THE McHENBT PLAMDEALEB Thursday/ April 4, 1963 Sunayilde Ettalet LOCAL ROADS TO BE SUBJECT OF MEETING TONIGHT fwui WaJesyiMkt SSft-S108 4 ft&i't forget the Important v meeting of the Sunnyside Home Owners association tonight at 8 o'clock in the pubMe school. Every family should have at least one attending^^* meeting. The moat import<fet item on the agenda is the roads. So even if it'* 30 to 8 when you're reading this column, please drop the paper and go to the meeting. You can finish reading the news later. The officers of SEHOA hold a meeting last Thursday evening at the Palmer residence, jn preparation for tonight's general meeting. See you at the meeting! Gab Fe»t Our daughter, Judy, invited one of her girl friends, Diane Jenkins, for an overnight visit. We all enjoyed the pleasure of her company and the two girls had a real grand time, gabbing half the niRht. Ah, youth! Dinner (iuntH Saturday found Millie Kropf's mother, Mae Becvar, driving out to Sunnyside Estates with friends who were going to Lakeland Park for the weekend. "Grandma Mae" stayed over until Sunday, and thus had a nice visit wifeh Mill, George and the boys. Mae hasn't been feeling well lately so she decided to return home, rather than stay the week as she had originally planned. (There's no place like hotne when you're feeling under par.) To complete the weekend, Mill's sister, Vi Crane, called from New York, where she U; on a current business trip. Farewell Party Jean and Hurve Garber of Oakieaf Drive gave a combination birthday and farewell party for their daughter, Jttdie Waltzer, on Saturday, March f'-J Judie left on March 27 f " Fairbanks, Alaska, where six will join her husband, Dave Judie is traveling by train tc Seattle and from Seattle, plane, to Fairbanks. And natn rally it will take her longer < get from here to Seattle thu; it will for her to got to Alusl Guests who attended the lov«-l\ party were Judie's father, H W. While; her brother, Robert; Janes Sill. James Brenmm. Beverly Bohn, Carol Villain Anita and Arlene Hunt, (ill from Chicago; Judith Loeu? from Lakeland Park; and P;*1 and Matt Bott and children and Vicki Jesski, all from Sun nyside Estates. Jean tells rn< that Judie received some lovely gifts, along with everyone food wishes for c happy journey and a plea«ant stay in one of our newest states. Birthday Party Alice Bieschke's mother, Ma' ry Dietrich, was the surprised guest of honor at a party at the home of Alice and Ray. Alice's two sisters, Marlene Westgate and Dorothy Ungaro, and ineir families, along with their brother, Kenny, and his girl friend got together to plar the complete party. Guests besides tho children were Mary 4 sister and husband, Millie and Eddie Ehrenberg, and their children, Bob and Sandy; Mary's father, Carl Drummer; cs well as Mary's brother-inlaw and his wife, John and Norma Beutin, plus Grandpa Boutin. After the fine dinner, to which all the gang contributed a part, nary a person was allowed to sit still. There were games planned ahead ot time and everyone was kept on the go. Needless to say, the party was a huge success. Mary was very happy indeed! Small Attendance St. John's Home and School association had a very small turnout for their monthly meeting on Monday evening, March 26. It would be nice if more parenls would attend these meetings; after all, it is your children who profit from this organization. The nominating committee is in the process of obtaining names for nomination for the four offices, president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. If you are called on in this capacity, why not. give it a second thought before saying no. We can't have a Home and School association without officers, so how about you? Girl Scout News Troop 88's reporter, Margaret Moore, called to tell nvthat at their weekly meeting they collected cookie money. This was followed by two groups of girls putting on skits, one entitled "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe," and the other was Holiday Hills CUB SCOUTS TAKE SECOND PRIZE AT SCOUT-O-RAMA Dies Yooag Our local Cub Scouts from Holiday Hills walked off with a second place ribbon for their display at the recent Scout-ORama held at the Crystal Lake Community high school on Saturday, March 23. Each boy was assigned a different bird that- he made of "Hansel and Gretel," After the performance of the skits, the girls again broke into groups to do the following different things: Make plaques, make sit--upons; learn and perform choral reading. Last week':; cookie hostesses were Rosemary Thelan and Leoni Schneider. Troop 295 had no meeting this week due to the cookie sale in town. Their meeting next week will be held at th<* Palmer residence, at which time we plan on starting on our place cards for the fatherdaughter banquet. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: Today to Adaline Zeiger, Elmer Wehrmann and to little Warren Siepman, who will be 3 years old; on April 7, to Jean Garber and Mel Simmons; on April 9, to Randy Kobbs, who will be 7 years old this time around; and on April 10, to Florence Wehrmann. Happy Birthday one and all and may you each have many more. There are no anniversaries to report this week, so we'll say happy sailing on the sea of matrimony to all the married folks in our community. Signing Off That about wraps it up for this week. Calls are still not coming in. There isn't much more I can do about it. See you in the newspaper. 'Bye now! REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Design Service & Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews • IBB ESTIMATES Phone: 678-2861 ! ."*74 Evenings McIIenry H Tlichnioml f" <r«'M»ntn1n «' < V - . Ill •<V • . Pillows are returned "Hospital- Clean" from Holiday CLEANED SANITIZED RENOVATED Let our professional pillow renovating service completely rid your pillows of dormant germs, bacteria and healthjeopardizing dust. Every pillow returned refreshingly clean ready to use. with Laundry Bundle ($2.49 without) HOLIDAY LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Quality Dry Cleaning McHanry, HL Phone 385-0189 for Free Pickup & Delivery paper maehe. These birds along with bird houses and bird feeders made by the boys with the help of their dads were their display. During the course of the day the boys gave away over 500 birds on sticks which they as> sembjed and gave to the youngsters who were there. Den mothers, Kay McWilliams, Marge Conneil and Earline Mettelka, took charge of the boys and the booth. The pack credits a good part of their success to the committee who went in on Friday and set up the display and stayed on after they closed on Saturday to Jielp take it down and clear it out. These men were Earl Stodfiard, Roy Lundelius, Bill Schmidt and Lou Laskowski. An expression of gratitude to all the parents for their help {jnd to all the residents who were kind enough to purchase tickets from the boys. The pack received a nice profit from the sales of the tickets which they will keep and ufcc for the benefit of the boys. Woman's Club To See Cinderella The ladies of the Holiday Hills Woman's club enjoy some very fine entertainment at their rnvxt meeting when our local Girl Scouts put on the play "Cinderella." The cast will include the following girls: Linda Exline Ball Extra; Bonnie Exline Queen; Betsy Haufe--Stepmot her; Gail Dunne - Godmother; Amy Howell--Prince; Bonnie MeWilliams- -Hearold; Pam Potratz Stepsister; Joan Quilico-- Stepsister; Carol Schmidt-- Director; Pat Schmidt-- Cinderella; Beverly Slusher^- King; Stage hands and prop girls--Elizabeth Krueger and Kathy Weyland. The meeting will be held Wednesday, April 10, 'at home of Mary Mahon. I on the Patty's Progress I was delighted to receive a letter from Patty Baird last week. She tells me she has put all her cards in £ scrap book and when she gets lonesome «he pulls it out and goes thru her cards. Let's keep those cards going out and maKe a 10 year old girls long days a little bit shorter. Kathy's Birthday Kathy Conneil eelebraled her sixth birthday which was March 19, with a party on Saturday, March 16. She invited her friends and neighbors to help her make it a l>ig day. Those who attended her party were Jo Bodenh^im, Glenn' Exline, Patty Emeipon, Keith Teuber, Bobby and Debby Slottag, Debby Smith and her sisters and brothers, John, Gary, Eileen, Ricky mod Baby Christine. Bible Discission Groups The Wednesday morning and Thursday evening Bible discussion groups which meet every week are currently studying the Passion Story in keeping with the Lenten season. Woman's dub IJunqpet If you haven't been contacted on the upcoming Woman's Club banquet to be held on May 8, please contact either Joan Schroeder, Mary Mahon or Midge Teuber. From all indications we are going to have a very nice crowd and it sounds like it's going to be a very enjoyable evening. Why not mark the date on the calendar and give one of these gals a call FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAliSACjfcib • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Voli, 111, Phone 385-6260 right now. Reservations be made ahead of time. mufct Congratulations Our congratulations to Betsy Haufe, daughter of Shirley and Hank Haufe, who made the Junior high A honor roll. I don't know of anyone else but if I have missed anyone please give me a call. We're so pleas • ed to give these young (people recognition ii| their accomplishments. How is your driving? Kit you always sure you can stop even if you have the right-ofway? Practice the three "C's", care, caution and courtesy while on our streets and highways. ^Jke oCuxury, 1'Joucli of ^ur& for blaster See Our Fine Selection Of Mink Stoles From $295.00 & up Plus Tax Your Outdated Fur Coat Can Be Restyled Into A Jacket Or Stole At ' Reasonable Prices Storage -- Cleaning -- Repairing & Restyling OTTO HEINZ FURS Phone 38i»-ioio 1303 N. Riverside Drive McIIenry, Illinois Buy that new Electric Range now and get the wiring free! { LIMITED TIME OFFER ) Ll< •"'•i'"1, tm ¥ ( „ , ; ,•* x ^ " • • irws? ::«f. :.r START COOKING THE CLEAN, COOL, MODERN ELECTRIC WAY THIS WEEK. Your kitchen will stay clean ovensare insulated on all 6sides, not just 5. You'll also find electric cooking gives ypn exactly the heat yon set every about twice as long because there's no flame to make dirt Your Kitchen stays about 10° cooler, too* because electric tint. And, as Little Bill says, the average fanHy can coek all their meals with a ptodern electric range for pennies a day. NO MONEY DOWN ^ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Find out how much money you can save. This special, limited time offer means you get all necessary wiring free--if you buy a new electric range now. Any make or model. It can help modernize your home wiring and save you big money if your housepower is not up to date. This offer by Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Co. applies to a standard wiring installation for an electric range - in any single-family dwelling served by (J Public Service Company the company. See your dealer for details. C Cwwwiwll)! Bdfaon Company V < 1 « 'ft* - '