Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 14

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,n; •v . T11E McHHtttT PLAINDEMA Thursday, January IT 1903 McHwiry Shores *#*• ^ fS"" New Arrived At The Shores S85-M25 The ""first "gran3son of Berday as « research chemist, ^Harry finds his time taken up with his duties as SAC Club president. Paula takes a very active Interest in our surround- In? community serving as a board director for the McHenry PTA, social chairman for grana.son 01 tier- the McHenry school and a -nice and Walter Wilson Just room mother for the third "ai+lved at the Shores rn last Wednesday after being bom oh Sunday, Jan. 6. Le»? Howari is the first son of Howard and Joyce I^exow and arrived weighing 6 lbs. and 13 oz. Congratulations to the proud pareats and grandparents, „ Skating New# More time foi fun ai the l«ach Is in store as ihe board of directors of the Shores Club has announced that. as long a* the ice is safe and in good condition, the lights wiil Inturned on at five o'clock in the evening and remain '>n ungrade. In the recent January election of the McHenry Shores ClQb Paula was elccted a board member. Both Paula and Harry like sports particularly swimming, skiing, skating, bowling and fishing. We're certainly proud to bfc able "to call the Tiggermanns our neighbors. Visit* .and Violation* Bernke MacC.illnni, Lc«ih Ilcigan and Irene Middlekauff visited Marge Hicks on Mon dny before last for a few handof bridge. Irene Middlekauff also entertained a foursome of til nine o'clock. I undcrst and J bridge as part oi the Methodist that the beach area ha* -Iteen church, tournament which run/ crowded with skaters sine" the j fi"im September through May. lights were turned on in the 1 Bcrnice MncCallum was ho. evening. I'm sure that'anyone-j partner irf the tournament pla>. who has spent time at the Be mice and Chrrlie MacCalbeach on skates is »'at eful lo lum also attenrled \ dinner and Al Dilg for his work in plow- hrid"e-partv with friends and !ing and flooding the slving ! leaches fronv the .Chicago area. | schools in LaGrange recently. Wednesclay before last. Helen Smith. Irene Middlekauff and Bernice ATacCallum attended a circle meeting of the Mcthertist church held at the home of Mrs. C arder, the mini. strr's wife. Daisy Smith and her neighbors enjoyed a birthday party given for her by Mildred Snively Inst week Tuesday. La.vt Wednesday J)aiSy and Mildred took a trip"'io Madison, Wis., to visit Gertrude Barbian. Jean and Rudy Harnett hat' as overnight guests their daughter, Mrs. Barbara Jean Trankina, and grandchildren, Mary Jean, Dickie and Danny Trankina. Orchids to Mi. and Mi Burgstaller lor prrviding t' i f - lights for the evening sknlirv;. Youth Confirmed Cathie O'Brien. J) a :i n y Moore, Barbara Vilim and Ka- .thlt? Burke were confirmed id St. Patrick's last Sunday while .Susie Misiak was l>eing confi! med at St. Mary's. *Chi4«tmfiH Dmrittion Winners One Inst bit of Chrjjstmris season news. The winners of the prizes for Christmas decorations were announced at tin last meeting of the Shores club i'irst prize went to the Hokays on 701 Broadway. Second prize went to the Conners at 813 •McHenry and third prize \v>s won by the Sierses at .'lOO? Miller, Congratulations to th.» winners and also to those who "didn't quite make it this year. There were so many well decorated houses that the committee had a hard time selecting. It seems that each year the Shcres becomes more bright and sparkling than the ]ast as we all help cclobrale the Christmas season. Know Your Neighbor This week wp li meet our neighbors at 3215 West Biseaynn Road. Here live Paula and Harry Tiggermann and children, Kllen and Paul. Kllen and Paul are both musicians - Kllen playing th? flule in I lie grade school concert band and Paul learnin;: to piny the trumpet from Dad. Paula and Harry air originally from Peru and La Salle, 111. Both are very active persons. After a bus> Tom Hogan and family from Klk Grove and Sheila and Bob Schultz and children from Wheeling were guest.- of their mother, Mr-'. LeaTi Hogan, a' Sally'.-, birthday celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simonsen, Mr. and Mrs. John Verslege, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacek Mi. and Mrs John Smith and friends from Niles were guests of Winnie and Herb Clausen at a party Saturday night. Dorothy and Ed Vilim took a trip to Berwyn to visit Ed's sister, Mrs. Rita SVOIMMUI, and Sister Mary Inella. Joan Dostel's parents, Mr and Mrs. Alex Musielak, spent the weekend with them. They also visited their son, Don Musielak, and family. Terry and Willis Coates had dinner and cards with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ott man of Pistaqua Heights, on Sunday. Jack and Gloria Schramm visited Jack's brother, Carl, in Guaranteed To Go Thru Ice, Mud or Snow New Tirtston* V-- y tVIIITEWALLS or BLACK WALLS Tl'BK TYPE or TtBFLESS Lowest Prices in Years . .. Get Our New LOW PRICE on Your Size TODAY! BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and Ail Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 lo $5 on your old battery. Compleie FARM TIRE SERVICE CALL US... for your Truck Tire Needs - McHenry Tire Mart WALT FKEL'ND. Prop. S931 IV. Main SL Phone 3Kj-U2!)4 Mclleury, 111. Plsiakte Terrace Auxiliary Tells Future Plans Joyce Toeoper --- 385-8044 The Terrace Women s auxiliary held lt% January meeting in the home of Agnes Secord. Vice-President Arlene Conncrty conducted the meeting in the absence of Eleanor Mooiv. The hay ride was tabled since no one had succecded in getting any concrete information Plans were started for a bowling party under the direction of Arlene Connerty plus the possibility of a roller skating pr.rty with Dorothy Parker gathering the facts. Discussion then centered eround fund-raising affairs fn the future including a card party, the annual Spring dance, ind a rummage sale. The cake for the evening was donated by Jean Fedorchak. The next meeting will be held at the Vyduna home, Feb. 14* Welcome .Mat The Terrace welcome mat is out to Elena and Frank Me- Clory and daughter. Kathy Moving from Berwyn on Nov. 1 they have taken up residence at 4505 N. Rivei ilale Drive formerly owned by Harry and Helen Suggett. Frank is a car oenter in Addison, Elena is ,i beautician who will be lo. ;i!c( in McHenry shortly, and Ka- *hy attends eighth giade at the Johnsburg school. Enjoying all outdoor sports the Mc- Clorys especially like to deer hunt with a bow and arrow in Northern Wisconsin. Births Mary and George Meeko received word earlier in the week that they were grandparents as son, George, Jr., and his wife, Alice, welcomed their firtrt child, a girl, into the world on Jan. 6, in Spain The granddaughter, named Veronica, weighed in at 8 lbs. and 6 ozs. Since George, Jr., is in the air force and doing a tour of duty in Spain the Red Cross reported to the Meckos^ that all are doing fine. $ Blessed With a bundle from heaven, a boy, weighing 6 lbs. 8 ozs. wer^ Marilyn and Ron Wiggerman on Jan. 10. The baby measuring 19 inches is awaiting a name at the Weiss Memorial hospital, Chicago, and will soon bo home to meet '.lis three brothers, Scot', Mark and Brad. Arlington tor Saturday dinner. The Vilims had quite a gathering for Sunday evening dinner to help Barbara celebrate her Confirmation. Barbara's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacek, her aunt, Rita Svoboda, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vilim, Mr. and Mrs. Brunke, and several cousins were all there on this happy occasion. Alice Brunke sponsored Barbara at her Confirmation. Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy bitihday this week lo Su/ie Ewald, Laura Calvert. Howard Lexow, Robert Hawkins, Darlene Hatten, Ronald Olszewski and Linda Bonk. Anniversaries were remembered by Kd and Phyllis Bonk and Henry and Revi Peters. Congratulations to all of You. EARL R. WALSH 1N8CRANCE fire. Auto. F»rm & Life li» Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES Vhen You Need Insurance oi Any Rind Phone 885-0048 or 385-095S 29 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111 DR. JOHN 1 GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0180 Kes. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Oyes Examined - (.lasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-63 3CIIROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. SI Phone 385-0950 2-63 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program- Richmond 4193 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wiliuot Road 7)-6'A | OR. LEONARD L. BOTTARJ | Optometrist ' tCyes Examined Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: M»n.. Tues., Thurs. St Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday t'ontact I.enses Phone 385-22<>'2 Belated Anniversary Wishes Dropping in with cake and offeejto. wish Fred and Carrie Woerner belated anniversary wishes Saturday evening were Marv and Harriet Phillips, Howard and Agnes Secord, Cal and Grace Vyduna, and Len and Joyce Toepper and boys. The Wocrneis celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss on Dec. 26. **-'V Ilrownles Brownie Tror-p 150 spent Iheir first reeling of the new vear practicing with their embroidery hoops by learning tne back hand stitch* Following a discussion of their plans for the rest of I lie ^ear ihey sang grace arid had their refreshments. Cub Senuts Cub Den 4, Pack 452, worked like little Dearer* ofrTOMh' nesdoy as they prepared In one meeting their project for the pack meeting held that evening. Following the theme for January, "Freedqm Festival" thoy made George Washington hats out of blue construction paper pasted on cardboard and stapled together. Cookie host was Scotty Stull. At the evening pacK meeting Den 4 was refreshment host and served cakes, cupcakcs, and brownies' besides presenting all the Cubs with suckers. Basketball With the holidays out of the w a y t h e J o h n s b u r g g r a d e school resumed their basketball schedules, with good news to their followers. Playing Spaulding of Waukegan on Tuesday the varsity won 29 to 17 although the Junior varsity lost by 23 to 17. On Thursday both teams won, beating Freemont 25 to 23 and 19 to 14 respectively. Here and There Visiting in the Connerty home on Sunday were Tom and Diane Simonek and son. Cicero; Ann and John Ferrore and daughter. Elmhurst; and Doris and Flo Staszak and daughters, Cicero. Bill and Ellen Zimmerman, Jr.. spent Friday afternoon and early evening with his sister and family, the Zamastils. The Zitnmermans are being transferred from Grand Forks, N. D. to Kingston, N. Y., and speit ihe weekend visiting relatives in the area enroute. Kathi Parker attended a pa- Jaii'ia party gtv*ft by >tettnda! Long of Pistakee HlUs on Fri-! day evening. , Joan and Richard Stull din-! ed In Fox Lake Saturday ever j ning in celebration of their wedding anniversary. Dinner guests in the Kurowski home Tuesday evening were his brother, Mr. and Mrs Hank Kurowski, Lake Elizabeth, Wis. The Len Toepper family visited with Bob and Julie Henry of Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon as they got their first look at the newest addition tu the Henry family. Baby Martha was born on Dec. 21 and joined her sister, Terri, who will be foup in April, at their home on Christmas day. Birthdays Many happy returns of the j day to Betty Caron on Jan. 17 and Gus Lima on Jan. 19. Also i best wishes to Pat Moeffit, presently in the Marine Corp, who ( will be eighteen on Jan. 19; j and to his sister, Brenda, as | she celebrates her third birth- ; day on Jan. 20. Greetings Ron Wiggerman cn Jan. 23. Anniversary Greetings Congratulations and our; wishes for many more as Lillie j and Walter Steidle celebrate J their forty-first wedding anniversary on Jan. 19. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! Ben Franklin' jusmm FURNITURE CLEARANCE Maple Bedroom Chair Reg. $19.98 ... $12.88 Reg. $24.98 9x12 Room Size Rug $19.88 Sofa Bed, Brown Covering, Reg. $159.95 .... , $129.88 Reg. $27.95 Welsh Baby Buggy, Slight Damage $19.88 Reg. $29.98 Corner Table, Magh $15.88 Reg. $24.98 Round Cocktail Table, Magh. $12.88 Reg. $19.98 Step Lamp Table, Magh. .. $12.88 Reg. $12.98 Stef) Cocktail Table, Limed Oak ; . $5.00 SPECIAL FEATURES Reg. $1.89 9 Cup Percolator 99c Reg. $1.98 Dish Drainer-Tray .... $1.00 Reg. $2.98 Garment Bag $1.99 Reg. $1.98 Garment Bag $1.00 Reg. 29c Perfumed Deodorant 23c Reg. 29c Butter Dish . 9c Reg. 29c J^lustard- Catsup Dispenser . 9c Reg. 19c Fire King Cereal Bowl 2 for 25f Reg. $1.09 Crystal Sugar-Creamer Set 67c Reg. $1.19 Crystal Egg Plate 77c Reg. $1.49 4 pc. Mix Bowl Set $1.00 Reg. 39c Insulated Mugs 3 for 88c Reg. $3.49 Snack So* $2.00 SHOE SALE $O00 I Mm Pa^5 Large group of Girls'-Women's - Boys' Shoes, Ass't. styles. Reg. $3.00 to $4.98 Shop early for these outstanding. Values. GIRLS 7-14 SWEATERS REDUCED CARDIGANS & BULKY KNITS All Wool & Wool Blends YARD GOODS Drastically Reduced Buttrick Patterns li Price Reg. 49c PLANTER & SAUCER 4 for $1.00 WINDOW SHADES 50* Odds-Ends 86" Wide Tan only! Cutting 15c Extra *2" ea. Reg. sold at $3.99 - $4.98 Limited amounts. Come early. Save. TABLE LAMP CLEARANCE One of a Kind Sale $3. $5. $7 WE C AN HELP YOU WITH FINANCING SALES OF $50.00 TO $150.00 Reduction on Furniture' 10% U ntmished WINTER JACKETS All Winter Jackets--Snow-Pram Suits Reduced All Girls--Boys'--Women's--Men's Must Go! All $4.98 Price Jackets Now Only $3.00 All $5.99 to $7.99 Jackets .... Now Only $5.C0 All $8.99 to $10.99 Jackets .. Now Only $7.00 All $11.88 to $14.99 Jackets Now Only $10.00 All $15.98 to $21.98 Jackets Now Only $14.00 ALL SALES FINAL -- NO LAYAWAYS Boys' -- Reg. $2.29 LINED BOXER PANTS. 3-6x Boys' -- Reg. $1.69 LINED CORDUROY PANTS. 2-6x Reg. $2.65 -- 5 Pc. MELMAC DINNERWARE SET Reg. lo $6.95 -- 1-2 of Kind 1 WINDOW DRAPES 7 Reg. $4.98 -- 16 Pc. DINNERWARE SET Reg. $1.00 Pkg. BRUSH HAIR CURLERS Reg. $1.79 - $1.98 PLASTIC HOUSEWARE SALE $|00 5|79 2 Price $2oo 66 99' SPECIAL PURCHASE! ENVELOPE SPECIAL 91?* Reg. 39c box. reg. size, this wk. only mm B SEAMLESS NYLONS 9 ft fit Lowest price ever. 8Va-11 mm pr. for 3x5 THROW RUG $, $3.98 Value WHITE SWEAT SHIRTS $< Reg. $1.59 Value -- S-M-L 99 >299 100 f DO JT NOW BUY NYE & SAVE Where Your Good Health Is Our Profession COD LIVER OIL QQe Plmn or flavored. Pt. bottIe..~~~. w Ir Brewers YEAST 00* Aid to digestion. 250 tablets w Dicalcium Phosph. 159 Bone builder. 250 tablets " OLA VITOL Solution 169 Multi-vitamins for Children. Pt.-- I Geriatric Elixir 199 Therapeutic vitamin tonic 1? oz • Cod Liver Oil Tablets CQG Candy flavored vitamin aid. 100's V W BAYTOL Tablets fil Vitamin B Complex. Bottle of 100. 1 [Children's Super Aytinal 099 :;Children*s vitamin potency. 100's mm STRESS FORMULA E39 Therapeutic vitamins 100 tablets 'w OLA VITOL PLUS f39 Rapid digestive absorption. Pt.„. Km HEMATINIC SSI * Plus Liver and Iron. Bottle of 100..... MB ^ Liver Concentrate 149 Iron, B Complex. 84 capsules I OLA-BER0N12 099 The blood-bmldmg vitamin. 100*5. V 0LAV1TE Vitamins 119 10 therapeutic vitamins. Bottle 100 TT 11 • flip-Out . PLASTIC BAGS Won't puncture, tear or leak. 20 Big 10"xl4" Bags ai p 2143 TWO LIVE! GOLDFISH th Colored Chips Aquarium-Seaweed. With purchase of $2.00 or more .of the items advertised In this gigantic sale. LUNCH KIT Famous TV Cartoon Star design. Colorful fiat vinyl style with 10 oz. vacuum bottle. Reg. $3.29 289 BE WISE - SHOP AT NYE'S ATTACHE CASE Tougher than leather Texon. Twist locks. | Gionr 199 Black --..... • For Many Other Great Bargains -- See Our Circular Low Prices Pius P L A I D S T A M P S NYE DRUGS "Your KRJE14L/LY Waigreea Ay ency"

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