Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1963, p. 2

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pm-i*&£L THE McHEHRY PLAIWDEALER:' Thursday/ January 24, 1963 « :u. u 31# ARILY N xfti Eftl, ftHftft Klehl KrtKiiired Z'.T." to Wed fciar.v Atlam# " Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kieh! of 3913 Oak avenue, McHenry, announce the env:HKement of their daughter, Marilyn, to Gary Adams, son Of Mr. ortd Mik. Vale Adams of HI 5 Nrfrin Green strfeet, McHenry. Gary Is a sophomore at. Northern Illinois university and Marilyn b attending Btyrfnt and Stratum Business coll<H*p. No date has been set forthe w e d d i n g . < • / NORMA «.OKH JlbrtkM Jean ^lorr Plnnn .Thine Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorr of LeVilla VhujkMI subdivision, Grlswold Lake, announced the entjnijrment of their daughter. Norma Jean, to Mr. Kenneth Losch of Griswold Lake Hills Both are graduates of Mr- Henry hi«h school. Miss Gorr is employed in Crystal Lake and her fiance in Klgin. A June wedding is planned. to*** («*• •» • v f DIANE WISER. '***"•' • » » .. Wedding Date HeJ ^ ^ ^ ^ * By Diane Wiser Announcement IJifs rHcen made' by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser of Volo of the ehga^t*ment Of their daughter, Diane Mamv to Mr. Gerald Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph iVagnfer, aim of Volo. A May 18 wedd^ig is planned." Mrfienry llospltal Mr. and Mrs. 15Hward Maslo, Spring Grove, are parents of.a son born Jan. 14.^ A daughter wajitborn J Ah. 17, tto Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Tfarv^y Smith announce the birj,h of a daughter Jan. 18. Mr. and Mrs. falter Freese, Crystal Lake, became parents of a son Jan. 19. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merchant announce the birth of a daughter Jan. 20. A son was boriPflan. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Doftald Grabbe. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. "Upland Berg, Wonder Lake, aiv parents of a daughter born JjTfs. 20. -' A daughter waa bora Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oeffling. t J Other Births Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Knox are proud grandparents lor the thirtieth time. The newest arrival is a daughter bom to Mr. and Mi's. Ronald Mauer of Park street, IVfccHenry. The baby was born at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, ?an. 21, and has a brother, Ronnie, 2Vsj, and a sister, Debbie, one year old, to welcome her. Mrs. Maurer is the former Eileen Knox. The paternal grandparents are the Elmer Mauers of Burtons Bridge. [There are about 500,000 tyiles of submarine cable in the world. I <«! -4- ~j "PRlStJT^ TO LATE" MR&. COE CARRIER. IN NEW BOOKLET , ***** AlplIA flveta chApt^t of Delta Kappa Gamma met nt the South iuhiV.r Higtt <fchhbl, Crystal Lake, recently, with Miss. Edltti PCpwromber pnrtid* iny. Miss RiMh Vestimg IMMdtired the speaker of the evening. Dr. Helen NUmljers of Crystal t,akr». t>r. tetihii)ers Is a po^iairist and ?raw ah informative and .. interesting talft on 1K<- field of podiatry. t"he quallf'- entions required, the frrftirtrils avail-'bir, and the great need for. podiatrists were .discussed. This program A'a* in keeping with ttfb tttepflpr thetttt? Ihr yertv, "Advancing VVith WVttVieri Leaders of the Mbdevri Worki.' Another feature. of the evening Was the distribution of the booklet entitled, "Inspiration through The Years." This was written mainly by °Miss Faith Harrington and is a biography of the late.Mrs. Ethel C. Coo, formerly corfhty superintendent of McHenry County schools. Mrs. Cne was a former tnemtxr of Alpha Theta chapter find was a state founder of the Delta Kappa Gamrna society. Mrs. Coe had a foresight beyond the comprehension of many people and a way of bringing out. the best in all people. Alpha Theta has an award that is given each year In Mrs. Coe's memory to sohte high school student who is planning to become a teacher. Miss Nowcomber ga'Ve a report on the state board meeting that she recently attended at the Sherman hotel in Chicago. A plan for the change in procedure of Delta Gamma work was very ably presented. A reminder to make plans to attend the state convention in Peoria during the latter part of March was given. The next meeting of Alpha Theta chapter will be held at Hilltop school in McHenry duriiv March, with ihe Future Teachers as guests. Those attending frcm Mc- Heniy were Lillian Bolger, N. Hie Doherly, Eleanor Foley. >< rothv Gibbs and Dorothy »' I Inch. >1AKTIIA I^VIS Chiirlnt Anderson To Wed Woodstock Girl Mr. and Mrs-;. George R. Davis of 1620 Walnut drive, Woodstock, announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Madge Davis, to Chftrles Theodore Anderson, Jr., son of the senior Andersons of 4720 West Willow lane, McHenry. The date of the wedding has not lieen announced as yet. IN MKMOIUAM !n loving memory of our dear tlaughter and sister Marilyn Andei-sen who passed away four years ago, January 25, 1<»59. Sweet are tVie memories that never fade. Of one \fre loved, but could not save. Sihcere and kind in her heart and mind. What wonderful memories she left behind. Loving Mom, Dad and Carol Jean *1-24-63 OSRITAL •8 CARD OF THANKS The thought fulness and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a pi*ecious memory. We are especially grateful to the Reverend Fathers Coakley, Parker and Baumhofer, the V.F.W., the Altar and Rosary Sodality and the Lady Foresters. Our sincere thanks to all. The Family of Edith McAndrews *1-24-63 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our a p p r e c i a t i o n a n d s i n c e r e thanks to all our friends and relatives for flowers, spiritual bouquets and sympathy shown during the illness and passing of o.ur loved one. Special thanks to the clergy and all the doctors and nurses at McHenry Hospital. The Family of Mrs. Helen Hettermann *1-24-63 McHenry H«wpital Admissions at McHenry hospital during the past week included William McDermott, Nfles; Margaret A. Vachy and Erna C. San berg, Ingleside: Helen Seegers, William Reddersdorf and Ada Hynan, Crystal Lake; Dorothy C. Hansen and Elizabeth Uselding, Fox Lake; Laura J. Hunt, Hebron: Mary Ann Pennington, Mt. Prospect; Elizabeth J. Fitzpatrick, Dolton; Lloyd Pickering, Richmond; Lovle Mrotz, George Hanisch, Richard Hall, Clarence M. Young, Karen Thelen, Pearl Gannon, Evalena Lowrey, Lorel Brrfeld, Richard J. Jnhlonski, Michael Surovitz, Mary T. Einspar, Conrad Borg, Theresa A. Brooks, Elaine M. Galetka, Dorothy Erbin, Patricia A. Kriegel, Chester Helwig, Jeanne A. Hillstrom, Rev. Joseph M. BHtsch, Margaret Daniel Williams and Ronald Meyer, Jr., McHenry; Jean Mizerka, Cicero; and Juanita M. March, Round Lake. Memorial Hospital Woodstock Patients admitted during the past week at Memorial hosp i t a l , W o o d s t o c k , i n c l u d e d Master Michael Kennebeck. Master Ronald Anderson, Leitha Glorch, Beulah Hord, Lillian Angelse, McHenry; Master Chi'istopher Foltz, Baby Robert Welter, Mary Weber, Pearl Bukovsky, Jeanne Palko, Stanley Samp and Dolores Wines, Donder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mi*s. Richard G. Smith and Blanche Cleveland of McHenry were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. -- {-fyrdtmalA Mrs., Frank Meyer was ' WAlicrth^Ja vl^trii-, Saturday, where she attended a receptirti at the hortie bf hel* nic^*e. MVB. Edwatxl Swanson, honot-ing Mr. ami Mrs. Gai-y Duttlau. the former Dale I^ouise Swanson. whose marriage t«>ok.,place earlier that day. Thpy will make their home in Palatine. Mr. and Mi-s. Henty rtanson, who Reside north of Bairevillc4 where they Operated a farm for many years, celebrated, their fiftieth wedding anniversaryjonc Jan. 23. Mi's. Edla Ahtfonson has j^etumed fropi k frw weeks vliiil \Vith her friends, Mrs. Bienaptl, Skokie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier, son, Wenton, daughter, Micky, and Miss Peggy Burke, of Marengo, Wett Sunday visitors in the Nellie Bacon home Lahce Corporal Weston Cbujiei of the U.S. Marines left Monday for his last year of training in Japan. Mrs. A. P. Freund visited her sister, Mrs. William Riggs\ in Silver Lake, Wis., Thursday where she now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Geotfte Merkt, since-the death of her husband a few weeks ago. Harold Foss, Jr., Rob Rode, Joan Adams- and Karen ^Parkhurst, students at Loyola university, are spending their midsemester vacation at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Evanstcn visited his mother, Airs. Delia Matthews, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wirt/ and daughter, Niki, have returned from a few weeks trii to California where they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson, former Wonder Lake residents, who had been guests in their home. After a visit in the Peterson home in La Puente they spent some time with their son, Dick, and family in Ontario and vMrs. Wirtz's sister-in-law in Uplands where they formerly resided. A highlight of their trip was a visit to San JuanT Capistrano. Pat, Cathy and Michelle Guffey of Richmond were weekend guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Irene Guffey. Mrs. Arthur Schmieglltz and daughter, Patty, attended the sixth annual cherry pie bakihg contest held at Crystal Lake, Saturday, In which the latter took part. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Basset! and little daughter of Chicago were Sunday visitors in fhe home of his parents, Mr. ar.d' Mrs. Lisle Basseft. Mrs. James Wagner of Milton, Wis., attended the funeral of Hrs. Helen Hettermann here Friday and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon. Charles Thompson left Monday for a few weeks vacation in Florida. Danny O'Shea of Grayslake, home On furlough from Turner Base, Albany, Ga., visited his grandmother, Mrs. Kathryn Conwav,. Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Dan O'Shea also was a visitor Sunday. Miss Charlene Guercio, i former McHenry resident, returned to her home in San Franciso, recently, after spending three weeks with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. John Stumm, in Crystal Lake. Miss Genevieve Knox, in company with Mrs. Nettie McCarthy. attended a dinner meeting of the Woman's National Book association held in Chicago Thursday and was an over night guest in the McCarthy home in Arlington Heights. Mrs. McCarthy motored home with her Friday for a brief visit. Mi*s. Ray McAndrews and Mrs. Bob Carmack, Marengo, attended the wake and funeral of Mrs. Edith McAndrews. Robert Stueben and Ted Graham left Thursday, Jan. 17, for 10 days in Mexico City as ELEANORE RENARD WED SATURDAY T0 Jj. J. WILDHAOEfo Miss Buckie Works C& Prlfa ittete colwas Miss LVnne Btlckie. In ft 'imfcly #eddinfe Iferv^ j 4th McHeniy. solemnized at 3:.?0 o'clock on of the junior SruUitiay afievnooh. J Ah. 1*», T ^ W M,». Eleanore fWrd ot ^c- ' ^ toWa. which w Hthi-v and Mr. HarnM Wrslc.v Ian- on Choosing a continental theme, Edelweiss, the junior?', iwed Alpine peaks and th^ small \Vhite edelweiss ho>Mers As their frtom theme. A graduate of McKehry Corrimunily hfeh school. Miss feubkle is the daughter of Mra. Mary Buckie. At Clarke, she is majoring in Spanish and an active memljer of the Clarke Student association. FIRST OF WONDER ShOP Al-'XiUAftY MEETINGS HELD Wildhagen of Elgih exchangerl nuptial vows. Rev. Ernest Carder officiated at the ceremony* with Jean Hopfear presiding at the organ. ^ . Thf1 bride wa4 attractive ih a gold Itime dress, with \Vhleh she wore a fuSerbia h^ AHd a e*n> sa&e^ - - --„ Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunniss of Shfllimrir. Mrs. wore a white jersey ertibrolrtered ih gold, and golH accessories. Frtllowlrtk the ritt?, a reception for 150 was held in fhc church parlors. The couple left on a short trib, after ^hlch they Will make their hnhi«? kt :?H16 Mairt Street. Mi's. Wildhagen is employed in the Uneri decartnjent fef Wlelboldt's store in Meaaowdale. Her husband is an employee of Highland Motors in Elgin. Dlvoreft' (iranted Stuart Lorch of .McCullom I^ike has been gianted a divorce from Martha Lorch on a counter claim. The divorce was granted in the eourt 6f Judge James 1-1. Cooney last week as he presided In Circuit court. ^oi*4 3)cuujMer& CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to my friends for the many cards, to Rev. Carl A. Lobitz for his visits and prayers and to our wonderful rteighome- made baked food, to our home for my husband and children while I was in the hospital. Your thought fulness will always be remembered. Mrs. Arthur Koehh *1*24-63 . On Friday tnoirning, Jah. 18, the firit of the Wonder Shofr meetings of the McHenry hospital auxiliary was held in the conference room. This WAS "just t6r fttn" class ih Which' members were introduced to the wondletful world of edlor bhd design: , V^orMnjg witrt f^rtd felt, scraps of fabriGs, trimmings and yarns, each was spired to complete a Waft hanging ot- place mat, or somfc particular piece to which they £an point with pride. Under direction of Mrs. Velbna Miller, member of the fatuity of the art education school of the Art Institute, it Was, as predicted, a great fun project. The next class will be held Friday mornihg, Feb. 1. Anyone wishing more information hnay call Mrs. Lee Gladstone. CARD OF THANKS To all my friends, neighbors and relatives: Many thanks for gifts flowers, cards, visits and all kindness shown duning t-ecent illness. Peter M. Schaefer *1-24-63 NOTICE Christian Science services &re held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at B PJ$* lb the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry.' AH interested are frelcome to attend. guests of the Department of Labor of Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walsh. Mi's Roland McFarland and Harold Miller of Crystal Lake paid their last respects to Mrs. Edith McAndrews last week. Despite the intense cold a large crowd was in attendance at the installation of officers of Riverview Camp No. 6819, Roykl Neighbors of America, held at K of C hall, Tuesday evening, with Berniece Nystron Of North Chicago as installing officer and Mary Atkinson of North Chicago as ceremonial rparshal. Elizabeth Schower' of Waukegan served as installing musician and Mabel Johnson.of Fox River Valley camp vww the ceremonial chaplain. Officers installed were oracle, Mary Freund; vice-oraete, Kate Worts; past oracle, Ethol Holly; chancellor, Elsie Ricker; recorder, Lorraine Corrie; receiver, Frances* Vycital; marshal, Ann Moellenkamp; assistant marshal, Lilah . Jordan; Faith, Josephine Scalfarp; Courage, Irene May; Modesty, Marie Matchen; Unselfishness, Alida Freund; Endurance, Hazel Baur; manager, Alph Pedersen. Refreshments w^re served at the close of the cremonies. Those who attended the wake or funeral of Mrs. Edith McAndrews here last week were Dr." and Mrs. W. W. Pape and children, Joan and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parchman and Mrs. Iva Towns, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beshel and Mrs. John Ryan, Waukegart; William Hartnett, Grayslake; Mrs. Florence Peterson and Mrs. Marge Suhling, Lake Villa; Dr. Robert Weber, Rockford; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keough and son, Raymond, Mundelein; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran, Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Moon and Mrs. Leona Elfering, Lake Forest. Sail FOr HAwaii Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kelly bf McHenry are scheduled to be among the passengers sailing for Hawaii from Los Angeles harbor today, Jan. 24. January 24 Community P.T.A. Meeting I --8:15 p.m.- - Edgebmok school Prof. George Waiter, guest speaker. St. Ciara's Court, W.C.O.F., Meeting- 8 ja.ttl.--St. Mary's School. January 27 Vlforrfeh bf the Modi* Miu- Wmter Cohferenc^--Zlfort Bentort MooS'e Home -1:3b p.m. <L8NUHRY 80 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Noon--Czecho I^odge, CYystal I^ake. February 5 Wbinert of the Moos<k Meeting-- Hospital Night Program --8 p.m. FebHiarjr T Roller Skpting PaHy--McHenry Ftoller Rink--T to 10 p.m.--For All Age Groups-- Sponsored by Viscount Parents' Association. February . binner Lecture Chib--Mcliehry Country Club---7:30 p.m February 10 Valentine Dance Moose Home--8 p.m. February 14 CatVl Party V.F.W. Clubhouse Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Proceeds go to McHenry Library. McHenry County Panhellehic Benefit Desseil Card Party-- 8 p.m.--Legion Home. February 16 St. Mary's Home and School Association Annual Dance- Legion Home--9 p.m. to 1 a.m. February 17 McHenry Viscounts Sponsor Third Annual Color Guard Show--1 p.m.--McHenry High School. February 19 Township Republican Women's Club Couple's Dinner -- McHenry 'Country Club -- 7 p.m. February HO b.E.S. Washington Dessert Card Party -- 1 p.m. -- Acacia Masonic Temple, 1309 Court St. February 24 Blue and Gold Dinner- Legion Home--Sponsored by Pack 162. February 241 Fourth Annual Fiesta Spagh- CAkD OF ftirAXkS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their cards, p r a y lp r s and all kindnesses shown during my recent ktay in the hospital. Your thoughtfiHhess Will always be remembered. Henry J. Stilling *1-24-63 etti Dinner--Legion Horrte--5 "• •*" y • - The regular meeting of Bethel No. 98, International Ol'dev of Job's Daughters of McHenry, was recently held./ Janet Murray, honored queen, presided. The following council members were installed: Mrs. Ju- . rjerose Flaskamp, bethel quar- <fiah and director of epochs; FVank DpBerge, associate quardiah ftttd promoter of fraternal relations; Betty Murray, secretary and promoter of hospitality; Betty Fairchlld, treasurer and custodian of paraphenalia; Betty Krickl. promoter of sociability; Theodore" Guy, promoter of fraternal relations; Martha Lorch, promoter of junior activities; Barbara Meyer, assistant proittd-. ter of junior activities. Any girls interested in membership, please contact Janet Murray at 38S-10G4. Marlene Viita, Recorder Wther - Daughter Dinner The Marian Fathers' cldb Will sponsor its third annual Father and daughter banquet On Stinday, Jan. 27, at 6:30 p.m. at the Marian Central high school cafeteria. Art Hodes, famous jazz pianist, will speak and play. Chairman for this affair is Bbb Kordenbrock. ENGAGEMENT TOLD Miss Shirley Koehler, who Is planning a June wedding, is the daughter of Jacob Koehler of McHenry. Announcement of her engagement to Roger Carl Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund of McHenry, was announced last week. LECTURE GUEST A meeting of the Lecture Luncheon club will be held Wednesday, Jan. 30,* at noon at the Czecho lodge, Crystal Lake. Guest speaker will be Dr. Albert Martin, who heads the speech department of De- Paul university. He will prepsent a dramatic proeram. "Ichabod Crane and The Raven, se'ections from Washington Irving and Edear Allen Poe In character makeup. to 8 p.m.--Sponsored by St. haul's Episcopal Church. aire A HAIR STYLISTS S85-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. Are, you leaving for a warm vacation in the Southf Call us to help you with your hair problems on your vacation. SAT Wed. p.t~ m &- Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 MAI-LING RESTAURANT g Specialist* in American and Cantonese Foods Luncheons Served Dally 11:80 a.m. to 2:80 pjn. Dinners Served Dally 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 5 p.m to 1 im. -- Sun. Noon to' 10 pjnu CARRY-OUT SPECIAL FOR FRL, SAT. A SUN. AMERICAN CHOP 8UEY Qt. $1^6 6 Entertainment Every Saturday Nlgkt TA D I I T P RESTAURANT M » • I ' C and LOUNGE W Mali; St. Ph. S85-98M McHenry, Ok HA, A. JUL jb*d UOU ktfQUA? That the total resources of the McHenry State Bank increased more than two million dollars in the last year. The exact increase shown on thie published statement for December 31, 1962, was $$,163,062.24. The largest gain was in the savings department under the capable management of Mrs. Viola Jurgens. There are maiiy reasons for this spectacular increase in deposits such as the bank's policy of paying the maximum rate of interest consistent with maximurri safety: Federal Deposit Insurance which insures availability as well as safety and* of course, the strong capital structure protecting the depositor's investment. The published statement erf condition readily shows why a deposit in an old established bahk such as the McHenry State Bank is a quality investment in security -- unequaled by other thrift devices. The large deposit increase can be attributed also to the fact that more and more people are taking advantage of the convenience of having all their financial needs taken care of in one place. People now realize that it is practical and economical to save where they can also obtain a home mortgage, car loan, per- (' sorial loan and take advantage of all the other financial services available only at a tf-ull Be/wice fea*tk McHENRY STATE BANK 385-1040 'Always Serving You -- ALL WAYS SINCE 1906 ^nrrrrtrrrnnrrrri Jmamm V

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