Thursday. January. 24. 1983 THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALEH Eastwood Manor BAKE SALE WILL HELP REMODELLIN6 PROGRAM AT BARN Iverson 385-1415 Saturday starting at 9 a.m. is the big date of ,the Eastwood Manor bake sale. Get" your goodies over to Kay 'Mitchell's by Friday evening or give her a call, 385-4058. so she can arrange to have your donation picked up. Proceeds Irom this sale will go to Remodel the barn which can be used for all our E.M.P.O.A. meetings and any social gatherings. If yfiu would like to use the barn contact A1 Bianclji or any other E.M.P.O.A. officer. Committee workers for the bake sale ore Kay Milchell, chairman, Frieda liurkin, Pr.m Woodbury, Carolyn Roths, Pat Cisewski and Dot tie Messer. Birthday (.reetirigs Happy birthday to Ralidy Priesler who will bo six on .Ian. 26. Best wishes to Rosemary Rogers on her tenth birthday Sunday, Jan. 27. Jan. 29 Kay Mitchell shares her natal day with tiny 4-vear old" Pauline Petersen. Lois Ryan and Lydia Fenner will be celebrating Jan. 30. Wishing you all a very big day! Anniversaries Saturday, Jan. 28, we have two fine couples eligible to celebrate their wedding anniversaries. They are Mr. and Mrs. Don Cisewski and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rohrer, Jr. Many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes on the twenty-ninth as they celebrate their January wedding anniversary. Best wishes to all three of you grand couples! Birthday Celebrants Eugene Kuek was eleven on Jan. 12 and celebrated the day with a nice party. Due to the bad weather he was telephoned and wished a very happy birthday by his grandparents in Chicago, llis parents took him shopping to choose his own birthday gift. Family friends, Tom and Betty, came out one evening with gift and cheery greetings for many more happy birthdays for this young man. Little Debbie Wilson had some of her small neighborhood friends in for cur) cakes and ice cream on her birthflay. In the evening the family enjoyed the Boston ci-eain pie she had ordered in place of a birthday cake. Jan. 12 was the big day for Marge Brodin. She went to the home of Tony Fitip where Juanita served birthday cake and. coffee. The Filip children had made the very delicious cake. Guest for this get-together was their mother. Mrs. Catherine Williams. Jan. 11 young Russell Davis observed his day with a family V - ra * i : '< '• 1 4femer featuring a hfjg birthday cake. Sun d . M i c h a e l R e n d e r "shaivd his "birthday 'cake' and ice cream with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs:. Jim Ciaybaugh of McHenry. On Monday he had a wonderful birthday party. Guests were Danny Nye, Jeff and Mike Aim, Susan and Teresa Sehaeffer, Mike, Annette and Brian Loser, and all the moms. Deep Sympathy We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to two Eastwood Manor families on their recent losses, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rbhrer, Jr., on Country Lane on the death of Leroy Rohrer, Sr. Leroy was the only child. Bob Newlon lost his youngest sister, Mrs. Delores Shields of Chicago, when she passed away of pneumonia in the hospital. She was just 32 and left four small children. Our thoughts are with you today and hope they may be of some comfort to you in your time of such sorrow. Brownies The Brownies meeting for Jan. 16 was called off due to the work being done in the church basement with the addition of an emergency exit door. Susan Newlon was the last cookie hostess. Jane Miller will be cookie hostess on Jan. 23. At this meeting they will have show and tell and are to bring closed jack-knives in sealed envelopes. Our little Brownies are to begin lessons of soap-carving. Cookie hostess for the next, meeting, Jan. 30, will be Pam Radner. Girl Scouts The girls played games at their last meeting and worked on their second class charts. They ended their meeting with the "run-along-home" song. Lynn Newlon was cookie hostess. > Confirmations Karen Betke was confirmed Sunday at St. Patrick's. She received many nice presenls q,nd a beautiful cake and dinner were served to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eklund, j Arnold Eklund, and children, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. i Arnold Eklund, and children, I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.! Arnold Eklund of Chicago, and! Mr. Beike. Her sponsor was j Arlene Eklund. j Sisters Marion and Nancy j Olson made their confirmation \ Sunday. Marion's sponsor was i Irene Furrer and Nancy's was 1 Grace Furrer who are mother | and daughter or aunt and niece j to the girls. Other guest was! their grandmother, Mrs. Irene j Iannacco of Franklin Park I »vho enjoyed the beautiful ! ceremony in the church. Toni I served the guests several very) delicious roast chickens for | dinner with all the trimmings ! and a lovely cake. The girls j received many nice gifts. 1 Lynn Newlon was confirmed ; Sunday at St. Patrick's church, i j Her amg, Mrs. \Vurtz. was her j J sponsor. Other guests for din- j , ner, cake, and coffee were her j i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs* #yl I ! Gilloffo of Chicago. , j i There were a number of) j youngsters being confirmed j j Sunday but I was unable to: contact them for individual write-ups. I still woukl like them to contact^ mo today or this evening and it will lie in next week's column. Names I received were John and Michael Schmidt, Tom and Linda Lawrence, Jacquelynn Cary, Rk-ky Woolwine and James Sobacki. We wish to congratulate them and let us hear from you. Fashion Shows Kay Mitchell gave d demonstration in her home Wednesday Jan. 16. She served two very luscious cakes and coffee to her guests. Everybody had a wonderful time. . Lois McCormack hostessed a demonstration serving an assortment of delightful goodies to her many guests. Tripoli Club Marilyn Fultz hostessed the regular meeting of the Tripoli Club serving barbecues, pickles, chips, cookies, and coffee. She came out the first winner with Louise Wicgman, substituting, the Ijooby prize winner of the evening. Pat Coughlin was also a substitute player. The gals presented Marilyn a gift certificate since she will soon lie leaving the Manor to make her home in St. Louis. Here And There The Ed Radher family went into Chicago to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lightholder; Betty's parents. Her father has been ill. Tom Simpson was in New York for a company sales conference. The Simpson family got together for his brother's birthday in the city. "Tom's dad is in a hospital in Evanston. After all the neighbors thought Debbie, Olson had Iho measles it turned out to be a false alarm! John and Pat Coughlin spent the weekend in Chicago. John's mother came out here to baby-sit and they took over her city apartment. They enjoyed eating in a steak house Lakemoor-Lilymoor SEVERAL FAMILIES SUFFER LOSSES IK SERIOUS FIRES Shirley Schuerr 385-2643 Early in the a.m. Sunday, Jan. 13. the Lakemoor and McHenry firemen were called out to Dan and Kay Meyer's home on East view Avenue. Dan, Kay, their son, Terry, and Dan's father escaped uninjured. They spent the remainder of the night at the home oT their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rathke, The first floor on the soufhside of the home was badly burned. The firemen worked for five hours in well below zero weather putting the fire out and making sure that it wouldn't start up again. At last report Dan, Kay and Terry were staying with Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colhierg of Lilymoor. On Wednesday, Jan. 16, the home of Kenneth ahd Nancy Maxson of West Shore Beach caught fire. Kenneth and Nancy were playing wilh their three month old son. Scott, when they heard their two and half year old Dale screaming. They ran into his bedroom and found it on fire. All escaped uninjured. Little Dale lost all his clothing, but what he was wearing at with their friends and just getting away for awhile. Faith Church News Sunday, Jan. 27 Youth Sunday at Faith church. Members of our newly organized Youth Fellowship will plan and conduct the entire service of worship. The recently elected officers of Faith church organization are Bert Kissling, moderator, Bruce Peck, vice-moderator and Treasurer and Jane Macdonald, secretary. Tuesday, Jan. 29 - Choir practice at 8 pan. Wednesday, Jan. 30 Brownies at 6 p.m. The Faith church is having an emergency basement exit door put in for the safety of all children during church schoi.!. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- C.LASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS. DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 Everything piles up handsomely in a Chevy II including savings Imagine a low-loading wagon roomy enough to handle most anything you can heft--and still trim enough to slip into cramped parking spots. We imagined it, built it and called it Chevy II. Made it as dependable as a wagon can get. And made it so it'll keep piling up savings over the years. Those show up in the way CHEVY I Keeps Going Great this one goes and goes on a gallon. They grow with brakes that adjust themselves. An exhaust system that lasts longer. And a Delcotron generator that keeps battery reserve power up. Want to hear more? How about a low price, natty interiors, Body by Fisher craftsmanship --and a talk with your Chevrolet dealer soon! '.'j i\:»•!> 4.00 i-Dfior H-PasHen/fi't U jon See four entirely different kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's . . . Chevrolet, Chevy II, Corvair and Corvette. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES thp 1 ime. Kenneth, Nancy and their two sons' are now staying with Nancy's parents. Herb and Alberta Brossmon. The Lakemoor flivmen were called out to Al and Jean Dember's home Tuesday, Jan. 15. Fire was due to the hot water heater. The residents of our communities can be very .proud of the men who serve as firemen here in Lakepioor and Lilymoor. It sure is a gooH feeling to know we have such good men on the department. Cerebral Palsy Drive The card and bunco party held Saturday, Jan. 12, was a huge success. Those who attended enjoyed themselves. The Cerebral Palsy drive was very successful. My co- , workers were Wijas, Li 1 1 Neumann, Connie Johnson. Lee Bassi, Tina Bellino, Kathy Brzezinski. Murcella Foss, Fred Fradinardo, Diane Fuhler, Lorraine Hecl>mann, Marylyn LoPrcsti. 'Shirley Nicholis, Billy Schuerr. Eunice Tobey and Dorothy Wrublewski. There is only one complaint It is a rotten shame that one of the containers had to be stollen out of one ol ihc places of business. How l<m can someone stoop" < Jet-Well Wishes go to .lake Johnson who entered the McHenry hos pital Sunday, Jen. 13. Get-well wishes go to Gerry Qi nnon. Gerry entered the hospital Thursday, Here's hoping you home and just fine McHenry Jan. 17. both are by now. Belated Birlhday Greetings 1o Susan Farr. Susan celebrated her sixteenth birthday Tuesday, .Ian, l.~>. Belated Anniversary greetings go to Wally and Lou Farr. They celebrated their nineteenth wed&ing anniversary Sunday, Jan. t>. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many, more together. ('liarcli Pastor Don Allen of the Bethel Baptist church is inviting everyone to attend services at his church. Sen'ices are Sunday school at 9:45 a.Tri'..- Sunday services are at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Also on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The church is located in the little white school house in Lilymoor., ----Paster Allen is the Fox Valley Association Youth director, and he is inviting all youths to attend the youth meetings held Sunday evenings al 1 p.m. Sympathies No words can express our deepest sympathies to Mrs. Joseph Romkowske on the loss of her husband. Joe passed ayvay at the McHenry hospital Thursday, Jan. 17, where he had been a patient for sixteen days. Our deepest sympathies go tiVvMm^ Schiavone on the loss ol her niece who resided in ('hicago. Back From Their ten day vacation to Canada are Jim and Arlene Freund. Jim and Arlene had a grand time enjoying the interesting sights and fishing. Jim got to try out the fishing equipment -fie~recT,ived from a local T.V. station. Jim's prize catch was an eight pound piko. Congratulations Go to Susan Crawley whe was confirmed Sunday. Jan. 1.1, at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. C ast Off I am happy to report that SuVan Crawley had her cast removed from her arm Thursday, Jan. 17. All hough she still has to be very careful of the arm" she is* Happy to hnVe ir-i out of the cast. I'nlfomis Wanted If anyone has a Cub Scout I uniform please contact Cubj Master Al Bianchi at 385-42(51 Al is looking for uniforms for the boys who do not have one in Pack 162. Yovi also can font act Bob Fuhler at S85- .">271. If your boy has outgrown his Cub uniform or has advanced to Scouting Jierc Is your chance to help out same other Cub. R^scbMt Snapetiftioti • 'I • 1 Secretary of 8tatej vChartes ~ F, Carpentier has announeff'-i ^ the driverjs license division his office has rescinded th«. suspension of the license of Robert H. King, 2 Kellogg Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois, This action was taken upon review of the record whichdisclosed that King "dfies not presently have three or more moving traffic violation victions within one year. HENRY EISSING AUCTION AUCTIONEERS: W. H. Russel 8c Wm. SUIHTM Having decided to quit farming will sell at public auction all ,t my personal property located on the farm situated on the Franklinville Blacktop Road 2 miles North of Rt. 176, miles _ Southwest of Woodstock. 7 miles Northeast of Marengo, oru SUNDAY. JANUARY 27. 1963 ( ommencint; ut 12:80 MACHINERY: Oliver WL Tractor PTO w/Corn Stalk Lifter; McCormick "H" Tractor w/two row Cultivator; J. D. 12A Combine w-hume reel; New Idea Corn Picker. 1 row; McCormick 9 ft. Disk; 44 Sect ion Drug .w,'folding draw bar, steel; Oliver 2 16-in. Plow; McC. 4 Bar Hay Rake on rubber; New Idea Hay Mower 7 ft.; Oliver 2 row Corn Planter; McC. Baler No. 45 PTO; New Idea Manure Spreader PTO, No. 200; New Idea Fertilizer Spreader, 10 f t . ; Oliver 2 row Rotary Hoe; Owatopna 46-ft. Elevator w/motor; McCormick Silo Filler 40 ft. pipe; 2 Lindsay running gears Wagon w/rack and box; 1 Pr. 11x38 Tractor Chains; Hydraulic Jack, unloading wagons; 2 Wheeled Trailer; Horn Front End Loader; Int. 10 ft. Grain Drill; Electric Grind Stone; 50 ft. Drive Belt; 1 Dehorner; Cpw Clipper; Silage Cart; 40 ft. Extension Ladder; Steel Fence Post Driver; 2 Hand Sprayers, 3 Gal. 300 Cap. Electric Brooder; 1,000 lb. Scale; 2 Wheel Barrows; Buzz Saw; Wire Stretcher; Int. Milking Pump and Motor w/pipe line for 34 cows; Steel and Wooden Posts and Braces; Grease Gun; Quantity of Household Articles; Many misc. tools used on farm. FEKD 37 Ton Baled Alfalfa Hay, 1st cutting; Quantity Straw; 2 Bu. Grass Seed; 4 Ton Billed Straw; 200.jBu. Oats. HENRY EISSING, Owner Not Respontiible For AccldeuU lT«tual Bank Trirni FIB ST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, (lurking Member F. D. I. C'. Fed. Hea. Sytiteai < * ; w? : ? ? % ; \ .sii •M' - Now you can heat that extra room economically with a Gas Heater! NO CHIMNEY NEEDED. New wall-vented gas room-heaters fit almost anywhere, give you fast, dependable heat when and where you need it--with typical gas economy. Plenty of comfort even in coldest weather . . . automatically. It's healthful heat; sealed combustion chamber uses no room oxygen. Ideal for added rooms, breezeways, attics* garages, closed-in porches, bathrooms and sleeping rooms. Choose from these leading brands: Iron Fireman Chill-Chaser, Peerless Uni-Matic, Stewart-Warner Saf-Aire, Siegler, Suburban Novent, Temco. No gas heat permit necessary. For a gas room-heater to meet your needs, see your local heating contractor, or contact Northern Illinois Gas Company, Phone 385-2061 NORTHERN 1 ILLINOIS HGAS Service around the chck 008 N. FRONT STREL l McHfcWRY. ILLINOIS PHONIJ 385-0277 If you live beyond our mainTseeyourl LP-GAS§BEALER