Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1963, p. 4

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THE McHENRT PLAINDEALEt Thursday, January 17, 1961 SO I HEAR... MARIAN WINS FROM MARYVILLE, LOSES What ever became of high , __ kvptc * shoe's or spats for men* Maybe * ^ 01» * the t»als can plow through snow and cold in toelcss little numbers rilled shoes, but. men should demand a return of shoes instead of low cut oxfords. Back when o^ft»rds first hit the market, they were worn only in summer time. Just v pair of shoes with the tops cut off to plvo your rnkles a cockling breeze. A man wouldn't, think of \ojrartng to?e shes in winter any mare than he would cover his noggin wish a straw hat. There is another drastic c hange needed ns long a& we ar» at it-- If you ever invite us to j tarj^ The Marian Central Hurricanes split two basketball games over the past weekend, winning at home Friday ni^ht oyer Maryville of DesPlaines 86 to 56 and losing to St. Francis of Wheaton on Saturday night 67 to 45 on St. Francis' court, 'jj1 The Hurricanes, led by Rex Hester's 27 points, which eclipsed the school scoring record of 25 held by Gary Vyeital. soundly "trounced Maryville Friday night. Ken Stilling of MeHenry and Clarence Adams of Ringwood also scored in double figures, 14 and 15 points respectively, to help in a well balanced scoring at- Outdoors your houie, please don't pour the coffee from the old pot on the stove into a fancy pitcher. It cools off too last * *"S<»Tie ot the best coffee has come out of the old «.;ranitf- On Saturday night, the Hurricanes traveled to Wheaton and ran into some pretty stiff competition against the St. Francis Knights, whose tail front line and Marian's inability to score in the second quarter made the difference. Martype pot* vvith* chips here arid • ian jumi>ed to a quick 7 to 2 there and the top wired on to | lead early in the first quarter, lieefcj* from flopping in the ! «id the score was knotted up _.*% *4 V , by St. Francis at the end of . , • | that quarter 11 to 11, but St. Francis dumped in 20 points to Marian's 5 in the second quarter and that was the ball - -Nothing lets us down like having n waitress offer to warm up our coffee, then pour some luk<* -warm- brew into a half- , filled cup that wasn't hot the first time around. Now» jfhat we have a few major problems tossed into the grinder, let's look at sports. What do we think of the big WMt« Sax*Baltlmore trade? W|? are now over the first shock and settling dowfr to the hojie- :tjilr stole. "* The Sox g^ive «P a shortstop ' who can lie the greatest - afield if he stays away from „ tho. groCettes. A change of pas-. - ture should be good for Louie. The-So* picked up a short - ' <:top Who should be at or near the top for a few years. He can " hit. And we ni-e weary of trying to win on defensive bnll aloito. tranie. Marian F<; FT F T Stilling 3 H 3 14 1lester . . . 1 2 3 \ 27 Litchfield . • • 1 3 2 5 Vyeital . . . . 1 O ,) 2 r> riowman 0 1 3 i Sexton 4 1 '> 9 Corso 0 0 0 0 Adams . . . . 9 3 0 15 Parker 2 4 1 8 Freund 1 0 2 2 Murphy 0 2 0 TOTALS . . . . 3 0 2f> 16 80 Maryville F<J FT F T Abraham • • • . . . . 1 0 0 2 Na^el 11 4 5 2(1 Kaiser 3 7 4 13 Singleton • • • . . . . 2 0 4 4 Terrazas 1 0 1 2 Spencer, I?. . . . . 1 1 1 3 Spencer, M. . . . . 1 0 1 2 Donnelly 0 1 0 1 Clark . . . . 1 1 I 3 By Jack Walsh wttiiiiiirwiiiiititiiiiiiiiiMitiwiiiiii'MiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiMiCTi The only i'-e-fishermen br-ivincj the cold of late seem to be those who have shanties on Lake Geneva, and about the only thin« they are doing is keeping wnrm. Harry Atern,. Director r.f Public Relation.', for ihe Northern Illinois Conservation Club, reports that more than 2,000 fishermen and women participated in the club's ice fishing derbv at Channel Lake last Sunday. The fish bit well and the prand jirhwi^ went to the following: First prize, a 14 foot aluminum boat and 51? H.P. outboard motor was won by. E. Hendrickson of Richmond. Second Prize, a power ice auger was von by: .1. I^omax of Sprinb Grove. Third Prize, a Winchester shotgun was wort by: J. F. Vandl qf Antioch. William Wehrmycr of Dec infield brought in the; oddest catch -a mud puppy. Iflrbe alone will tell if the • Son picked up their answer to ; Jhe third base problem. Ward *" is a young fellow who caught '" the eye ot Charlie Metro, e . coach who failed to please Mr. ' WriKlcy because he knew mor" , about baseball than he di(j • about calisthenics. : A1 Smith is still a jfood ball player, tut is reaching a base- " bull age whei'i' his future is - behind him. W \ • . The Sox may or may nol " got v lot of help from Hoyl Willielm as a reli'-f pitcher, but • you can tak^ Turk Lown. There can be ne doubt that the price ta^ on Leetle Louie •; went down last year.. At one time 1 he Sox could hav>' asked Xnost "anything for him. Not TOTALS Marian Maryville .21 14 20 5< Ifi 18 25 27---SO II 1J 15 IH--r»fl Take a look it the results < f the North Suhurlnn Leatv'e frames on this page for similarity of scores. Carroll College >'a:isti s show Bob Vaupell shooticg at a 40 iKM'cent clip and doin;.1, good on rebounds. Basketball fans can rememl) cr that Harrington brings its Broncos to McHenry Friday night. McHeitry trawls '•> Genevii Saturday night. Dally Pinups To' laugh at your cavii jok> s is just not the way to cure MI inlt riority complex. Top secret, brains If the dominant chord ' I a home harmony, all Oihei .notes will blend in happily. Smallest fish taken was a 1 inch bluegill and the largest was a IVi pound largemouth. Two validation deeals aie being enclosed with every boat renewal certificate issued by the Motorboat License Division this year. The purpose of the orange and white deeals is to identify boats whose owners have complied with regulations regarding renewal of certificates of registration. The deeals are to be displayed to the right of the numl>er on each side ot thr boat. Boat owners are advised to display the deeals to lorestali frequent stopping by law enforcement officers. About 100,000 motorboat certificates of registration will be renewed this year. Boat owners are urged to r^new carlv. They will not lose any time on their previous registration because Smith, II. all renewals will lie dated for , Schmidt three years from the present expiration date. Applications for renewal mu::t be complete, containing all information requested concerning boat descriptions. Owners nutst sign the application or it will be returned without being processed. The renewal fee must be included. Boat owners who do not renew their certificates by the expiration date will be liable to a fine and will have to purchase a new boat number. John Rourke And Ted Freund Spark Warriors To Win Beat St. Ed Five 56 To 52 As Kusch Hauls In Rebounds The McHenry Wairibrs started off brilliantly Saturday night, then had to shut off a belated St. Edward ral'y in the final period to bend the Green Wave by a score of 56- 52 in the McHenry Gym. Led by 5'9 gjiard John Rourke who scored 4 fielders in the first quarter the Warriors raced to a 17-10 first quarter lead. Rourke scored two other attempts in the second stanza and Ted Freund added three for three to build up a 34-25 half time lead. Fred Kusch, playing although ill, and Joe Fino, did an excellent job on the boards which greatly aided the Warrior cause. The local lads were outscored 29-22 in the second half, but the half-time lead was enough to put the contest out of reach of the invaders. John Evans of the Green- Wave scored 22 points to take game scoring honors. While Rourke ended the evening with 19 and Freund with 13. Kusch hauled in 21 rebounds to lead in that department even though playing but half the game. In the Sophomore game tht Orange and Black started slowly, but took the upper hand shortly thereafter anil went on to defeat a scrappy St. Ed underclassmcn crew by a 54-42 score. Balanced scoring was the key to the Warrior victory. Rich Soda tallied 15 points. Wayne Hiller 14 and Ken Laurence 13. Hiller, playing ir. the sjx>! vacated by Rich Smith who now t^on the varsity squad, did a spectacular job through the entire ball game and looks like a bright prospect for the future. The Warriors next outing will be Friday evening in the Warrior gym when the Barrington Bronchos make their annual appearance before the hometowncrs. The soph game will precede the varsity main attraction. Game time is 7 j/«h urricane Zee-Bees Start Fast To Defeat Warriors 65-55 p.m. MeHenry Smith, L. Freund Farr Varaity F<« FT 1 1 6 1 2 1 I 2 1 0 F'T 2 3 1 13 3 5 1 4 0 2 So. The fiirt shock is n\en TMul'WP will bet you a dollar io Za . d o u g h n u t t h a t t h e S o x w i l l •r«mie out smelling like a m-( "i»n this deal. Petes Speaking ot alinvmlv - <lo"'t! When ,;i so'-ial circle bjjeoino ,i semi-circle tilings r •.*;!:v l>.»- uiii to spin. Traffic tie-up* are the tilings that somehow give \ou a • ros •. section of humanity. \ child prodigy i> sometimes the picture of her lather and the sM-,!nil-lr."< k ol her motlier. r.uv liai-jain counter. by Pete Peters • ' I A SHOCK TEST j II \ou haven't changed; shock absorbers on your car in the last two years, chances »re ihat you need them bad ; Here's a way of checking fori yourself: i Push your brake pedal hard , as you can for a stop at about five miles per hour. Better: have a clear road when you do it. If this causes the old bus to rock several times: the front end dipping and the ,reai end rising, you need shock absorbers. Drive over to PETE'S SIN CXAIK at 4416 W. Rt, 120 ' Lakeland Park for top servicc lii' this line. And for drivers u! ears that pull trailers or carry liKusuaf heavy loads we can install special absorbers ihat makes your driving smoothei safer. See us today, or - {itoone for further information. \<i', i MP.'l steal second ha i and l;e<.'j i yoi;r feel on first. ninivmc'i' Marian F<i FT P T Stilling 5 2 3 12 Hester 4 f> 4 131 Litchfield 1 1 5 o j Vyeital 0 7 • > 7 i Mown la n 0 I 1 1 i Sexton 0 1 •j 1 : Adams 2 0 3 4 Parker 2 0 o 4 TOTALS 11 17 23 ir> SI. Frnneis FG FT F T Mroderiek • 7 12 2 26 Hamilton 3 0 1 6 Zwolinski • 2 4 4 S Kirly 1 1 1 9 Hurd 0 4 3 Peters 1 3 3 11 Klein 0 0 1 0 Malone 0 0 1 0 IVrri.n I 1) 0 2 Srhroeder • 1 0 0 2 TOTALS 22 23 IS ('.7 Marian 11 .» I 1 7-- -15 St. Francis 11 2tl 20 I (5--^il Maybe the dorti >i" isn't oo Jelinek Kusch Fino ... Rourke' TOTALS St. Kd's FG Evans 7 Alters 0 Ortiz I McGee 2 Sehaul Kaincs Lullie Bart ho I a mew Hannell TOTALS MeHenry St. Edward 0 0 0 0 2 3 ll 7 0 3 3 3 8 3 1 19 21 14 12 56 FT F T 4 22 . . . 3 0 • • 1 zl ... 2 0 . . . 1 0 0 .. . 1 0 I . . . 1 9 1 4 1 9 5 2 17 17 14 8--56 !0 15 IK !)--5'J complimentary when he tells vou that you're as sound as a dollar. Ask About Our " Ttee Wa*2> of Lube . gerviee I"ia. HAWAII CALIFORNIA... LAS VEGAS i* wAYS • ESCORTED • FROM CHICAGO $546 TWA AND PAH AMERICAN JET TOURIST FLIGHTS HIGH QUALITY VACATION AT LOW BUDGET PRICE * 2 Nights Canterbury Hotel, S«n Francisco--daluxt sights*«ing tour! * 8 Nights Princvss Kaiulani, Honolulu--fr*Jition«l !•? grteting! * Famous Malihini Night dinner-show--Full day circU-island tour! * Half day Mt. Tantalus scenic drive * 2 Nights Hollywood Inn. Los Angeles--Full day excursion t® Knott's Berry Farm--Ghost Town and Disneyland! * Fabulous Tropicana Hotel, Las Yegas--Folies Berger# dinner* show! * All airport transfers X baggage tipping included WITH SPECIAL GROUP FARES YOU SAVE $IIS jHuturdny Wf IJII l>< iiurtiircs • Tux Additional Ptio/19, write or come tn for folders I reservations VOI R WINTKK V.\( ATIQN IIEADQ1AKTKRS CHAIN-O-LAKES Travel Service Sopli MeHenry F( Hiller Mauch , Moss lx»ckvv(Mid Lauience S.t ine Soda Snell Meyers TOTALS • • • St. Kdward Flores 6 Kuchinski • Whit inn • • Holmes • • • Howwman Pom pa Shearer •• Mellenry St. Kdward F T 4 14 1 4 1 4 I 4 3 13 I 0 4 15 .20 14 IS 54 0 0 It II 15 11--54 7 II IS--42 by Mike Pitzen Wednesday, Jan. 16. and Thursday the 17 th, Marian will have its semester exams. Friday, Jan. 18 will be a freeday at Marian to give the teachers time to correct tests. On Thursday after exams, which will last until 2 p.m. the Marian faculty will play the newly formed varsity clut in a basketball fame before the student body. A small admission will be charged ir order to build u|) varsity treasury funds which wi'l be used for athletic scholarships. The officers of the club are as follows: Chuck Thillman •Resident; John (Scotty) Karis. treasurer; Peter Parker, /ice-president and Ron Reckamp, secretary. The varsity was formed to further athletic development at Marian On Jan. 19, the boys will help out the girl cheerleaders, when Ron Reckamp, Ed Crowley, Chuck Thillman, Joe Banner, Scotty Karas and Jim Gates go to Marmion to lead eheers for the varsity game Mr. Angelo Dabiero will have •I tumbling class do an act at the game for an extra attraction during half time. The Marian Ski Club, another newly established cltfb has been formed in this past week by Marian's athletic director, Tom Parsley. The club was formed to he'p students learn how to ski. The club now has about forty members. Mr. Parsley is planning " to go to Wisconsin in late February with the club. Two sophomore members of the Marian Deljate Club, Edward Dolan of Woodstock and Virginia Schneider of Sprint Grove, will represent Marian at the Northwestern Univerity high school tournament, Friday, at Evanston. MM MeHenry 37--Crystal Lake 11 Winning nine of the twelve matches. M. C. II. S. Crapplers came through with their third Conference victory and sixth win of the season. With this win, McHenry wrestlers now have not been defeated by a Conference team in two years at home. Sophomore Jimmy Anderson (95 lbst fought his to his eleventh win of the year. Henry .Tusten <103 lbs) dropped hk man in the first round and pinned him in one minute and ter seconds of the second. Johr Davis (112 lbs) collected his third win of the season. Cocaptain Jay Sayler (120) outwrestled his opponent to a 5-2 victory. -n> Phillips, Oppenhlem, Krh GatVin Win on Fins Russ Phillips (133 lbs > won his first varsity wrestling match by pinning his man. John Oppenheim (138 lbs) pinned his opponent in the final period to t;ivo M. C. H. S. five more points. Ed Erb who moved up to 180 pounds to fill in for Bob Wahl. cam< through with his second | in .>f the year. Sophomore heavyweight Ron Calvin scored his first varsity win with a pin in the second pciiod. SIM.MARY 95 lbs. Anderson (M) boat Butler (Ci 3-0. 103 lbs. Justen (M) beat Powers <C) a pin 5-0 I;i0. 1 1 2 U K. Davis i Mi beal Rei is < C) 3-0. 120 lbs. Sayler <M) l)eat Ronestock <C) 3-0. 127 lbs. Lakmerior (O beat Sorenson <M) 3-0. 133 lbs. Phillips <0 b;>a' Kesster <C> 5-0. 138 lbs. Oppenhiem (Ml beat Grcv (Ci 5-0. The Zion Z-B's handed the McHenry Warriors their sixth set-back in North Suburban Conference play last Friday night on the Zion court by ' he score of 65-55. It was the third NSC win for coach Dick McGrew's Z-B's in six tries. The Z-B's jumped off to a '^uiek 6 point lead before Fred Kusch found the net? far the Warriors. Smith and Krelle lead the Zion attack while Kusch got help from JoedFino. Zion led at the end of the quarter 17-13. Eddie Moore and Krelle continued a torrid pace through the second quarter as Zion built up a 39-29 half-time lead. The Orange and Black played steady, aggressive basketball throiigh the final two periods but could not make up |je 10 point half time deficit. Each team scored 26 points in 'he second half. Fred Kusch tallied 14 points and hauled down 21 rebounds for the Warriors, while Fino added 11 tallies and also did a, fine job on the boards. Krelle led all scorers with 21 points 15 of which came in the first half. In a very ragged, loosely played preliminary, the Warriors Soph's were victorious by a 52-47 score. The Warriors l&d at half time 22-17 but Zion rallied to tie the score 33-33 at the end of the third period. The Warriors took the final stanza 19-14 for their final margin of victory. Rich Soda tallied 25 points to take scoring honors. Ken Laurence added 12 anil rebounded effectively, along with Gary I,ockwood who 'pulled down 14 rebounds. Varsity MeHenry FC« FT F T McHenry iiecreation Thursday 9:15 Bowling -- J. Wiser 550; P. Overton 209, 551; T. Sutton 222-565; M. Crouch 215; T. Krause 567; C. Corso 211; W. Coari 206; E. Koch 207-587; D. Kleinhauzen 216-592; R. Kuna 223-584; A. Otto Sr. 202-554; R. Kieier 203-223-618; W. Hojnacki 203; J. Looze 213; W. Blake 201: L. Pierpaoli 226-584; W. Dalby 203-568; W. Sigman 223-555; R. Freund 201-572; R. Roseberry 218; G. Rodenkirch 586; A. Kunz, 207. Nlte Owls -- M. O'Brien 425; M. Karls 179-487 ( 40); M. Foss 409 (52); J. Nowak 350 (44); G. Steinsdorfer 202-482 ( 74); E. Rand 432 ( 48); J. Bohl 314 (20); C. Colman 170431; L. Vacondio 186-454; J. Aman> 166-434 (71); S. Rolla 304 (25); R. Rolla 372 (39); J. Maness 176-458 (68); H. Solchenberger 406 ( 60); J. Vacondio 419 (35); L. Ferwerda 43 Czajkowskl 430; Maxine Adams 434; Virginia Doherty 202* 195-545; Donna A. Schaefet 545; Janet Heide 431; Sandy Foley 187-496. Rails -- V. Doherty 5-10 and 3-7; D. Schaefer 3-10; J. Freund 5-10. Ten Pin Queens -- Elaine Cross 453; Wanda Gehrke 453; June Rink 434; Dolores Overton 469; Maru>n Donnelly 179-471; Pat Sullivan 423; Sue Pierpaoli 202- 468; Nancy Cristy 201-464; Marianne Cristy 470; Zoe Rutherford 447; Gwen Smith 487; Elaine Justen 455; Maureen Doherty 439; Bonnie O'Brien 179-458; Marion Cone 427; Nancy Ohlson 433; Lu Harrison 443; Nadine Larkin 196- 472; Bea Meath 457; Kay Kurbyn 177-450; Marvel!a Goss 425; Marion Karls 451; Joni May 178-187-533. W. L. Business Men's League Mill Inn, 2, Pr.uls Hdwe., 1; Less W. Lounge, 2. Grosse's Jive, 2; Cristy Bldrs., 1, W. L. Bldrs. 2; Freunds Dairy, 2, Bakery 2, W- L. Firemen 1; Kopper Kettle 1, Leo's Landscaping 2. Ten Pin Queens --• 1-14-63 M. Kuna 422; N. Fuhrer 420 Nancy Cristy 480; Emilie (63); E. Koenemann 174-435; | SnlithsJn 446;" Emily Hester Farr 1 3 1 5 Fino 4 3 3 11 Kusch • 5 4 4 14 R. Smith 3 0 3 6 L. Smith 1 0 2 2 Schmidt 3 1 2 7 Freund 2 0 3 4 Rourke 1 2 3 4 Meyer 1 0 1 2 TOTALS 21 13 22 55 Zion-Benton FG FT F T Smith 3 3 5 9 Clark 3 1 0 7 Railroads: M. O'Brien 5-10; A. Borovec 5-10; L. Recker 5- 6-10; M. Kuna 3-10; D. Stoffell 3-7; M. Venable 5-4-T; E. Paddock 5-10. Monday Nlte Commercial -- E. Stein 209-508; C. Behnke 205-542; H. Weber 230-554: Freddie 213; D. Houghton 535: Bob Nolan 525; Dick Hiller 200; Gene Freund 202; Thursday N'ite Business Men's George Robert 540; Ev. Hansen 206-207-580; Herb Rothering 206-205-589; E. Buss 227- 202-610; Ed Caron 215-533; Jos. Wurn 201-524; G. Schaefer 542; N. Schmaling 552; A. Rebel 228-527; Bob B. 209- 561. Wednesday Nile Mixed -- J^ilk Long 209-561; Herb Freuncfl 220-576; Mary Thennes 491y Lennie Thennes 525; Bill Rochelle 539; Karen Mc- Nally 178-469; Wanda Gehrke 183-484. Tuesday ThlrtyNiners -- Jan. 8 Maxine Adams 417; Virginia Doherty 477; Margaret Fleming 417; Donna Schaefer 521; ^ontillo . . • • ?1oore Krelle Pearce TOTALS McHenry Zlon-Benton 5 11 0 14 5 21 0 3 25 15 19 65 13 16 12 14--55 17 22 14 12--65 Soph 182-448; Lil Burno ,463; Maureen Doherty 459; Mary Beth Fuchs 176-493; Joni May 462; Dolores Overton 175; Marion Donnelly 198-501; Bea Meth 433; Nancy Ohlson 425; Marcel'. a Goss 433; Rosemary Freres 219-495; Wanda Gehrke 178-478. Palace Recreation C. O. F. -- 9 p.m. Herm Steffes 225-544; Nick Freund 236; Harold Steffen 529; Geo M. Freund 214-557. C. (K F. -- 7 p.m. B. Gende 582; Gende 529; L. Derby 208. Tavern League -- W. Meddings 208; B. Kreutzef 200; Nimsgren 219; Jim 202; B. Mailfold 201-540; J. Worm 203-554; D. Weingart 527; W. Low 522. MeHenry Mixed Moose -- Bill Jr. 564; Nancy 202-470; Edward 541; Nancy 177-462. Monday Night Ladies -- Lois Crouch 478; Joan Bucaro 428. Tomasello's 9:15 Friday Nlte Lucy Knox 201-191; Dorothy A Katlner 220; A. Rohar Stoffel 440; Dorothy Freund 196-472; Elsie Winkcl 443; Mary Einspar 418; B. McKinder 199-479; Cathy Schiltt 460; Dorothy Hiller 176-462; Tuesday Thirty Niners -- Jan. 18 -- Billie McKinder 181-642; Cathy Schlitt 440; Judy Walsh 425; Nancy McGee 420; Jean (Continued on Page 5) YOUR SNOW SHOVEL is worth $10.00 <.E()K<.r. P. FREFXD 4102 W. Crystal Lake MeHenry FG FT F T Hiller . . . 0 4 1 4 Moss . . . - 0 0 3 0 Mauch . . . 3 0 1 6 Laurence ... . . . 4 4 5 12 Loekwood . . . 1 3 1 5 Soda . . . 8 9 2 25 Stine . . . 0 0 1 0 TOTALS . . . 1 6 20 14 52 Zion-Benton FG FT F T Pleviak . . . 4 2 5 10 Short . . . . 1 0 0 2 . . . . 2 1 3 5 LaBellc 1 2 2 4 Shelton . . . . 0 0 1 0 Freeman . . . . 3 0 5 6 Barnes . . . . 2 0 1 4 Stupar v . . . . 0 0 4 0 Daly . . . . 1 2 4 4 Mayfield Smith MeHenry Zion-Benton 4 10 5 2 . . . . 3 4 1 0 9 13 11 19--52 12 5 IH 14--17 145 lbs. Meyer (M) best Falk (C) 3-!. 154 lbs. Woodman (C) beat Schuerr (M) 3-0. i65 lbs. Seaman (C) bea' Creaman <M) fc-(). 180 lbs. Eib (Mi beat Jonc; O 5-0. Hwt. Calvin ( M l pinnec \,rosbv ( C1 5-0 1:43. ^TEENS! EDD5E CASH one of The Nations Top Singers % I".us THE CASHIERS DANCING EVERY SI X. NIGHT 7:30-10:30 JUST FOR FUN Roller Rink ^ McHenry, III COLOSSAL! TimeJAa^zine^ 91 War veterans ir. l\ S. numbered 19 million in 1*50. or 40 : er cent of the male population. Open Weekdays 6:45 Sat. & Sun. & Holidays 2:15 McHENRY THEATRE End Unhealthy Winter-Heating Dryness in Your Homel v _NEWJ_ Deluxe Electric HUMIDIFIER TRKA'l'ivl: < LOSKP Wed. & Thurs. This Week Phone 338-0032 j ENDS TONIGHT THL'RS. JERRY LEWIS in "IT'S ONLY MONEY" FRIDAY - TUESDAY" LAN A TURNER and DEAN MARTIN in "WHO'S GOT THE ACTIONWEDNESDAY - SATURDAY WALT DISNEY'S "LEGEND OF LOBO" and "STORY OF THE COUNT OF MDNTE CRISTO" FRI., SAT. & SUN. MATINEE j Jan. 18. 19 & 20 Giani Double Feature WALT DISNEY'S "LOBO" Plus RED BUTTONS .1UDY GARLAND "GAY PURR-EE" Sun Mat. Starts at 2:30 p.m. SUN., MON. & TUES. Jan. 20. 21 & 22 Sunday at 7 & 9 p.m. One show Mon. & Tues. 8 p.m. STEVE McQUEEN ROBERT WAGNER "THE WAR LOVER" 3ttl7 W. MAIN Stf. KK5-V!31 SOON "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" STARTS THURS.. JAN 24 JACKIE GLEASON "GIGOT" SAMUEL BRONSTON Presents CHARLTON . i SOPHIA Now Showing thru Tues., Jan. 22 Shown Nitely 8 p.m. Sun. 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. GENEVA Lake Wis. Wed. Jan. 23 Operetta Series "THE GREAT WALTZ" No Installation Necessary Just Plug It In •AiivmKing Automatically Restores Needed Moisture for a Healthier, More Comfortable Home Automatically ends dryness caused by winter heating! Cuts down colds, prevents dried, chafed skin, lets you sleep better, wake fresher . . . keeps furniture, valuables from drying, cracking, shrinking .. . prevents musical instruments from losing tone! • Woodton* Vinyl-On-Ste*l Finish • Extr*-Laro#, • Gal. Water R*Mrv»ir • 1 Speed Puah Button Control • Automatic Refill Indicator Light • Automatic^l*rm Idistat e Built-in Rafill Hose e Automatic Pump for Emptying e Water Laval Indicator Gaupe CAREY APPLIANCE. Inc. 1241 X. Green St. Phone 305-5500 McHenry, 111.

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