Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 12

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• . - • Ullage twelve Twi<& Told Tales FIFttr YRARft ACJO Tnke'n trom the flics - ( of Jan. f). I»l:t * Miss Kale F Howe Ijeaf* thedistinction of being the firs* -person tn TWrive ;» parcel post package .af the McHenry post- Offfee. S»he was also ilie first arndor of a parcel post package from there Dr. A. R. Manock vvps the" first To receive mai! in this manner front tho west side office. J. C. Ricklcr. populat proprietor of t ho McHcnry HOUM», hart a Christmas hair for every little boy and ;.:irl in McHenry and cli< 1 the Santa Cluis stunt to perfection. The l<»ca! ice men are ho^innin^ t<> a worried look. THe big ~oi*op t)f ice which was cut and stored last winter is now pretty well sold (Hit uk' there is as' yet no ice of sufficient thickness to replenish the depleted stock. Many of the :ne« who usually look *<> the work of harvesting ice as source of revenue to tide them over the winter are also very anxious for the ofienini; of th'- ice harvestinv season. A number of friends and relatives" gathered at Woodman hall Saturday evening to help Mr." A. M: Brown celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. Biown is h valued employee at the Borden pfitfit here and Ihe couple have parsed nearly all of iheir mft tried life in McHenry. Fred Justen, who has l>een employed at the Ben Stilling J summer report at Pistakee Bay, orr Tu<*srl;iy rvrnim; took charge ! of the John J. Bitch summer j l-esorl here, which has liecn lcffle^d by Hie Schoenhoefen Rrevvin?; Co. of Chicago. Mrs. E. C. Hawley of Rinpwood.' who has been 111 since June and confined lo her bed sifice September, died Dec. 21 at* the n,i;e of 50 vears. She is siflrvivcd by her husband, one daughter and four sons. The McHenry town basketball team met and easily defeated the town team from Cary at the local gym last Friday evoniny, the final score belntj 45-9. MetJenry's line-up . for.iTi'iday niMhv contest was made up of Bullock, Martin. RoJ)ison, Hunt or and Pane. FORTY YKAKK AtiO Taken from the files of Jan. 11. 1928 Donald, throe year old son of Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Hunkerrneyer, was asphyxiated in a fiffc in their home in the flat over the M. A. 'fhden harness shop on Mam street on Wednesday utlri nnon. Ifis mother is in a critical condition in Garfield Park hospital, Chicago, suffering from injuries sustained while tryinjj to save her soi». The cause of the fire is unknown as Donald was alone in the home while his mother was shopping across the street. t ^Additional contributions" as received, since Christmas day, | have brought the total Christmas collection at St. Patricks ) church to 5687. 'f'^est ever ! recorded in the history of the • church. Up at Richmond the J collection totalled $100, also the , lari/cst ever recorded there, j Rev. M. J. McEvoy is pastor of j both churches. ! Memljers of McHenry Couni cil. Knights of Columbus, will j sensor a benefit dance in tho 'rienv future for Joseph N. 'Schmitt, a brother member, I who some time ago lost his hand in a corn shredder ncj eident. ! Power Forming day, sponsorled by John R Knox, local re- I present at ive for Ford cars and i Fordson tractors, brought more ' than four hundred farmers, their wives and families to the Empire theatre. Mrs. Charles W. Cibbs was lucky winner of the White enameled top kitchen cabinet which was given away while the $50 credit coupon applicable to the cash purchase of a Fordson tractor, truck or any piece of farm machinery went to Martin Knox. Word has been received by the many friends < f Miss Rose Feffer, who has Ijoen in training for the past three years in the Iroquois hospital at Watseka, that she has passed all examinations and is now qualified for a nurse. H. J. Kennelwck was the lucky holder of the number which won the lot given away by St. Mary's parish at the social at the church hall Sunday evening. TWENTY-FIVE YEAKS AGO T.ik»'n from the files of Jan. 13, 1988 Preceded by temperatures as low as eight degrees below zero, the last of the week, snow arrived Sunday with a three to four inch fall covering the country throughout the day. Stormy winds and dull skies presage more snow for this locality with the weather forecast also predicting a snow storm of major importance. Monday, Jan. 10, was a day of real joy for many of Mc- Henry's little folks. Happy children jumped out of cars early that morning with beaming faces and eyes riveted cm another big Christmas present as they scampered over the snow toward the new Catholic school llllilf LI\; J J.. J J' . -- Jf^er&anaid -- € Mr. and Mrs Howard Phaliti of Winnetka were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. A< D. Foley. __ THE McHEWHY PLAWDEALER OBITUARIES Thursday. January 1?. t$63 HELEN ItOYCHOF* Services worn held frorr. St. Thomas tho Apostle chuich. the home of n daughter, Hekn 'electrical fcntrineer arid had re- Keef<\ in Slber f««4<e, Ohio. I stcfad in thir area about t<m She was the widow nf Henry F. years. Crystal Lake, on Saturday for Henrv A 1 T» ' -- mm /-.»> * * 1 * Senne, Crystal Lake, harware merchant. The deceased was born in Me- * * t_» i r-v» _ _ **m<*j |,M t fn'niy i\pi ii zif lfli Mr. and Mr^Cteor^cSmith of j Helon Dixon Roycroft of ITO.'i nf Mr. arid Mrs. Antes D. Whif ElIcrriinn iwtiAeMrAe SCuiiMndrla^y.. evening W. HflVlp flV/Altlln I • the Robert Thompson home. ^ Mrs. F. J. Aicher spent a few days last week in Chicago. Mr. amt-MVs. Robert Thompson visited Asa Crabtree of .Hillsboro, N. C., in the Earl Mathews home in Itasca, Monday. Mr. Crabtree, who accompanied the remains of his wife W. Davis avenue, McHenry, {ing who died Jan. 9, in Bethesda f Prior to making her home hospital. Chicago, lollowln;: n (with her daughter the last year lingering illness j ami a half, she had resided in Sho was; secretary m fhe L •, | Crystal Lake fc.r sixtv-six Angejes offtce of the Southern I yeaShe was at one time-a Pacific railway until two and a court reporter in the county, half years ago. when she retn^ ! Services were held Mondnv and mat* her home with h«r frnm the First ' MethodLst father, Harry Dixon !»«<««« M i«iv « \.«i mill." lll.^ nur j The deceased w" as• aM gSrtaaidlUudaMte here for burial in Crystal Lake i°' • Anne's hospital'school of on Dec. 29, is spending some (nursing, and a post graduate oi time with relatives here. j Michael R^ese hospital, Chi- Mrs. Crabtree, the former | Jane Van Natta, was the la.i;t of p family of eleven children of Mi. and Mrs. William Van Mata, old time residents of near Burton's Bridge. Mrs. Robert Conway and church. Crystal Lake, with burial in lTnion cemetery. PETER J. HOFFHTETTER Peter J. Hoffstetter. 60 a ! resident of the Fox Lake and | Ingleside communities for twen- MRS. LOIS SENNE ! [y years, and of Spring Grove Mrs. Lois Sennc, S3, a native j from 1947 to 1955. f'ied in St. of McHenry, died Jan. 10, at 1 Petersburg, Fla., last week rr~ 1 j following a long illness. Mass ~~ ~~ | was sung Saturday morning in daughter, Judv. accompanied by i ^ of Mrs. Nellie Bacon j St Bede's church, Ingloside MMrrss. .JToohhnn Blanner of W\wo^odi. I w^n<>sday. i w"h burial in All Saints cemestock were in Rockford, Sunday, to attend a shower for tho former's niece, Miss Carol Blanner, given at the home of Mrs. EIroy Hcnnis. Miss Blanner's murriage to Donald Mount of California will take place m Rockford Jan. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bacon and Miss Emma Bacon oj Round Lake visited McHenry relatives Thursday. Mrs. Jeanne West of Itasca, Mrs. Ariene Johns and Mrs. Audrey Frederickson of Elgin and Mrs. Mary Lou Haverkamp of Dundee were visitors in the and Mrs. Robert Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were recent guests in the Frank Krause home in Barrington. Earl McAndrew.s and son, James, were in Chicago Wednesday of last week to visit the ;irmer's mother, Mrs. Edith (•Andrews, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. WilJiam Sutter, and son of Elmhurst were Sun day visitors here. and other kind donors. The new ! Thc KuKpr>e Mendel family oi $75,000 building known as St. ! Westchester were Sunday visi- Mary's-St. Patrick s school was | tors in the homp of her parents, dedicated by Bishop Hoban on 1 Mr and M,s Ar« Smith. Nov. 7. j Mrs- James Brooks and Ijircia Ann Coolly, rive ve« ; M«>" flautrhler „t Mr. a„U they were called by the death of their mother, Mrs. Kathryn Mathew, who passed away in her sleep. Miss Clari Miller spent sever- I tei-y, DesPlaines, al days recently with her j He was born in Chicago in aunt, Mrs. Stcpnen Heimer. ir. 11896. After leaving this com- Chicago. i munity a few years ago, he Dennis Conway was home I moved to Florida. from DeKalh to spelhd the The deceased was owner of weekend with his parents, Mr. j the B &J Sarni and (iravel Co. M old daughter of and Mrs Floyd Cooley, passed away Saturday, fcllowing a brief illness at the age of five years and Emil Peterson, an old time McHenry resident died at St. Bernard's hospital, Chicago, Wednesday, after two months illness at the age of 75. Frank Parker, 88 years old, a former McHenry resident, now of Long Beach, Calif., and MIY. Parker entertained eighty guests in their tiny one room apartment, recently, in honor ot Mrs. Parker's eightieth birthday anniversary. Mr. Parker writes that all the cooking was done in their kitchenette where he roasted the turkeys himself. Mr. and Mrs. Parker entertained their guests by dancing the spanish waltz and heel and toe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and son, David, of Aurora, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bulge and family of Grayslake was guests in the Sibre Whiting home Sunday evening where Mrs. Burge acted as sponsor for their daughter, Julie, in Confirmation services held at St. Patrick's church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping and sons, Jerry and Tommy, arcresiding temporarily with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdal, until getting Ideated in Evanston where they plan to Build YOUR Better Tomorrow By Saving TODAY I Why Not Join The Many Who Save At Marengo Federal? Wiarenyo ^JeJerafs (?ondt financial! Statement en&ecl ASSETS iTTifw i HffhTp ' sttfttffi First Mortgage Loans Improvement Loans « Loans on Savings Accounts Real Estate Sold on Contract Cash on Hand and in Banks U. S. Government Securities Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank Office Building and Fixtures Other Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Savings and Investment Accounts Loans in Process Advance Payments. Taxes and Insurance Other Liabilities Specific Reserves and Deferred Income General Reserves Total Liabilities and Reserves Dwimber 81, 1941 $11,456,662.91 541,520.54 124,838.62 58,072.42 746,965.41 902,697.19 200,000.00 66,978.28 67,215.64 $14,164,951 01 $12,609,195.81 205,391.34 58,059.85 818.62 108,798.51 1,182,686.88 $14,164,951.01 C1ROWTH AND PROGRESS DURING THE YEAR 1963: Loans Increased Savings and Investment Accounts Increased General Resei*ves Increased Total Assets Increased Dividends Paid to Savers December 31, 1962 $12,790,115.t» I 561.072.0H 34,934.2.! 111,894.^4 995,022.1 1 727,900.7! 200,000.0*1 67.778.8; 103,883.54 $15,592,601.51 $13,923,078.41 137,698.1) 92.361.4 i 20,302.62 104,315.10 1,314,845.8: $15,592,601.51 $ 1.316,921.81 1,313,882.60 132.158.9 1,427,650.5. 568.313.2ti SAVE AT MARENGO FEDERAL WITH SAFETY, Current Dividend Rale AVAILABILITY and CONVENIENCE 4%% MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOC. llUaois T,te. glMw.7ws A MUTUAL COMPANY SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 at Spiing Grove. Tn bis business he worked on the foundation of many of the newer buildings ill Eox Lake's business district. Surviving are two son*, Peter J., .Tr. of Clearwater, Fla., and John B. ol Worthmoor Estates McHenry; a sister, Mrs. Dora Schmitt, in Florida arid ten grandchildren. His wife pi -jceded him in death in t!>46. JOSEPH I.. HEWITT Services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from (he Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home for Joseph L. Hewed, 72 of 512 W. Rand road, Lakemoor, who died Jan: 9 at Memorial hospit/il, Woodstock, where he had been a patient for thirteen days. He had "been ill for several years. Rev. Eugene Carder of ihe Community Metiiodist church officiated at the service, with interment in Memory Gardens, Arlington Heights. A memorial fund has lieen started for cancer research. Mr. Hewett was a retired Survivors ar£ the wife. Mary; t hree sons, Roliert in t he Congo, Africa, Joseph, Jr., of Chehalis. Wash., rmrt RichftM oTJackson. Mich; two daughters? Mrs. Bettv Ball oi Okemos, Midland Mrs. Janet Garrett of Daytona Beach, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Frances Krause, ol Paducah, Ky.; tartern grandchildren and one great -grandchild. BENJAMIN JOHN SMITH Benjamin John Smith of 441 f! E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, died early Friday, Jan. 11, at McHcnry hospital, where he h«ad (>een a patienl for six days. He* resided in the area for about nine years. Mr. Smith, 78 years of age, was born March 5, 1881, in Chicago. and was maintenance superintendent for ihe Morton Giove high school. His wife, Anna, survives; also three daughters, .Ethel Jindra, Annette Nordstrom and Helen Kudolla. The body was taken to the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home and then removed to Svec & Sons chapel at 6227 Cermak road, Berwyn, Last rites were conducted Monday, followed by burial in VhapeJ Hills Gardens West, Elmnurst. HARRY NATHANSON Services were held thh past week in Chicago for Marry Mahanson, 61, of that city, bro- Spring Grove GEORGE WASPIS OBSERVE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Eva Freund Happy anniversary to Georpe and Marcy Waspi on their wedding anniversary. A group of friends pleasantly surprised them one night last week to hip celebrate the occasion. ed members of her birthday club at her home last week Tuesday. The afternoon was spent at cards and prize winners were Mi's. Minnie Pierce, Mrs. Alice Wagner. M rs. Alice Stevens and Mrs. Clara Deinlein. A lovely^ lunch wtis served following cards. Postmasters Meeting Mrs. Eva Freund and Mrs Anna Lyons of Solon Mills were among fhe postmasters who at- : tended^ the McHenry County Meeting at Cary on Wdnesday evening. Birthday Club Mrs. Frank Tinney enter)ain- HospltalifcPtl Mary Ellen Miller, daughter of Mrs. Clarence Miller, and Mrs. Earl Sutton were arhong those hospitalized during the past.weeks but are back homo now and feeling better. VlHit Mr. and Mrs. John McGovcrn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Zeiger and son enjoyed a *risit with relatives in Northbrook on Sunday. ^ Vacation ' Leigh Kagan tnd WiUian' ther of Sam Nathhnson of McSmith from St. P</u\Seminary, Henry. He was a sales repre- j St. Paul Minn. ^ire'v sending sentaiive with offices in Chi- semester, vacation with their cago. parents. YOUR SNOW SHOVEL i*. worth $10.00 (•EOKiaE P. FREUND 4102 VV. Crystal Lake § Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Cab Phone 385-0723 i I#." 6* Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling - Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps ^ 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do Jboth well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2*/2 miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 385-5252 or Residence 385-0713 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN NEED MORE ROOM? FINISH YOUR BASEMENT CEILING TILE The beautiful patterns and textures to be found in ceiling tile make it an ideal ceiling material. EASY TO APPLYAS LOW AS 10V* SQ.FT. # Cabinets # Ceiling Tile » Counter Tops # Floor Coverings # Wall Panelling 9 Paints & Sealers Whatever Your Needs You Will Find Them At -- i Easy / Financing Arranged with Monthly Payments to fit Your Budget ALEXANDER LUMBER CO THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424

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