Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1963, p. 12

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:•*; f Pag* Two!ri THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 11163 McCullom Lib Ask New Trial For Officers Mm • -- S; yillage Attorney Karl Koch filed a motion for a new trial in the case of Police Officers Jack Schlofner and Bill ~ as of Tuesday, March 26. He was so instructed by the village board at the Monday, March 25, meeting. This action follows the judgement suit of $7,000 found against the two men earlier last month. AH trustees were present at the last meeting and Bill Creutz was named chairman in the absence of village president, J. R. Levesque, who was attending the Republican convention in Libertyville that night. Because of the law suit, Jack Schlofner submitted his resignation as chief of police but the resignation was denied by the board. He was asked to continue in his present capacity and he agreed. A complete summation of the court case was given to the board by Attorney Koch. In the matter of roads, necessary work will be done (and some has been started) as soon as the weather permits. Emergency measures have been taken at the bad spot at the corner of Hickory Drive and Fountain Lane. Judges for the village election were named and they are Elma Nelson, Irene Sales and Marie Howe. The next meeting will be held Monday, April 8, at 8 p.m. in the bcachhouse. The public is invited. Ticketing for Violations April 15, is the deadline for purchasing vehicle stickers and dog tags, according to the police department. On this date, if you have not made the necessary purchase, you will receive a ticket and be subject to a fine. There will be no further warnings from the department. •Tickets will be issued to everyone who has not purchased a vehicle tag, does not have it on the windshield, or has it on the windshield still in the envelope." This is a direct quote from the police department's warning. A word to the wise should be sufficient! See Mrs. Pyritz now!! Teens Will Meet Tuesday The McCullom Lake Griffins will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 9, at 7 p.m. in the beachbouse. ^ Ladles Will Meet - Now on a once-a-month basis, the Ladies of the Lake will meet Thursday, April 11, at 8 p.m. in the befachhouse. At this time, the second reading ' "of two amendments to the bylaws will .be .held. All gals in the community are cordially invited and encouraged to attend. This will be a combination business and social affair. See you there? 'Nuther reminder next week. "Good Neighbor" Policy Mrs. Ed Doran deserves accolades for her recent contribution to the drivers who use Hickory Drive and Fountain Lane. A lovely lilac bush which has given the Dorans pleasure and a profusion of fragrant flowers for some 30 years, has been sacrificed to progress. Because it blocked the view of anyone approaching that intersection, the bush is now gone. Contributions Gratefully Accepted Mrs. Adelaide Patzke -- 385- 3278-has appointed hei*self a committee of one to obtain furniture and clothing for a family recently burned out of their home. They are in dire need of chests of drawers, end tables a couch and chair, or just anything which would contribute to their comfort. Items of clothing for two teen age children and mother and father would be welcome. The young lady is 15 and the lad, 18. No doubt, linens of all kinds would be put to good use also. Welcome Guests Elsie and Clayt Nelson were delighted with 5, visit from their medic son, Cliff, his lovely wife, Gladys, and their two charming daughters, Alice, 15 and Julie, almost 10, last weekend. The quartet also visited with brother, Earl, and his menage during their stay. The young ladies are completely delightful and chimed all who met them. This group can visit from Battle Creek any time they so desire. Clever Young Woman Public acclaim should be given to Anne-Marie Scorbrough, a young woman of many talents. If you haven't visited her charming home lately, you are missing a treat. She has completely redecorated her lovely home and is in the process of doing a "paint by number on one wall. It took her three hours just to trace the design. Annemarie is the gal involved in an automobile accident a few years ago and suffered the loss of one arm, but this deters her not at all. Her Interior decor reflects the warmth of her personality and is a tribute to her skill-- tasteful, gracious and charming. "No Place Like Home" Is a direct quote from Mrs. Monica Morris, who has been discharged from the hospital after months of being confined. Her burn wounds are healing rapidly and her general outlook is cheery and bright. She came home from Memorial Hospital for McHenry County on March 21. Nice to report a happy end to this story. She is still confined to her bed most of the time, but can get around a bit with crutches. Don't forget those well wishes. Her address is 5222 W. Orchard Drive. Natal Day Doln's A party in honor of Mark Hansen's fifteenth birthday was held at the home of his chum Don Nelson, last. Saturday. It was to be a surprise for the young man but there was a leak in "security" and he "had the word". It was still fun. The youngsters who gathered for the fun and frolic were Charlotte and Diane Toerne, Janet Hansen, Louise Matthesius, Jack and Betty Ann Granath, John Bailey, Ed Koch and Sandy Senter. They munched on goodies supplied by mother, Lillian Hansen, and danced to twist records. The Nelson basement was ornately adorned for the occasion. A lovely aoii cane was baked by Lorraine Frost for herf daughter's birthday when Jane turned 10 on March 30. No formal party but grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt, were invited for dinner. Orchid Occasions Humble apologies to Guy Hansen, who was 11 on the thiitieth, not 10, as we stated. ....Congrats to Chet Helwig, as of today, April 4....Nine years in "double harness for Nell and Orville Abney tomorrow, April 5, and on this date, Wanda Dyko will be 81.... eleven candles on the cake for Frank Lorch as of April 6, while wee brother, Billy, will be 3 on the ninth... .Natal day greetings to Jean McDonald on Palm Sunday, April 7. Best wishes to all. Still mighty quiet so feel free to call 385-3191 with your chatty quotes. See you nexl week? SHOP IN MCHENRY K7 MPrecision printing is where we shine! You don't need a magnifying glass to see the difference in our printing. The result of our careful craftsmanship is immediately apparent . . . and highly gratifying to our customers. You'll like it, too! jet us prove the qualty of our work with samples, and the mod- '»ty of our prices with i quotation on your job. Come In Or Call . . . McHENRY PLAINDEALER 1112 West Elm Street .'185-0170 Ask for Bill Moore Rlngwood NOMINATE AND ELECT BOARD MEMBERS APRIL 13 hot Brennaa - WJL SOtS An important date to remember is April 13. This is the date of the election for vacancies on the Ringwood hoard of directors for the school. This is an important job, and everybody's responsibility. It's up to you to come and vote to support your community. Thpre are two openings, as I said last week. There is a threeyear term open, by the expiration of Robert Brennan's term, as well as a two-year term left vacant by the moving out of the district of Duane Andreas. You may make the nomination for your candidate between the hours of 3:30 and 4 p.m. The voting will take effect at 4 p.m. and continue until 7 p.m. Anyone in the Ringwood school district is entitled to cast his or her vote. It's up to you to come and vote for the man or woman you think to be the person you would like to have help our district. You, as a taxpayer, have the opportunity to vote. Please do so. That's on Saturday, the thirteenth of April, in the Ringwood School Building. See you there! Breakfast Out On Easter? The Intermediate M. Y. F. youngsters would appreciate your support by attending their pancake breakfast on Easter morning in the church basement. They are serving pancakes with all the usual trimmings for the whole family at nominal fees for all ages groups. Serving will be from 7:30 until 9:30 a.m. This is a good chance to help these youngsters out and treat your family to breakfast out. Birthday Celebration Miss Crystal Harrison was the guest of honor at a birthday dinner given for her in the Roy Harrison home. Those present were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison, and boys of Greenwood, Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago and Loren Harrison. The little Miss recently turned 9. Dairy Princess Miss Is Busy Gal "Fashions Of The Hour" was the theme of the style show held in Woodstock last Thursday in which our own Miss Pat Hogan was a model. Her Mom, Mrs. John Hogan, alt k'inled I he style show also. Pat is making many apperances throughout the surrounding counties to boost dairy products. You may be seeing her in your favorite grocery store one of these times passing out some of her favorite recepies for sour cream uses. Miss Pat is campaigning for dairy products for the American Dairy association. Look for her, she'll be seeing you! The Diaper Line! It's a daughter for the Larry Braces of Wonder Lake! The little girl put in her appearance at the hospital in Woodstock on March 25. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce of our com~ munity. Congratulations are extended to the new parents and grandparents as well. No. 11 Arrives' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum now have their eleventh child! They became parents of a girl on Sunday, March 31. The little lady will answer to the name of Pauline Ann. Welcoming the youngster are Susie, Betsy, Cristy, Candy, Robin, Priscilla, Andy, Marty, Laurie and Jennifer. There should be quite a bit of help for Mom, Bobbie, so she can take it easy for a while. Congratulations to Gordon and Bobbie and all the sisters and brothers. Also to the grandparents. W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale The W.S.C.S. of the Ringwood church reports their rummage sale of last week was a huge success. Many thanks to all who helped in this worthwhile event. "Spring Has Sprung" With the coming of the warmer weather, comes the added traffic of bicycles. Please do watch for these cyclists. There are many of them in our little community and we would like to keep them here. Watch, please? Thank you. Here 'N' There Mrs. James Wegener and Mrs. Robert Brennan and Linda were luncheon guests of Mrs. Don Smart at a Waukegan club last Wednesday. On Monday, Mrs. Alice Roepke and Mrs. Rose Petrosky were callers in the Brennari- Hepburn home. Mrs. Ila Hogan and Pat attended a bridal shower at Matthew's hall in Wonder Lake for Miss Mary .'Wirt O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry, Illinois, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on March 18, 1968, published In accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Bank of this district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. $ 2,096,168.15 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 6,801,279.58 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,039,951.51 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures (including $725,022.91 securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by U. S.) 725,022.91 5. Corporate stocks (including $21,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 21,000.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $7,571.34 overdrafts 9,360,011.89 7. Bank premises owned $139,999.00, furniture and fixtures $17,949.08 157,948.08 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises 1.00 11. Other assets 4,136.78 12. TOTAL ASSETS $20,205,519.90 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 5,996,407.72 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 11,330,681.23 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 132,084.66 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions •. 472,933.18 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 317,874.4,4 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $18,249,981.23 (a) Total demand deposits .... 6,827,300.00 (b) Total time deposits 11,422,681.23 23. Other liabilities 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES 158,718.57 • $18,408,699.80 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 25. Capital: <a) Common stdck, total par value $200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 26. Surplus 500,000.00 27. Undivided profits 354,980.14 28. Reserves 741,839.96 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,796 82010 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $20,205,519.90 M E M O R A N D A 31. Assets pledged t>r assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 1,166,500.00 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 238,620.43 I Thomas F. Folger, Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. RICHARD J. ZIEMAN W. A. NYE, M.D. GERALD J. CAREY Directors m O'Connor, who is to exchange nuptial vows on April 20. Jay Walkington is spending spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington. Callers In the Hepburn- Brennan home on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Amies of Waukegan. Miss Jane Lee Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Jim attended the play "Oklahoma" in the Woodstock Community high schood auditorium last Friday evening,, reporting it to be very good. Sunday evening callers in the Bob Brennan home were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and also in the Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund home in McHenry on Saturday afternoon. Miss Pat Hogan and her mother, Mrs. Jon Hogan, attended the Midwest Dairy association's annual meeting in Rockford on Tuesday. Don't let the stormy weather get you down. The old saying is, "April showers bring May flowers". Then maybe you won't feel as bad when it rains (unless there are clothes on the line). That's it from Ringwood for another week. I would appreciate getting your news to help make this column just a little better and newsier. I'm as near as the phone. 'Bye for this week, see you next? SHOP IN McHENRY LIVESTOCK REPORT Livestock in Illinois is In good condition considering the severity of this winter, according to a report from the Illinois Weather and Crop Bulletin. Feeding has been at a high level although Hains of fattening animals were slowed by the cold weather. Lots and feed yards were firm throughout much of February but became muddy and soft at the end of the month. Baby pig losses on some farms have been large due to sows farrowing in cold weather and outbreaks of diseases. SHOP AT HOME ABSENTEE DEADLINE . In connection With local school elections, April 8 Is the last day for applying by mall for absentee ballots; that- is, the request must be received on or before that date. The last day for applying in person is April 10. • •••••••••MmmitMiiiititimiiilllfltltni * m Declared Dividend Rate LOANS FOR Purchasing of New Homes • Purchasing of Older Homes • Remodeling of Present Homes TOlEtt/fcn We have over 85 years' experience in making loans and offer . . . LOW INTEREST RATES . . . LOW SERVICE CHARGES . . . LOW CLOSING COSTS . . . PROMPT PROCESSING. SAVDfcXBg Terms To Suit Individual Needs A Mutual Company OJ in 1925 total assets over 815,000,000.00 GIFTS THAT SAY Easter Grass Large Bag € Fannie May Easter Candies Chocolate Covered Marshmellow Eggs Fruit Covered Eggs Creams and Mixed Assortment Whitman Easter Candies Butter Cream Easter Eggs everuone! Chocolate Covered Marshmellow Rabbits Chocolate Covered Fruit & Nut EGGS 49*-89* Musical Bunnies & Musical Eggs '100 each Plush Easter Bunnies $198 _ s298 *398 Missal's Prayer Books Rosaries j The true spirit of Easter . in beau* tiful enduring gifts of religious jewelry, sure to endear 7011 to friends or loved ones. See our collection. Chocolate Marshmellow EGGS give Coty, Revlon Max Factor Yardley Easter Helena Rubstein Prince Matchebelle We have a large selection of cosmetics for the Perfect Easter Gift Come in and look over our selection of Easter Baskets. Full of jelly beans, chocolate rabbits, and all kinds of candies. 98* - $1.25 - $1.50 - $2.00 BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green Street McHenry 385-4500

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