Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1963, p. 7

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Thursday, January 10. 1963 CLASSIFIEDS '.i!1 THE McHENRY PLATNDEALEH Page S«sri?i - • ' imm • ~xx ai Situation Tp Wuted Legal* WILL DO IRONING in home. Free pick-up and livery. Call 385-15tib. 12-2QjLhnu 1-10-63 ELVLli.LV COURLL must soil this modern 2 bedroom brick house with 2 car garage & 2 extra lots in Lilymoor. Ready to move into, needs no re[>air or decorating. Full price $12.- S<X). Active Realty, 385-0'. 42. 1-10-63 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) hriy j )SS Be- COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY MARY C. ( HECKMANN; 1 WILLIAM G. COONEY and) LARGE YEAR abound house in Lilymoor, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. 1M» car garage corn- ?letely finished & insulated. Arge side porch enclosed. Basement. Six extra lots and some furnishings. Full price $12,200. Active Realty, 385- 0742. UNUSUAL Opportunity for a married couple or single man : DORIS COONEY. his wife; > as a companion for an elderly gentleman, in perfect health, in country estate in Bull VaTley. Room and board furnished. Write Box No. 45. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *1-10-63 MARTIN R. COONEY and> PATSY COONEY, his wife;) JOHN P. COONEY and) DARLENE COONEY. his) wife; LEE J. COONEY ami) CAROL COONEY, his wife;) LEE J. COONEY and MIL-) WOMAN COMPLETING den- j DRED KINSALA, as Ex-) tal nursing course would like; ecu tors and Trustees under) position as dental assistant. Please call 312-39.">-194«. * 1-10-63 j RELIABLE EXPERIENCED j woman v.'i 11 care for invalid, 1-10-63 | or care for child for employed „ -- -! mother. References. Call 385- L> BEDROOM HOME. Immedi- j 5171. ate 'occupancy. Separate gar- I r,.,.,Tr.r , i T ago. $500 down. Lakeland ; ^AMIL\ MAIS needs cmploj- Park. Call .385-2838. ™cnl desperately. Some ma- 1-3-31-63-TF ' c",no snop oxpcnenco. Willing _ ; " . . . . ' \ _ . . ! t o d o a n y t y p e w o r k . C a l l LARGE BUSINESS lot oji ;•-653-3013. 1-10-63 highway 120. West of McHenry 130 fl. on deep. For 3K5-0852. highway. 150 ft. information call 1-3-31-63-TF GRISWOLD LAKE -- Year around 2 bedroom house. Gas hfcat. Reasonable. Call 5728. 1-3-10-17-62 Qualified Veterans McH E N R Y PI .AI? I • I LER 38,>- I employee desires to share ride n 471 j in morning fronj McHenry I Shores Subdivision ^to office. | Start work 8:30 a.m. Please ; call 385-0170 or 385-5588 after ,5 p.m. 12-27-62-tf G. I. FINANCING AVAILABLE NO DOWN PAYMENT 6 HOMES Edgebrook Heights, Kent Acres McHenry, 111. ? "odern, 3 Br., Full Basements, | Gas heat. ! For Particulars Inquire: MR. McLAUCHLAN 1 SH 1-3900 2 I ll-l-el-tf | McHENRY and ! LAKE AREA I Year Round Homes, Seasonal j Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JACOB FRITZ 'REALTORS In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. Ph. 385-0037 6-15-61-tf WANTED TO RENT or buy- ' New or relatively new 2 or | bedroom, double garage honu from private owner. Write Yki.j No. 43, c/o McHenry Plfiin! dealer. : 1-10-6.' BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED Wanted To Buy JUNK CARS, truck, tractors and all types of machinery. Call 385-1260 or 385-4774. 1-10-63-TF the last Will and Testa-) ment of Martin Cooney, de-) ceased. ) "Plaintiffs.) vs ) MID STATES DEVELOP-) MENT CO., an Illinois) corporation; UNKNOWN) *1-10-63 ! OWNERS; FREMONT H.) BACHHAUS; and ED-) RD A. BRACKMANN, ) Defendants.) , No. 39986 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Affidavit showing that the Defendants, UNKNOWN OWNERS on due inquiry Cannot be found, so that proegss cannot be served upon Siaid Defendants, having been filed in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, Notice is therefore, hereby given to said UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, that the Plaintiffs in the above entitled cause filed their Complaint in said cause on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1962, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said Court, and that vou, the said UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before thirty (30) days from the first publication of this Notice, and in the event you fail to do so, default may be entered against you any day thereafter. LESTER EDINGER Clerk of the Circuit 'Court Looze and Kinne Attorneys for Plaintiffs 3431 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: 385-1580. (Pub. Dec. 27. 1962 Jan. 3-10, 1963) NOTICE Or CLAIM OATK Kstftte nt HTKLLA K. CALBOU' Deceased Notice is hereby given to all [>crsons that Monday, March 4th. 1963, is the claim date in the estate of STELLA E. CALBOW, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and thatclaims may be filed against the said cstjjte on or before said date without issuance of summons. , NORMAN R. CALBOW Administrator James M. Mclntee, Attorney 3516 W. Elm Street McHenrv, Illinois Tel. 385*2440 (Pub. Jan. 10-1T-24, 1963> FROZEN VEGETABLES DRAMATIZED IN MAIN DISH FOR BUFFET SUPPER NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of C.EORC.E IIVFF Deceased • Notice is-hereby given to all persons that: Monday, March 4th, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of GEORGE HUFF, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MERVIN HUFF and NORBERT HILLER, Co-Executors James M. Mclntoc At tome v 3516 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Tel. 385-2440 (Pub. Jan. 10-17-24, 1963) LAND >5* W/Vi TO BE GIVEN AWAY Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 1961 HOUSING LAW YOU CAN NOW SELL Your House TO Anybody 3';; DOWN FHA NO DOWN VA This is for anybody--for everybody. The whole town can buy. Not just veterans. These are the new FHA Section 221 Moderate Income Housing Loans. Your price must not be over $15,000. Eastern Money offered by the million. Congress froze the interest rate at 5 % r/r which mak'es the seller stand a reasonable discount for cash, as made permissible by Public Law 85-364. But it is cash; quick; and fair. We want houses fast. We have an illustrated booklet for vou. ACTIVE REALTY 385-0742 1-10-63 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS Roomy 3 bedroom ranch. Large family and dining room. 48 f t . long patio. Basement. Owner must se)l quick'y. ONLY $10,750 but worth much more Low Down Payment SPRING GROVE BUILDERS Rt. 12 at Spring Grove Phone 815-678-2521 1-10-63 For Sale 3 Bed. Ranch Priced to Sell 3 Bed Bi-Level Make Offer 5 Acre Shell ($50 M. on Con. 2 Bed Like NeW Sell on Con. acre wood site rv. rts. For Rent 3 Bed Carpeted, Fireplace River Rts. Opt. Buy $100 M. 3 Bed Opt. Pur $85 M. McHENRY REALTY 3317 W. Elm St. 38^5922 Day 653-6862 Eve. 1-10-63 STRAY PETS for adoption. Call McHenry Animal Hospital, 385-0031. a.- ,6-21-62-tf pending in the County Court County, NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of GERTRUDE WORM LEY Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, Feb ruary 4, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of GERTRUDE WORMLEY, Deceased, NOTICE OF CLAIM DATlR Estate of OTTO E. FAIR, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 4th, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of OTTO E. FALK, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry AMEQKXHS MASSED ALONG THE OKLAHOMA TERRITORY /HThE LAST FREE-FOR-ALL Rush for government laho ON APRIL 23, /<389. MTtf/NA FEW ? DAYS A CITY AROSE (GOTh'R/E) AND A&WKWA5 STAXTEP/N A TBVr iS/rm CAP/TAL OF SSqooo. • MOTTO zftfEAprro*E/zt/fi/3us \ C'.WM "(CWEFROMMANY) WAS SUGGE5TED SY BENJAMIN FRANKUbf, THOMAS JEFFERSON AND JCMAOAMS• * YOU AND FREEDOM Freedom wu always neep bpavz men to defend ano PRESERVE/T. YOU CAN DO YOL'R SHARE TOiVARD DEFENMN9 F.i&EPOM 6/6oY/.v<i> US. SAVINGS BONDS TODAY J County, Illinois, and that claims may lie filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GLADYS FALK Administrator Attorneys for Administrator: Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty 116 Benton St., Woodstock, 111. Telephone: 338-1135 (Pub. Jan. 10-17-24, 1963) How Can I ? 1 by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Annew Ashley In care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati • 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Buffet suppers provide art excellent opportunity to introduce new recipes to family and friends. You can let originality and creative ability run rampant in these meals, but as a general rule keep them simple with one or two main dishes that are Well prepared. ^ * The garden-fresh color and texture of frozen vegetables a/e invaluable for brightening winter tables--and appearance should be one of the first considerations in planning your buffet menu. Here bright green frozen peas provide dramatic contrast against the delicate pink color of the molded vegetable-shrimp ring. Another feature of this dish is its ease of preparation using convenience foods like frozen onions and green peppers already chopped, frozen shelled and deveined shrimp, and ready-to-cook ' frozen green peas. Incidentally, frozen green pea* with cream sattce or onion sauce make an interesting variation for filling the center of the ring. \ VEGETABLE-SHRIMP KING 2 cupit^ubed cup vegetable oil- V 1 opg, 'lightly beatcft ....... * 1 teaspoon salt * Vi teaspoon pepper Vi cup fine dry bread CfumM tossed with V-ii cup melted butter or margarine (op» J tiOnalV ' .'..,',2 4a GERMAN SHEPHER1 4 years old, to good only. Call 385-5031. male, home of McHenry Illinois, and that claims may be filed Public Notices Trimnastic Class AND Volleyball Ladies - 18 years and older Thursday Nights 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Landmark School Beginning Jan. 10, 1963 For More Information CALL 385-1791 or Sign-up Jan. 10th. 1-3-10-63 Farmers BlarKe t GEO. P FREUND Authorized Dealer For 1-10-63 i asainst the said estate on or IfHore said date without issuance of summons. DOROTHY E. LEE Administratrix Cowlin & Cowlin Attorneys 88 N. Williams Street Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone: 815-459-5300 (Pub. Dec. 27, 1962 vlan. 3-10, 1963) -- NOTICE OP CLAIM DATE Estate of JOSEPH P. MILLER Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 4th, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of JOSEPH P. MILLER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of Mc Henfy County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or l>cfore said date without issuance of summons. ANTON MILLER and EMMA KING Executors Leroy J. Welter Attorney 1303 N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Jan. 3-10-17, 1963) SALES & SERVICE PHONE 385-0420 4102 W. Crystal Lake Road 4-19-62-tf Misce llano us Miscellaneous ASK for what you want with "Wanted to Buy" Classified ads. Dial EV. 5-0170 to place yours. 75* 75* PISH FRY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! at the McHENRY MOOSE EVERY FRIDAY -- 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. You Are Welcome 75* ° 75* 6-28-62tf FREE ~ FREE 2 POUNDS FREE SUGAR, •v with $3.00 CrasJPurchase SKELLY SERVICE" STATION On Rt. 120 next to the Chicago North Western R.R. WE GIVE U. S. SAVINGS STAMPS FREE FREE 1-10-63 of the McHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE McHENRY AND SURROUNDING AREA TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 "REMEMBER, IN McHENRY ITB ALL IN THE WANT ADS" Q. How can I eliminate that pet annoyance of window washing leaving streaks and not knowing which side of the pane I must wipe again in order to remove them? A. Make a practice of rubbing one side of the pane with vertical strokes tind tlie other side horizontally. Then when streaks appear, you'll know instantly which side of the pit n e requires additional attention. Q. Please suggest an easy and safe way to check for air or gas-line leaks around the home. A. One very good way is to coat the suspected joints and valves with shaving cream from one of the pressurized cans on the market. Any possible leaks present will be " indicated by bubbles appearing in the cream. Q.» How can I restore the cedar odor to an old cedar chest or closet? A. Just by a light sandpapering over the wood. In this way you open the surface of the wood and encourage It to 'breathe" again. Q. How can I t enew checked or "crazed" varnished or lacquered surfaces on furniture? A. This can often be done simply by using a pad of fine steel wool dipped In rottenstohe paste. Rub until the surface is smooth to the touch, then wipe off with a rag dipped Into thinner, apply two coats of wax, and buff it down. Q. What can I do about the rubber-suction-cup type of wall bracket which doesn't ferip a smooth, slick wall properly and is constantly falling down? A. Try rubbing the rlni of the suction cup With a littb glycerin before you press IS back into place. This usually affords an airtight grip. I Q. How can I remove some excess fat from some of my homemade soup?. A. By gently stirring the surface of your soup with an j I iee cube wrapped in a clean ! cloth. The fat will congeal on the cold surface and can be I lifted out. j Q. How can I shorten a toolong electric cord without the i necessity ot cutting ;in(l splic- (ing it? | Wind around a pencil, beginning at the plug and j winding upward until it is th" desired length. I^eave wound for about hours. Repeat , about once monthly, and the resultant spiral of cord will stay put and keep the excess f UmgfTi down to a minimum. Q. How can I remove some crayon markings from wallpaper? [ A. Cover with a paste made I of fuller's earth and carbon tetrachloride, allow this to dry, ' then remove it by brushing. Q. How can I improve the appearance of black material when laundering? A. Whether It is silk, cotton, or wool, if the black material is rinsed in deep bluing water, this will Improve the appearance and the color. Q. How can I cause cornmeal mush to fry a nice brown. A. By adding a tablespoon of sugar and two tableapoons of milk. 1 (14 OS.) or 2 (7 o*.) packages frozen shrimp, shelled and deveined 2 (10 oz.) packages frozen green peas 1/2 cup frozen chopped onions V4 cup frozen chopped greea peppers Yl cup finely diced celery Cook frozen shrimp as directed on the package. Reserve for garnish and chop remaining shrimp. Remove peas from freezer. Measure frozen chopped onions and peppers and dice celery. Soak cubed bread in water, then squeeze -water out. Heat vegetable oil and cook onions, peppers and celery until almost tender. Combine all ingredients except peas and mix thoroughly. Grease Hi quart ring mold thoroughly with softened buner or margarine. Turn shritop mixture into mold and pat down evenly with spoon. Top with buttered crumbs, if desired. Bake in 350 degree oven for 25 tninutes. Meanwhile, prepare peas according to package direction*. *T *' ring by cutting around edges with a knife, then inverting arm chop plate. Spoon peas into center and garnish wittt Unmold over a warm whole shrimp and lemon slices. Makes six generous servings. Variation: Two (8 oz.) packages frozen green peas witn cream sauce, or two (9 oz.) packages frozen peas in onion sauce (heat-in? bag), may be used to fUl center of ring. A WELL-WIPED WINDSHIELD WRECKS,DELAYS H / g»KI VI MT WINTER DRIVING WOES The National Safety Council says: You must see a hazard 1» avoid it. A clear windshield and good vision are both vitaL Check wiper blades for deterioration. Dead, baked-out rubber •meare. Arms should have oae ounce of pressure for each inch Of blade length. Otheitfise blades smear instead of wiping dean. iNew For Vegetables This savory casserole of vegetables is toppet ; ! <%.>:•„ <-afc xings which encircle little meatballs. The biM ^ corn meal for that fresh coni flavor especially delifckras um flavorful vegetable combination. COLD SEASON CASSEROLE Makea $ servings Base- Biscuit Toppings 1 pound ground- -b ee-f 1-1/2 cups sifted aU-purpoflB 2 cup rolled oats (aui or old fashioned. UUUA 1/2 cup enrichad corn meal 1 tablespoon baking powdw 1 teaspoon salt _ 1/4 teaspoon garlic potrda* 1/4 cup shortening 2/3 cup milk Hippos formerly were common over most of Europe, and thtnr remains are often, found in England. An excellent way to shorten a story is to stop listening. ^ uncooked) \ 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 3-1/2 cups stewed tomatoe# 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 cups cooked sliced cattots i 2 medium zucchini cut in 2-inch strips Heat oven to very hot (450°F.). Combine ground berf, o*ts, sail and egg. Form twelve 2-inch and six 1/2-inch meatballs; brown US a little shortening in skillet. Put tomatoes in 2-1/2-qt. c*a®erQl|^ Stir in flour. Add carrots, zucchini and large meatballs, inace «*< preheated oven (450°F.) about 30 minutes. u i-- For topping, sift together dry ingredients. Cut in shortenmg iffitil mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add milk gradually, mtting lightly until dampened. (If necessary, add a lrttte mora mine to make a soft dough.) . /9 Knead on lightly floured board a few seconds, loll to VZ-«ee thickness; cut 6 biscuits with floured doughnut cutter. doughnut holes; place^doughnut-shaped biscuits on top of not mm. Put small meatball in center of each. Bake in preheated oven (*ou F.) 15 to 20 ininuU*. Baka doughnut holes on cooky an<*« m !«•* heated ovta about - <

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