Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 9

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Th< r»nuary 17, 1963 THE McHEWRY PLADfDEJLLEH Lakeland Park SECURE CAH STICKERS FROM BLOCK CAPTAINS Gloria FLmnlgan - 885-4710 Barbara Meurer - 885-4356 The garbage service dues will be due on Feb. 1. Please get your monies to your block, captain, Also you will be able to get your car stickers for 1963. The block captains- who have not as yet picked up their -stickers can do so at Helen Strandquist's home. Little League New* Our next meeting is Jan. 23. The men from the baseball club would like to see some new faces at our meetings and to help out the IkjJ's this spring and summer. The men are planning on having a baseball school for the beginners, and they sure could use the help. All men are welcome, you don't even have to be a father or if you happen |o have all girls in your family you sure would be welcome. So men please come, we are sure you could spend an hour or two with the boys. Our meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Cubs Pack Meeting Attention parents of our cubbers. We are having our second anniversary Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. We would like for all of you to attend with your boys. There is going to be a special program this evening with a graduation of some of our Cubs, who are going into the Boy Scouts, and some of our cubs who will receive their awards. Also, we will have Mr. Druml give the Cub pack to, Mr. Matthews, who will become our new Cub Master. It's like the old year moving over for the new. It would be a very nice thing for all us parents to attend to bid Mr. Druml a farewell and a thanks for the work that he has done. There will be a skit also from one of our dens. And last of all, to end our program, refreshments for all, so mom and dad let's all mark our calendar for Jan. 21, 7 p.m. Community House Schedule Thursday, Jan. 17 • 8 p.m. Democratic club; Tuesday, Jan. 22 -- 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 2> 7:30 Lit tie League open meeting. Call Jo Rizzo for reservations at 385-2728. Anniversary Wbluti Happy anniversary to Barb and Ron Meurer who will celebrate ten wonderful years of marviiige on Jan. 17. Fagto m»C right arm last Friday when she slipped on the ice on the way home from school. Her mom rushed her to the Mc- Henry hospital where they remembered her from last year when she broke her left arm. The doctors kidded JoAnne that she must do this on purpose just to get out of walking the dog and doing dishes. Is that right, JoAnne? Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Grace Serio on Jan. 17; to Jack Oakford on the nineteenth of January and to Pam Foszcz anil Bethann Koch who both turn five on Jan. 19. and to Agnes Clove and Dorothy Moore who each chalk up another year on Jan. 20. May you all have a nice day. She lias Done It Again iJoAnjne Rizzo broke her Confirmation Many of our children were confirmed last Sunday at St. Patrick's. Here are some of the reports on their parties and doings. JoAnne Rizzo had a party and her guests were her uncle, Sam Rizzo; uncle £thd aunt, Frank and Marie Geltner; and | cousins Flora (her sponsor) .and Frank; aunt and uncle i John and Fran Geltner and cousins, .Kenny, Janet and Jimmy; uncle Ed and aunt Connie Geltner and cousin Joyce, all of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Weyland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pieroni. Jo had prepared a buffet style dinner table, which was full at fill times. All had a grand time and were extremely full upon leaving. Elva Madsen of Chicago was Jody Osman's sponsor for confirmation and she spent the entire day with them. Kevin Druml was confirmed and his sponsor was his brother, Dave, by proxy. Bob and Ann Kroening were confirmed also and their sponsors were A1 Kort for Bob and Martha Gort for Ann. After the service a light supper was served at the Kroening home. Baby Shower Toots Gerstad had a surprise baby shower for Petey Oakford last Tuesday Jan. 8, although the surprise was on us because the baby came Dec. 8 and hadn't been expected until after Christmas. The ladies showering Petey with lovely gifts for her little girl were Vicky Bottari, Mimi I .add, Lyda Radisch, Helen Strandquist, Doris Bock, Peguy Kasper, Barbara Meurer, Jan Kozy, Shirley George and of course Toots. A beautifully decorated cake was served along with coffee. Luncheons There has been quite a few luncheons given last week for Grace Mandzaria's mother, Mrs. Viola Bull of Wisconsin Rilpids, Wis., who has been visiting Grace for a few weeks. On Monday, Grace had a luncheon and the following gals were invited, Louise Mc- Enery, Edna -Hountrns. Delia Julian, Ivy Lezak, Ruth Me- Mahon, Helen Kraskiewicz and Ann Herzog. On Thursday Edna Hountras was hostess for a luncheon and the same gals were invited. All reixn-t they had a grand time and the food was delicious and that there are a few more coining up during the week before Mrs. Bull leaves this Saturday for home. f»od-Parent Margo Schaedel was honored last Sunday by being godmoth-' DO 11 NOW Compare, NYE'S Prices BUY NOW & GET 2 FREE GOLDFISH EXAMPLE: ASPIRIN -- 5 gr. U. S: P. 100 Norwich Now 25c 250 Norwich Now 44c 500 Worihmore Now 55c SEE OUR CIRCULAR For Other Great Bargains Ringwood BOBBY BRENNAN CONFIRMED SUNDAY AT ST. PATRICK'S Lor Brennaa - W.L 2045 Last Sunday evening at St. Patrick's church in McHenry marked a very important day for our son, Bobby. Bobby was one in a class of 143 confirmed by Bishop Loras T. Lane. The girls with their white gowns, red collars and beanies and the boys with their red, gowns and ties made a very heantiful and impressive ceremony to see. J would like to congratulate Bobby as well as each and er to her little niece, Linda Hinrichs of Des Plaines. Linda is the daughter of Wilma and Erv Hinrichs who are past residents of Lakeland JPark. A nice dinner was served to all the guests. Bridge Club Meets Joyce Braun was rne hostess for bridge club last Wednesday evening. After the game Joyce served cake and coffee to players Louise McEnery, Lucille Dietz, Ruth Chadwick, Ivy Lezak, Ann Leigh. Ann Herzog and Ruth McMahon, Ann Herzog won first prize and Ruth Chadwick walked away with second. Dinner Guests Ann Herzog and Delia Julian were dinner guests last Sunday, Jan. 13, at the Hountras home. After dinner the four of them sat down to a game of cards. You guessed it, it was pinochle. every one . of these youngsters as well as their sponsors. Bobby chose the name Christopher and chose his uncle, Phelps Saundei-s of Sycamore, for hia sponsor. Bobby's grandparents, Mr. and Mi's. Joe Schmilt of Me- Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and Georgia Mary "of Sycamore were supper guests in the Brennan home. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond and Mrs. James Wegener. Sponsor tar Baptism Mrs. James Wegener, Fred Wledrich and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn attended the baptism of Eric Motier, son of Mr. and Mi*s. George Motier in Chicago. All were dinner guest in the Motier home. Mrs Wegener was the Godmother for Eric. Happy Birthday On Friday, Jan. 18, Birthday greetings go to Miss Pat Low and to B. T. Butler. Congratulation and may you both have many more. On the Sick List Mrs. Ila Hogan is a patient in McHenry Irospital. I hope by this writing Ila is well on the road to recovery. Sr. Hi M. Y. F. News Linda Low reports; Sunday. Jan. iri, the Senior High M. Y. F. met at 7 p.m. Due to the absence of the President, Leslie Decker, the vice president Evelyn Harrison took over the meeting. We decided to elect a corresponding secretary who is Glen Decker. His duties will be to send cards to members, thank you notes, etc. Our secretary Ida Mae Waerington, will keep the records. Evelyn Harrison brought refreshments. Jim Mcfarland and Glen Democratic Clnb To Meet Thursday, Jan. 17, the Democratic club will meet at 8 p.m. at the community house. All Democrats are urged to attend this very important meeting as there will be election ofj ,Jlm Mcrariand and Glen officers. Please try to n|taket Dec^ef ~led a discussion on this a successful meeting. There will also be a film shown on "Federal Aid to Higher Education" by Robert Miller, a teacher from junior high. Refreshments will also be served. See you there? "What Does God Want Me To Do." Glen Decker concluded the evening with a worship service also on vocations. Sunday, Jan. 13, in the afternoon, the sub-dislfict meeting was held at Ringwood. The Mid-Winter Retreat was discussed. It will be held at Fontana on Feb: 23, and 24. The theme for the retreat will be "Why Scientists Believe In God." Next Sunday, Jan. 20, we will have a Bible Study on Genesis. Our worship will be led by Evelyn Harrison. Sunday evening 7 p.m. at the Church. Syin|>Hthy Extended to Mecklraberg Family It is with deepest sympathy that I write of the passing away of Earl Mecklenberg, Sr. He suffered a fatal he^rt attack last Monday morning at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock where he was recuperating from recent surgery. Mrs. Vanetta Mecklenberg. our third and fourth grade teacher at Ringwood survives her husband as well i»s thve? .•ions and two grandchildren. Mr. Mecklenberg farmed ne>n Richmond. Our deepest and sincere sympathy goes to Mrs. Mecklenberg and the sons. Here 'n' There Mi's. MalxM Hawley spent' Monday visiting in Chicago. Last Sunday. Rov Harrison, Loren and Ruth Henne were dinner guests in the R. E. Frank home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited Mrs. Mike Freund at McHenry on Sunday and accompanied M,rs. Freund to Memorial hospital at Woodstock. She had fallen on Friday and suffered a fractured arm. Mrs. Jack Leorard and children of Lake Geneva, ^Wis.. were Thursday visilors in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Will Claxton of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the honfe of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry. On Tuesday last week, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were visitors in Woodstock. Miss Kathy .Haldorf was a Sunday dinner guest in the Ray Harrison home. Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Will Claxton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Page of McHenry went to the Warner Funeral Home at Crystal Lake from, where Mis. Lloyd Senne will be laid to rest. Title Company Names New Officers For '63 At the annual .stockholders' meeting of McHenry County Title company, held Friday afternoon, Jan. 11, at the Title company building in Woodstock, John D. Byers was elected a director. Re-elected as directors were William M^Cai - roll, Sr., Herbert T. Gfxmey, David R. Jo?lyn. (i. Allan Julin. Jr., Francis E. O'Connor, and Henry W. Sandeen. The directors convened and elected as officers for 1963 the following: John D. Byers, president; William M. Carroll, Sr., vicepresident; Francis E. O'Cbnnoiv secretary, and Herbert >TV Cooney, treasurer. • Mr. Byers was re-e^ectedC pi-esident, having been elected" to that office Nov. 16, 1962. placing Richard "E. Duff wh<r resigned for reasons of iC health. Mr. O'Connor replace*- G. Allan Julin, Jr., as secretary^ The president appointed Walter M. Endee. title ol fieer; F?>i*r J. Paddock, assistant treasurtiv and the following assistant , secretaries, William E. Fehrmann, Florence M. Kirkmair and Aurnes E. Collcn. , Mr. and Mi's. Floyd Howe of j Crystal Lake and Mrs. Bill ! Reinwall and boys of McHenry j visited in the L. E. Hawley | home on Wednesday of la<i j week. I Mr. and Mrs. George l>r;'/.- nieh of Wonder Luke and Dr j Walter Meyer of Chicago visited in the R. C. Harrison home on | Saturday evening. Duo to my bu.-y weekend and busy phones, the Rin*rwo'>d column is quite short. Pleasr call in if you can and help me ; make our news better. By-see you next week. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE UPHOLSTERY FABRICS AND DRAPERY CI OTH $1.00 and $1.50 per yard 54 Inches Wide Lamlnatvd Red Jersey $1.00 Per Yatd 'I KI M " 3)OJ> ^ M I- '.urn '73 NO HIGH PRESSURE SUPRISE ROOM EY-55900 is worth $10.00 CiEORCiE P. FREUND 4102 W. Crystal Lake If Wide-Track is as hot as Pontiac says, why don't they put it in their Tempest? They just did. We can take a hint. When people are as happy with something as Pontiac owners are with Wide- Track, we're willing--nay, eager--to let everybody else in on it. That's why Tempest has a Wide-Track of its own this year. It's why you get to choose between a lively 4 and a 326-cu. in. V-8*, too. We aim to please--and if we do say so, we're pretty accurate. 'Optional at extra cost. Now there are two kinds off Wide-Track cars . . . Pontiac and Tempest SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A WIDE CHOICE OF WIDE-TRACKS AND GOOD USED CARS, TOO -- OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC CO. 1112 X. Front Street McHenry, 111 iner 5fmd£tous JooM C^odt cjCeAd at ^ewet Better Buys Af Your McHENRY JEWEL \ lerve cJLamb for <?J£)innerl V S CHOICE - EXTRA VALUE TRIM LEG O' LAMB »i59^i 0 K. CHOICE -- EXTRA VALUE TRIM Shoulder LAMB CHOPS 59L FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF 49L Swift Premium, Hormel Daisy, Patrich Cudahy. Crown Brand SLICED BACON lb. Pkg. 48' U. S. CHOICE BEEF ' Standing Rib Roast U. S. CHOICE BEEF RIB STEAKS K^jreat &Lunckh (J-2ox c*L)e66ert! CRISP, SNAPPY -- FANCY -- WASHINGTON RED DELICIOUS APPLES 2 lbs' for* 29° 3 rom Plain or leed RAISIN T«'* * Ti l) four 16 oz. Loaf U BREAD PECAN COFFEE Vin er ^Joocl*) Cost rjCe&d at ,^ewet tflcJLv 29' CAKE 69' S'LJ I 4'/2 O/q Per Annum On Investment Accounts tV-4% ^er Annum On Regular Savings Accounts MTSY UtrHmry ^aumga and LOAN ASSOCIATION Our Services To You... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders >. 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages v 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository ,^>ngs 3611 West Elm Phone 385 McHenry. III. Tho.M' are llu- three hi;-,' events m our •. W'.-.-r . aiut;:cd, -_'ur first child, and the- -day we learned that a permanent agency of the United States Government will insure SEVERAL savings accounts up to SIC.0l)0 each'when we save at McMcnrv Savin > and I.oan Association. I

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