Tfitoday, March 14 196$ 4* THE McHENJtf PLMNDEALEU Eastwood Manor Welcome T#o New Baby Boys Ivenaa S85-1415 We welcome two new baby boys. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zender on the birth of their third child at Memorial Hospital Feb. 28. James Thomas weighed in at 6 lbs 6% ozs. Brother Michael and sister Sue are very delighted with the latest addition to the family. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaeffer on the birth of their third son at McHenry Hospital March 1. Ke'.th Todd weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 ozs. Both babies have beautiful heads of dark hair. Party The committee is working very hard on that St. Patrick's Day party so all of you will have a grand time. There will be food, music, dancing and what else is there! Tickets can be purchased from Dick Wiegman, Dottie Messer, Eleanor Kuck, Fred Woodbury, Lee Landin, Kay Mitchell and Carol Roths. Don't miss out on the fun . . . Saturday evening, March 1.6, • at 9 p.m. at Clut Lilymoor. E.M.PO.A. Friday, Mar. 15, is the regular monthly meeting of our E.M.P.O.A. Come on out and meet the officers, your neighbors, and give them an assist. They are completing their plans for a St. Pat's party for your enjoyment. This is your association dedicated to the betterment, safety, progress, and recreation of our residents and community. We need you to make this association a success. We need your suggestions and your active participation at our meetings. Every family in Eastwood Manor is eligible and entitled to attend our meetings, serve on committees, make suggestions and discuss problems. Coffee and doughnuts are served free after each meeting. Membership cards may be obtained from secretary Carol Roths either at her home or at the barn anytime before a meeting is called to order. Banco Club The gals met for Bunco again last Tuesday evening in the home of Florence Tucker. Jeanne McHale was hostess but her little baby girl was sick so she brought her delightful dark chocolate cake down to the Tucker residence. Kay Mitchell got away with first prize while Frieda Durkin took off with the Bunco prize. Florence received the booby prize. Birthdays Happy birthday, today, Mar. 14, to a pretty eight year old Laura TteTlogg. Tomorrow, 'Friday, will be a birthday party for Cynthia Iverson as she celebrates her seventh year. March 16 that darling third daughter of the Mclntyres, Nancy, will be three years old. St. Pat's Day Jim Wilson will be celebrating his natal day and so will two little girls.* Sue Zender will become three on that day and Debbie Hansen will become two. Best wishes Ii-u« uuuj aIlattUACumiSounmn! AvTllI 1J.Q* 7 . And that's the birthdays for this week. Hope you all have a happy day. 4 Annlversatie# Four wedding couples in just two days so there will be some celebrating March 17 and 18. Saturday it's best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fenner and also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woolwine. Sunday it's best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bever and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stuart. Blue And Gold Banquet Feb. 28 was the date of the Blue and Gold banquet for Pack 162. About 100 people attended. They enjoyed ham, American and German potato salads, baked beans, baked lima beans, cole slaw, relish trays, jello and fruit, milk and coffee, cup cakes with marshmallow head Cub Scouts, and two lovely cakes made and decorated by Dottie Messer. Awards were given out. In Den 1 Steve Simpson received his Wolf badge, I gold arrow, and his Denner bar. Lawrence Stratton received his Lion badge and 1 gold arrow. Greg Fultz a sHver arrow, Marshall Leonard hjis Wolf badge, and Scott Fuhler a gold arrow. James Coughlin was elected assistant denner. In Den 2 Paul Dethfolds received his denner bar. Scott Wilhelm assistant denner bar, Tom Lingenfelter his Wclf badge and gold arrow and Steve Congdon his Bobcat pin. The boys made their own place mats, napkin holders, and centerpieces. Kenneth Congdon played his harmonica and John Weyland played the guitar. They both played a 'number each with Cub Scoutmaster A1 Bianchi. Faith Presbyterian Church New# Thursday, March 14, at 8 p.m. -- Fourth Lenten Women's Bible Study at the Haroldine Peck home, 1916 N. Orchard Beach Drive in McHenry. Sunday, March 17 -- Fourth in a series of sermons dealing with the last earthly days of our Lord. Sermon entitled, Thursday -- the Gethsemane Experience." Tuesday, March 19 at 8 p.m. -T- Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. -- Brownies. The Younger Set At the annual district solo and ensemble contest for in* ' IW* rufOnfl ' m i *" *< <%ki> strumentansts neld m Round Lake we can proudly claim two winners. Kathleen Eternick won top honors with her clarinet solo end also with her clarinet duet. Mike Sobacki won top honors with his cornet duet. Congratulations go to those two fine young A Wedding Young Dennis Hansen took a bride, Miss Artrilia Ray, Feb. 28. Dennis, a« many of you know, is in the Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas. He is the oldest son of Lennie and Winnie Hansen. The Finis This is my finale, I am bowing out and if someone doesn't come forward there will be no Eastwood Manor column next week. The files are here with mc -- the house at the end of Mill Lane with the windmill. Drop in and pick them up and I'll help you get started. Sure wilt miss talking to all of yfU. You were a threat help to me all this time •t I could never have written the column. Hope you will be as co-operative with our next columnist. The parents who drove the Brownies and Girl Scouts to and from +heir meetings dll this cold long winter are to be commended. We who are unable to help cut in that department stue appreciate it. Birthday I'arty Ernie Kuck had a birthday party Friday. Guests were David and Doug Messer, the three Davis boys, Russell, Lloyd, and Steve, Marshall Leonard, and his brother, Eugene Kuck. The boys enjoyed ice cream and birthday cake und a good time. Saturday he is to celebrate again in Chicago at his Grandfather end Grandmother Weyde's home. Final Revtaft Since this is my last column I thought perhaps you would be interested in a past review of cur coiumn and the news. I wrote my first column August 17, 1961. /.bout that time we were changing street numbers and n&mes. Our E.M.O.P.A. came through with some of the street signs. We also had the services of a bookmobile which many of us miss vf;ry much. It certainly was a boom year for babies. The James Olson family welcomed their fourth baby and first son. The Richard Rads and A1 Ritters were proud parents of daughters. The Roy Carlsons welcomed a baby boy, into their family circle. The Walter Barrys, Bill Huemanns, John Coughlins, and Donald Cisewskis all had new sons. The Milt McHales were tickled with their pink bundle, as were the Ed Vestgards. Baby Joycfe Engstrom was born on her mother's birthday, Oct. 19, 1961 and passed away in Jan. 1962. The only son of Dorothy and Anthony Noonan was born Feb. 8, 1962 and passed away in April. Recent babies were a son for the Don Meyers, also a son and first child for the Roger Crokins; a girl for the Ray Salo family and a Donald for the Don Grabbes and a Donald for the Mel Iversons. Other deaths in the Manor were James Long who was killed in an automobile accident enroute to work, Eileen Noonan was also in a fatal auto accident, and young 17- year old Patrick Cary died by drowning. We had two new sets of grandparents as Ed and Betty Radner were thrilled with the birth of their first granddaughter, Michelle Rigler and Am and El Koerper with the birth of their first grandson, Joe- Len Ibsh. During the time I wrote your column Jo Ann Koerper became a lovely fall bride as she accepted the name Mrs. Lynn Ibsh and Sharon Slove White became Mrs. Wolfang Berthold. Besides babies, deaths, and weddings we Wrote of Scouts. Mel Stephenson is the Cubmaster of Pack 454 which is sponsored by the Faith Presbyterian church. There are two dens in our midst with Lydia Fenner as one den mother assisted by Georgia Sigman and Carolyn Roths as the other den mother. Past den mothers of this Pack are Kay Stephenson and Dorothy Eternick. The other Pack No. 162 has A1 Bianchi as Cubmaster and is sponsored by the American Legion. Also with two dens in our Manor with den mothers being Louise Griffeth and Carolyn Congdon. Our own E.M.O.P.A. sponsors both Brownie Troop 211 and Girl Scout Troop 436. The Brownies meet in the Faith church Wednesday evenings under the leadership of Betty Radner with Kay Stephenson as co-leader and the Girl Scouts meet Wednesdays after school in St. Patrick's church under the leadership of Rosemary Newlon with Peggy Garrelts as co-leader. Our Brownie Troop took part in the fair ast April. We have several Manorites taking active part in the American Legion. Tom Birmingham is the commander of the Leg ion Post, No. 491. Tim Me Cormack is the Adjutant. Pes? gy Garrelts is the second vice president of the Legion sux iliary. She and Lydia Fenner were on the winning memberhip team. Other women in the Manor holding offices are Lois McCormack, Helen Birmingham, Marge Pickett, Lydia Fenner, and Peggy Garrelts. Hugh Saynor is the presiding 3428 W. Elm St. Phone 385-2383 FREE Panting across from Salon "High Styling" is the thing for Spring! Expertly done by Elena - Wally - Kathy Call today . . . d^eciutu (J3t HOURS: Mon., Wed. St Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 pan. Tues., Thura. 6 Fri. 9 a.m. 9 pm. -- Perdonaid -- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey returned last week from an enjoyable month's vacation in Arizona, California and Mexico. In Phoenix they visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers, Former local residents, and enroute home they called on their grandson, Mike Purvey, a student at Drake university in Des- Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund accompanied by their son, Floyd, and wife of Woodstock have returned from a few weeks trip through the south in which they called on former local people, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nersted in Florence, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vance in Clearwater, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt in St. Petersburg and Mrs. Rose Muska in Chuluota, Fla. They also visited Mrs. Freund's, brother, Leo Scheid, in Belleview and did some sight seeing in Miami. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger attended a meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution held officer of the McHenry County Vciture, No. 578. As Chef De Gare of the 40 and 8 he and his wife attended a meeting in Detroit, Mich., and Canada. Maureen McCormack holds the office of sergeant at arms in the Junior auxiliary. Tom Simpson was the Chairman of Marian Central's football banquet. Eat Kellogg is the secretary of the Lake Regions Sports Car Club. In the younger set department we had some junior high musicians to win top state honcrs. John Anderson, trombonist, and Kathleen Eternick, clarinetist. Lynn Krebs was named top scholar of junior high winning the M. L. Schoenholtz award. We also have a prize-winning dog in our midst being Gusto Wind, a black miniature poodle belonging to Gail Crokin. p»g» SpUTH GOING or WEST? Rent Our CAMPING TRAILERS (with heaters) C A L L 385-0435 at the home of Mrs. O. D. Mulliken in Wayne Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowles have returned from a few weeks visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Krull, in Tucson, Ariz. , Dr. and Mrs. James West and daughter, Kim, of Itasca, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie JJacon. Miss Ann Frisby, who had spent the past ten days in their home, returned to McHenry with them. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber returned Friday from a few weeks vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Hattie Riechow of Chicago spent a few days recently in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freund accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Low of Ringwood have been enjoying a few weeks vacation in California; Arizona and Mexico. Mrs. Frank Justen of Chowchilla, Calif., is spending several days with relatives in this vicinity where she was called by the death of her brother, Clarence Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. William Billeter have been vacationing in Arizona and California. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock were callers in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey Sunday. Mrs. Guffey accompanied them to Richmond to visit her granddaughter, Patti Guffey, who was injured in an auto accident last week. Mrs. Ertrude Pidgeon and Mrs. Alma McAuliff of Chicago were %isitors in the Walter Brooks home Wednesday. Clare Whiting of Washington, D.C., spent a few days with relatives here where he was called 'by the death of his father, Clarence Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Torchy Krause have returned from a month's vacation in which they spent some time with an aunt, Mrs. Fred Cady, in Phoenix, Ariz., and did sight-seeing in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. They made the trip by train. Mrs. Amanda Freund and Miss Laura Weber are visiting in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Emily Broeker, in Chuluota, Fla., where they plan to visit Miami and other places of interest before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes and Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes visited their sister, Mrs. Catherine Tillman, in Grafton, Wis., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paddock and son have returned from a pleasant trip to Florid! and Key West. While gorm they visited friends and relatives in Mt. Dora, Tampa and Fort Meyer Beach. A few days were spent at Ft. Lauderdalft Among the many places of iijk terest they visited were Silvflpp. Springs at Ocala, Citrus Towels Sunken Gardens in St. Peteri? burg, Singing Tower, the great masterpiece and Cypress uafs* dens near Orlando and a sightseeing tour of Key West. They also visited Rock City near. Chattanooga, Tenit. Use The ClasrfllSiil Come In For FREE Demonstration Revere Sewing Machines • Trade-Ins Accepted. "• Small Down Payment with Easy Terms Can be Arranged. • Fully Guaranteed. • "With Purchase, We Will Teach You Complete Operation of Sewing Machine. Prices :$44^ to $112 -- 6 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM -- Riwewtte T?ctal£ OutJrf NO HIGH pressure CHECK OUR SUPRISE ROOM EV55900 DAILY. 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SUN.9-5 11 Reasons Why ( To See Us II You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2< Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 8. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 6. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes - 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 1L EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 10 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-07IS How to tell a Tempest from just any low-priced car Does it have Fide-Track? Does it hare a lively 4? Does it offer a phenomenal V-8*? Does it look like this? a**- *- ».»M W|«' 'Optional at extra cost Now there are two kinds of Wide-Track cars--Pontiac and Tempest -SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A WIDE CHOICE OF WIOE-TRACKS AND 600D USED CARS, TOOOVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC CO. 1112 N. Front Street McHenry, IQ. i } 0/o per Annum <<C.. eOewne IiMnvvieAsntimMi ent Accounts 74% Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts iHrifrttrg failings and LOAN ASSOCIATION To You... Our Services 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository INSURED 3611 West Elm Street Phone 385-3000 McHenry. Illinois "No, those are not prizes tor skin diving. There's one tor each savings account our family has at McHenry Savings & Loan Association. Each account is insured up to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal Government. And where your savings earn the highest rate of dividend consistent with safety." m •4,1 J 7"