Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1963, p. 2

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Pagt Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 14, 1963 Bridge Club IJSIH Winners The McHenry Woman's Duplicate Bridge club met on March 6. A Howell movement was played, with the following winners: /boris Palmer and Lucille Fanning, first; Carolyn 4 Hoffman and Marge Scott, second; Dorothy Uttich and Vi Herkes tied with Alice Petersen and Tommfc Morrisotv for third. Anyone interested in playing duplicate bridge is invited. Games are held the first and third Wednesday* of the month at noon at the Starlight lmmgte. The next game will be March 20. . W.fW\WI SHARON TH1KL Sharon Thiol's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thicl of Johnsburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Katherine, to William Edward Dust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Dust of Palos Park. No immediate plans have been made for the wedding. - PATRICIA WfflSB CMtago Gin To Wed Itonuld Ncuklrcfc Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiese of 4956 W. Superior street, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter,..Patriqia, to RonaM Neukirch, son of Mr. end Mrs,- EdwarcJ J. Neukirch of 915 S. Totem frail, McHenry. A_ fall wedding is planneeT** Mr. Netikhvh i« a granduate oi the McHenry high ICJJQOI. Bruce Robert Baptised Sunday The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kalk was christened BFuce Robert at St. Pet rick's church by Rev. Eugene Parker on Sunday. His mat< nal grandpjarents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean, acted as godparent^ for their new grandson who was bom Feb. 25. Ji dinner for the family followed the ceremony at the Kalk home. The new baby has a brother, Michael, and blister, Kelly Jayn* « • • -- Neely -Justen feeceht K. Marriage Announced «*•: > .Announcement has, been made of the recent marriage of James Justen," son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Justen, of Mc- Henry; to Miss Susan Neely, daughter of Commander and Mrs. G. E.* Neely of Norfolk, Vfc., which took place at St. Patrick's church on Feb. lb, with Rev. Eugene Perk officiating. Attendants for the couple were the groom's sister and brother, Sally Ann and Thomas Justen. Robert Hauser To Claim Bride June 8 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Rackow of Bedford Park, 111., announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Joan, to Robert Paul Hauser. son of WOMAN'S CLUB SENDS BENEFIT LIBRARY CHECK It was announced at the meeting of the McHenry Woman's club on Friday that a check for $190.26 had beert mailed to the McHenry library building fund, the total net receipts from the benefit Valentine's card party given on Feb. 14 at the V. F. W. by the McHenry Woman's club with Mrs. Raymond Spohr as chairman. Miss Estelle Fedelle, who appeared before the club, made painting appear so easy, there has no doubt been a rush to purchase paint supplies in local stores to begin some masterpiece. In forty minutes she had produced two oil paintings, one a pastoral scene called Spring in the Woods" and the other a "Clown." Two members of the McHenry Woman's club were very happy to be carrying these paintings home with them, Mrs. Wm. J. Radisch and Mrs. Fred Pepping. Another very fine service this group of civic-minded women has contributed was on March 1, when seven of its members heljjed with the T.B. mobile unit in Woodstock. Mrs. Clyde Bailey, Mrs. Earl Wal^h, Mrs. A. J. Wirtz and Mrs. H. M. Engdahl were on duty from 1 until 4:30 p.m., and Mrs. Anthony Siadek, Mrs. Daniel Knapp and Mrs. Fred Pepping from 5 to 8:30 p.m. A collection was taken on1 Friday for the needy American Indians in the Chicago area and a check is being mailed to the Chairman of Indian Affairs of the Illinois Congress of Women's Clubs. If anyone wishes to make a contribution to help these 10,000 starving people in the state of Illinois, they may do so by calling Mrs. Clyde Bailey, president of the club. Donald Parisi Claims Bride St. Patrick's Catholic church was the setting for a lovely wedding on Saturday, March 0, which united in marriage Miss Beverly Ann Schantz of Elgin, Fashion Show At Pjstakee Highlands A fashion show sponsored by the Pistakee Highlands Woman's club will be held at 8 o'clock on Thursday, March 21, at the Pistakee Highlands Community center. Entertainnjent will be furnished by a choral group from the JohnsbUrg public schood and members of the club. 'Tickets may be obtained at the door, with proceeds to be used for local charities. Refreshments will be served CAROLYN KACKOW Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hauser of McHenry. Miss Rackow teaches third grade in Janesvflle, Wis. Mr. Hauser is a student in the elementary curriculum at Wisconsin State college, Whitewater. The wedding has been set for Jnnr 9 f*P? | IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Mary Klein, who passed away nine years ago March 17. The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the one we loved From memory pass away. Daughters, Mrs. Mae Angelo and Mrs. Lola Mears of McHenry, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. *3-14-63 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved Mother who passed away three years ago on March 14th. A precious one from us is gone. A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. Loving daughter, Theresa Schultz 3-11 EAgebrook Heights St Patrick's Party -A basket social and dance afe being planned for St. Patrick's Day, March 17, at the Legion home for members o t Edgebrook Heights. Although it is sponsored by the Edgebrook Heights Men's club, it is not necessary to be a member to attend. "The club hopes everyone in the subdivision will attend this "get acquainted" party. Activities -will start about 7 p.m., with box lunches served at 9 o'clock, followed by a dance. Each lady must bring a- box lunch containing sufficient food for two. These will be sold to the men, and the name of the buyer's dinner partner will be found inside. Louis Spidalette is chairman and members of the committee are Charles Miller, Walter Anderson and Roland Herrmann..^. >LAN WCRT DANCE A square dance will be held at Grant high school cafeteria in Fox Lake? on May 4, for the benefit of Mount Hope Methodist church organ fund LOOK HOW THE THBIfT HABIT HAS SPREAD! Though it hasn't spread that far, iooK away from the illustration and jit the record: Americans today own some seventy billion dollars in commercial bank individual savings. That sum in dollar bills laid end to end would stretch approximately thirty times the distance from Earth to the moon! More important these banked savings dollars reduce distance*--between each saver and his heart's desire. Few factors count more than savings in allowing Americans to enjoy the world's highest living standard. And no other institutions hold more savings dollars for more people than banks. There are three good reasons for all this--springing from the passage of the National Currency Act in 1863. First, by standardizing the Nation's currency, the Act helped encourage its economy, and so make substantial savings possible. Second, the Act established Federally- chartered banks, to serve beside existing state-chartered institutions; so today there are many thousands of local commercial banks where Americans can save. Third, the healthy competition of this "dual banking system" has led to the development of new savings services--"automatic savings," for example--and to the concept of the "full-scale service bank": When you save at a commercial bank, you can do all your banking under the same roof. In 1963, some 60 million people--commercial bank savers all--agre« that "the bank is the saver's best friend"! 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY ACT AND THE DUAL BANKING SYSTEM WW A CENTURY OF COMMERCIAL BANKING McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving Yon -- All Ways" Since 1906 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone 385-1040 Rudi J. Photo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schantz of New Jersey, and Mr. Donald D. Parisi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank PariSi of Lakeland Shores. Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptial rite. Given in marriage by the bridegroom's uncle, Joseph Parisi of Chicago, the bride approached the altar, charming in a yellow, two-piece dressmaker suit, with which she wore matching accessories and carried a bouquet consisting of a white orchid with yellow center and stephanotis. Her maid of honor wals Miss Janice Parisi, sister of the groom. She was attired in a beige suit, matching accessories and a corsage of yellow carnations and white stephanotis. Joseph J. Cina of Dundee, cousin of the groom, served as best man. Because of k recent accident injury to the bride's father, her parents were unable to attend. Mrs. Parisi wore a blue knit suit, black accessories and a white carnation and stephanotis corsage..* Following the nuptial, open house was held throughout the COUNTY WOMAN RECOGNIZED WITH STATE 4-H AWARD Mr*. Lillian Strohm of Wooflstock was presented the State 4-H Alumni Recognition Award during National 4-H Club Week. Mrs. Genevieve Hughes, McHenry county assistant home adviser, made the presentation. This award honors former 4-H members whose a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s e x e m p l i f y community leadership .public service, service to 4-H club work and success in their chosen careers. Four such awards were given in Illinois this year. Mrs. Strohm, the wife of Mr. John Strohm, an international journalist and lecturer,, is a graduate of. Purdue university arid received her master's degree from George Washington university through t lie 4-H National Fellowship Award. She served as a home lemonstration agent in Indiana, then worked in the Indiana state 4-H office for four years and spent a year in the National 4-H office in Washington, D. C. As mother of six children ^he has been busy, but not too busy, to give of herself to others. She is active in many civic endeavors which are varied in interest relating to home, church and school. Mrs. Strohm's continuing interest in 4-H work is shown through her work as a 4-H leader. She has served nineteen years in this capacity. McHenry county is proud to have this award given to an outstanding 4-H alumna living in the county. New Beauty Queens GOP WOMEN OF COUNTY INVITED TO SOCIAL "MEET iPPP There are few really free things in the world--as many mice have found, upon finding a hunk of cheese in a trap. day at the Parisi heme, with about 100 in attendance. The newly weds will delay their honeymoon trip until Easter vacation, when they will travel to New Jersey to visit her parents. The couple will make their future home in Sleepy Hollow, Dundee. The bride was educated in the East, and has been employed at the Elgin Watch company. The groom graduated in 1960 from McHenry high school and two years later from Elgin Junior college. He is now a student at Northern Illinois university. All Republican women of McHenry county are invited to meet with members of the 12th Congressional district Women's Republican club on Monday, March 18 at a 10:30 a.m. coffee at the home of Mrs. Arthur Jenner, 56 S. waikup, Crystal Lake, or at a 1:30 p.m. tea at the home of Mrs. Carl Larsen, 212 W. ^udd, Woodstock. Mrs. Jenner is vice-president <>t' the 12th Congressional district Women's Republican club from McHenry county and Mrs. Larsen is chairman of the invitations committee. Refreshments will be served and a brief, informal program is planned, including a discussion of the activities of the club, at each home. MADONNA CASEY St. Patrick's Queen Next Saturday afternoon, March 16, when an * expected 50,000 participate in the annual St, Patrick's parade in Chicago's Loop, the eyes of the huge crowd lining the streets will be focused on the parade queen, 18-year-old Madonna Casey. The young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, attended St. Patrick's parochial school in McHenry and is still a summer resident of the area. Madonna will be wearing a full length formal of green velvet, which was one of her prizes for being named queen. Her regal cape will be gold on a white background, and of course, a crown will be perched atop her pretty head. Miss Casey will lead the parade riding in a traditional Irish side-car. Although winning the title has been a great thrill for her, she counts equally as important having won distinction at the age of 9 when she and her sister, Alicia, were the only drum majorettes in Notre Dame university band history. Now a freshman in Northern Illinois university, she plays trumpet in the school band. Madonna is attending the university on a four-year nursing scholarship, and completed her high school studies on a four-year competitive scholarship. She has rated outstanding both in t'ne mathematics department in college and in national competition. Among prizes which were DV Tf *" •' Badger Queen hers for winning the St. Patrick's Day title were a stereo record machine, $50 worth of stereo records, a wrist watch, the velvet formal and crown, as well as a year's modelling course. ' Since being crowned, she has been one of the busiest young ladies in northern Illinois. One of her appearances was at Drury Lane theatre last week, where she presented the movie star, Pat O'Brien, and Mrs. O'Brien with two dozen RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale sponsored by Troop 459, Boy Scouts, of Lakeland Park will be held April 5 and 6 on Friday from 6 to 10 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the community house. Proceeds will benefit the boys' Indian dance team for materials used in makeup. Refreshments will be served throughout the sale. Donations of clothing and other articles of rummage are needed. Persons who would care to donate may call Walter Miotz. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for cards, masses, floral offerings and acts of kindness received during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Fathers Baumhofer and Holmgren. The Family of Margaret Steinsdorfer 3-14-63 McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. George Marcotte announce the birth of a daughter March 3. Mr. and Mrs. John Riccobene of Wauconda are parents of a daughter born March 4. A daughter was born on March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petrucci. On March 10, a son was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freund. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schieb of Wonder Lake are parents of a son born March 9. A son was born March 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swedo announce the birth of a daughter March 9. Mr. and Mrs. George Mann became parents of a daughter March 10. On March 11, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. A son was born March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Medark Rybak. Harvard Hospital Mr. Elmer Kroncke of Mc) Henry was a patient during the1 past week in Harvard hospital. Fri. & March Fri. & Sat. March 15 & 16 Each Purchase Buy Your Spring Outfit Now during four Grand Opening Anniversary Celebration entitles you to break a Balloon. Each Balloon contains a Grand Opening D I S C O U N T Anniversary capsule of from 10% to 100% Discount Hundreds of Balloons in our Store. Minimum Discount -- 10% Maximum Discount - 100% Cerebration 50% 251' ft Discount Disc <*2 o% Refreshments will 3717 W. Elm St. Be Served -- Coffee & Cookies Hours: Daily 9:30-5, Fri. 9:30-9 An optimist may see a light where none exists, and the pessimist tries to blow out those already burning. SHOP IN MCHENUT ! BELIEVE ME . . . THEl BEST DRY CLEANING' IS THE CHEAPEST) BY FAR) I I - _-J 7 in fact... RAINBOW'S SANITONE DRY CLEANING keeps our clothes new-looking lottgef* Oor Quiftuns Service means true clothing economy because it's so thorough . . . gets out even embedded dirt and fiber-chafing grit that cause extra wear. With ALL dirt out.. . colors, patterns and textures are renewed . . . the look and feel of newness are restored. So, you get more dress-up wear A™* garmmL Try m and see. SANITONE Dial 385-0027 For PICKUP SERVICE at CASH and CARRY PRICES RAINBOW CLEANERS 1904 N. Front St., McHenry across from A. P. Freund Ball Park Store Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri. Eves, to 9 p.m. There's Always Plenty of FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE-IN

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