heartache nothing Can heal, Some may forget you, now that you are gone, Hut we shall remembc-r no matter how long. 1-10-63 Mother and Sister dinner committee. LIST SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR HOMEMAKERS Mrs. Genevieve Hughes, assistant home adviser, has an- •^hitjjei4 Thou GkWst." Dur- n«»unced the cuiTent schedule IMT# ing t4 hWeM rM Ii tIAe.<s hUeA suai int i igr "The J- •« / i I .. lord's Prayer." ^As she came down the aisle of- the church, accompanied by h#r father, the |)ctite and lovely bninelte was lovely in a gown of white peau-de-soie, etched with re-embroidered ulencon lace and trimmed in sequins. It was enhanced with a sabrinn neckline and a natwnl waist line which flowed into a chapel train. The gown featured full length sleeves which came to a point at the wrists. A white tiara held the flowing veil In place. Nancy's bridal bouquet was fashioned white orchids and lilies of the valley around her mother's White Bible Mrs. Joseph' Sprnjtuc" of Bench Haven attended . the bride as matron of honor, with Miss Margaret Hoff of Harvey Cedars as bridesmaid. Both women wore red velvet street length dresses, with V-necklines and petile headdresses of White flu-, trimmed in red. "they carried white muffs with j^d trim. Serving in the capacity of best man was John Casella of-Ship Botlom antl the ushers yyere the bride's brothers, Jay G.* Cranmer, Jr., and George Charles Chranmer. The matron-of-honor's 21s year old son. Master Andrew William Sprague, was the ring bearer. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Cr{fntrtfer tHbse a matching oostun^e of beige. The mother oli> the groom wore a green print dress, green hat, blacfta shoes and bag and white gloves Both women were pinned with oorsages of white orchids. The groom's sister, Mrs. Elaine Kuper was also present for the nuptials. About 10Q relatives and friends gathered at Gus and Whitey's restaurant in Beach Haven for the reception at 5 p jn . For a going-away costume, the new Mrs. Vycital chose a three-piece beige costume with brown accessories. The couple teft immediately after the reception for Florida and expect to be in McCullom Lake by Saturday, where they will visit until the last week in Janwary. ' A native of Beach Haven, the bride is a graduate of Barnegat high school in , that eastern city and is presently -^jwnployed as a secretary to the executive director of the Long Beach Island Board of Trade. John attended the McHcnry schools and is currently in his seventh .year with the U. S. Navy. He was stationed aboard the U. S. S. Hoist in Norfolk, Va., but upon his return to active duty, he will receive shore duty in Brainbridge, Md. ^ The couple wiU make their home in Beaclv Haven, N. J. for McHtnry County Homemakers Extension association meetings and events. The second session of tin farm and homi\ management school will be held Frid * Jan. 11. at,-1:30. p.m. in 11k Farm Bureaji,building. Couples are urged t<}vattend. The- Home' Economics Extension council will meet Jan. 14 at 1:30 in the Farm Bureau building for their regular meeting, and the youth o r ganization will convene at West wood school the same day, at 8 o'clock in the evening. All youths from 17 to 28 are invited to attend. The Ringwood-Wonder Lake unit: met with Mrs. Pat Spind- Jer Tuesday of this wet*k. GUEST OB*®LUI\ j-Inideside. The son of Mr. ano i Mrs. R; yniond Hughes of Mr- 'Henry is currently in his sec- ! ond year at the University of Illinois, llrbana, where he is majoring in' chemistry and mathematics. The bride-elect ! is^ilso a sophomore at the uni- ; versity, majoring in education, j The young i>eople plan an August wedding. W&m New officers of the DCCW accepted their official duties at a recent meeting of the coun- | cil held at St. Joseph's parish The highest waves often de-1 in Richmond. velop after the winds causing 1 Newly appointed moderator them have subsided - a strong ! of the deanery, Rev. Thomas C. wind blows tops off of the j Brady, was presented by Mrs. Pictured arc the new officers for 1963 of McHcnry Deanery, Council of Catholic Women. Seated, left lo light, Mrs. William P>oetsch of Burton's Bridge, second Vice- President; Mrs. .lames Mclntee of Richmond, president; Mrs. l^eohard Pawlikovvski of McHenry, first vice-president: standing, left to right, Mrs. Charles Freund of Spring Grove, treasurer; Mrs. Christy Burden, secretary. foV January il Card and Bunco Party -- Club Lilymoor --8 p.m. Proceeds go to* Cerebral Palsy Drive, #anoary 84 Community P.T.A. Meeting --8:15 p.m.--Edgebrook school Prof. George Walter, guest s|>eaker. February 14 Card Party V.F.W. Clubhouse Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club o-- Pro-, ceeds go to McHenry Libraity. February 19 Township Republican Women's Club Couple's Dinner i MeHenry Country Club 7 p.m. February 20 O.E.S. Washington Dosscil Card Party 1 p.m. -- Acacia Masonic Temple, 1309 Court St. praising the laity foV_their zealous work and encouraged their continued leadership and prayers. Diocesan officers introduced and Mrs. Louis Kagan of Spring Grove, spiritual development chairman. Highlights of the national were Mrs. Albert Wipper of j convention were reviewed in a Spring Grove, president, Mrs. | skit presented by members Charles Cuda of McHenry, who had attended in Novemhlgher waves. Mclntee. He spoke briefly,' phairman of foreign affairs, I ber. Bl I ,V m IIIUHNf.ER Miss Hlldinger W ill Wed July 6 Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Hildinuer, Back road, Lindenhurst, announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverly Jo, to Mr. David A. Smith, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, ol" Spring Grove. The nuptial ceremonies will lake place at St. Peter's Catholic Church, Sring Grove, July l>, 1963, with reception to follow. 8AD1R HTKRN MEKUL When the McHenry Woman's club convenes on Friday, Jan. 11, at the Methodist church, they will be entertained by Mrs. Sadie Stem Merel, the original one-woman show, who will present an hour of dynamic portrayal in which she assumes all roles in a New York stjjjje production. She is equally versatile in comedy or drama, and is skilled in dialects and voice ranges. The meeting will take place at 1 p.m., with the social hour following the program. .. MARRIAGE LICENSES Edward J. Geiger, Harvard, and Shirley M. Dowel I, McHenry. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the loveiy gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes received on the occasion"of our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Special thanks to Rev. Slingerland for his special service. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob P. Diedrich 1-10-63 PATRICIA HILLER IWIns Hlller To Wed Donald Weber Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller of Johnsburg announce tin crrrrnrHyjient of their daughter, •Patricia, to Mr. Donald Weber son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber of Johnsburg. The wedding will take place May 25. fJeniette Knpee Observes Severity Anniversary Gemejte Kupee, daughter of Mrs. Jean Ku])ec of McHenry entertained a number of young friends lasK Saturday in observance ot he^ seventh birthday anniversary. VTho eelebratien was held at tlV.!Mjjow.\jhall. Guests included Cele'sf^and Cynthia Doherty, April Hauft, Melanie and Rozzie Reese. Laxda and Clarence Justen, Char^ lene Jenner, Doretta and Clara Ann Noonan. The afternoon was spent in games, after which a tasty lunch was served by Gemette's mother. Sandra Bucaro's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bufcaro of Lakeland Paik announce the engagement of theii ^d/ughter, Sandra, to Mr. Jame#P('ff, son of Mr. and^Mrs. Johrf Becker of Lakemoor. f No immediate plans for the wedding have been made. SHOP IN McHfcJvivY EL.FRIEDE HOELL 'alter Steffens To Chilli Bride Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Hoell of Steinbach, Germany, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elfriede, of Woodstock, to Walter Steffens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Steffens of 4316 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to the sponsoring merchants and nil others who helped give us a most enjoyable trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler il-10-63 a.ire A HAIR STYLISTS S85-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thru SAT. 8 MW. to 3 p.m. Closed Wed. 9 Claire 9 Mary Ann % Eleanore Start the New Year with a soft natural looking permanent wav^. Let our stylists give your hair new life for the New Year. AL DANCE LESSONS Nancy Gardiner SCHOOL OF DANCI ENROLL NOW -- 2nd SEMESTER Children's Tap, Ballet, Baton and Modern Jazz Classes Adult Ballroom FOX TROT WALTZ Lessons SWING CHA-CHA In: RHI'MBA POLKA TANGO MIXERS Nnrlene LADIES EXERCISE GROUP 10 Week Course -- Evening Cla^o^r, Member of the Dance Masters of Wisconsin Trained each year by the Chicago National Association of Dance Masters. r / Phone 385-4006 Studio Address IS 11 X. Riverside Dr., McHenry, Illinois ON SAVINGS CERJIFICATES V c o M P L E T E there's no substitute u. for MONEY IN THE BANK in a % B A N K I N G S E R V I C £ you can withdraw your savings with ncrtlelay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in the Bank." Cash and high grade marketable securities of $11,500,00.00 offset 60% of our deposits. in a bank you establish a credit reference second to none. in a bank you can obtain a vast array of services available nowhere else under one roof -- savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes financial assistance and guidance, and many others. in a bank such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures Availability as well as Safety. "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash where you want it -- available when you need it. There's no substitute for "Money in the Bank" McHENRY STATE BANK EcUblithed 1906 - J rn^sm~ i® A Full Service Bank PHONE 385-1040 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Deposits Received by the 10th of Each Month Earn Interest from the 1st. s E R V I N G 5 I N C E 1 9 0 6 0. V^} irom tha Z ON ALL PASSBOOK SAyiNGS ACCOUNTS

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