Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 16

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TUT McHENRT "Pt JfIltBE ATXR' ThtffSflay, January' 1?, 14J08; Lakwioor-Lilymcfoi' CHILDREN DAMAGE FIRE HOUSE WHILE WAITING FOR BUS MMf.v tummii Srirr.o nf the children waiting for the school bus inside of the firehouse have been dam-' avjins village property. If this continue the chiidren will no longer lie allowed to wait inside for the t)us. Kids, why ruin a j?ood thing for yourselves. If you know who is doinjj this ijjoi them to stop no«v. Or because of thim you wi'i bo'v^aitinf.: outside in the cold for yout" bus. * Parents, with thjs cold weather upon us now please don't send your child or children trx early for the bus. It is a lot nicer to wait inside for the bus th;irt oiit'sirte where it is cold Association Sews T h e L i l y m o o t ' a s s o c i . i t i o n held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Jan. S. Tne new president. Fred Fradirtardo, announced his different committees. They are Lawrence Schuerr. w;iys and means, Theron Yoon^. membership, Shirley .Schuerr, welfare. Also announced was the road committee They are Theron Young, chairman, his co-workers are Maurice Haines, Vic Bassi and John Rehrendt. It Was also announced that Marion Vornkahl is on a six months leave of absence and Shirley Schuerr will bo acting secretary. The next monthly meeting will be Held Tuesday, Feb. 12, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. \<* Wimv Plowing % icitee of snow mid there enough snow to have the roads plowed contact/gMaurice Haines at 385-2282. He will in turn call for the plowing of tin roatls. If you can not reach Maurice Haines contact one of the following men, Therot Young at 385-4578 or John Behrendt at 385-A139 or Vie Bassi at 385-4678. OiiflA' .;TBtoe fiff* half -of; the Lilymoor association dues is now due as of Jan. 1. You can send your dues to the treasurer, Vai Fradinardo, at 1007 Dale or pay it at the next monthly meeting which is Tuesday, . At this time the association would like to welcome four pew members. can do the twlrt on th£ daneo flnrtr. Woodstock IwpHal Wednesday, Jan. 9. He is survived by his wife. Mary, three sons, two daughters, thirteen grandchild-1 The BeliYml »amily enjoyed n [ Hpn and one great grandchild, 'winter picnic in Crystal l^ake. The llewetts have l>e<-n l-esi-j It was sponsored by the I Tome dents of Lakemoor for the pn't ! Builders group of ttie Mefhodist ten years. church ol McHemv. Dinner Party Vlxitm The home of Mary Schiavorr i Mr>. LeOrra .Seyffcrth, a forwas a busy one Thursday, Jan . met resnknt ol our community, 3. Mary bad her employe^ for j pairl a surprise visit to hedinner. Thos-c attending the i long and dear friends Saturday, dinner party were Elsie Bar- Jan. 5. She now resides in Lake rent, Bertha Burger, Jean J Villa. Also visiting her friends Pemlier, Ann Brze/.inski, Loi.s j weie her daughter and ".iTindand Dolot-e* Schiavone, Lorrane | son. Heckman, Hazel Surtees and J Clients Roseanne Spears. There wci-e j Don ; nd I/Ma Schavonc's home two ol thr women who could was buzzin' with guests ovo! not attend f.nd were miss<«d. th* holiday. Guests were Lois's Tliey w; re Gerry Gannon and "brothers ..nd their families. v . flirt Seoul* i ^oops 267 and 309 enjoyed slides on the two Girl Scouts International houses which are in Switzerland and Mexico. The two houses are kept up by the Girl Scotits of all rtuti'jrts. The girls have also collected their funds for their share of the Juliet Lowe fund. After the slides both troops workkt-oi^ their first-aid badges. Each patrol made up questions on first-aid which they will use in Yi quiz at today's meeting. Brownie News T h e L a k e m o o r B r o w n i e Troop 209 is honored to announce thev have a sjwnsor ioi the coming year. The L.l A are now sponsors of the troop Sympathy Our deepest sympathies gr to Mrs. Mary Hewett on the loss of her husband, Joseph Mr. Hewett passed away at tht rt COUNTY •f>T; TV ^ TOPICS TV STUFF by Ed Vestg&rd ELECTRONICS ON THE BEACI1 This is the electronic agr and you should know what i: happening on some of the coastal beaches. The nearby pavilions havr roving waiters solicit through the lounging sun bathers, an<* call in their orders by walkie talkie radios. Within a fev minutes a colleague motors ui the beach with the completer order, and you don't have t< miss a moment of beach pleas ure. Our service is about as fast at COUNTY T. V. and Furniture Center. First you notic trouble with the TV viewing; place the phone call 385-4090: and our service departmen' goes into action. Many time? we might be just nearby in your neighborhood, and your set is serviced quickly. We carry all the necessary portable gear to do the complete job. And we guarantee it, too. Try us next time. COUNTY TV & Furniture Center 8418 W. Elm PHONE S80-40M Betty Harder. Party Mrs. (iauger of Lakemoor celebrated her birthday, Friday, Jan. 4, at ti birthday party in her honor. The party wn.s held at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Lou and La Verne Schueler, of Lilymoor. Also there to hel;» c( lebrate the big day weir hereon, Henry, and grandchildren, Mr. ap.<: Mix Frank Prill;o\ Manv happy returns, Mrs. (iauger. Attend# Wedding Anti Naughton attended the wedding of her niece, Kathleen Ann Moore, Saturday, Jan. 5, at La Crescent Minn. She enjoyed her three ('ay stav in the state of Minnesota. Related Birthday* There are several l»ela<ed birthday greetings twins out this week. Belattd greetings go to Don Schiavone, Sr., who celebrated his big day Thursday fiec. 20. Greetings nl«<o go to Master Donald Schiavone, Jr., who was a great big five years old Wednesday, Jan. 2. Greetings «o to Gerry Gannon. (^erry celebrated her bi^ day '1 uesday, Jan. 1. And still more greetings go to Patty Ann Nicholls who celebrated her tenth birthday Sunday, Jan. fc. Although it is late, many happy returns to you all.* Belated Annivcrsaiy greetings go to John and Gloria ("assell. They celebrated their seventeenth wedding anniversary Wednesday, Jan. 2. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more. Confirmation Congratulations go to Vallerie Schiavone on being Confirmed at St. Patrick's church in Mc- Henry Sunday, Jan 13. (let-Well Wishes go to Vern Khredt's mother. Mrs. Ehredt fell down the basement stairs in her home in Vole and cracked her knee cap. Get-well wishes also go to Diane Fuhler. Diane was ice skating and twistfed her knee. It will be a while before she They w< re Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bitterrnan, Mr. and Mrs. Jin< Bitterman, yr,'and Mrs. Frank Bitterrnan and Tom and his girl friend. More News „Walter'and Josephine Schuerr spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week visiting their g r a n d d a u g h t e r , M r s . G e r r y i Moore, and her children, Donald I and Donna Jean, of Chicago i I Also close fi'iends of theirs. Mr i and Mrs. Hfllis. !I . . . i Christina* Cards If you still have your Christmas card« and want to help the children of an Indian Mission please contact me at .'185-2645 and I will gladly pick them &(> and turn them over to Father Suvagc of Antioeh. They are also collecting cancelled postage stamps. MARIAN YOUTH SELECTED FOR OftATORY CONTEST Jim Gnllagher will represent Marian for the District American Legion National Oratorical contest the last part of January. The topic is on the United States Constitution and what it means to the student. Sister Rita Dolores spent a few days with Sister M. Mercita in Marian's library, where Sister was given very brief outline of a high school library. Sister will sail for San Poaln, Brazil, in February. Sheryl Smith and Barbara Shannon will exhibit ah embryo study of an egg for the science fair which will Ik» held in February. They will incubate their eggs, opening one each day up to the last day when they hope the last egg will hatch a little chick. This is just one of the many exhibits being prepared by Marian students. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Design Service & Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews . "TUBE ESTIMATES Phone: 678 2861 Evenings -- Genoa City BR 9-6880 Not !R*<j»|M.nit,ible For Accident* ' Usual Bank T©I FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of WOODSTOCK, ClerklAf Usual Term NEEDLE BOOK With purchase ol $2.00 or more of 1L. advertised MILLSTREAM DRUGS 3720 W. Elm St. ' Jewel Shopping Plaza STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 70 Gold lye NeedlM plus a Handy Threader YOUR FRIENDLY WASH AGENCY CLOTHS I liiiiiini lIHrHIn JIS nil DIAPER ASPfRIN ! titnuMN 7/>"V "3 THERMOMETER AQ< Svl 05# Oral or Rectal. Case. included. CClliinniiccaall . ... ^ PROTECT RECORDS walgrecn CHILDREN'S COUGH SYRUP and ASPIRIN Reg. $1.38 "«• PORTA FILE mk Holds over 800 records. Lock & key. Professional, oval, tufed...^, •j TOOTH BRUSH 99c 4-r Ofa-tan. Choice style, color, hardness --.... Pip-Out FUSTIC BAGS Won't punif«f«\ tear 20 Big 10"xl4" Bags •• n I«8 r BOB PINSI Black or Bron2e 88' / 7//it FOR SNOW, SLUSH, RAIN Stretchable BOOTLETTES Fits all shoe and toe styles. m 11 Carry pouch included. • $2.50 VALUE • l/ ^ LUXURY ^ MINTS CIjomt* of flavors • 3; 10 1 m SHOE TREE RACK Holds 9 pair of shoes Lightweight. No-mar plastic. Reg. $1.39 --• 99 HEATING PAD lubber e nr. 319 4 position switch. Rubber encased heating element. 2 yr. guarantee. U.L. Approved. Reg. $3.98 iWH ^ 59c ^ BABY PANTS •m ^ Washable rayon fabric ^ 49c ^ ^ 39c _ '*'• « Cotton Tail APPLICATORS 110 swabs k 25c UVhR 1 FhjLL POUND Perfection HAND CREAM T eaves hands fragrant, silken smooth--protects from dryness. $2.58 Value I49 Hto „ and Creaff" 50 FREE with HENRY EJSSING AUCTION AUCTIONEERS: W. H. Aussel & Wm. Sullivan HavinK decidod to quit farming will sell at public auction all ny personal property located on the farm situated on the ?ranklinville Blacktop Road 2 miles North of Rt. 176, 4Vi miles Southwest of Woodstock, 7 miles Northeast of Marengo, on: SUNDAY. JANUARY 27. 1963 Commencing at 12:80 p.m. MACHINERY: Oliver WL Tractor PTO w/Corn Stalk Lifter; McCormick H" Tractor w/two row Cultivator; J. D. 12A Combine w-hume eel; New Idea Corn Picker, 1 row; McCormick 9 ft. Disk; 1 Section Drag w/folding draw bar, steel; Oliver 2 16-in. Plow; McC. 4 Bar Hay Rake on rubber; New Idea Hay MoWer 7 ft.; Dliver 2 row Corn Planter; McC. Baler No. 45 PTO; New dea Manure Spreader PTO, No. 200; New Idea Fertilizer Spreader, 10 ft.; Oliver 2 row Rotary Hoe; Owatonna 46 ft. Elevator w/motor; McCormick Silo Filler 40 ft. pipe; 2 Lind- j ay running gears Wagon w/rack and box; 1 Pr. 11x38 Trac-1 or Chains; Hydraulic Jack, unloading wagons; 2 Wheeled > Trailer; Horn Front End Leader; Int. 10 ft. Grain Drill; Electric Grind Stone; 50 ft. Drive Belt; 1 Dehorner; Cow Clipper; Silage Cart; 40 ft. Extension Ladder; Steel Fence Post Driver; 2 Hand Sprayers, 3 Gal. 300 Cap. Electric Brooder; 1,000 lb. Scale; 2 Wheel Barrows; Buzz Saw; Wire Stretcher; Int. Milking Pump and Motor w/pipe line for 34 cows; Steel i and Wooden Posts and Braces; Grease Gun; Quantity of Household Articles; Many misc. tools used on farm. | * FEED 37 Ton Baled Alfaifa Hay, 1st cutting; Quantity Chopped Straw; 2 Bu. Grass Seed; 4 Ton Baled Straw; 200 Bu. Stfetd Oats. HENRY ETSSfNG. Owner 40 Hour Movement LUNCH KIT ALARM CLOCK Famous design style with bottle. Reg. $3.29. is TV Cartoon S . Colorful flat vii vith 10 OB. vacui Modern, slim-line ivory case with easy-to-read dial. Quiet tick. I2J9. 2M TROUBLE LIGHT 15' robber cord, shockproof handle. UJL Approved. Switch, twin tap outlets. 4 a £ Reg. 125 $1.59 • AYTINAL MULTIPLE VITAMINS A look better, feel better, live better formula. Bottle of 100 • JUNIOR AYTINAL VITAMINS & Special formul to 12 year olds small tablet. Bottle of 100 tflNLR mtMiiiiMii Over 40? Take ACDIflTDIft ULKIfl I luv FORMULA Diet supplement for vigorous active health. Bottle of 100 • I •« $2.50 VALUE WORJHMORE QE2 i SHAMpO® £G& Bmm »« Member F. D. L C Fed. Res. System SHAMPOO with w EGG or e^m CASTILE SHAMPOO Leaves half soft, easv-to-man«cr. Use in hard or soft water. Big 32 oz. YOUR CHOICEW/ Uuut. A. uli I TOT TOTER Fits over car saat, too. lightweight, sturdy pla*> tic Vinyl pad. _639 Reg. *7.95-. LOUNGING SLIPPERS Choice of dtistgiiji. "ta faffl C7 80)«t erwttMt*.. ^jp § C AW-TOT BABY BOTTLE Baby's own pint size water bottle. Choice of colors. !&. thf£,d<x« YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT YOUR CZjcttc-i/ DRUG STORE

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