Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 2

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. « > , J--* Page Two •JiMT1" 1 • Lloyd Freund 3X Head Club *> At the last meeting" ot the * Johnsburc Crihimunity club * iJoyd Kmmd was elected k pf^sWcnt1 -fot the ensuint vpar. * ©fhm unnfSl "irt ' offfee tht * s-True evening were vice«f>re*U * dent, Rrty Clirih: socrei :>r\, . Hanild H. t'redhd; tivasu'cr, v Thorna s H uem a n h: trustees for ' 'l Wry till let" J»nd •*' ^ 01 her t rust ees, ""lUt'n Scljjjfrit. >Yed il. Smith. 4tud Milter •unl Stanley Kreund * ^ ^^Hr<;J{nlVincri ftjiprtintc-d 1 ho « foffowiiK', .(standing committee; " "for 1 lie yvirr Publicity, Walter *"!!" JWXjenWi-g anfl il unes H"tT7i- * tnanti; membership, Gerald ; VynkVtsch^Hrnn Hiller. Thmfla* » Qefflin^' -ttnd .lames Hetter- " mmtt);.. finance, Leo Kreund, - filelvih Freund and Norljert " "Hllf&f; /eftffrrtaihttrent, Hdwin » ffettenrcanh. I,eo Smith ahd " Jdfreph Miller; building ahd . grounds, Gr^ory Novak, George HHIcr, George Schmitt. Wal- . fttor Fix! 1 yp<T I„eo Fround. * J Membees are remihded that ^yannui'! dues for lW.'J are now •^huuld he paid on 'it' ttw rewlar April meeting. After this date, a linn will " be adftlHt IX dues are tint paid f)^ j\ine 1, iho membership Will expirt*,' according to ihe Commit too. OSRITAL % McHenrv J+OSpi pm* m McHenry hospital durirffc. the past week included Henry* *W: Thompsori IflKTesTflo;* RayfnV'hd Hmwn, Cary; •ItHymond Mendyk. Ralph K. I^aramore, /Alfred Meyerowit/. and Nettie Liacas, Wonder Lake*, WiVvn lvlleti Jensen hk! Thomas Koch, Vox Lake; Fro<l T: Goy, Island Lake; Joanne Sutton and Hfcdwte Albert, Spring Grove; George Marzahl. G?«(ViT*fiy; Wis., 3rweph TothfaiUsi, Harirtnond, Ind.; Wllma Glllnxly and Hex K. Yocuiii, B a r r i n k ' ° n; Lori Boneske, -W^odstode; Hary Heckman and ; AJtfred J. GnsesJ.k, Chicago; Le- Roy H Small. Kvartston: Mi's. Jeiiltetto Hoeninji. Wauconda; T>«mal<t D. Molidor, CJrayslake- H|Ch£0*d Hyatt, Joseph P. GregK> Fred E. Che<,chin, Rita S. S^imny, Edward Donan, Christine Freund, Dorothy LanfgMoh, EJeanore Wiltlhagen, Ila IJojjan, Otis C. Banker, June M. WiUiam«, Nora^ jackson, MarjoHo Hicks, R^ndy Funk, l£uice Ged4e. JSllSvenXiriesbach, Gertrude Fi-eund, Rol>ert W. JfH>oks, Vrli*glMlfl Karls, Linda Kommer, Richard Garlinski, Arthui- l^inseloh, Trene C. Lauber, Susan Lynn Griesbach, CWhKle Langworthy, Robert SSS^ViIeft'ski, Lillian Barkwill, Jacob A. Johnson. Nannette Mit>7, Cecilia Ertl and Or\'al Hutaon, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Amontj t^e patients admitted daring the past week to Memorial hospital were Baby Timothy K1 apperich, Ruth Granger, N a n o t t e Carlson, George Breier and Ruzina Sutton, McHenry; and Baby Michael Thompson, Master Walter Norton, Flizabeth Meyer, Allen Phillips, Helen Asmus and Qwnld Novak, Wonder Lake. r. harvard Hospttal v"-a Patients admitted during the week to Harvard hospital included Frank Babarsky, Hugh "Locker, Clifford Kiehl, Anthony Kuzas, John Hay and Albert KTssllng, McHenry. FOURTH ANNUAL FIESTA SlttTElfc j^LArlNEO I^EB. 2!" j A group of kpisropnl elmrehj women gathered Thursday, | Jan. 10, at the home of Mrs. | John Smith in M(-llonry-Shores j to discuss plans for the forlh- , eoniing .spnghetti'fJupjjer. Chnir- | man Daisy Smith reports that j St. Paui's fourth annual fiesta ; spaghetti nuppet- will ,be held j on Shrove Tuesday, F*^b. 26, ; at fhe American Legion home, j Serving will bo continuous I Irciin 5 to 8 p.m. • | rCVrt'nniiito^ mehihers hielude • Mrs, A. F.ggers. Mrs. F. Fo\v- 1 les, Mrs. J. Heiir/elman, Mt-s. ; J. Koiuor, Mrs AT Mr-Kf A j Mrs. f:. Rol»el a,nd Mrs. D. I Seatott. Tickets for the event I may bo purchased from any | member and proceeds will help J swell the church building fund. COOKS CORNER Marie Sehuettgcii I^Iotlilhg could he bettor on a c»)l»l, cold evening after a skating party than a steaming hot dish of chill con came. This may be prepared in itdvnfv^ and roheatfd nt 1«M minute. It )-eal!y impro\Ps the flavor! Chill Con can»i» \k cup di3 onions chopped % Cup green l>eppers dlcorl 1 clove garlic chopped fine 1 Se lb. ground beef 1 ibsp finely chopped beef suet or 1 slice of bacon chopped. 2 cups canned tomatoes 2 cups red canned kidney beans drained. Save liquid. 2 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. chili powder (or lefts> diluted in 2 tbsp. warm watei 4 tbsp. oil or fat. Heat oil or fat, add onions, gal lic, bacon and green fieoncrs and saute until light brown. Add beef and stir until meat is lightly browned. Add tomatoes, sugar, salt and chili powder, diluted. Cover saucepan and bring to quick boil. Lower flame and simmer slowly for 30 minutes. ThOn add l>eans and simmer 15 minutes more. Servo hot. If it seems too thick, add some of the liean liquid and re-heat. For a more substantial and very good tasting combination, serve over cooked elbow macaroni which may be cooked while re-heating the chili if made in advance. Macaroni will be firmer if boiled the last few minutes and thoroughly drained. Follow directions on ixaokago. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. January 17. 1963 ~ MeHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen are parents of a son born Jan. 10. A son was bom to Mr. and Mra. Kirhy Fish Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Freund announce the birth of a son Jan. 12. Mr. and Mrs. John Parat became parents of a daughter Jan. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Morman at Salem, Wis., are parents of a son born Jan. 14. Memorial Hospital A. Ringwood couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Sundstrom, became parents of a daughter Jan. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Letnan, Wonder Lake, are parents ,qf„ a daughter born Jan. 11. , A son was bom Jan. 8 to a Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carpenter. Other Births A daughter, Krista Corinne, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kacfer, Wonder Lake, Dec. 27, at the Lutheran General hospital. Park Ridge. YOUH SNOW SHOVEL Is worth $10.00 MUs Roehler To Become June Bride Joseph Koehler of McHenry announces the engagement of his daughter, Shirley, to-Roger Carl Fremiti, son of \tr. and Mrs. Walter Freund, also, of McHenry. A June wo'ddirtg is planned. Beverly Ann Kni-ck To Wed K. A. Kelly and Mrs. Hermrtn Kuock of rural Harvard announce the engagement of their ifcvugjr- 1rv, Beverly Ann, to Robert A Kelly of Oak Park, Mich , on of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly of WoOdlawn Park 1 venue, McHenry. A June wedding is being liunned. .imiTII WFVLAND Judith We\land Flngji^cd To Crystal Mint Mr. arid Mrs. Anthony Weyiand. of- McHenry annoiinn the engajjomont ol their daughter, Judith Ann. to Kenneth I. Hjarpe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellas HJarpo of Crystal Lake Miss We.\ land is a 195!) graduate of McHenr\ hiv.h schoo! and Mr. Hparp'- is a 1958 graduate of Crystal Lake high school. No definite wedding plans have been made. MAKCl \ l Ut i/. PANHELLENIC SPONSOhb LARD PARTY BENBKIT Tlie McHenry County Pafihelletilc asswiciatioft Will spoftsoiv its second ahndnl Ijehefit card party on Feb. 14 at 8 l>.rri. at the Legion home. The club is attempting to raise money for the scholarship to be given a deserving McHenry girl upoTK^^r^duation in June. The award has boon given for many years and has ljonefitted a nural>or of local girls in *the past. The group also helps the Wonder Lake rooni lor the . mentally_ r'etarded. Last year 1 hoy bought a much needed cabinet for- the room and in 1 previous years made things for the children to aid their physical needs, and in the development of skills. | The group will serve a dos- | sort before the card playing ' starts, and there will be « prize for every table. It is hoped that McHenry residents will attend and help raise money for these two worthy The tickets may be purchased from any Panhellenic member or at the door on Feb. 14. CAR1) OF THANKS I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to friends for prayers offered, visits, flowers, gifts and cards received while in the hospital. Many thanks. Bill Sutton * 1-17-63 PINK LADY SEWINOl : GUILD MEETS AT 1 i BLARE RESIDENCE | The Pink Lady -<".vine guild I of the wohien's auxiliary of Mc- ; Henry hospital met at the home : of Colin Blake i.n McHenrv ibis past week. Dessert luncheon was served. I Members present were Liia ' Jordan, Margaret Boiin, Helehc ! Pefj|)ing and IJllian Cox of ^ McHenry; >3ell Bergener and J Esther Knapp cf Johnsburg; ! M arge Moreth, I^trraine Linde- | man arid Gert Snell of Pistakee i Highlands. ' | The tfuild was honored liy a ; visit from Betty Strout, aax- j iliary president. j Following the discussion of j business, a quiz game was en- | joyed. ^ The Richmond Garden clubj Is planning a Garden Walk to < be held early in June. ! Juauar> Woman of the Moose Ritual Practice- -8 p.m. Moose Home. January 24 Community P.T.A. Meeting --8:15 pjn. Edgebrook school Prof. George Walter, guest speaker. St. Ciara's Court, W.C.O.F., Meeting- 8 p.m. St. Mary's School. Febrnary 7 Roller Skating Party McHenry Roller Rink 7 to 10 p.m. For All Age Groups-- Sponsored by Viscount Parents' Association. » February 14 Card Party - V.F.W. Ctabhouse Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Proceeds go to McHenry Library McHenry County Panhellenic Benefit Dessert Card Party 8 p.m.- Legion Home. February IT McHenry Viscounts Sponsor Third Annual Color Guard Show 1 p.m.- McHenry High School. February 19 Township Republican Women's Club Couple's Dinner -- McHenry Country Club - 7 p.m. February 20 O.E.S. Washington Dessert Card Party •-- 1 p.rp. - - Acacia Masonic Temple, 1309 Court St. February 26 Fourth Annual Fiesta Spaghetti Dinner-Legion Home---5 to 8 p.m.--Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal Church. , s' dr ji*. 1 ' ^ ' V ^ *"» V* t'-' ^ *v ' < fi LORI A WALD1N MIkh Wnldln To Marry Craig Thoren Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Waidin of McHenry of the engagement of their daughter, Gloria Lynn, to Mr. Craig E. Thoren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thoren, also of McHenry. No immediate plans have been made for the wedding. sland lake fifrl Rifcagcd To Marry Mr and Mrs. Ix>n Pretzman of Island Lake announce the engagement of th^ir daughter, Mareia Jean, to Michael J. Slepcevich, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slepoeyich, Sr., of South Virginia street, Coistat L^ike. Miss Pret/man is a J962 graduate of McHenry Cominunity high school, and her fiance \^us graduated from Crystal l altejhigh school. Both are now employe?l"~m Crystal Lake No wedding date has been set. PERSONALS In her earlier life, the wife of former President Coolidge had taught in a school for the deaf. Mrs. Stanley Collins of Salt Lake City, Utah, and M»*a. Francis Carlos and son. Jack, of Hillsdale, Mich., are visiting in the A. J. Schneider homo. Michael Frisby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Frisby of J ohnsburg^ is home on leave fi?ofnT.ackland Air Force Base where he has finished basic training. At the end; of his leave, Jan. 28, he will go to AmariHo, Texas, where he will attend a jet maintenance technical school. C. P. O. and Mit. Gene Harmon and daughter, Michelle, left recently by car for San Diego, Calif., where C. P. O. Harmon will be assigned to the U.S.S Orickany. Friends may write to them at 152 Date Avenue. Imperial Beach, Calif. SALLY N1ESEN Hiss Niesen To Be May 4 Bride Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Niesen of 1603 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, finnounce the engagement of their daughter, Sally, to Ronald Glo/^on, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wi I Irani Glosson of 5402 Rt. 120. West. Miss Niesen is a 1961 graduate of McHenry high school and is employed in Skokie. Her fiiuice graduated in 1958 from the local high school and is employed in Crystal Lake. A May 4 wedding is planned. CARD OF THANKS The family of Danny Lawniczak wishes to thank all their friends for the help and concern shown after his accident. We are especially grateful to the American Legion Post 491, the staff and employees of McHenry hospital and to the Modine Manufacturing company and its employees. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lnwniczak •1-17-63 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your though tfuLness will always be remembered.'" Clara Tonvan M 17-R3 by Charles F. Carpentier Secretary af State 8TAY OUT OF ACCIDENTCAUSING SITUATIONS "It's not my fault, I had the right-of-way** said the driver an he crawled out of his wrecked automobile. Two policemen were helping to extricate the passengers of the other car, who appeared to be injured. Whether or not this man actually had the right-of-way is a question the courts may have to decide. The big question is . . . "why did he allow himself to get into that kind of a situation?" It is hard to understand why a driver will deliberately endanger his own life and that of others just because he is stubborn enough to insiBt that he is right. Yet, the analysis of accident reports often shows that the collision could have been avoided if there had been a sincere effort to prevent it. That guy driving the green car could have avoided the accident if he had tried." Automobile insurance glvee some drivers a false sense Of security. The insurance company can pay for repairing a damaged vehicle, but it cannot restore life to an accident victim or repair a body that was mangled in the crash. Observance of the traffic laws does not fulfill all of a driver's responsibilities. He has the additional moral responsibility for making every possible effort to keep from injuring his fellow man. Expert professional drivers maintain their accident-free records by earefully avoiding situations which could cause collisions. Other drivers would do well to follow their example. Remember , . , collisions are caused, they don't just happen. Make sure you know the safety regulations. Write to Charles F. Carpentier for a copy of "Rules of the Road**, GRANT |)lVORCE Dolores Maxon was granted a divorce from Glenn M.axc i by Judge William M. Carroll in circuit court last Fridav. GEORGE P. FREUND 410% W. Crystal Lake aire & HAIR STYLISTS 885-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thru SAT. 8 son. to 6 p.m Closed Wed. • Claire • Mary Ann • Eleanore • Mnrlene Cheer up the cold months will a new hair fashion. Cafll u today for an appointment. DO IT NOW Iiur'f |\ • Compare NYES Prices BUY NOW & GET 2 FREE GOLDFISH EXAMPLE: PEPSODENT FLORIDE "TOOTHPASTE Reg. 69c :t Now 52c PEPTO BISMAL. Reg Sl-69 Now $1.33 ALKA SELTZER, Beg 59c Now 47c MAALOX 12-oi. LIQUID Reg. $1.49 Now $M» SEE OUR CIRCULAR For Other Great Bargains noWEi.L-r.KHJEft vow* pVA COUNCIL Announcement has born^^ *-n?AT? ROT TAT Fi made of the wedding of Mi.s^V0 HLAK^^UINLJ . Shirley Mac Dowoll, daughter TABLE DISCUSoION of Mr. ;thd Mi's. Alvin t>owellj of 4010 W. (Yosiwood, Mc-j The McHenry County Coun- Henry. and Kdward J; (leigor. i cil of Parent;-- and Teachers son of the George Cleigors of1 association will hold its second Harvard. They wore m.ti i iod rooqiin<r of 1 ho year in Harvard in Zion Lutheran church. Me-, on jan" 17 at 8 p.m. at Jeffer- Henrv, on Jan. 5 in an after- I son school. noon nuptial rite. They aie! slani0y Blumberg. vice-prosimaking their homo at 1006! ^ont nn(t program chairman. Froht street. McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I'll hot forget what you ladies of the lake (McCullorn Lake) have done for me and my family and I deeply appteciato tt. Thanks to everyone who gave us assistance. Mrs. Monica Morris *1-17-63 has a round tahlo disussion planned for this meeting, which should be both interesting ind informative. A. Rikenthaler. oouficil president, urges all PTA tti^mjjers to attend. CARDxOF THANKS May I extend n.y heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many-thoughtful ways during million school children visit j my recent, bereavement. Washington, D. C. every year,! 1 Mrs. Lila Schmitt mostly on school tours. j v 1-17-63 II is estimated that over 2 Fare To Please CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks and appreciation for the cheery cards I received and the people'who came to call while I was in the hospital, especially to my friends in McCullom Lake. Mrs. Philip Jordan* 1-17-6?, CARD OF THANKS Our 'recent bereavement 'eaves us with grateful hearts towards neighix>rs and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Mrs. Joseph L. Howett and family. Whafs better on a bristling winter day than Shanks 'N* S «si< < kraut? It's good family fare at low cost. There's lots of meat wrapped around the shank bone and it's loaded with flavor. Sauerkraut cooked right with the pork hocks or lamb shanks accents this good old fashioned dish. Accompany the main dish with orange shells filled with apple sauce and orange pieces, scalloped potatoes, crisp relishes, and hot gingerbread for dessert. It's a i ienu that makes for some downright good eating. Shanks W Saner kraut 4 lamb shanks, or pork hocks % cup water 1 teaspoon salt 1 medium onion ** \\ teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon celery seetr 3 tablespoons fat 1 can (1 lb. 11 oz.) sauerkraut Rub the meat with mixture of salt and pepper. Brown in fat. Add water, chopped onion and celery seed; cover and cook gently until tender, about 1 % hours. Add more water if needed. Remove meat and put sauerkraut in pan. ^Top with meat; cover and simmer Vi hour. Four servings. Most lives are similar to thoughts, hence, the importance of wal ching them. Iceland is one place in the world where lava sheets and icefields meet. -- Register Now! an4 WIN § European TcrttrS for Two • New Chrysler Cars • 15,000 Other Prizen In Chrysler's 5-50 Contest A. S. Blake Mtrs., Inc. 2508 W. Rt. 120 McHenry ^bld uau hsioux? That the, McHenry State Bank's installment loans (also commonly called consumer loans) increased 50% during the year 1962. This department under the capable management of Vice President James E. Larkin specializes in auto loans for both new and used cars, but also handles loans for all worthwhile purposes. The reasons for the spectacular increase in the McHenry State Bank installment loans are many, but most prominent reason is that more people now realize that BANK RATES ARE LOWER. There is no middle man to share in the profit (cost to you) when you make your auto loan directly at the bank. There is no requirement to buy certain insurance from a particular company when you make your auto loan directly at the bank. There is no requirement to buy your car from a certain dealer, (We would, however, highly recommend any or all of the local dealers) when you make your auto loan directly at the bank. The McHenry State Bank can and will make you a loan for any worthwhile purpose if you qualify for a bank loan. Because the banks primary purpose is to safeguard the depositor's funds, not everyone can qualify for a bank loan. The bank cannot risk the safety of its deposits by making loans that are not properly secured or to persons not being good credit risks. Because the McHenry State Bank makes loans with the minimum credit risk, its rates are lower. If you qualify for a bank loan and most people do, taKe advantage of the savings by financing your new car, home improvements, appliances, personal needs and any other worthwhile needs at /I tf-uU Setwice, Hank McHENRY STATE BANK 385-1040 "Always Serving You -- ALL WAYS SINCE 1906 iMi \

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