Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1963, p. 2

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p | ; j . ' • ' c/ 9* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH l-KNNV SCHOl/lv Miss Seholtz EiiKHK»d To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. flrholtz of 3408 West Second jtvenue, McHenry, announce the engagement of -their daughter, Penny Sue, to Dennis William Taylor, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor of 3915 ..Implores, drive,. Johnsburg. . No wedding, date has been mi. • OnmmuQity flub to Meet Feb. 4 The next regular meeting 4Bt the Johnsburg Community dub will be held Monday, Ppb. 4, tit 8 p.m. at Memorial hall. Due to some important matters to be discussed, all member^ are invited to attend. 'Refreshments will be served by a committee composed of Anthony Freund, Frank Freund, M»~Fsfund, JRob- «rt Freund, Stanley Freund, Leo Freund and,. Carl F. Freund. Member*; are also reminded tftat 1963 fees are now due, and should be paid on or before thtf April meeting, after Which date a fine will be added. Announce' Engagement ; Of Barbara Ann Groohockt Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin L. Grochocki of Wonder Lake announce 1 he engagement of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. Robert P. Wirth, son of Mr, -and Mrs. Charles Wirth 3C Crystal I^ake. No Immediate plans #r»«iadeier their wedding. - - - Observe Founders t Day At Big Hollow **" Big ttpllow school will celebrate- Founders Day at the next meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 8 pan. Past presidents will be hon- •red gi$§ts for , the evening. During the meeting, there will be a buzz session, and a fing-a-loflg. Hostesses for the evening Will be fourth grade mothers. ' • • *.,•"* m t. Mike Frennds Wed 59,"f"rarH Mr. and Mrs.-Mike Freund Of RioHfflOnd road, McHenry, observed the occasion of their fifty-ninth wedding anniversary on JSaturday, Jan. 26. In spite of fthe fact that Mrs. Freund 'recently suffered a broken ftrm in a fall, the celebration was a happy one. A Mais, in their honor was sung at-St. Mary's Catholic church 10 o'clock in the morning.- Later, §Jx of their sevten children and their families enjoyed dinner at the Freund home. They included Esther Wagner and Catherine Miller of Chicago, Olivia Hfller of Johnsburg, Arnold of West Chicago, Elmer of DesPlaines and Harvey of Xihicago. A daughter, Mildred •Garrett,-who resides in Kentucky, was finable to attend. Adding^ to thgf pleasure of the day 4 was the presence of many of their twenty-five grandchildren and twelve greatgrandchildren. One of the most enjoyable moments of the past year, recalled on the anniversaiy, was their trip to Chicago last summer to see their grandson, Chuck HUler, in one of his pre- World Series games. The Ffeunds remain in good bealth and active. MISS TROXELL WED SUNDAY TO GLEN ZUMWALT A wedding qf local interest j was solemhized in the First Presbyterian church of Hebron <in Sunday, Jan. 27, at 12:30 oclock when Miss Judith Ann j Troxell of 1027 S. Slate, Helvi- ' dcie, became the bride of Mr. (Hon Allen Zumwalt of Cham- | paign. Miss Troxell is the j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wali tor E. Troxell of Hebron, forj meriy of Wonder Lake, and hln bridegroom is the son oi I Mi, and Mrs. Paul Zumwalt of M')5 Fifth street, Champaign. Rev. Robert Beech officiated at the early afternoon nuptial rite. The bride was attractive in a periwinkle blue knit suit, with which sfKe wore Navy accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Her matron' of honor was Mrs. Glenn Rickard of Evanston, a college friend of the bride. She wore a l>eige suit and white gardenia corsage. Ross Zumwalt, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. . For the wedding, Mrs. Troxell chose a magenta dress, black accessories and corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Zumwalt was attired in a a blue dress, black accessories and pink rosebud corsage. Dinner followed the ceremony in Heimann's restaurant in Hebron for approximately thirty persons. The couple lei t later on a wedding trip which will take them through the Srtuthwest, into California and Washington. They will make their future home in Seattle, Wash. , The bride is a 1962 fijradunte from the college of Journalism and communications at the University of Illinois and has been sports editor for the Belvidere Dally Republican. Her husband is a February graduate of the University of Illinois college of engineering and is an engineer in the Minuteman project, Boeing Aircraft Missile and Space division. VALENTINE'S DAY BENEFIT PARTY PLANNED Mrs. Raymond Spohr and her committee are working hard to make the annual Valentine card party sponsored by the McHenry Woman's club a most successful one. It is to be held on Feb. 14 at 12:30 p.m, in the V-F.W. hall. This year, as in the past, the ent ire proceeds will go to the McHenry library. There has been an awareness of the great need for enlarging the library, and this will give an opportunity to help, and at the same time have a pleasant afternoon. Excellent table prizes have been planned and all members are urged to bring white elephants for special prizes. Perhaps duplicate Christmas presidents were received or something not suitod to the recipient's home, yet someone else would erijoy having it. Bring il along. The more prizes, the more happy recipients. Every effort is being made for all to have a gala afternoon that will long be remembered and regreted if missed. Tickets will be available at the door for this dessert luncheon and afternoon of cards. Don't miss this opportunity to Help the library fund. SINGERS SET MEMBER DEADLINE FOR MAY PROGRAM The McHenry Choral club has set next Monday, Feb. 4, as the deadline for membership In the spring program. Those who belonged during the fall season are urged to register before this date, and new members are invited to attend prior to the deadline. In spite of severe weather on the first two meeting nights, the club has registered about forty singers for the program, the dates of which have been set for May 4 and 5. Based on a "Prince and Pauper" theme, the singers are including among their selections a medley from "The Student Prince," "Sound of Music," "Stormy Weather," "Spring," "It Ain't Necessarily So" and many others familiar to music lovers. RECOGNIZED FOR SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fuhrer of 7401 Center drive, Wonder Lake, are among those to receive national service awards and citations of special recognition given local leaders for helping to raise close to $50,000 during the 1962 Chicago cystic fibrosis fund drive by the national foundation. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during toy recent illness., Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Mellonrv A Crystal .Lul.~ --uplc, Mr. and Mrs. John Greene, became parents of a son Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund welcomed a son Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Opalecky, Crystal Lake, announce the birth of a son Jan. 21. A son was born Jan.. 23 to Mi. and Mrs. David Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Notson are parents of a daughter born Jan. 24. On Jan. 26 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. Poco, Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Shay announce the birth of their second fon, Darren John, Jan. 30 at ^McHenry hospital. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 8'L- oz., and has a brother, Kevin Michael, 3 years old. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Harry Shay of J o h n s b u r g . The m a t e r n a l grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Bykowski and the maternal great grandparents are Mr. Catherine Kieras and Andrew Bykowski. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Charles ftall are parents of a son born Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Estes, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a son Jan. 23. Memorial Hospital A-Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Komosa, announce the birth of a son Jan. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Sellek, Wonder Lake, are parents of a son, Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley are parents of a daughter born Jan. 28. Mrs. Foley is the former Sandra Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh. Mrs. A. D. Foley is the baby's paternal grandmother. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Pherson of rural McHenry announce the birth of their eighth child, Janet Sue, at the Belvidere hospital, Belvidere. She was born Jan. 19 and weighed T lbs. 6 oz. Three brothers, George, Elmer and Edward, and four sisters, Beverly, Barbara, Darlene and Kathleen, are at home to welcome their new sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lundgren of 2621 Myang avenue announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Mjaie, Jan. 17 at Condell Memorial hospital, The baby weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and has two brothers, Jeffry, 3, and Gregory, 1%, to welcome her. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Join* Christiansen of Elmwood Pa and the paternal grandmoth is Mrs. Lillian Lundgren of Chicago. She also has three great grand parents, Mrs. Gunhild Anderson and Mr. -- jf^er&Qnai& -- . Miss Dorothy Kerr returned to her ,studies it Milliken university, Decatur, Monday, after spending her " mid - semester vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr. Mrs. Ida Quinlan of Park Ridge was a guest of Miss Clara Miller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glos, Rick and Glen, Jr., attended the wedding of Miss June Glos and Mr. Gepe l^Chien which took place at Normal, 111., Saturday. The John Wirtz family of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Wirtz were guests in the Joe E. Freund home in Johnsburg Sun day where they celebrated the fourth birthday of Ray, son of the John Wirtzes. Mrs. Freida Bienapfl and Mrs. Betty Dykus of Skokie were the out of town guests among a group of women enlertained by Mrs. Fred Bienapfl Tuesday of last week. Dennis Conway is home from his studies at Northern Illinois university to spend the midsemester vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glbsson and Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson attended the wake of their aunt, Mrs. Anna Wicks, at the Strang funeral home at Grayslake Monday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tonyan were among the folks from here who attended her funeral at St. Joseph's church in Round Lake Tuesday. Jack Schoenhoeltr of Northern Illinois university is home to spend the mid - semester vacation with his parents, Mr. and IVJrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz. Mrs. Robert Conway was a Sunday guest in the home of her brother, Allan Blanner, and family in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and Mrs. David Powers attended the wedding of the latter's grandson, Roger Powers, son of the David Powers' of Woodstock to Connie Miller, which took place at St. Mary's church, 'Woodstock, Saturday, with a reception following at K of C hall. Mrs. Powers remained for a weekend visit in the home of hervson. Mrs. Leander Miller and daughter, Gloria, of Great Falls, Montana, visited relatives here the past week where they came to attend the wedding of their daughter and sister, Miss Connie Miller, to Roger Powers of Woodstock which took place at St. Mary's church in that city Saturday with Gloria serving as bridesmaid for her sister. Other folks in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lafontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Mrs. Emma King, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel, Johnsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Miller, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake visited their daughter, Sister Charles Marie, at St. Therese convent, Mary Crest, Kankakee, Sunday. Miss Louise Tonyan, who is attending school in Chicago, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tonyan attended the funeral of Frank A. Connolly Saturday. Mrs. Connolly is the former Gertrude Frett. 0SRITAI Ylotu Thursday, January 31, 1963 Anions Th<* Kick Leo Conway, formerly of McHenry, has been critically ill at the Little Company of Mary "hospital, 2800 W. 95th street, Evergreen Park. AffHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Florence L. Na-» gel, Inez M. Coffman, Fay Olsen and Clarence J. Karls, Ingleside; Hazel McCormick and Joseph J. Brown, Fox Lake; John Overgard and Ernest F. Wilewski, Wonder Lake; Daniel J. Robillard, Richmond; Hulda A. Holland, Pamela J. Salzrnann, Patricia L. Wasson, David P. Baughn, May Bishop, Dorothy D. Podmajersky and Nancy Smith, Crystal Lake; Howard J2mery, Huntley; Joseph J. Cina, Jr., Dundee; Helen Smith, Spring Grove; Frank A. Whitney, Wauconda; Geraldine M. Nigbor, Woodstock; James Mueller, Lake Villa; Walter F. Kelley, Chicago; James T. Louderback, Algonquin; Virginia Harrington, Round Lake; Beatrice H. Musolf, Leonard Jensen, Henry Koch, Candis R. Muslof, Corrinne A. Pearson, Ronald P. Becker, Linda Rot her, Dale Herman, Lorraine Ferreri, Richard C. Sabielny, Nelle C. Morrison, Joseph Vinsik, Wayne Taylor, Pierry Gentile, Flora Parks, Martha Hermann, Glenn Lo- Presti, Mary Beck, Mildred C. Hawkins, Joseph Lally, Dorothy Rose, Helen Fisher, Thomas Bradley and Raymond Pogor, McHenry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included May Fields, Audrey Keevil, Barbara Erb, Jonathan Fringer, Erika Meissner, Alexander Drucker, Baby James Hespen and Carrie Justen, McHenry; Jerome Tonyan, Ringwood; Conrad Rupp, Anna Buetow, Charles Utes and Evelyn Gustek, Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. David Granger, Mrs. Chester Brown and Mrs. Ramon Charbonnier of McHenry were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. Plan Flower Show "The Art of Flowers" is the inspiring theme chosen by The Garden Club of Illineiis for the forthcoming flower show to be presented March 16 through March 24 in conjunction with The Chicago World Flower and Gaiden Show at McCormick Place. Members of the Wonder Lake Garden Club and the McHenry Garden Club will undoubtedly receive news of the flAver show as a sign that winter will soon be leaving. Tight strings make music when plucked (harp), struck (piano), or rubbed, as in violin. WED SATURDAY Miss June Glos of McHenry became the bride of Mr. Gene LeChien in Normal,, 111., on Saturday, Jan. 26. WORN BY MORI RUPTURE SUFFERERS:. Amazing comfort for reducibl* in* fulnal hernia. Strong, washable, form-fitting, adjustable. Soft, flat froln pad. NO FITTING REQUIRED! For men, women, children. HM right or left side; |IJi double. Look for It on display BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. McHenry John Hay *1-31-63 and Mrs. John Olsen. Chicago. Advice Is a poor substitute for ;i i-.ood • v t. i.h\ CLEANS SEPTIC TANKS Dissolves sTudge grease or watt# Opens cloggsd ^ drainlields leiy i© a (JSt ftOYSR Stplic Tank Cleaner BUCK'S HARDWARE m OAK PARK HOTEL West Shore Pistakee Bay Dial 385-0176 for Reservations Ji 50 50 Every Friday -- 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 pjn. Every Sunday --Noon to 8:00 p.m. Saturday Specials! 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Prime Rib of Beef $2.75 au jus Double Breast of Capon $2.50 with Turkish Rice (Complete Dinners) OAK PARK HOTEL la Pislgkee Bay Road ra 11 To Ri 1^4 M Henry MON. thru SAT 8 a.m. to (Claire A HAIR STYLISTS 885-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. Hold your head high with a new hair fashion to highlight your best features. 6 p.m. Closed Wed. Call Us Today • Claire • Mary Ann t Eleanors i Marlene Instruction in PIANO for Children and Adults -- For Further Information call Celia Vecchi 385-0804 February 5 Fo* River Valley Camp, R.N.A., Meeting--Fred Pepping Home. Women of the Moose Meeting and Enrollment. February 1 Holler Skating Party--McHenry Roller Rink--7 to 10 p.m.--For All Age Groups- Sponsored by Viscount Parents' Association- February 9 Dinner Lecture Club--McHenry Country Club--7:30 p.m February 10 Valentine Dance -- Moose Home--8 p.m. February 14 * Card Party -- V.F.W. (Clubhouse Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Proceeds go to McHenry Library. McHenry County Panhellenic Benefit Dessert Card Party-- 8 p.m.--Legion Home. February 16 St. Mary's Home and School Association Annual Dance-- Legion Home--9 p.m. to 1 a.m. February 17 McHenry Viscounts Sponsor Third Annual Color Guard Show--1 p.m.--McHenry High School. St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, W.C.O.F., Forty-Fifth Anniversary-- Pot-Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. -- Johnsburg Community Hall. February 19 Township Republican Women's Club Couple's Dinner -- McHenry Country Club -- 7 p.m. Women of the Moose Business Meeting. February 20 O.E.S. Washington Dessert Card Party -- 1 p.m. -- Acacia Masonic Temple, 1309 Court St. February 24 Blue and Gold Dinner -- Legion Home--Sponsored by Pack 162. February 26 Fourth Annual Fiesta Spaghetti Dinner--Legion Home--5 Radio Star To Be Woman's Club Star Performer Feb. 8 The ostrich has the largest eye of any land vertebrae -- often 2 inches in diameter. Use The Classifieds The McHenry Woman's club will have as guest performer on Feb. 8 Bobby Moss, star of "The Bobby Moss Book Review Carnival," a weekly radio show. Mrs. Moss "is a bo6k reviewer, dramatist and coloratura soprano and plans . to give a review of "The Prize" by Irving Wallace for the McHenry Woman's club and guests at 1:00 p.m. in the Community Methodist church social hall. This is the story of the Nobel prize, its history, recipients, and all should find it very interesting and informative. Mrs. Moss attended Sophie Newcomb collegc in New Orleans, La., for two years, where she was active in campus, extra curricular activities and on the Dean's list. She received her bachelor of arts degree from Smith college, Northampton, Mass., where she majored in English and studied with the eminent authoress, Mary Ellen Chase. Colorful Career In her home town of Augusta, Ga., Bobby Moss had her own radio and television show, modeled for leading " department stores, has written articles and editorials for local newspapers and appeared before many civic and local groups. In October, 1955, she became the bride of Charles Jay Moss of Chicago and resumed her musical and literary career in this area. She is the mother of three sons, Richard, Robert and Randall. Alfred Hitchcock fans may have seen her in his movie, "North hy Northwest." Mrs. Moss has appeared before many organizations all over Chicago and suburbs, Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. Her travels include most of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica and Europe. »~ Mrs. Irene Keim, accom-' panied by Mrs. Carl Weber, will be guest soloist. Mrs. Anthony Siadek and her committee will be in charge of the social hour which will precede the program. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes leceived on the occasion of our fiftieth wedding anniversary. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake •1.31 STRETCH-A-DOLLAR UL 120 -- 1 /z miles east of McIIenry at Kent Acres ANNIVERSARY JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE We Still Have a few Ladies' DRESSES .98 Values and up Ladies GIRDLES as low as All Sales Final Cash fic Carry Closes A. W'*11 i>»n. 2>ia 44Q44> kftcua? The McHenry State Bank has over six million dollars invested in first mortgages secured by real estate in the McHenry area. This represents approximately 1,000 loans made primarily on single dwelling residences, but also including some mortgages on commercial properties. For many years the McHenry State Bank has followed a policy of investing in the community thru sound mortgages. To protect the safety of its depositors, (which of course is the bank's primary purpose,) the McHenry State Bank can not make mortgages when the down payment is too small or the term too long. To do otherwise could impair the liquidity of the bank. A commercial bank must be4n a position to pay its depositors on demand which makes it imperative for the bank's assets (including loans) to be readily convertible to cash. The McHenry State Bank made almost three hundred new mortgages during the year 1962 which totaled over $2,000,000.00. There are many reasons why people choose the McHenry State Bank for their mortgage. Possibly the main reason being that it is usually cheaper to borrow from the bank. Another reason is the convenience of having your savings account, checking account, auto loan and other financial needs taken care of where you have your mortgage. This can be done only at a rf-uU Se/utice Hank - McHENRY STATE BANK 385-1040 "Always Serving You -- ALL WAYS SINCE 1906"

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