Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1963, p. 18

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\ Pag* HghtoMI THE McHENRT PLAINDEALEH Thursday. March 28/ 1963 | Sunnydck Etialaa Mourn Death Of Father Blitsch lou Walciynsld 885-S10S In recent weeks it has been with sorrow that I have reported to you folks a number of unexpected deaths among our residents or their families. This week again it is an unex pected death that I write about. This time it is a member of a far-reaching family that is gone. The family of St. John's has lost their Father. Our beloved Father Blitsch left for his eternal reward shortly after finishing eight o'clock Mass on Monday morning, March 18. Father had been hospitalized and had undergone surgery recently, but his health was returning quite rapidly it seemed and no one suspected that the end was so very near. It was a great shock to everyone and especially to the children of St. John's. Each of us, I'm sure, has a pleasant little story of Father Blitsch that we could relate, and these are truly cherished memories now. He was loved and respected by all his flock, and our hearts are heavy with sorrow for our shepard is gone. Pray for him. Christmas In March Sound odd? It is! But that's tfee celebration that took place 6n Sunday. March 17. (St. Patrick's Day, no less)! Stan's family finally got around to making that trip out to our house for a Christmas celebration. Did you ever open a Christinas present in March? Believe me, it's very unusual, but nice. We had a lovely visit and got a little caught up on the news, etc. Hope it doesn't take us that long to get together again. Birthday Girl That was little Kasey Anderson last Sunday, March 17, when she entertained a number of her young friends at a party in her honor. They played games and had the usual birthday party treats and then when their little party was over, they left happily for home, and then the family celebration started with company from Chicago to help Kasey enjoy her big day. A Little Older Another birthday celebration took place this week, though the celebrant was slightly older than Kasey. "Uncle" George Kropf added another year on Thursday, March 21, and his wife, Millie, baked a cake that was a whopper. It was four layers high, each one a different color and All topped with chocolate cream frosting. I know, cause we had the pica sure of sharing his day (and his cake) with him. Sick Lift Kelly Noah was in McHerry hospital last week, where underwent minor surgery. >!• was home in two days and doing nicely. Sorry to report that Choi Banker is back in the hospital He entered Hines hospital tw<> weeks ago and underwent major surgery. As of this wru ing, he is still a mighty si<-u fellow. June will keep me post ed and I'll pass the news alom to you as I learn of it. We pray it's good news. peorge Kropf's father, Max, is still in Elmhurst hospital. His condition is unchanged. They are performing tests on him, hoping to discover more information that will help them to help him. Millie Kropf and I (plus my Billy and Paul) took a drive out to Lombard the end of last week, and both Tillie and Max were happy {.i see us. Don't Forget!!! The meeting of the Sunny* side Estates Home Owner's Association, Inc., will take place on April 4. The new proposal for paving the roads will 1m? presented at this meeting and a vote will be taken. And we ail know what horrible shape our roads are in, now that the spring thaw has begun. Let's all get to that meeting and do something about them. (Jlrl Scout Nows The Girl Scout cookie sale is still on. If a Girl Scout hasn't contacted you, why not let the girls hear from you. There are approximately six Girl Scouts in our subdivision and they would all be willing to serve you. Please remember that the money from the cookie sale goes toward the improvement of their camp. Troop 88 The happenings of the weekly meeting of Troop 88 was again reported to me by Margaret Moore. They started out by singing songs. Next came the usual taking of attendance and dues. Following this, the different patrols worked on badges; some made sil-upons out of leather; some made plaques; some gave a skit. This was followed by a uniform inspection. Finally the Girl Scout cookies were distributed. By this time, the meeting had to come to a close. Troop 295 A secret project for their Court of Awards was begun by the girls of our troop. Also, the girls received their ties for their uniforms. The balance of the meeting was spent making plans for the father-daughter banquet, to be held on May 1; as well as the Court of Awards which is tentatively set for May 19. There is a lot of work ahead of tha girls for the balance of the year, but we are all looking forward to it with happy anticipation. Overnlte Guests Loretta and Bob Mikkelsen, plus their sons, Mick and Rick, had the pleasure of an overnight visit from Bob's mother and dad. The senior Mikkelsens reside in Montello, Wis., and seldom, if ever, get the chance to come down for a visit. They almost didn't make it this time either. They were due to arrivi on Tuesday, but didn't come Tuesday night they called to say t hey had a severe snow McCullom Lake DEADLINE NEAR FOR PURCHASE OF VEHICLE STICKERS Eve Licveaque Only thriee days remain for villagers to purchase vehicle stickers which must be displayed by March 31. According to village clerk, Emma Pyritz, not many have been sold yet which means most of the population is still in need of this sticker. After the deadline, a penalty is imposed and officers will begin ticketing. When you apply for your storm and wouldn't be in until the next day. On Wednesday, they were successful and were able to stay over until Thursday. The visit was short, but it was better than none at all. Happy Occnftlons Today, March 28, we have two little fellows celebrating their first birthday. Michael Davis and Donald Jensen have each completed their first year in the world and we wish them a happy birthday' Tomorrow we say "Happy Birthday" to Lu Davis and Herb Fischer. On March 31, our birthday greetings go to Karl Rau and the Fail twins. Melody and Marily will be six years old on Sunday. And on April 2, our very best wishes for a truly happy birthday go to "Auntie Millie" Kropf. May each of you enjoy a year filled with happiness. We have just one weddit'g anniversary this week. We wish Lu and Jack Davis a very " H a p p y A n n i v e r s a r y " on March 29, when they will celebrate twenty-two years of married life together. (If you'll peek at the above paragraph, it's also Lu's birthday, so they'll have a doubly happy day). May you share many future years together. Signing Off Now that spring is here (officially, this is) I trust your phone calls with your news will be more plentiful. Winter went out mighty cold, but spring arrived just beautifully. On Wednesday night, which was officially the last day of winter, David Zeiger was still ice skating and Michael Anderson was there to prove it. Yet Thursday arrived bright and sunny and warm enough for a spring coat. As the saying goes, "If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes, and it will change." Please call me if you have any news. Thank you. 'Bye now: vehicle sticker, you must have your state registration with you. Owners of canine pets must also purchase dog tags by March 31. Better take care of both chores immediately! Voters Urged To Elect TowriHhlp Officials, TUesday Tuesday, April 2, is township election day and the polls are located in the beachhouse. The polls will be bpen from 6 ajn. to 6 p.m. You need not be a registered voter for this election. Offices to be filled include that of highway commissioner, one superis'or and two assistant supervisors. Read the candidates' qualifications and then be sure and VOTE! Village Will Support Officers At a special session of the president and trustees held Saturday, March 23, the board reached a unanimous decision to file for a new trial in the case of officers John Schlofner and William Reid. A judgement was found against them recently concerning an arrest made some years ago. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Our entire police force has served faithfully and well since we incorporated in 1955. They have donated their time to protect our inhabitants and receive no salary for their services. They each receive a small sum for uniforms and upkeep. We sincerely hope the outcome will be a just one for our two men. They Tried And Failed The luck of the Irish prevailed for Harry McDade of Chicago is his team of fifteen once more were victorious over McDonald's vanquished heroes. Our fellas went down in defeat to the tune of 378 pins last Saturday. The four local lads who managed to come up with 500 or better series were Bill Padgett with 556, Marv Huff--549 Lee Mai--546, and' Fred Matthesius with 508. Other players included Jack Kleinhausen, A1 Diedrich, Ralph Kick, Bill Ray Blake, Charley Brennan, Ed Caron, Larry and Chuck Ackerman, Bill Brennan and Ken Loesch. The bowling match wap a good excuse for the two teams to get together for friendly rivalry and all rancor departed when they congregated at McDonald's for a party. Jean served a sumptuous repast of hot beef sandwiches, baked ham, potato salads, baked beans, molded gelatin salads and olives and pickles. Hearty fare for hearty appetites be- I CLEANS SEPI3C TANKS OtMoftfM itatig* QTMM or wttta Opwu dogged t dralnfoldi la* «o apply USB fcOYER Septic Tank citamr BUCK'S HARDWARE REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage7 Design Service & Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews TREE ESTIMATES Phone: 678-2861 Evenings -- Richmond 678-6681 McHenry^ Representative 885-2874 Take a Hawaiian ON WAIKIKI BEACH. HONOLULU • '•x iluss i- n»-t*on Health faddists are quite universally agreed that honey is one of the most beneficial foods available to man. It is, variously claimed to be an excellent heart food, a natural sedative, a source of quick energy, a fine infant food and a great all-around rejuvenator. Looking at honey from a purely objective standpoint, wv find that bee's handiwork is the only animal carbohydrate available as a sweet. It is a natural sugar, 90 per cent predigested when it reaches the table. Honey is extremely mild, easily digested, a fine source of energy and the dextrose and levulose it contains is the sweetest of all sugars. Let's put another bee in your bonnet with the suggestion that you count on MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. for fast and accurate filling of your prescriptions. Buzz on over anytime for quick, qualified service at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 8720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. : WAIKIKI'S FABULOUS and HISTORIC VACATION SPOT WILLIAM II. CHAKi iH k, in, Gen. Manager, •ee your travel agent, write, phone er cable, Halekulanl, Honolulu 16, Baml B« fitting Hetrai" Nestled ta a five acre tropical garden near Ihe riopes of Diamond Head lae the cottage style Halekulaiii Hotel ... a true Hawaiian oasis amidst high rising buildings . . . the Hawaii with the atmosphere yoa expect when yoa visit Honolulu, a home away from home. The Diamond Head Terrace with sunset serenades wiO make your dreams of the islands come true . . . Quiet charm, all water sports and beach activities on the best swimming beach, with an average climate of 72 degrees. Coffee Shop and Dining Room at the water's edge, centrally located, blocks from the main shopping area . • . Halekulaiii is a complete resort. Bebert F. Warner, Inc., representative, 77 W Washington Street, \ Chicago f, nUnola. i'boi*? RAndolyb &W* \ cause there weren't any leftovers! The Welcome Mat Is Spread For Mrs. Lee Renwick and two sons, Chuck 14, and Mike, who will be 9 in June. The family of three hails from Shalimar subdivision and are residing at 3007 N. Spring Road, (our next door neighbors). "Wishing Win Make It so- According to the lines of an old song, if you wish long enough and wish strong enough, your wish will some true. Apparently this held true especially in the case of Betty and Nick Tabor of Lakewood Road. On March „16, Nick was relating the birth of their latest grandchild--a girl for Ruth and Don Suchy. His grins were sheepish when the story broke that no baby had appeared on the scene yet! His grins are joyous now since Ruthie had her baby--one week later, to the day. The new little lady, Suzanne, was born Saturday, March 23, at 10 p.m. at Hinsdale Sanatarium and Hospital. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 3 oz. The Suchys reside in Clarendon Hills, lite li'l gal will make a fine companion for her ;big brother, Timmy, who was 1 in February. The Tabors' other grandchild is Connie Ruth Hern of Wonder Lake and this makes three altogether for the Tabors. Heartiest congratulations to all. Natal "Dace" Congrats are in order for iXiTu Ox I Hi IiIvA II ^mAv\TiN i MtuNiiWui« Tu , KuAuAvInT iKiv/ImMx* after a week's vacation, and Betty Morris tomorrow, March 29....Two of our youngsters will be 10 years old on Saturday March 30. They are Guy Hansen and Jam Frost.... April 1, is shared as a natal day by Ruth Surz and Bertha Lee... .Birthday greetings to "39er" Church Ingersol on April 2. Best wishes to all. "Spring has sprung -- the grass has riz. I wonder where the flowers is." With that cheery note we shall take our leave until next week. Bye now. Welcome Gnest Gert and Bill Waiter were pleased no end with a visit from Bill's uncle, Phil Hauser of Chicago, last Sunday. He is a charming gentleman and delighted with their new home. o z hi o hi CL (0 *8 2 fc H & O </> z g E o o 12 I-* CL < t/l tC ^ 13 </>UI °E "I </) m in >- < OX < IS! O 111 fit < III > m t/> lu tc o s; fc fit < III a z ah.i iii a z t < co «T • (£ 9 «T ec s* K •. H o CL < S • Ifi .2 Om For ! (Vo • a | a P£ 5 w B u > £ w • I j dd dd -s CO s IM 4> IS • • & • • • • O W I I g i 4 £ UJ P • • d dd i d • & * e > • 2 s tfl S3 «T a 1 0 o b 06 o a s sm g > S3 W J 5 i • £ v £ O B > • UO u £ * 0) $EE >o SB § i • • ••

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