Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 10

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>^7^" . „,/: . a Page T«tt • «•--k ' ** THE McHENRY PUUNfiEAtEft Thhrsday, January \1. 1963 nrvn >, r--;... ~i .' » im " Johnsburg ' FUND DRIVES FOR ^CEREBRAL PALSY i& SUCCESSFUL Hetty HettermftfMi ."•fJve residents^ of this vicinity arc to lx» congratulated on 1 their tfoncrosity shown during the roccnt "53 Minute March" " fOT cerebral palsy. Ethel Heim, chairman for the Johnsburg area said all the donations are 7 ri«>r tni fieri ns yet hut the results arc most gratifying. Knch 'y»ne' \tho contrilmted to - this drive deserves a sjjecial vote * -ol- thanks. Whel would ni?A lo^tist the nnmes of ihe ladies who braved the extremely cold weather to solicit funds. Joining in on the drive ... *vere: Millie Scott, Jackie Ward, Mi)? Joyce. Dorothy Ilimpclmann, Harriet to Marshall, Clara Nell, Jackie J-Ywirtd, Rarbara Frletsch, I/nt Smith and Shirley Lieser. ftSf.TRe roftutilr'T^lriesSlfioof-' \yh? followed by a quiz rjanuj. And as usual, the mcnitwn- s had a very enjoyable -t-iftwv- Rorrat Tourney C'hnmp* Our congratulations to thr members of St. John's basketball team" who recently won the paiish tournament. The trophy was recently presenttnl to Tom Oefflini:, cap- (Irnnd Harrison Board Sfudies Proposed Referendum at Jan. 22 Meeting l.iin or ' th£ Tea fit ivy Kniirht, Vincent Charles of McHenrv^CVuincil No. 12SS. K. of V Hiir|»rl«e Snrprlw HiFI Peterson was the vie also! ,im0 of complete shock when several of his sehool surprised him at his last Friday evening, eighteenth birthday . was so chums home Hill's on tothe The Harrison school board plans to consider at it . next I public meeting Jan. J'J a pro-1 |K>sed referendum that, if'an-J thorized, will be presented to voters in the school district. The t>oard also has galled a sperl.-il meeiin^ .Titn. Ifi Tn discuss teacher contracts, salschedules and staff policy IM.'MM. This type of meetis closed to the public, efeicndiim. if submitt he "--public. is he i flu by " Supt. Merl F. for boniVl action. It to Increase i-ev- Saturday the uanu ::<»t aether and surprised him' nl^ht before. ticlpatcnl in iind Just old fun." I/atcr some ver> .U'l«H*t able .refresh- . | ments were scrvid by- Mnrce mrt ftohut Ahd Brownie Note*' Pptw-wi. Mill s Motn At the last meeting of troop j .„4()8; Mary Lynn Meyers wasi Con|t*»*wl*t4<»i** l'Pfrbshment hristess. The troop! Heinle*! • made plans for a hike to tie an for in", The i led to drafted Thomas would seek enues in the school's educational fund to overcome an opera! ini1; deficit estimated at a current annual rate ot $12,- Five couples par-f<MK> to $1.">,(¥K). and also would dancing, uames ' provide new .funds for'at least one new teacher, ami perhaps two. The school's educational fund rate is 90 cents and this \ear is providing about $144 2^' assuming amon<> other factoi> Um4,all taxes . are -eolieci Personal property tax del queneies of some $11,001) more are one of the princii reasons for the deficit. |f • : )• A time lag of more than a year until new revenues would Ik* available, if the referendum wejf» v'oted promptly, si ill pOses a prospect of a $&>.()00 or $40,000 deficit for the' next jear. based on the current budget plus two new teachers. The jrtt> rate has not. Iiocn increased for nearly ten years, during which the communis lias" lwul consitlt'fatVl^ ' re*illtirtu in constantly lncrcasinn student enrollment. Thomas indicated the educational fund rate should be increased the le^al limit of 21 cents. This would produce an estimated in new nu»ney ba.^ed on the current assessed valuation of thr school listrici. Ti-e S20.0< 0 pe,-pupil valuation' ! >;• IIar:i:-on the ol anv eU mer.tary in lb" countv. tj^tnsfK>rtation fund alsro be raised K ceht^ anticipator) * higher costs of schou! bus leasing Hnrter a new contract to be" et- >"»cu!e.I 'his vtiir. Also under discussion bill, not to he acted upon now i.s :• possibility of a ', nd issue tov furd; in school fat'ilitics. Since tl.c iast btiildirip, addition, voted in enrollment has .^one from about 400 annually to a present 480, »ue miidit meet Facilities are available for additional teacher and Class, by eliminating the present visual aid room^ Equipment- used irt visual akls ihen would be moved Trom class to class as needed. Two more teachers on the staff would require u >e o' the sub-standard sfvice until additional new classroom space is available. Even with speedy action now. two-or three yeaus pand the jH-nsion prbi^ani tiir veteifins of the fii*sl World War is the major objective of the terahs of World War I. Inc., Whleft" 1ST Tefs' Pension Program" "" vv"'ITrrfHe^"nc\\^Congf'ss in" >esdents of .what is, I'Xn'eff'^ ^ iherba^1 Thr !s^ to be maximum wifhoul *s^v'ei4e1 -- ... ---• ' over-crowd ins and use of substandard space in the basement of the old building. --^ T h o m a s s u b m i t t e d d a t a showing a progressive build-up of student enrollment over the next five years. Expected increases are based on present figures availabte WTfhout taking into account future newcomers to the community. would be , needed l>erore new space coukl t>e occupied. a compaiativelv new- veterans tjroup but on Dec. 31 had enrolled over 225,000 mc-mbers. It Was given a Congressional charter by the Congress in 1958 and now ranks as the third largest veteran organization in the country. RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS l\MHe F.ast of the Skyline Ilrlve-In N Phon*. 385-2436 STUD SERY9CS . . . German short Vw prater puppies available BOAROSNG . . . Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving V. F. W. grounds in McIIenrv j on Feb. 2. Patrols 1, 2 i«nd M | wixHe a letter to Ann Miller. >v*£Xs u former troop member. „ ( Hrtjwnie troop .'W9 were the( * pwud recipients of an Ameril' <SlIl flag at their Jan. H meet- • i»K- Mi^k. Schuble of the V. i • F. W. auxiliary 4600 presented i I - t h e f l a n a n d s | M > k e o n i t s ; * menninn. The uirls have been X.practicing flag ceremonies and are most graceful for the, )»ooklpts given to them by Mrs. j Schuble explaining the history \ ' ftnd etiquette of the flat?. The I . leaders' and troop members j are most grateful for their 'new flag and to Mrs. Schuble] lor representing the V. F. W. ' auxiliary. i •'Th£ meeting was concluded hy cookies and kool aid served •••-4)jr Cindy Hoberts, hostess of the week. « • i " ••v-('nnfirmation Celebrated .Several friends and relatives •nl*re entertaineil In the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Sam Tomasello last Sunday honoring the ' Ctmrtirmation of their daughter, Maria. The confirmation services took place earlier that etrning in St. Patrick's church. Mrs. Marvin Knight of Chica- . .. [To wns sponsoi* for her niece. Cnthetlne Is the name Maria <t*iom» for this ceremony. " • Present for the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Knight and daughter, the Tony, Lou and Dom Tomasello famines, the Dennis Ansell farnily, Mrs. Doris Rolwrts, Al. Nipmic, Joe. Jost and son, and , , Lorraine Glover. V " Sewing Guild Meets ®TI»e Pink ladies SeWing Guild of the women's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital met recently at the home of Celia Blake in McHenry. A most delicious dessert luncheon was served by the hostess. Nel Bei £eiiQl'_ajnd Ether Knapp were o» hand to -represent our area. A^nes Knapp and Mildrerl Corner *ishps to Pa' Tomasello who t»l*ser\ed her natal da> on New Years Eve. Her daughter. Maria. celebrated Iter tenth birthday by having several friends in vfor a spaghetti dinner. I,ena Pitzen was fete<l b\ meml>ers of her club on her birthday. Jan. 10. Hest wisht*s to Mlg and Hob Joyce who ceiebraterl their twentieth wedding anniversary last week. Movie Treat Coming l p World series movies will be shown at T o'clock, Jan. 24 in the community club hall. A JI boy Foresters, their fathers and any other men Foresters are invited to attend on this evening. A special 1 treat is in store^for all those I who plan to attend at this time. Chuck Hiller has promj ised to be on hand at this i meeting. Chuck is a mem»>er I of St. John's Court No. 96, C. O. F. Around The Town The Charles L. Johnson family of McHenry were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Tom Huemann home. Mr. and Mrs. George Logsdon and twins, Larry ahd Lu Ann, of Alvada, Ohio, spent last weekend as guests in the home of Arnie and Clara Mlchels. Mrs. Gloria Pechous was a recent patient once again in St. Theresa's hospital. We wish her get Wt?ll wishes from here on. Miittenm Attendance Again exemplifying its internationally rospected reputation for constantly keeping its exhibits abreast of the rapidly changing developments in its fields, the Museum of Science and Industry, in 1962, \instailed new exhibits costing S2,207,000, according to Major ilenox R. Lohr, its president, ;l former McHenry resident. At nhe same time, it entertained 4i7P>:».249 Kennedy were on the sick i visitors DO [I NOW Compare NYE'S Prices BUY NOW & GET 2 FREE GOLDFISH EXAMPLE: Aneirin Decongestant ROOM SPRAY, Reg. 98c Now 77c Justrite KITCHEN CLEANSER 2 for 25c Sasco WINDOW DE-ICER, Reg. 69c Now 49c SEE OUR CIRCULAR For Other Great Bargains DON'T MISS OUB Once-A-Year Woolen Sale STARTING JANUARY 17th Men's Reg. $14.98 Fine Wool Shirts (All Sixes) Now $8.00 Reg. $9.98 1-Pc. Duo-Fold Underwear Now $6.00 Men's Sweat Shirts 30% Oil Children's Snow Pants Vz Price %>ys" & Girls' Winter Jackets 30% Off MANY OTHER TRIJE-VALUKS WITH SAVINGS OF 30% TO 50% Merrill Woolen Mills Branch Store Store Hours During Sale: 9-8 Daily and Sunday Routes 12 & 120. Volo, III. Phone 815-385-1320 Plenty Free Parking Prices Effective Thru Jan B0 for Plaid Stamp SAVERS! This big, BIG BONUS «s open fo <•)£/ savers! Come In? Don't miss this opporfcfljsrjtffy i' I,'#"--: 1200 EXTRA PLA1D STAMPS for the couponed items on this pa [ r Fill A WH01E BOOK WITH THESE COUPONS SPECIAL SALE 3-LB BAGS A&P COFFEE CUP THESE COUPONS ieiGHX3) OTLOC*| ; COf f ll? <M£» J39 REG. *1.59 RED" ciRCLf coHfi REG. *1.71 BOKfl? REG. *1.77 WITH THK PURCHASS OP $5.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING TOBACCO AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 100 COUPON EXPIRES JAN 19, 1943 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER 100 PORK ROAST Rift PORTION lb. Rib Half LOIN PORTION 29' - 39 39' Loin Half lb. c 49' Center Cut Pork Chops * 69* Country Style Spare Ribs ,b 35° Calif. Navel Idaho ORANGES POTATOES Jumbo she m 20~ 69£ 98' 81 B ursa:: ms ia ;• *m i a i® m WORTH 190 VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With the Purchase of . . . A-PENN--CLEAR FLOOR 46-oz. A Ac WAX eaa Coupon Expires Jan. 19. 1963 Limit One Per Customer WORTH 109 45' II .\x. Imperial Margarine 39c Chocolate Milk 45c dexola Salad Oil 55c Chopped Beef A ^ 55c Krey Sliced Beef w:r r 49e Star Kist Tuna 35° Paper Napkins ^ ^ 23e Instant Nescafe l0.."' *l19 MilkShake cJTl-. Jell-o Puddings A^3^i32c Royal Instant Pudding 3X 37e Hill* Bras. Brand PiffwIlDr DisHm For Automatic WMIMR Hills Bros. Instant Coffee 99c S|39 8le 79c 89c 65< 73 49 31 31 33 i> •a WORTH 50 Instant Coffee Breeze Detergent Condensed "All" Lux Liquid Detergent fl I " "J Porfectfor Swan Liquid --• Ulisk Liquid Detergent Trend Detergent ^ Wotbart $nan 3 <IVVIIIVUI I WVHH W Sweetheart Bath Soap 2 Dutch Cleanser 2 10-oz. jar 18-oz. Ml- 4f-oz. Pk* 32-oz. btl. 22-OL btL !- JMBSJ VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With fit, t ii Jaw of . . . ANN PAGE--RED Raspberry 12-oz. OCc Preserves jar Vv Coupon Expires Jan. 19. 1963 Limit One Par Customer VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS Wrt the Purchase of . BRkO.'IT SAIL * SPRAY 16-oz. STARCH ean Coupon Expires Jan. 19. Limit One Per Customs « 0S IS: IS B'S! VALUABLE 1 COUPON m EXTRA SS PLAID H STAMPS p WHh the IPurchase of . . . |g A&P *P GRAPE 4 12-oz. COc H WORTH JUICE Em btls. 58' Coupon Expires Jan. 19, 1963 Limit One Par Customer *^fii l| W..TK50 ft. tiR Jl-oz. Mi. reg. size bath size I4>tz. tins VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With the Purchase of . . . Sultana A lb. Rice fcpkg.uO Coupon Expires Jan. 19. 1963 Limit One Per Customer 49' C A H H U B C I I n. A 7 m m >i i WORTH 50 \m IKTBll VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With the Purchase of . . . 3-!b. Can d«xo A lb. fitic ShortenlngV oanUa Coapon Expires Jan. 19, 1963 Limit One Par Customer ftti VALUABLE COUPON - • jPA EXTRA ^ W0BTH 5U S^MPS I With the Purchase of . . . jj|| SAIL Liquid 32-oz. Detergent btl. "T*/ Coupon Expires Jan. 19. 1963 Cim't One Per Custom I a n t i H K S i £ »iT VALUABLE 1 COUPON mg* EXTRA 50 PLAID ** ^ STAMPS With tho p,„ ,,h^,e of . . . AS>P BRAND Decaffeinated INSTANT 5-cz. Are COFFEE jar Coupon Expires Jan. 19, IMS Limit One Par Customer WORTH I u. Birdseye FROZEN DINNERS • Bfff # Chicken • Turkey ll-oz. dinner 39 VALUABLE 1 COUPON PA £XTRA all plaid STAMPS With tho Purchase ot . A&P WALDORF SALAD Gelatin A lb. J A Dessert fc etn. *f v Cuupoa Expires Jon 19. 1963 Limit One Per C.:.: B % i WORTH 50 mmiE VALUABLE 1 W COUPON m EXTRA PLAID m STAMPS * • With tho Purchase of . . . H |£ JANE PARKER DANISH g ALMOND JAe j| BRAID taoh T¥ ••=» Coupoa Expfras Jan. 19, IMS | Limit One Par Customer ' mmziz COUPOI 50 WORTH s s VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS *5 With tho Purchase of . . . J n| ANN PAGE j ™ Cherry l*lb. g| Preserves jar • =» Coupon Explras Jan. 19, 1963 l S Limit One Per Customer K miff not i• li 1 I is •i 'i i •S r VALUABLE 1 COUPON rA EXTRA WORTH 50 STMI^S WHh tho Purchas* of . . . American or Pimento Ched e-bit A lb, 7Qc Cheese fcpk, f v Coupon Explras Jan. 19. 1963 N i Limit One Per Customer | | 11 • " • • ' • •• K ,k fii . • ' It | s| mm | •• 1!| « i _ VALUABLE 1 COUPON -A EXTRA O0 s'TISIW Ma Parchos« ot. . . PCNN Wlek 12-oz. Deodorizer btl, Coupon Explras Jo« i9, I96J Umi» One Per Custom^, ta 45' tiEEiniiiff vis » • * VALUABLE COUPON PA EXTRA WORTH 50 s^ps With tho Purchase of . . . ECONOMY TUBE CREST £ Toothpaste tuba 6c Off Label Coupon Expire- Jp?v s*. Limit One Pc-f Customer s ii m & ML**.* VALUABLE 1 COUPON PA EXTRA WORTH 50 SUM?* With the Purthaso of 5 Pkot. A&H Vc£fcTABLKS YOUR CHOICE-- Peon Buby limus, Broc«o6 Spears, Caullflov/er, Cut Beans, Fordhook Mixed Vo9a> tob'e;. FrenchB 10-ox. Sf 00 Style Beons 3 pk«s. A Lim't One Per Customer 6 OUf.01 Expires Jon. 19, 1963 u m - m m r m u VALUABLE 3 aiRp COUPON M. n fa B I WflRTI 50 ' 35 ,wm\ E - I ji WORTIf With trim Any STAMPS urtAcse of . . . 0-1 b Bag •! POTATOES Coupon Expire: Jan. 19, 1963 Limit One Par Customer Jii :!sai i ft,i WORTH «Jtf With tho A&P VIRGINIA SALTED I PEANUTS bag Coupon Expires Jan. ijialt Om Par Cm WORTH 4LUABLE COUPON «TA tx™ ffell PLAID STAMPS a of . . . | 8 a r : H H ^ R VALUABLE 1 COUPON t*H IXTRA 50 PU,D STAMPS With the Purchase of i Pho;,. A&P KkOZcU VEttttAtLtS YOUR CHOICE-- Cora, Chopped Eroocoll, Crinkle or Wrer:h Fries. Leaf or Chopped Spinach. Peas £ & Carrots V ptqs. Coupon Expires Jan. 19, 1963 Unit One Par Customer 13 fil I• K II WORTH sl III I * VALUABLE 1 COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With tho Purchase ot . . . ANN PAGE Cherry S*lb. fiQo Presarvaa Jar V Coupon Explras Jon. 19. IMS limit One Par Cu:to"*er wamaatatsi

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