'•"• ' *«irit/W >"•»..'it.* • ,», ./..tf^.^-^^l-ljj.-. .-:. r'. - ,v. | ^ . '£.$> •P*$« Hfrlf ihi%ii»i>.ii ' Wonder Lake SOLDIER SON WRITES OF LIFE IN GERMANY ;; ' timrf Ltfti flAftoft - "The senior Jack Moores of ^Wonder Woods received a letter from their son, Jack, Jr., who jis stationed in Hanau, Gerfnany, wherein he told of a fbreak in their usual routine when they spent a week <h>4 he Kinvig River on a demolition job breaking up ice so the barges could get through. TV movies were taken of the men during the work and later all nixty-five of them crowded into a 12 x 12 room to see a rerun of themselves as TV actors. Jack should be home the latter fmrt of this year. Memorial Hospital Auxiliary News - Tea members cf the Sew 'ft Sews met at the home of Mrs. Ted El toft on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 21. Several new projects were started and two dozen pupi>ets were completed. Each child admitted to the hospital receives a hand puppet and the demand is heavy right now. Mrs. Hose Murphy received the hostess prize. Mrs. Eltoft served delicious fudge cake and coffee. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER -- ; • --•' -.i& • Hmrsdafr, February 28, 1963 Moana and ttronnt All that moaning you hear coming from the direction of j(Vonder Woods is coming from the thirty-five couples who gave their all in the annual bowling match last Saturday. A wonderful time w&s reported but oh those aching muscles! The once-a-year bowlers used muscles they forgot they had ..since the last bowling party. Gaiety was the order of the evening and now they are all getting in condition for the second half of the annual party. The banquet will be held in McHenry next Saturday night when prize winners will be announced and fun will again be the order of the day (or evening). Bridge Club Doln's Those dedicated bridge players braved the 6 below weather last Thursday to play bridge at the home of Joan Higgins. JHlgh scorers were Mildred Kersten and Betty Selsdorf and ^Harriet McCall was low scorer. In honor of Washington's birthday, Mrs. Higgins served a delicious cheese cake with cherry glace. Other players were Martha Thompson, June Rink, MaxineJBixby and Ruth Woodward. "*! * Chamber of Commerce Meeting The W. L. Chamber of Commerce will have an election of officers at their tfieeting tonight -T hursday - at the Mill Inn. Sick List Hospitalized last week were Jane Jucey, Dorothy West, C. Dale Shaw, Charles Sullivan, Frank Haworka, Ray Sullivan and Billie Williams. - Engaged - Congratulations to Miss Carol Nachel on her engagement to Allan Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright of Ventura, Calif. Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Edward Nachel of 8902 Shady Lane in Highland Shores. relation of Christian worship and workings to Brotherhood. He spoke of brotherhood as a "God directed thing." As his suggestion to increase Brotherhood, Rev. Wright quoted, "Man Sees in Christ something he needs. True an.1 renewed understanding of Christ and his teachings can help us to study brotherhood." Rev. R. Bruce Brenefnan continued the discussion by drawing our attention to a passage from Kphesians, "you are then members of the household of Clod." In examining the prejudices that engulf all of us, Rev. Brennfcman paraphrased from the book, "Black like me," in which a white man, John H. Griffith, changes the color of his skin, so that he may examine for himself the Negroid prejudices In the South. The content of the book was the vertex around which Rev. Brcneman explained brotherhood. Pastor Warren L. Thummel. completed the survey on brotherhood, by recalling his acceptance into our community, and the local "subtle integrationism," existing in our area. Rev. Thummel recalled a line used by Negro comedian Dick Gregory, who in answering how one might aid the fight for segregation, answered, "Take me out to lunch sometime, when it isn't Brotherhood Week." Our next speaker will be Lt. Gbv. Floyd Eckert, a Lincoln scholar who will speak to us on Lincoln. Our Battle-Ax winner, the evar present....Floyd (e) Ltlgh. Canasta Club George Washington hatchets decorated the cake and he should have been there to make a foyrth at the third table of canasta - at the auxiliary card club party, that is, Thursday night. Hostess was Mrs. George Street. Others in attendance were mesdames Robert Kiddell, Kd Gallas, Jr., Dan Lundborg, Ted Eltoft, Jack McCafferty, Joe Lundborg, Chris Rasmussen and the winners, Mrs. Vic Milbrandt, Mrs. Larry Fuhrer and Mrs. Ed Gallas, Sr. Note: I don't know what you think of those new street lights but I think they are just fine. I hope to see more of them go up. From my window over the desk I can see the one at the corner of Hancock and Wonder Lake Drive and it's pretty nice to look out at any hour of (he night and see the corner lit up instead of a big black nothing after the service station .lijj£ts„ go. out. I'm for 'em. How about you? yUNIT 491 " The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion auxiliary was held Feb. 18th, President Dorothy Weichmann presiding. Child Welfare Chairman Pearl Cooper reported the distribution of nineteen baskets and thirteen gift certificates over the holidays. Initiation cerrmonies vvere held for the following new members: Mickey Williams, Vickie Bottari, Tillie Cooper and Jcten Kruetz. ' Dorothy Weichmann, Betty Lingenfelter, Peggy Garrelts, Lauretta Homo. Pearl Cooper and Ruth Mrachek attended the recent Eleventh district convention in Elgin. Betty Lingenfelter reported that the Juniors will hold a convention in Elgin on April 6. Please note that the Juniors will hold their annual father- daughter banquet on Sunday, March 24, not the twenty- sixth as stated in your last bulletin. The Juniors will hold their next monthly meeting March 16. Please try to attend. We need as many members as possible to complete our tray favors for the patients of Downey hospital. Music Chairman Katherine Frazier led the group in singing a unique version of the old song, "My Hat it has Three Corners." The Salvation Army has requested help from' the auxiliary for their annual Doughnut Day being held June 7. If you can be of assistance, contact President Weichmann. Henrietta Vycital received the attendance prize and other prizes were won by Lois Mc- Cormack and Peggy Garrelts. On March, 16 the ladies of the auxiliary will serve a potluck supper to honor the Legion's birthday. Please try to .ittend and bring a dish to pass; ISSUE WARNING Arrest tickets will be issued, I,winning Friday, March 1, to motorists displaying only one license plate on their vehicles, tiie office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announced today. COUNTY RESIDENTS BUY $137,100 IN SAVINGS BONDS NYE'S POLICY We will match any locally advertised price. We can and do give Plaid Stamps without increasing pricc. NYE DRUG ^ "Your Friendly . Walgreen Agency" (Adv.) McHenry county residents purchased a total of $137,100 in series E and H United States savings bonds in January, according to Donald J. Still, Wood&tock, general county chairman pi the savings bonds committee. Sales in the state of Illinois were $38,295,168, according to Arnold J. Rauen of McHenry, state director of the U. S. savings bonds division. This is 3.3 per cent more than sales in the state for last January. The last time sales in the state surpassed the previous corresponding month was November, 1961. Illinois achieved 11.2 percent of the year's sales quota of S341,200,000 in ^January. State sales were 7.2 per cent of the national total which was $525,- 282,000. Use The Classifieds To Eager Beavers Who Want To Reform The WorldT" Robins, beavers, and salmon cany on their lives just like their ancestors did, 1,000 yefirs ago, and are still doing all right. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SEKVI€E" 1002 N. Front St. 385-0811 McHenry, 111. Bee Hive??? That new Legion hall is sure a bee hive of activity these days. Just goes to show what cooperation will do. I understand they have a very nice place built and are working hard getting set for their grand opening party the first part of May. Good luck, fella's. The Statue of Liberty cost a quarter-of-a-million bucks -- or about twice what one hour of a television show runs. Klwanls Club Meeting Feb. 18th This week being Brotherhood Week, oyr program for the evening featured three members of the clergy from the Wonder Lake area. Rev. Richard Wright, Wonder Lake Bible church, in leading off the discussion, spoke on his responsibility to the community as a man of the cloth to enlighten people on Christ and the cor- I CLEANS SEPTIC TANKS Dfoolvn tludga gcMt* or wait* dpans clogged dratirfialdt Easy *© apply USE •OYER Sapitc Yank Cfointr BUCK'S HARDWARE «2)o *lJou OW «Someone *¥]ew ^Jown? The Welcome Wagon Representative would like to call on them and extend a welcome to the community. Please Call the Representative Below come W aaon ^Kepreien tative Adelaide B. Pa+zk* Phona 385-9278 THE BONUS BOOKLET MAILED TO YOU IS GOOD FOR... Today--start making use of the A&P coupon booklet mailed to you! The coupons redeemable this week--along with purchase of the items featured--will enrich your collection by 600 EXTRA PLAII) STAMPS! Participate fully in this extraordinary offer and in 8 weeks you'll have four saver books filled with extra stamps! That's enough to get you some fine dream gifts! 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MAKE EVERY COUPON COUNT EVERY SINGLE 300 95c RMTAM. 'm WEEK!!! Mb. * Cap*. | 1 li'lt JOIN»'« | 1 Pkp. G*p'a JokaH IS-M. Stowing SIM •M 33 1" 89' PLUSX ADDITIONAL ^ PLAID STAMPS WITH THESE COUPONS bag Whites Extra Stamps Mailer Coupon For a Lenten Suggestion Try Victory Cream Cheese 8-OZ. PKG. Fancy Wisconsin Sharp Cheddar Cheese LB. Ann P«9i Fine, Mvdium Broad, Extra Broad Egg Noodles Tomato Soup £ Fancy Apple Sauce l-lb. Pkf> ASP Braivd 29 3I0</2.oz.I|9( earn &£, 2 £ 29" HELP YOUR CHILD IN SCHOOL ENCYCLOPEDIA Freestone Peaches Golden Corn Sultana Rice Barbecue Beef Vegetables Pic't Ripe Elbarta A*P Cimm Styfa Cooks Huffy Twiy'c Brand For Chop Sway Chinas* Maid 31-!*..13-7Q •i. 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SWCE lit* Super Markets THE CREAT ATLANTIC « PACIFIC ftA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE TH*U MARCH 2,19*3 Chow Mein Noodles Chunk Tuna Milnot for Baking H Old Fashion Spruance Crises Shortening Whip* l.«ll A i-y ucsaim All Flavors I4'/2-OI