Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 17

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THtfttatey, January 17, M68' THE McHBNRY MAINDEALER Ftotakee Highland! GLORIA WALDIN AND CRAIG THOREN ENGAGED TO MARRY Kay SlelMch XfVatt 7-8(l« Henry and Martre Waldin announce the en^:!<4ement of' their daughter. Gloria, to Craig Thoren. Craig presented -Gloria with a beautiful ring Christmas Eve. No plans have been made for the wedding to date. Gloria and Craig are a very popular couple and both attended school in Johnsburg and Mc- Henry high. Wo congratulate theim and wish them- both much happiness in the future. Craig is the son of Ed. and Virginia Thoren^ two very wonderful people. Both tne Waidins and Thorons have lived in the Highlands ^veral, year.*"' and have many friends who wish thetn well. I ' Cub Scout News The Cub Scout theme for the month of Januaiy is Freedom Festival which concerns the early history of MeHenry. The boys of Pack 452 have been studying and making projects on this thonio and pre- , sented their accomplishments at the Jan. 9 Pack meeting. New Cub Scouts inducted at this meeting were Bob Murtinec, Reed Bales, Jim Hurckes and Dennis Sisk. They received their Bob Cat pins and are now enthusiastically working for their Wolf Badges. Any boys now 8 yearn <>ld who want to join the Scouts may contact Henry Zenner at Hyatt 7-3397. All parents and buys interested in scouting are welcome to attend the monthly P%®|fy^tings. The next meeting \\ifffnlje Feb. 13 at X p.m. in the Mount Hope church meeting hall. The charter renewal application has been accepted by the Blackhawk area Council, due to the welcome addition to the executive commiMre, Dave Trent as chairman and to Dudley Gregg as idea committeeman. A committee meeting was held Jan. at the home of Barb Sisk. Plans are in full swing for the Blue and Gold dinner to be hek; during Boy Scout week, which is Feb. 7 - 13. The Scouts are busy now, preparing table decorations for the dinner. Pack 452 is busy compiling a scrap book of Cub Scout activities, tours and special events. If any one has the negatives of any pictures concerning our Cub Scouts, please call Jeanne Hillstrom, Hyatt 7- 3102. An apology goes to Joey Zenner who was not listed last >veek as a newly inducted Cub Scout. Joey received his BoV) Cat pin at the Jan. 9 meeting and was very proud of it. Several l>oys received service stars at this meeting and a [compare'mr of tne im'fliiimts ! sfci gninygr a family I Wdrider Lafc# 'nil! appear in ntrtt week's co-' pjether at the home of Doro-1 i lumn. Den number 1 gave a 1 thy's sister and husband, Ruth TRAVELERS RETURN presentation on the history of and Jack Rathriow of Ingl^- FROM SUNNY SOUTH the Flag which was informative j side. Her brother, Dave, aod and Very well done. Pack 452 j wife, Margo, and sister, Gola was well represented at the MacDonald of Chicago, were Jan. 10 Round Table discussion , on hand to start the New Year in Woodstock by Dive Trent, Archie Fletcher, Henry Zenner, Chris Williams, Betty Lehman and Bart) A <;lub the members who Scout Seminar is to l>e" held Jan. 31 in Woodstock. A committee of three Cub Scout representatives from our Pack has been asked to attend. Money is now being collected for the annual Blue and Gold dinner to be held in Fox Lake at 2 p.m. Feb. 10. The piice of the tickets which covers a Cub Scout and a parent must be given to your Den mother not Irtor than Feb. *>. get the tickets as soon es possible. nit-thUJiys and Anniversaries by all being together. Lilv • Hovseth was TO FROZEN NORTH Mary Uw Hartog • hostess Jan. 1Q for the Tripoli card present to enjoy all of Lily's delicious rood and cards were: Haze Motley, Janice Janquan, Teemr O'Malley, Lois Mason, Doris Hansen. Girtny Emmerich aijd Lee Conway. Jan. 5, Di6k and Mary Lr.-u Sabielny entertained a few couples in their home for an evening of games and fun. On hand for the,gala evening wore Ray and Rose Mary Thelen Bob and Dorothy Jenkins, Wally and Kay Sieijsch and Reb and Barb Sisk. Mary Lou served the most delicious buffet , _ . luncheon, barbecued beef and Many happy returns of the Swodish meat ba!1 j have day go to Raymond Wagner I over eatGn who celebrates his birthday Jan. 27. Beverly Bichler celebrates her natal day Jan. 18 and Ma**y Ann Jcsweak eelebre.' les Jan. 30. Alex and Margaret Axell celebrate their anniversary Jan. 27. The Van Nattns* celebrate their twentythird wedding anniversary Jan. 26, and Pat and Barb Daley celebrate their anniversary Jan. 26. N>\vs of Your Friends and Neighbors We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the Krif G. Drochr/er, Jr., family on the death of thoir mother who passed away early Jan. 7 of< a heart attack in their home. Mary Gohlke had made her home with her son for the past seven months. IVfy-s. Gohlke was Sunday was a busy day in my household. Joe and Mabel Gregg stopped in for a visit. The Hanisch family were dinner guests and in the evening Dick and Haze Morley stopped in for coffee. It certainly is nice to see Rev. Smith back in circulationand looking so well. He is trying to gain back the weight he lost. Cletus Mayer spent a few days last week at Victory Memorial hospital for observation and tests. Joe Gregg spent a few days in the MeHenry hospital for tests and observation. Hope you are feeling fine now that you are home, Joe. The Pink Ladies Sewing Guild of the Woman's auxili- Jaek and Eloise McCafferty and sons, Randy and Danny, returned last Friday from their mid-winter vacation to the sunny south. They left Christmas Day and traveled 3.700 miles, down the west coast of Florida and back uj| the erist coast. The boys thoroughly enjoyed Cypress Gardens and Silver Springs, etc. With so many ex-Wonder Lakers spotted here and there for the Jan. 30 meeting. Please bring your old bed sheets and materials for th Cancer pad dressings which is the March project. Please bring your coupons for the silverware too. aU the way down aiwf fenck | she'll be more than happy to. th^y had a fine time •calling I show them around. The weath*| on all of them. This may not or was wonderful and they ar-' be in the proper sequence | rived home Friday right in i but during their travels they j the middle of a blizzard. 'Twas called on the Etheridge fam-jeyor thus. i ily in Decatur, Ga. During that visit they also got to visit with Mary Etheridge whose professional name is Janie Lynn. She has an hour's TV show daily on an Atlanta station, lxirn in Germany, she leaves ary to the MeHenry hospital two more sons. Ernest and Herman of Bensenviltle. She was laid to rest in the Bensenville cemetery. Congratulations to the De- Witt Rapps and Victor Rockei who became the proud grandparents of a grandson born Jan. 2. Richard and Ema Rapp have another son. We hope John Megley is feeling much better after his recent stay at the McHeniy hospital. John has been very active in civic affairs and woiked veiy hard along with the board to make our Library a success! Evelyn Falk was rushed to MeHenry hospital for emergency treatment. The has been ill tttf the past few years. Frank and Judy Krumwiede and kiddies spent last weekend in the Highlands redecoraiing their home. They may move back after school is out. Last weekend Hank and Red Sfikora visited with t'Ti e i r friends, Hairy and Ruth J<>idon, in Trevor, Wis. met at the home of Celia Blake in MeHenry. The honored guest for the afternoon was president Of the auxiliary, Mrs. William Strout. Those attending from the Highlands attending lhe meetnig were: Gert Snell, Marge Moreth and Lorraine Lindemann. Last Friday Grace and Forrest Reinhardt and Roy and Gert Snell were very pleased to have Grace's cousin, Mrs. Evelyn Jchannsen-, and son, Ulmer, of Clinton, Iowa, spend three days with the families. Marge Waldin was home'for a few days battling a very bad cold and flu. We are happy to report that she is once again busy as usual. We are sending our best wishes for a full and speedy rcovery to our very popular assistant pastor of St. John's church, who has been ailing and we hope he will not require hospitalization. We all hope 10 see Fathr Weideman at the next meeting feeling fine. President of the Woman's club asks that every member Mount Hope Church Notes Thursday, Jan. 24, t he Mount How high school discussion group will meet at the church hall from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The "Talkitout" g r o u p w e l c o m e s a n y h i g h school student to join in thip most interesting group. The discussion group lead<$- is the popular Harold Wiley. Last Wednesday Grace Reinhardt enjoyed a luncheon and chatter with her long time friend, Shirley, in Elmhurst. The two gals enjoyed hearing news of their old friends and what they are doing. Jan. 4, Joan Zilligen and Terry Ozminski gave a surprise stork shower in honor of Mary Seldon. All the girls met at the Zilligen home and went enmas'se to the Seldon residence. The . gals presenl were: Terry Pfingsfen, Dorothy Jenkins. Betty Zenner. Marilyn VanZevern. Betty Sanrlelin, Betty Warczak, Mabel Gregg and Frieda Michaels attended the Blessed Virgin sodality meeting Jan. 8. After the meeting the girls enjoyed playing cards and a luncheon. Betty Zenner will be one of the hostess for the February meeting. Doroihy and Richie Orlov - I please bring her purse along NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., MeHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. Flashes From Storkitvilfo Congratulations to the Rusfi BelshawS on the birth of their daughter, Jan. 3. To the Richard Carpenters on the birth of a son on Jnn. And to aLde .an d Barbara Leman on the birth of their tiny little daughter who was born prematurely on Jan. 11 and who weighs only 3 lbs. 12 o*. The baby will be kept at the hospital in an incubator for at least 3 weeks. (harden Club Meeting The W. L. Garden Club met last Thursday night at the home of Alice Condrcn. Twelve members, attended. Program for the evening was a demonstration of an informal "country dining" table setting by Mrs. Wielock; The group also discussed the annual flower show which is held at Mc- Cormnck Place in Chicago in will have They alfco stayed two days with the Wilbert Klebertfc who live on the Gulf on Anna Maria Island where their daughter has a motel. The Kleberts plan on coming up Chicago way in the summer but will return to warmer climes again cotne winter. They, Jack and. Eloise and family, spent New Years with the Kleberts. At Port Charlotte they called on Marge Baerwaldt and family. Barbara, Judy and[ Herb. They found 'jyiarge on the golf course New- Years Day. Also in Pott Charlotte they visited ..Marge's folks, the Lowenbachs, who have also purchased a home there. Down on the Keys - on Big Pine Key they dropped j March. Members in on Bud and Lil McMahon, | tickets for sale. John and Jean Jurgensohn and family, and Helen Jurgensohn. Bridge. Club They all live within a stones I Mrs. A1 Shrosbrec was hosthrow of each other. Bud has i less for lhe Catholic Women's been in Iceland for a year and j Bridge Club on Tuesday, Jan. just returned and will now S. work at Key Wesl. En roule i -- at Julaski, Tenn., they tried [ Local Boys On Debating Team to contact Charles an<l_ lone j Marian Central debate team Hood but each time they called won two and lost two debates the line was busy so thryiat a tourney at Marquetle didn't get to see them. f j high school in Milwaukee, Sat- All the ex-W. L.ers send urday. Jan. 5. Debalers were greetings to all their friends Waily Bowman, Ed Dolan, here at the Lake. Eloise took ten rolls of film and I'm sure by the Wisconsin schools reciprocal free trade. All the schools were Wisconsin schools except M"a r i a n. NihettSCn schools entered teams. Former Wonder Lake Ciirl* Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Walter Troxell of Hebron announced the engagement of their daughter, Judith Ann, to Glen A. Zumwalt, son of Mr., and Mrs. Paul L. Zumwalt of Peoria. Judy is' a, 1962 graduate of the University of Illinois, College of | Journalism and Comrnunica- j tions ahd is presently employed! in Belvidere. Her fiance is graduating from the IT. of II-' linois School of Erfgineering. | The young couple will be married Jan. 27. They will make their home in Seattle, Wash., ' where the bridegroom will be 1 employed. The Troxells are former residents of Wonder Lake. Benjamin Smith. DIph At MeHenry Hospital Benjamin J, Smith, 78, of 4419 E. Lake Shore Drive, died Friday morning at MeHenry hospital. He was born March 5, 1884, in Chicago. Visitation was at the Svec Page Seven!eeijp H and Son,**Wf4 wyn. .« , < LI *. ' . .J . ' • • < R \%* Fund Drive _ », j . The financial result*, of the C.P. drive last Sunday are ttef known ps yet but I think the people who braved the icy blasts and zero temper at urt*. to make the calls certainly dfe* serve three rousing cheers. Pot-Luok Dinner --The Nat i'v i t y Lutheran church of Wynder Lake will hold its annual meeting of the congregation for all confirmed members beginning with a pot-luck dinner on Sunday, •Ian. 20, at 6 p.m. Coffee will be provided by the "Nativity Mates." Guesfs are asked to bring their own table service, cups, plates, napkins and silverware and a dish to pass. Tony Bird and Roger Schiller. The topic was the one debated Quality Radiator Repai It takes people so much longer to discover your wisdom, than your folly. YOUR SNOW SHOVEL is worth $10.00 XlEORCifc P. FRBUND 4102 W. Crystal Lake by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SFRVI«UlS ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERY. Phone 385-0783 3004 W. Route 120 MeHenry, I1L MOTE L FOR COUNTRY CHARM AND COMFORT TOO! Any time you're driving through-- 65 Luxurious Rooms, Suites, Kitchenettes, Meeting Rooms--to HI your individual needs--with Television and Telephone til it' tmilfi • FREE Continental • Family Rates! Ideal location-- ^ to close to CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, "flADISON and ROCKfORD--Near Arlington and Meadowdale Race Tracks. Routes i 4 und PHONE-4 59-430# Cr) ita'l Lake, III' ioiv •*»//•. W* -y ' * ' V & , ' • v. •> J. ,.IZ.: X-'-" WALK AROUND IT. SEE THE DIFFERENCES. Start at the rear of this Flctii>ide pickup. Grab the tailgate and pull hard. No give. Two wedge latches keep it tight. Now unfasten them and let down the gate. Jump up and down on it. Does it sag? Notice how the chains are wrapped in rubber so they won't rattle or mar paint. Now look at the lower side panels. Two walls. You might dent the inside one but it won't show through. The floor will never rust. It's select wood, not metal. Now please sit in the cab a inmute. GomfortaMe? It also is double walled and the roof is insulated. Let's start 'er up and look for a washboard road. Chevrolet coil-spring suspensions fight road shock better than other types, good for the truck, load and the driver. There are other things. But you can see why this ia a truck that does a job without a lot of pampering. It's built right. Which is why it's usually worth more at trade-in. When would you like us to deliver it? >) 12 NEW 6-CYLINDER EN6INESI tfew High Torque 230-cu.-in. Six is lighter but more powerful than its predecesaor. lt <> standard in Series C3 thiough. C50 models. New High Torque 292-eu.-!n. Six--most powerful truck 6 Chevrolet has ever built! Standard in Series C60, optional at extra CO&t 2A lighter models. QUALITY TRUCKS CQSTLESS rest Drive the "New Reliables " at your Chevrolet dealer's CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-0277 Anyone you know? Get her a fume-free electric dryer. They're priced $20 to *40 below gas (and they're flameless, trouble-free and fast)* % - See your dealer now! ©rommonwaaith Kdiaon Company <J Public Service Company - ' ' .J

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