Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1963, p. 9

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•• • .• "-fctr *-*#*. or* tr. ~'tm* r, m+f <m ji.I m\vm w •-» <$• •:. .# V«J® • Thursday, January, 24 1909 • ; M' • "•hi'ff- mU« MiM THE MgHEKBY PLAHTOEALEB mipifin McCullom Lake CHET HELWIG INJURED AS AUTO HITS SNOW PLOW Eve Leveoqne Chester Hehvig, 44, was seriously injured Sunday Wiling when he collided with a snow plow on Elm Street in McHenry al»out 3 a.m. He was rushed to McHenry hospital r>y ambulance where h*» was rej »orted to be in critical condition on Monday. The snow plow .was driven by Gerald Schiller. Our sympathies are with Ort during this trying time as she and all neighbors and friedns are praying for Chefs recovery. His car was a complete loss. Villiigc President NaniMl State Treasurer's Aide Jake Levesque has be^un his position as administrative assistant to William J. Scott., state treasurer'. He is one 01 four men serins in this capacity. Jake is helping to organize and run the Chicago office, located at 160 N. LaSalle Street. Last week, Jake and several men from the McHenry area attended the inauguration ceremonies in Springfield for Mr. Scott and Mr. Page. The appointment was made at this time. Ladies Group Will Meet Next Week Instead of Tonight Because of the extreme cold wave which has engulfed our area, the regularly scheduled meeting of the- Ladies of the Lake will be held on Jan. 31, instead of tonight. They will meet at the home of Marie Howeon Fountain Lane. Theresa Schultz Files For Township Office As we went to press Theresa Schultz planned to file for the office of assistant supervisor for McHenry township this ("'fhui'sclay^ morning. She is the first woman to announce her crtndidacy for this i»osition. If .she proves victorious in April she will be the firt woman to hold a township office. Surgical Patient I'.'d Hammerstein underwent <-'U"gery in Wesley Memorio' hospital, Chicago, recently. He injured himself and hecamtjpcapacitated as a result of a ruptured tendon in his leg. He wijl be wearing a cast for quite some time and would no doubt lie' j"leased to receive messages of cheer. AVfriost of you know, I>ouise ami Ed have rented an apartment in the city for the winter months and their address is 2711 S. Komensky, Chicago, 2.'?, 111.- Wc understand the IMaindealer is delivered to them regularly' and they eagerly uwjit its arrival. f>e«,|M'st Sympathy To Mrs. Nick Tabor of Lakemoor roac! on thr loss of her mgtlier, Mrs. Dorothy Black, who passed awav in St. Anthrhy's hospital. Michigan City, Mich., last week. She had been seriously ill for some time and underwent surgery last November. Betty and Nick attended the services which were held at St. Mary's Catholic church, West Chicago, on Friday. Burial was in the church cemeteiy. In addition to her daughter, Betty, Mrs. Black is survived by daughters, Dorothy Bock of Chicago;"^Mrs. Mary Ellen Gorup of Hammond, Ind., and Leah Black who lived with her mother in Bridgeman, Mieh> Other survivors are one son, Robert, also of Bridgeman; Eight grandchildren and Two great-grandchildren. ----- Brave Travellers Risking the hazards of winter driving, Dr. and Mrs. Don Nelson and their two handsome sons. Scott and Kent, were weekend guests at Elsie and Clayt's. Arriving on Saturday after a few days of shopping in Chicago, they dropped in to visit with big brother, Earl, and his family, too. The travelling Nelsons were fortunate that daddy is a doctor. His services for year old Kent were required on the way. The baby apparently was having trouble during his teething. Infant Christened Janet Marie, the one month old infant of Lillian and Hal Michels. was presented at the font of St. Mary's church recently for baptism. Holding the wee one was godmother, Barbara Gerasch of McHenry. The baby's other sponsor was her uncle, Richard Michels of Johnsburg. Mrs. TilIietl!Geraseh prepared and served the ceremonial dfnner for the Michels fartiily which numbers eight children: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolowic ami their tribe of seven; paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Michels of Johnsburg; and Mrs. Gerasch's two daughters, Barbara and Susan. pop, and introducing Nancy t6 her large family of relatives. Henrietta served a roast oeef dinner for fourteen at noon. In addition to the immediate family, Mrs. John Vycital and daughter, Frances; Mr. and Mi's. Art Hoppe; Frank Gargaro of Richmond; and Elaine Kuper and her youngsters were present. A buffet dinner at d p.ra. was served to thlrty-cne. Those present included Charles* Schroeder, Ernest and Madeline Schroeder and many others. For this affair, Henrietta had roast beef, turkey, casseroles, salads, and petit fours for dessert. Frances Vycital and FJhsie Hopi>e fashioned the gorgeous centerpieces for the dining table and the buffet. ' * John and his young bride are leaving here tomorrow and he will report to his base at Norfolk. In the near future he will be transfered to Bainbridge, Maryland, for shore duty. Hiatus In Mexico A card received from our good gal pal, Ruth Smith, tells us that she is having a divine time in Mexico with stops in Mexico City and Acupulcc. This is enough to make us all turn "green" when she notes that the climate is i>erfect, while we shiver at 22 below! Her plans are to return about March and we do hope she will be in the neighborhood for a visit. Sunnyslde Estate!' STEVE MAJORS MAKING HOME IN SUNNYSIDE Joan Walczynskl 985*3195 Although it's a little belated, we Would like to take fthe opportunity to announce the marriage of Steve Major to Margaret Oik of Holiday Hills. The cereniony took place an Saturday, Dec. 29 at St. Marys church in McHenry. Father Holmgren officiated at the nuptial ceremony. Margaret's sister, Elizabeth Jean, was her maid of honor, and Steves brother, Mike, was his best man. An at-home reception tor family and friends was held at the Major residence that evening. The newly-weds are temporarily making their home with Steve's folks here in our community. Congratulations to the happy young couple. meeting and a uniform inspection. The girls then worked on their health aid bidge, this week tliey were taught how ami why to use an ice p:ick and i hot water bottle and how ic. improvise ir. case one wa£ riot available when needed. The girls then viewed slides entitled "Our Cabana" and "Our Chalet furnished them by Council. Cookie hostess was J oann- M't thews. M£HW> IN* JOHN P. FLINT JOINS STAFF OF McHENRY SAVINGS John Ncuharth. executive vice-president' of McHenry Savings an*' Loan association, has announced that John P. Flint PUiakee Terrace VISITOR RETURNS TO ARIZONA HOMK FOLLOWING VISIT Joyce Toepper -- 385-S044 game to Fox River Grove 23 t| 19 on Wednesday. However t! day was brightened some the Junior varsity won 15 to Bine Bootees June and Kirby Fish rl Beach View Road are ecstatic over the birth of their second child.Scott Edward, on Jan. IT. Tnr» little fella checked into McHenry hospital weighing 6 lbs., lOox. His "big" sister. Michelle, is delighted with her new playmate. She was one year old last fall. This is the eighth grandchild for Shirley and Len Jensen. S;\ Anolher tribe of the Jensen family is the Len Jensen, Jrs., of West Parkview with their four! When the family lias a reunion. Pat and her husband bring their two and it makes for a jolly group! June and Kirby became residents of the village last September. Reception For Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital were honored guests for an "open hou«c" at Henrietta and Harold's" last Sunday. John and his lovely Nancy were married Jan. 5 in New Jersey, and after •» short honeymoon jaunt to Florida, they were staying here in the villaye with mom and Natal "Daie" Congrats to Marie Burg tomorrow, Jan. 25 .. .Ditto Irene Sales as oft;Jan. 26....Wee Pamela Kasper will be 2 on Sunday, Jan. 27.... J an. 29. rings a bell frr many in the village. On this date, Donna Godina will be 3. Billy Aalto will be 14, and Elaine Kuper is a "Wee bit over 21." Best wishes to all. Wedding Guests Another recent wedding found the Tillich family traveling to Waukegan to sec Mike's newphew, Kenneth Hellstern, joined in matrimony to Janice Graham. Theirs was an evening, candlelight ceremony with a reception immediately following. Rose and Mike enjoyed seeing family and friends and renewing acquaintances. As we go to press, we pray for the life of Chet Helwig and ask that others join us in wishing for a happy outcome in his battle for life. It was just about one year ago that we were doing the same for Leo Sbarbrough. See you next week. HEBE AND THERE IN BUSINESS C. R. "Chuck" Peterson of McHenry has earned membership in the 1962 President's club, the top sales honor organization for the salesmen of Bankers Life company, Des Moines, Iowa. He won this recognition for ranking among the 149 leading salesmen of the field force in personal production of new business during the qualifying period for the club. Grateful That's what Mary Rose is to all her heli>ers on the Cerebral Palsy Drive h$ld last Sunday. They included Farm Fuqua, Bernice Fry, Betty Lakovvskc, Marge Palmer and myself. And just Oto mention a bit of coincidence. it took me exactly fiftythree minuts to call on the homes assigned to me. How's that for taking part in the Fifty-three Minute March"' Your donations were appreciated, as was your kindness in answering your door to the volunteers. 8EROA Also last Sunday was a special meeting of the Sunnyside Estates Home Owners Association, Inc. There were a large number in attendance, (the largest ever, actually) and it seems a real shame that at least that many, if not more can't attend every meeting of our association. A vote was taken on sewerage, other matters of importance were discussed and HarpM Palmer is our new president of the board of directors. He was given a vote of confidence to cany on tlie association's good worx. Girl Scouts Troop 88 began their weekly meeting with a flag ceremony This was followed bv a husines* More Scouts Troop 295 also viewed thsainh slides' at their meetim, thanks to Alice Bieschke, and discussed plans for troop do ings. As I told you last Week wc had some big plans for ne.M Saturday. Jan. 26. WelW hn things w ill happen, these plans, too had to be cancelled. Wc have decided to wait unt.i wann weather before carrying out any other plnns of thi nature. The refreshment ho« - tess for the meeting was Cain' Kobus; she brought cake arvi ice cream to celebrate he birthday with her fellow scour Sick Lit* Marge DeFrancisco is terribly sick with the flu and is in Chicago at her sister's home. It seems she was feeling sick enough to go to her doctor in Chicago and had to remain at her sister's home. There is so much illness going around, I guess everyone is ready to have the heat of summer back again. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: Today little miss Karen Kennebeck is five years old. Tomorrow, Jan. 25, Diane Bierehen will become seventeen years of age. J;ui. 26. is shared by Arlene Babju'sky, who will be eighteen years of age. and Jim Stevens. And on Jan. 30 Eric Olsen will In; two years old. Happy birthday one and all. Anniversary greetings uo to Marge and Tim Farley tomorrow, Jan. 25, when they wi'l celebrate sixteen years of wedded bliss; and on Jan. 'M> Pat and Eddie Matus/ak celebraie their happy day, and I'm sony to report my records don't show the year of their mairiage. Looks like I'll have to get my records brought up to date. Nevertheless, congratulations to all four of you. May you be blessed with the years to share many, many more logether. Signing Off . WeJt, once again the column 1 ifriTiighty short, but one e again, the calls were not too plentiful Hope there will be snore next week. 'Bye now! JOHN P. FLINT has joined the staff of the association in the mortgage loan department. Flint, who assumed his new duties on Jun. 1st, is 28 years old. He and his wife, Del'ores, are the parents of three children, Jack, 11; Billy, 9; and Diane, 6 Mr. Flint is a native of Lombard, 111., where he attended Glenbard high school. He saw service with the United Slates Marine corps in the Pacific for two and-l-half years. Following his discharge from tlie service. Flint enrolled at Illinois Wesleyan university, where he became affiliatedavit b Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. After spending nine and-lhalf years as senior real estate appraiser for the Equitable Life Assurance society in the Chicago area. Flint became chief appraiser for Arlington Heights Federal Savings and Loan association in 1960. The Flint family will In? moving to McHenry as soon as Mr. Flint can locate a home in the area. After a two we^Tc s-tay with her brother and family, the Anthony Kurowskis, Mrs. Sophia Schwenlker left Wednesday, Jan. 16, for her home in Tucson, Ariz. During her visit with the* Kurowskis, Mrs. Schwenlker spent some time visiting relatives in Chicago, her brotherin- law, Peter Kohl of Twin Lakes, Wis., and the family accompanied her for luncheon at brother Hank's and wife lh Lake Elizabeth on Tuesday. Brownie* Brownies Troop 150, missing four girls due to the extremely cold weather, performed the flag ceremony Tuesday before spending time practicing theii newly learned embroidery stitches and doing a few tumbling exercises. Cookie hostess wa.» Audrey Seliga. Cindy Kettner has volunteered to attend ail meetings i»ossible and help leader Irene Seliga with her twelve girls. Cub Scouts Cub Den 4, Pack 452, had a busy meeting on Wednesday as they learned a little cooking bymaking cinnamon toast for themselves, made paper airplanes from a scyut book pat tern, practiced posting colors for the February-pack meeting and made individual birth congratulation cards for co-leader Marilyn Wiggerman. Cookie host was Scott Wiggerman. Basketball After such a successful week last week the inevitable had to hapiwned as Johnsburg grade school lost their basketball Here and There*"* Dinner guests in the Renoche home Monday evening were the Ray Hansen family of Wonder I^ake. Mrs. Ahna Affiler^, ^ccorhpanied by Mrs. Aim Gofers, Pistakee -Highlands, and Mrs. Margaret Durrenberg, Jak-Ana Heights. celebr«trd ' her recoil; birthday with lunch.* near Gurnee on Wednesday. The Calvin Vydunas spent Saturday evening in Elmhurst at the W. G. Vyduna home to celebrate the birthday of Cal's father. George Vyduna of Oak Park. ! j Eola Hillman and Jean Benoehe attended a demonstration in the Round Lak«» home of Marlene Mikei Tuesday evening. Toeppers spent the weekend w i t h celebrations orf Saturday evening at the Senior Toepper home in Trevor in observance of Len's parent* wedding anniversary. On Sunday Len, Joyce and the boys joined her sister and family, the Rodger Lyons of Clinton, Wis., at the Salem, Wis,, horn* of G. J. Nelson in honor of Mrs.' Nelson's birthday. Birthday* Many happy returns of OH* day to the Bush famity as Karen will celebrate her twentieth birthday on Jan. 25, St Illinois State Normal where sne is a student and to her fathgc; James, whose birthday is JtOfc 27. Best wishes also to new neighbor Frank McClory on Jan. 26, Debbie Stull who wjll be ten on Jan. 27. Roy Genaz# on ^an. 28, and Lillie Steidte on J^n. 30. BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED UPHOLSTERY FABRICS AND DRAPERY CLOTH $1.00 and $1.50 per yard 54 Inches Wide L<aiuinated Red Jersey |1<M Pwr Yw4[ TREMENDOUS VALUES! Rivewide Rctdit Out^ t/o HIGH pressure •iiMiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiuiumiuimiiiiituuttuuiiuiuiNiiiimiiiiuuiu't' For Thai MAN In Your LIFE m Thurs. Feb. 14 l° Just around ttle corner! Valentines NORCROSS ...of course S«9 them at FUN TO DRIVE... SUPRI ad GHANDPA too..: Th* • * nothing that e«t« so dot* lo a Dad a< a gift •f wearables, Choot# fro* our complato MladtoMk STORE FOR MEN TO OWN! Exciting new blend of beauty and action... in the low-price field I What a simple, saving way to move into an Oldsmobile! The stylish, longer-looking F-85 sports a spirited aluminum V-8 . . . maneuvers around tight turns and into snug parking places with equal ease! Yet it's priced right down in the low-price field! Fun-drive an F-85 . . . today! There's "Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILE/ OLDSMOBILE F"85->- ••M B0LGERS DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Street McHenry, 111. J245 N. Green St. Phone S85-004T McHenry. Ill , Open Daily « a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 to 0 p. , Sunday 9 a.m. 'tU 12 noon USE THE FKEE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA •MHMMtMimiftiifntMH'MfmmfniitniHiimffUitmntimtmnimtMtmnitfimmnmmintfimtinnnirct • - SEE YOUR LOCAL i rIORiZED OLDSMOBILE QuALiTY R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES,1109 N- Fw»« stmt I 41/2% Per Annum On Investment Accounts I Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts T» IU.MI <5** I itrUimqi waitings and LOAN ASSOCIATION Our Services To Y o u . . . 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages ^ 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds H. Night Dopositorv SAFET1 OF YOUR SAVINGS SURE 'IO.OOO COtf Pr 3611 West Elm Phone 385-3000 McHenry, 111. "That's all he paints < since he discovered how - his savings are insured by a permanent agency of the United States Government when vhe puts his money* in McHenry Savings anct Loan Assn., where it earns the highest rate of dividend consistent with' S&fgty."

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