Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1963, p. 10

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THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH y ShoM» THY HARPER ICTIM OF NASTY FALL ON ICE Patt Petersea S85-5425 Cathy Harper took quite a nasty spill on the Ice Friday, before last and ended up with ; n light concussion. We are 14lad . to report that she is fine but --would -like to urge everyone to I be very careful while walking • or driving. We all know how " horrible (he wither has been » and if you have to go out in it, " take it easy. Thursday, January 31. 1963 Krep Roads Clear F<tf Snow (Plow) Man I hate to nag and since 1 have had no corftplaints mayba I can make it just a gentle re- Ininder; please park your cars In the driveways not the street. This Is a great help to the man running the snow plow. He'll appreciate your consideration, I know. Hoftpltalizod We were «orry to hear that Mrs. Blanche Cleveland, who i$ Mrs. Harnett's mother, fvas -taken to the hospital a week ago. At this writing she is reported in good condition and by the time this Issue is out will probably be convalescing at home. We hope you'll be up and around soon, Mrs. Cleveland. Orchids Extended to . Substitute Columnists . I want to extend my gratitude to Leone Wagner, Shirley Harper, and my husband, Bob Petersen, tor taking over the column this past month that I was away. They did a very good job and I appreciate all the extra time spent out of thsee busy scheduler Sewing dub The next meeting of the sew- .JB&.JTQUB will be at. N§ncy • Ewald's home on the evening " df the fifth of February. Bring . your knit tin', mendin', and ~ latest news and if Nancy stays I true to form be prepared tc gain a pound or two en one of hef'delicious desserts. Methodist Men's Club The recent meeting of the Men's Club of the MeHenry Methodist church was held last Wednesday night. The men thoroughly enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by one of the women's circles and heard an excellent talk given by a minister from Woodstock. Prosent at this affair were Sam Winters, BiH Ewttld and "Diek Barrows. Women Hear Book Review7 the WJS.C.S. of the Methodist church was reported to have a lovely program last week. Mrs. Stinespring of MeHenry gave a book revjew on the new novel, "Dearly Beloved" by author Anne Morrow Lindbergh. A luncheon was also served and enjoyed it were Louise Winters, Mildred Snively, Helen Smith, Bernice Ma^CaUym and Irene Middiekautf. very far they can at least get .to their neighbors for a pleasant afternoon. Irene Middlekauff had several ladies in for dinner and a bridge game last week, despite the cold. Leah Hogan. her daughter, Sally, and Mildred Snively all enjoyed Lene's cooking and a friendly bridge game while »the winter wind's howled outside. Irene rcjKjrted that the regular bridge tournaments are really going strong. The Wagners had the pleasure of their grandson, Greg's company over the weekend. Greg had his little dog, Blarkie, with him as usual and the two of them seemed to be the only ones in the subdivision appreciating all the snow. Greg was staying with his grandparents while his father was in a bowling tournament in Kansas City. Birthdays And Anniversaries Today is the birthday of Stevic Korczyk, happy birthday \c you. This is also my hirtboay and I've passed my first quarter century. On Feb. 2. those celebrating will be Ken Schopp, Joyce Calvert and Kevin Haley (he'll be 8). Clarence Schwcikcrt h:is a birthday on Feb. 6. Happy days to all of you* We have one anniversary this week. It's that of Mr. rind Mrs. John Gale who will celebrate on Feb. 6. May you have mucn happiness. Meet Your Neighbor I write of this next neighbor with hesitation as I am apt tr. be a tritle prejudiced. He is Bob Petersen, who, besides being my husband, is among the newly elected members of tht board of directors of the M.S.C. He has commented that he is pleased with being elected and although he has not lived in the sebdivisiofv an overly long time, he is nevertheless very much interested in it The Petersens moved to the Shores a year and a half ago and are quite pleased wilh their home, the beauty of the area, and their nice neighbors. They are both originally from Toledo, Ohio, where they met while in high school and went on to attend Toledo University together. After their marriage, Bob's job as accountant with an oil company took them to Park Forest to live, two years time out while on tour of duty with Army in Europe, and t hen back to his job which brought him this time to Carpentersville and eventually to MeHenry Shores. He is still with the same firm but his job is now that of programmer for the business ^Machine division for the firm. ™ The Petersens are both . Around The Shores This past week has given us enotigh winter to last clear through next January. Most of us have been staying home and snuggling up to our fireplaces to keep warm during the day, and piling on the extra blankets at night. I only hor? that the harshness ot this winter is an Indication of its shortness. The news is dwindling at this point. Of course I can always give you a list of all the parties, meetings and friendly get-togethers that have been called off because of the weather. Many of the women have been fighting boredom by having bridge foursomes in their homes. While they can't get active in church work. Bob is a deacon of the church, which is St. Stephen's Lutheran church in Carpentersville, and teaches a high school age Bible class. He and Patt are counselors of the teenage Luther League. Bob is a typical book worm and loves a good pipe. He enjoys baseball, roller skating, stamp collecting and most of the better musicals, although he rarely has time for any ot them. Bowling and golf are also high on his list. His real love, however, is sailing and though he has not yet mastered this sport, his den is pi(ed high with books on the sut^ylct and I expect some "(ISyto come across him building his own yacht ip the basement. BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED MOTEL FOR COUNTRY CHARM AND COMFORT TOO! Any time you'ro driving through-- 65 luxurious Rooms, Suites, Kitchenettes, Meeting Rooms--to fit your individual needs--with Televisios and Telephone is all units. • FREE Continental Breakfast • Family Rates! Idas) location-- ^ &• close to CHICAGO. MTtWAUKEL 1WA0IS0N and ROCKFORD-Near Arlington and Meadowdale Race Tracks. HICKORY L A K t MICHIGAN PHONE-459-4300 Routes 1 4 und 3 1 Crystol Lake, Illinois Pislakee Terrace DISCUSS SEWER TREATMENT PLANT AT ASSOCIATION Joyce Toepper -- 385-8044 The Pistakee Terrace association, will meet Monday evening, Feb. 4, at 8 p.m. in the Calvin Vyduna home. Of„ special importance will be discussion concerning the proposed sewerage treatment plant. Twrace (iains New Citizen Victoria Lynn Merhaut added to the Tcrrace population as she made her first -appearance in Woodstock Memorial hospital early Sunday morning, Jan. 20. weighing in at 7 lbs, 5 oz. and measuring 20 inches. Proud parents, Tom and Pat, brought Vickie home Wednesday to join two year old sister, Marcia. She immediately rreplaced as the main attraction, the new'puppy, a 5 week old Labrador ltetriever nauiod Tootsie, which the family had acquired the preceding Thursday. At the Merhaut home from Sunday till Saturday lookin;, after Marcia and helping Pat was Tom's sister, Mary Ann Olsen, and children, Mark ami LinCa, of Oaklawn. -'-Brownie# Brownies Troop 150, again missing four of their girls, spent Tuesday practicing then embroidery. They are using a kitty pattern and learning n new stitch each week. The Je>- son this week was on the in anti out stitch. Cookie hostess was April Pritchard. Here and There Jeanniejo Benoche was initiated into the Modern Mttsu Mesters at MeHenry high School on Thursday evening, Jan. 17. A member of the high school .select chorus, Jeanniejo, along with twenty fellow students, met the national musie society requirements including maintaining a B average and r\pw is a life member of the organization. Karen Iiush, home on Jan. 23 to spend a few days with her parents before the new semester begins" on Feb. 1 at Illinois State Normal university, left on Tuesday for Bloomingfon once again. Pat and Mickey Ferrell spent Sunday visiting his parents, the Walter Ferr?lls, Skokie, and her grandmother, Ann Trampas, Chicago. Karen Kurowski attended the birthday party of nine year eld Diane Voight of Sunnyside Estates Saturday afternoon. Sunday guests in the Benoche home were .Jean's brothefc?; Henry and Albert Gerali, and their families of Chicago. Loretta Kern attended the birthday luncheon on Tuesday in honor of Grace Sullivan at the home of Shirley Tansey, Johnsburg. The Norbert Mierzwa family enjoyed a weekend of winter fun at the home of his brother, Robert Mierzwa, East Moline. Illness A head infection has kept Bob Kettner home from work all week. Baby Donald Kern suddenly became quite" sic!; Thursday afternoon with what is believed to be the stomach flu. h Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Denise P^adelski on Feb. 1, Barbara Zamastil on the second, and Carrie Woeiner on Feb. 4. , - Anniversary Greeting* Congratulations and best wishes for many more as Jim and Eleanor Moore celebrate their wedding anniversary - »n Feb. 2. : M'J A convalescent patient'1 anyone who is still alive. fa' vlt's easy to find fault--but i\ilt is a drug on any market. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service • All Mechankal Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE" 10to N. Front St. 385-0811 MeHenry, 111. SAVE PLAID STAMPS FOR FUTURE DIVIDENDS- AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A&P's,. . GIGANTIC -K mill 31771 Plaid Stamps when you pur those dll fcoupon items below. ft?? No natter what rat of S.u pe.r- Ri.g ht m\Veat \yNou c hoose.^. 4011 canl make a mfstake - every piece must be\top qualit)f!\J - y y ' / / . / / I . \ \ . .V . BveryiSut oCA&P's Super-RlgMf (JtiMity f A* P'» own meat processing giant, the otdy i» rigidly i&peeted of its kind ia this trem. It is checked for quality . . . iwatinese . . yind weight! It it | dbesn't measure up in every w*y, it'e rejected! It i» inspected again - (_ bjryowoim AftP fcait " * *" BKXSS FAT REMOVED eaters his store in your neighborhood and then before you buy H, it is <heek«4 »g»in to be MR you KM I getting the very best meats available. Yfmf sttii&faction is always | UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED::### ttett weekend AftP, offera DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if yo» aren't satisfied in every way wit) yout Super-Right purchase. ^ STEAKS FUUCVTROUND This tantalizing bone-In round steak is low, low priced to save you extra cash. Enjoy some tonight as Saufrbr.itrn or Swiss Steak. Or * . . stock up at this Extra-Savings price. SIRLOIN *A GOURMET'S DELI8NF WEDGE BONE MM0*» EXCESS 6AT REMOVED (J*"! FATTT ^chi TAIL BOI 'CHINE BONE REMOVED . REMOVED PORTERHOUSE T BONE or CLUB a°» VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID STAMPS With the Purchase of 4 PINTS CRESTMONT ICE CREAM -1 pts. Your Choice of Flavors Coupon Expires Feb. 2. 1963 Limit One Per Customer I VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID AMPS With the Purchase Bayer btl. Aspirin 100 Coupon Expires F«b. t. IMS Limit On* Per Customer S£ B Ui ^R'C®'L*HEERF ®UPER-RIG},T -- funded, WeKNow -'11"ch^as"e ffopd? PANCAKE .. FLOUR EXCESS FAT ttMOfHl I-LB. PACKAGE SUNNY FIELD WITH THE P U R C H A S E OF . . « IPMORSK S5A5U S-4AGiyE Blade Cut Chuck Steak % -59° Super-Right Rib Steaks<3*.t89° Cube Beef Steaks *89* VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA PLAID 'm STAMPS H With the Purchase of . . . jtf JANE PARKER P Jelly Bell 7CC m Giant h. Iv Coupon Expires Feb. 2. 1963 Limit '-HM rvr Customer mt r-mu-n'-mm -it mm-s m c wn-i an n Em* IB ROAST -yr lint m Sfh and m M • ft Ate B 6th RHn B Lk # Lb.# DaaaMaa ilftn nl Boneless--Rolled, If iifftp KOaSf Round or Sirloia Tip t 89* Boneless Beef for Stew * 89° Arm Cut Chuck Roast .65' Meaty Short Ribs i; .39' flllgood Sliced Bacon 2 Z 89c Sliced Beef Liver t 39c Oven-Ready Ducklings ;,; . 49° Choice Halibut Steaks .45' m*- CHUCK POT ROAST SUPER-RIGHT QIIHLi'I f BEEI I0R TOP FLAVOR, TENDERNESS, VALUE Hankering fot ically delicious' meat? Here it is--specially selected from grain fed beef . . selected to measure up to our famous Super-Right standards ... a quality you'll be proud to serve. A&P'b Super-Right chuck roasts never include way stringy neck portion. * VALUABLE 1 iS coupon m • - WORTH 59 If M STAMPS P I ™ With tht Purchase of . . . jM • jgj| JANE PARKER "H Coffee AH f*Ae n I Q | C a k e B u t t e r ^ Coupon Expires Feb. S, 1963 || tflNRl r« With the Purchase of Listerine 14-oz. Reg. 89e btl. (14c Off Label) CMIPM Expires Feb. S, 1963 Limit > >!< Ur Customer Limit One Per Cast rs la lP 1 ^ WORTH mmiu, mum VALUABLE 2 - COUPON 109 ^ STAMPS W/th tht f'Mn hiise o# . , , WHlffeHOUSE Instant 12-qt. Af Dry Milk pkg. Coupon Expires Feb. 9, 1963 Limit Oee Per Cestomer l*? UFl"1M For Ice Cre«M Smucker's » Wfc»p« Oreo's Chocolafe Crisp or Stripod Shortbread 100% COM OS M*r9afiiM Fudge Topping Milnot for Baking Nabisco Cookies Fleischmann's dexo Shortening dexola Salad Oil Hunt's Tomato Paste Puffs Facial Tissues Scalloped Potatoes Equ*l fo fhe Boat 48-OZ. Yet Cosh Yoa Leu btl. Borden's Brand 29e l«Va-*t IQc 45' ~4I' 3 i 69' 69' 2-27* "t «A« •f 400 4j| 4 X' 45* t9Mcka«i Swift's Prem Mm# Cream Shampoo Woodbury Soap Fab Detergent Ajax Cleanser Condensed "All" Lux Liquid Detergent Pink Swan Wisk Detergent I2*«z. CTHH %P«fc« SaU Washday Favorite Al Purpota For Automatic Wathars Liquid, All Purpoaa Detergent--4c Off Label Handy 49* $|00 2 r 3ic 2Ip«k.p«.. Q/JQ9 c 2I4-oi. QOo Ov 79* 37* 35* 2 73* 7-n. ML If-n. Ml*. 14-oz. MM 49-oz. pk£. 12-oz. ktl. 12-oz. btl. : 'i VALUABLE COUPON With the Purchase of $5.00 tor More Excluding Tobacco aad Alcoholic Beverages Coupon Expires February X, 1963 Limit One Per Customer 393 ™ Powdered Cleaner Lipid Gentle Fels Saran Wrap ^ Ajax Brjud For Dishac 54-oz. pkg. 32-oz. btl. 26-ft. roll 79* 65* 33* AMEtlCA'S FOtEMOSt FOOO tETAtU* ... SINCE 1859 THE GREAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA COMPANY iLL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU FEB. 2. W6I

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