r Page Fourteen THE McHENRY ^LAINDEALEB PWakM HiahUndk Brownie Troop Receives Flag Kay SWlsch HYatt 7-S414 At the Feb. 5, meeting Brownie Troop 526 was presented with an American iiag. The V.F.W. post of McHenry was the donor "and the Americanism chairman Vi Schuble of the Highland* rti&de the presentation. The girls are very proud of their new flagUnd will take very good care of it. Brownie leader Harriet Wilson was most happy about the bi^ turn out far the investiture program. Mount Hope Methodist (dinrrli !\otcs i' The Confirmation class will bflgin Saturday, Fel). 16, at 10 a.m. at the church. AH those desiring to att< nd are most welcome and the classes will lx> very informative and interesting. Rev. Smith is busy preparing Lenten service which will start on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 27, with services at 7:30 p.m. and every Wednesday thereafter a I 7:30 p.m. through April 3. Good Friday, April 12, there will be Communion services -~at 7 :.">0 p.m. The W.S.C.S. of the Mount Hope Methodist church is busy preparing for a spaghetti dinner t he be held on March 30. in the chu?rh hall. Serving will start at 5 p.m. until?. All funds realized from this dinner will l>e used to purchase items most needed to complete the church interior. Tickets maybe purchased at the door, but the committee prefers that you buy thpm in advance from the Committee members. You may call any one of these women for your tickets, Sally Jo Von- Brutnchenheiin Hy. 7-.13G5 Chairman Mrs. Harold Wiley Hy. 7-339S».(llenda Wicck Ily. 7- 3707 and Delores Oaklet 11v 7-3373. Woman's Club Notes 1 President Jane Malek requests that any member of the Woman's club who has old sheets or materials for the cancer pads, please drop them , off at any of the officers' "homes before the Feb. 27, meeting. Since the cancer dressing is J. March project it is hoped all members will cooperate and get the materinl in as soon as possible. Please brim? n Valentine to the Feb. 27, meeting and one or two of your favorite recipe* on a card or paper and enclosc them in an envelope. These will be sold for a nominal fee ami will replace the usual cherry tree event. After the business meeting cords and bunco will be played and it will be a real fui^ evening. Birthdays Milton Crosdale, Jr., recently celebrated his twenty-first birthday and he is quite proud of the fact. Best wishes go to a very wonderful guy. Bill Schlick, who celebrates his birthday Feb. 20. Jane Peloquin adds another year to her busy life Feb. 26. Teena O'Malley adds another year Feb. 28, to her happy and fuil life. Teene I* the most unselfish, helpfu' and cheerful gal I know. Ricky Mariork's family will help him Celebrated his eighth birihday, FefT 28. to Jimmy Sabielny who celebrated his fifth birthday Fel). 11. .He enjoyed a nice family get-together when the relatives came out from Chicago. "News Of Vour Frieadi And Neighbors." Five year ^old Dule Morln parted with nis tonsils Feb. 2 when 1he^ were removed ut the McHenry hospital. Dale is com ing along just fine and rcalh enjoyed all tht> ice cream. AH the Reinhardt family misses their mother and dad and grandparents.^ Roy and Gert .Snell left. Feb. \5, for a three weeks vacation at the home of their son in Chicago. While there they will visit with all their relatives and friends and knowing Roy nnd Gert I bet they get In some real hoi card games. -Dorothy Krbin Is home from the hospital and is enjoying being back with her family and seeing friends. Dorothy is the most courageous and brave gal I know and with all her spunk we know she will soon be back on her feet, She will have to return to the hospital for fur- (her surgery and treatments but right now she is Just happy to be home. Good luck Dorothy and wc are all happy your doing so well. Johnnie Jenkins is recovering from the mumps and his next door neighbor Danny Sabielny had more than his share. Noi only did he have mumps but a severe case of tonsillitis along wilh the mumps. Mary Lou has been a busy gal nursing the kiddies through the mumps and keeping Dick happy while he is home convalescing after his recent surgery. My most humble u|x>logy Jo Olof Nord. Last week news was r ailed in about Olof being overcome with carbon monoxide- %'as. It was Joseph Konrath. Sr., of 212 Nippers,Ink who was overcome, and Mr. Konrath WHH taken to the hospital and after a check up was released. So very sorry if this caused the NOrds any discomfort. I hope this little apology will be accepted in good faith. Several residents have made some very nice comments on the excellent work done tlii> past year by the officers, trustees- and block captains of our association. It is always nice to report such compliments. Frb. 9, Henry Wnldin celebrated his birthday with the aid of his family, the Wilsons and Wroblewskis. His wife, Marge, baked him his favorite birthday cake and a good time was had by all. One of our new residents, Mrs. Phyllis Meekley, is confined to the McHenry hospital. Phyllis has not been feeling well for the past two months Let's hope it is nothing serious and that you will soon be enjoying the best of health. All your neighl)ors send their besl wishes. Another resident, Irv Sorenson, is confined to Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. Seems the Highlands has been having so many of their folks in hospitals. A few card* to the patitnls tall! help e lot to cheer them up. . # "Tien Npw«" The Teen club will hold a Valentine dance Friday, >'eb. 15, at the community center. Starting at 8 o'clock. . Shirley Spankuch and Rickv Ferris have been elected to lie the reporters for the Teen news. I just do "not have thetime to^make so many calls every week so I shall be looking forward to calls from yon two and I am sure it will be i. pleasute to work wilh you. "Around The Highlands" Jane Malek has been under the weather with a very severe cold. Since today is Valentine's day I want to wish all the rentiers a happy Valentine's day' and I hope you all remember your loved ones with cards candy and tokens of youiv love. Many couples from the Highlands enjoyed the Valentine dance Feb. 9, at the community center. Rev. Smith and his wife, Florence, nttended the "Book Fair" sponsored by the Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital last Wednesday. The s'econd Tuesday social evening of games and fun held on Feb. 5, and pvery Tuesday there after was a great success. The Pislakee Region adult club who sponsors the affairs wer< pleased at the big crowd thai showed up last Tuesday. Dorothy Orlowski and Joyce Heir attended a cake decorating demonstration sponsored by the woman's auxiliary .of the Legion post 703 in Fox Lake Feb. 6. Now the girls can really make lx?autiful cakes and cupcakes for Downey hospital and the orphanges. Jackie Zilligen wag another victim of mumps and a throat infection this past week sc that completes the rounds in the Zilligen home for which mother is thankful. Assoriutlon News A large group of residents turned out for the Feb. 6, association meetjlfc/. Roads and road repairs '^re the main topics. Nothing can be done right now until the Spring months roll around. Maybe some day with a full 100 per cent paid membership and witl the cooperation of all residents we may accomplish many Ihines Letters of resignation were Thursday, February 14, 1963 read at the meeting, James Malek and John Megley have resigned their posts on the library board due to so much extra work. Both men tare to lie commended for all their hard work in helping to get the Library set up. Mr. Regner spoke to the rej sidents after the meeting. He is a candidate for mad commissioner. Chuck Miller was to have Ijeen there but he couldn't make It. Cake and coffee were served and the people sal arout&l and talked about tpany things and enjoyed the. social chatter. Ed. and Klsie Brown" held a hou.-ewanning Sunday, Feb; 3, for all the residents on their block on Bunny Avenue. Dick and Rose Farwell jentertained company last weekend from Milwaukee and Racine, Wis. - Grandma and Grandpa Mdrin and Papa Boon from Chicago .ipent last weekend with Don and Audrey Morin so Audrey could Ix? with Dale when he had his tonsils removed. Feb. 5 and 6, Audrey's sister, Jackie, and her dad, Papa Boon, came out to visit with Dale. Best wishes to Betty Crosdale who entered the McHenry hospital Feb. 1, for corrective surgery on her'nose which was badly injured in an auto accident. Sunnyside Estates * CHET BANKER IN CHICAGO HOSPITAL FOR SURGERY Joan W'alc/.vnski 885-8105 Cub Seoul News The monthly committee meeting of Cub Scout Pack 452 was held at the Pistakee Terrace home of Joan Stull. Final pre parations for the Blue and Gold dinner were mafie. i he end result of many weeks planning and much work by all concerned was a successful Blue and Gold dinner. As Cubmaster of Pack 452 Henry Zenner devotes a ire mendous amount of his time to the Cub Scouts of our area. Due to his willingness to spend this time we have a well organized and increasing group of boys. The Pack Den Mothers, fully aware of Hank's responsibilities, presented him with a Cubmaster's uniform at the Feb 6, meeting. Four new boy« recently have registered as Cub Scouts. Any boy who has now reached the age of eight years can obtain information on joining by calling Mr. Zenner at Hy. 7-3397. Most people know how to say not bin.";, but few know when. REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Design Service 8c Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews "REE ESTIMATES 0 Phone: 678-2861 K\ ( uings Richmond (578 lilJHi. V, ,J-.> . ~ -- - As some of your probably know, Chet Banker recently spent another month in the hospital. His wife, June, called me the other evening to inform me that Chet is now in Wesley Memorial hospital where he is being prepared to undergo hqprt surgery. No date has been set as yet, but it could very possibly be one day this week. I'm sure that those of us who know Chet (and even those of you who don't pei haps) will want to drop him a card to let him know that our thoughts arid prayers are with him and his loved ones at this time. The address of the hospital is 250 East Superior, Chicago, 111., Room 1007. I'll definitely keep you posted on his progress. Month Of Hearts And Chet's condition brings us in direct contact with a topic I wanted to talk to all of you about this week. February is always considered to be a month of hearts. Valentine's Day is the big day of the month; but I know one that is even bigger. Heart Fund Sunday! This year Heart Sunday is Feb. 24, and as in previous years I am Heart Fund captain in this community. The gals who have so kindly accepted my request to be Heart Fund volunteers will be calling at your home sometime between Feb. 18 and Feb. 24. Give what you can, if you can; for it is this money that goes entirely into hear research that makes surgery ! such as Chet's possible. And I can't help but recall last year's Heart Fund drive; because on the Tuesday fol lowing Heart Sunday, ou* former Reporter, Polly Steven* called me to find out hov the girls and I made otft. As usual the people of our com munity were both kind ani« generous. Polly and I had nice visit over the telephone and the very next afternoon Polly was gone, ironically, from a heart Attack. So, re member, Heart Sunday, please. Thank you! Johnsburg, P.T.A. On Tuesday next, Feb. 19, the monthly meeting of the Johnsburg public school P.T.A. will be held in the school's allpurpose room beginning at 8 p.m. After the usual business meeting there will be a citizens committee report followed by a question and answer session. The entire program will be followed with cake and coffee, served by the refreshment committee. Everyone is welcome. Pleasant Visit Dottie and Ronnie Siepman and their four off-spring took a ride to Mount Prospect recently to visit Dottie's Grandmother, who is a young eightyseven years old. Grandma usually lives in Detroit with one of Kfer sons, but due to illness there, she is temporarily staying with another son in Mount Prospect. Dottie h&sh't seen her grandmother in two years; and after just having been tied down with her four "darlings" and their mumps, it was a true pleasure trip. Dottie's four children are four of thirty great-grandchildren that Grandma has, all of whom are under nine years of age, so you can see why they have to visit her, one family at a time. Pomp And Circumstance That was the music appropriate for the recent party that Marge and Louie DeFrancisco attended in Chicago. Marge's nephew, James Ellinger, graduated from the University of Illinois and in celebration of this grand milestone in his life, his parents, Sarah and Frank Ellinger, hosted a dinner and party at their home in his honor on Sunday, Feb. 3. Marge tells me that everyone had a wonderful time. She and Pammy stayed over a couple of days while Pam had fittings for the gown she will wear when being flower girl at another nephew's wedding in April. Family Affair Our oldest son, Stan, turned eight years old on Feb. 6, and we celebrated on the big day by inviting Grandma and Grandpa Holtfodt for dinner. Since Grandma doesn't get out much, we told her to come prepared to spend a few days at least; which she is doing. The kids enjoy her company and apparently she enjoys theirs. That evening Millie and George Kropf dropped in for cake and coffee and a good time was had by all. The real celebration came on the following Saturday though, when Stan and I took the children out for the day. Shopping in the morning; out to dinner in the afternoon; and to the movies in the evening. It was Paul's first movie and he behaved quite well actually. Daddy and I took turns spending some time in the cry room, not because he was crying; just noisy. The entire day was fun for all of us and we hope we can do it more often. " Happy Occasions Happy Valentine's Day, today, to all of you! Our only Valentine birthday is that of Richard Radtke. On Feb. 15 Andrew Eichorn celebrates his natal day. On Feb. 16 Ernie Von Oepen adds another year. On Feb. 18 we have three celebrants. Kathleen Senkerik, who will be fourteen yeafrs old; Katherine Bute and Nannie Lindstrom, who is Mrs. Schroeder's mother and resides here with them; Happy birthday one and all. Anniversary greetings go to the following couples. On Feb. 16, Vee and Roy Schroeder' will celebrate their twentyeighth wedding anniversary. And on Feb. 17 Rose and. Mike Tillich will celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. Congratulations to both you fine couples. May you be blessed with good health and happiness as you begin to add another year of married life. Signing Off The column isn't any too long, but there weren't toomany phone calls or news items. Oh, and by the way, I certainly didn't mean to slight Old Abe last week. It's just that it is a little difficult to keep the correct dates in mind when writing in advance as we do. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday. All the kids did, I know. Well, that about wraps it up for this week. Please call if you have any news. I'll be happy to do my best in writing about it. 'Bye now! CROP GOAL The Illinois CROP goal for 1963 is a quarter of a million dollars. The goal was set ai a recent meeting of the Church World Sorvice-CROP Commission at Champaign. Illinois. CONTE Custom Tailor Fine Chicago Custom Tailor Now Living in McHenry Ready to Accommodate You in ALL TYPES OF TAILORING Ladles' & Gentlemen's Clothes By Appointment Call 885-8713 PHILIP CONTE 1003 S. Osage Dr. Oakhurst Subdivision McHenry, Illinois / - *>f 0 Declared SAVE BY FEBRUARY 15th Dividend Rate MMM • > - EARN FROM FEBRUARY 1st N(T,tr' By placing your savings in an account with us by FEBRUARY 15th -- you automatically receive earnings from February 1st. A Mutual Company total assets over $15,000,000.00 CHEVROLET TRUCK QUALITY m f»Ilf| T-^-SW ^ * K*' You can see the difference wherever you look Heat that extra room the modern, economical way with a Siegler Baseboard Heater If you believe various makes of trucks are pretty much alike, you aren't doing justice to your pocketbook. There are differences. A Chevrolet truck welcomes comparison. Look at the little things on it--latches, hinges, stitching in the upholstery. Notice how strong the tailgate is, the rubber encased chains that keep it from sagging. The body floor is made of select wood to eliminate the rust problem and give you better footing. The lower side panels are double-walled; you might dent the inside but it won't show through. Chevrolet designs suspension systems to fit your need. The light-duty type is strong on comfort. Another kind for heavier trucks stiffens up as you increase your load and vice versa. Make sense? If you are going to need a new truck this yeqr» you should look at the quality Chevrolet has to offer* May we bring over a new '63 so you can examine it? 2 NEW (.CYLINDER ENGINES Economical. Operates with typical Qas economy. Each baseboard heater has its own thermostat for automatic, controlled comfort. Gives wide distribution of gentle warmth. Heats instantly. Stylish. Siegler baseboard heaters take almost no usable floor space. Blend well anywhere. Ideal for •dd-oo Woim, Closed-In porches, breezeways, attics, recreation rooms and sleeping rooms. Easy to install. Siegler baseboard heaters have a sealed combustion chamber, use no room air; rest on the floor and are directly vented through any outside wall. No chimney, no •lectricity needed. At your Siegler dealer's or nearest Northern Illinois 6u Company showroom. Phone 385-20811 NORTHERN A ILLINOIS New High Torque 230-cu.-in. Six is lighter but more powerful than its predecessor. It is standard in Series C10 through C50 models. Sew High Torque 292-cu.-in. x--most powerful truck 6 Chevrolet has ever built! Standard in Series C60, optional at extra cost in lighter models. <* QUALITY TRUCKS COSTLESS Just call us to test drive o/m of the "New Reliables" CLARK cHE\rR0LET SALES 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-0277