Pirn Two v ---2- THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 4, 1963 ssr* • HMi Oprt House At Si. Patrick's * Si- Patrick's Mothers VclutT will hold open house in the cHUTvh basement on Tuesday, April 9. at 8 p.m., when the Very Rex-. Msgr. Raymond C. W^hi. pastor of St. Rita's pari< 3h in Cherry Valley, will be guest speaker. His subject will be "The Growth of the Catholic School System in the Rotkford Diocese." Jispr. Wflhl studied at Gregorian university in Rome. He is the diocesan director of education and director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Joy Land re, second grade room mother, will be hctetess fof the evening. The club is also sponsoring a, .white elephant sale this Friday and Saturday, April 5 flttid 6 (1 to 9 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday). Clothing of all kinds, appliances, lamps, books, toys, small furniture and many other items will be sold. Main feature of this special sale is the "French room." DJ A NI - MIALIN CAROL WE I NO ART Carol Ann Welnpirt To Wed In Summer Mr. and Mrs. John Wein- Rart announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Ira Kephart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Kephart of Fox Lake. Miss Wein^art Is a graduate of St. Therese school of nursing and is presently employed in a Chicago hospital. Mr. Ken hart is studying architecture at the University of Illinois and will continue his studies following their marriage. A summer wedding is planned. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbors who sent cards and visited me during my recent illness at Mc- Henry Hospital. Special thanks to Father Holmgren. Harold J. Toussaint *4-4-63 WOMAN'S CLUB TO ELECT NEW OFFICERS SOON 0» Friday, April 12, at 1 p.m. at the Community Methodist church social hall, tb" McHenry Woman's club will hold its annual meeting, with lection of officers. Mrs. Hugh Locker, chairman of the nom; nating committee, will present a slate of officers which wil Ite voted on at this meeting foi installation at the May meetn «. Mrs. Anthony Siadek, Mrs. *~Jels Bolin and Mrs. Raymond [ Spohr will be in charge of thf white elephants for the silent uction and the used books ; .ale. Pleas*? bring any item : hat someone else can use at U may be just what your neighbor or friend has been looking for. Paperbacks, as well as hard cover books in good condition, will be put on sale. This will help to swell the club's treasury so that it can continue with the fine programs offered this past year. Miss Audrey Walgenback, county treasurer, will be at the meeting to give information on taxes and to answer any questions. The social hour will be charmened by Mrs. G. T. Snively. Observe 55th Anniversary J "%•>[% 'f'Jilf ^ ill '?&.>///»&•' 'fflk y; £, t 'ii jjj. i, '"f ^ RATES DEAN'S LIST Sharon Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Evans of 3716 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, was one of 1,093 students at the University of Colorado to be included on the first semester dean's list for rating "excellent" for grade averages of "B." CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comfort ing expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. The Family of Eva Stilling 4-4-63 Life Becomes Brighter Diane Phalln To Marry This Spring J.t, Announcement was made recertify by Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. ^halin of 509 Lorraiuct avenue, Waukegan, formerly of McHenry, of the engagement of their daughter, Diane Leono, to Lance Corporal Clifton A. Safcgent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sargent of Kenoshlt. WIS. Miss Phalin, a graduate of Holy Child high school in Waukegan, is employed in that city. Her fiance graduated from Zion-Benton high school and is stationed with the Marines in Mawaii. The couple plan a spring wadding. w Honored At Pink » f And Blue Shower Mrs Dennis May wits guest of honor at a pink and blue shower held Sunday afternoon jjt the home or Mrs. Elmer Justen. Hostesses were Mrs. Wdrner Benson, Mrs.' George Davmody and Miss Janice May. Games "Nvere enjoyed by thirty friends and relatives who attended, after which - refreshments were served. Mrs. May was presented with a ouml>er of lovely gifts. Terrene© Stilling Baptized Recently Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stilling have returned from Atlanta, Ga., where they attended the christening service for their grandson, Terrence Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stilling. The young man was baptized in the Cathedral ^t Atlanta on Sunday, Marcb 24. He was attired in the same dress worn by his father and grandmother, Mrs. Stilling. Terrence Patrick was born Feb. 28 and is the first child of The couple. Besides the paternal grandparents, the christening was also attended by Mrs. R'>.<e Powers of Chicago, paternal great grandmother of the baby. Robert Joseph Haupt Christened Sunday The son of Mr. and Mrs. William Haupt of Holiday Hills was christened Robert Joseph at St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker on Sunday. The sponsors were an aunt, Lucinda Haupt, of McHenry and Angelo Budasi of Holiday Hills. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the Haupt home. Among the guests present were the maternal grandparents, Mr. :&nd Mrs. Emmett Hansen of Johnsburg, art uncle, Richard Hansen, the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haupt aunts, Lucinda and' Apri' Haupt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nygtrom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, "Skipper" find Linda, all of McHenry, Mr. anc Mrs. Wesley Morris of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Angelc Budasi of Holiday Hills, and the baby's two brothers, Tony, 3, and Dickie, 2. Robert Joseph was born Nov. 19, 1962 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Kotalik Studio Photo Mr. and Mrs Burton Skemp of 2813 Villa lane, Oakwood,"^ will celebrate their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary on April 14, when open house will be held from 2 to 5 o'olock at their home. The Skemps have resided since 1952 at their present address, having moved here from Lombard McHENRY GIRL IN MAY COURT AT UNIVERSITY For the second year, the young men of Delta Phi Beta fraternity of Northern Illinois university have nominated Miss Gretchen Sayler of McHenry as their representative to the May queen's court. Each fraternity selects one girl from each of the four classes to represent its organization during the May fete activities. Miss Sayler was the choice of Delta Phi Beta last year for freshman representative and is honored again this year as the sophomore nominee. A senior girl will be voted in as the May queen prior to the festivities. Gretchen, who graduated from McHenry Community high school, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sayler. COUNTY NURSES HEAR DIRECTOR OF MENTAL CENTER "•'mk is Kevin < , 4 ye • i McHenry < i 19bd master Seal noy looking ar a picture ot Bozo, the clown, and his duck, Quack Quack. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. William Cooley of 365 Harold street., Crystai Lake. Kevin Cooley has never-seen a real clown, but he always wanted to see one, so Jim Gray, physical therapist at the Easter Seal center, decided that perhaps a picture of a clown would do and rehabilitation would be quickened. Gary solicited the help of Dr. Bertha Shafer, president of the Easter Seal Society, and Mrs. Orrin Wolf, a Woodstock board member. Through their efforts the clown picture was painted by Mrs. Wolf's husband, a retired industrialist. Each time Kevin goes to the center for his treatments now he carries on a conversation with Bozo, who, he says, tells him when he is doing good and where he could do better. This little 4-year-old has so much faith that he tells everyone "some day I'm going to walk like Bozo." The physical therapist comments that Kevin's physical problems are complex and he will need to continue his physical therapy for quite some time. "Kevin," asserts the therapist, "was referred to us last summer for training to learn to walk, using his bilateral long leg braces and crutches. At the time of his initial referral he was unable to stand in the parallel bars due to the general body weakness from prolonged inactivity. Therapeutic exercises were used to release tight muscles and to gain muscle strength primarily in the hip regions." Gray asserts that the ultimate goal in the treatment process is for Kevin to become completely independent in walking and as functional as possible in the activities of daily living. Dick Tracy, whose creator, Chester Gould, is the 1963 Easter Seal campaign chairman, is also one of Kevin's special friends. "Dick Tracy," he says, "told me that he wants people to return their Easter Seal money so other people that are hurt like I am, can eet well." The McHenry County Nurses' association will hold its next meeting on Thursday, April 11, at 8 p.m. at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The speaker for the evening will be Stan? ley Blumberg, director of the Mental Health Center of McHenry County. Mr. Blumberg has been in psychiatric social work for many years, and was instrumental in organizing the mental health center here in McHenry. ' This is an opportunity for all registered and graduate nurses to be better informed of this fine facility available in the county. Mi'Henry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Every of Solon Mills are parents of a daughter born March 25. A Round Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kenna, became parents of a daughter March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Johnson announce the birth of a daughter on March 26. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marinich March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeVassiur of Ingleside welcomed a daughter March 29. A daughter was born March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walter of Waukegan. Memorial Hospital, Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baldocchi announce the birth of a son March 29. A daughter was born March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Claudie Roland. On March 31, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kreutz, became parents of a daughter March 31. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Down^ of Wayne, Mich., announce the Jairth of their fourth son, Keith Richard, at Oakwood hospital, Dearborn, Mich., on March 26. Mrs. Downs is the former Lois Weideman of McHenry. PERSONALS ' e '•""I Jim Va\>fk, Jim Toepper and Bill Marquart recently enjoyed a trip to Florida. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent stay in Woodstock Memorial Hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Elizabeth Fairchild 4-4-63 GARDEN CLUB HOLDS FIRST SPRING MEETING After a vacation during two of the cold winter months, the McHenry Garden club held its spring March meeting on Thursday, the twenty-eighth, at the Methodist church. This was guest day, and an invitation was extended to the itichmond and Wonder Lake club About fifty were present, ii eluding fifteen members of tin. McHenry club. The hostesses were Mrs. G. T. Snively, chairman; Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. ^Theo. Arvidson, Mi.- . GGeorge-Krickl and Mrs. Fn -i Svoboda. A dessert luncheon was sen ed at 1 o'clock frorh a very festive table with its lovelyspring arrangement of pink tulips and blue Japanese irises planned by Mildred Snively. Mrs. Nancy Rant a from Zion held the interest of all in making several arrangements appropriate for spring and Easter, ncluding an Easter egg tree and Easter bunnies, using many spring flowers, pussy willows and purple heather. A short business meeting was held, with Florence Svoboda, vice-president, presiding. She gave a wonderful tribute to Mrs. Alex Duncan, former president, who passed away in Feburary. She loved her garden and had a great interest in the club. The annual meeting of the Illinois Garden Clubs is "to be held at the Palmer House on April 22 and 23, and the club voted to send one delegate. An interesting program is planned for all attending. Arbor Day is April 26, and the club is giving two flowering spring shrubs to Edgebrook school for planting on that day. Mrs. Wilbert Balles, "Plant Illinois" chairman, says that in doing this the club is taking part in creating our "Legacy of Beauty in our great state." Mrs. Charles Wagner was welcomed into the club as a new member. Mary Burdahl will be hostess for the April meeting. Wonder Shop Exhibits Mis. • ^ , l e f t , Mrs. "Bill Hav and Mrs. Carl Rietesel are shown looking over some of the unusual creative work at the "Wonder Shop" sponsored by the women's auxiliary of McHenry hospital. The Wonder shop, sponsored by the woman's auxiliary to McHenry hospital, was the scene- of a special farewell meeting on March 29, with women from McHenry, Wonder Lake, Woodstock and Crystal Lake attending. During this gathering, examples of the creative stitchery taught during the previous weeks were exhibited. Members brought projects in each of the following: Rug hooking, hand applique, sewing machine applique, weaving, and hand decorated sweaters. A wide variety of fabrics were used, ranging from fine silks to burlap. Each member of t\e class made original designs and complete works were unique and useful, as well as decorative. The instructor of the series was Mrs. Velma Miller, who is a member of the faculty of the Art Institute of Chicago. Mrs. Miller lives in Wildwood and has requests to conduct classes in creative stitchery throughout the Middle West. The demands on her time are great, and only because of her interest in the McHenry hospital was the auxiliary able to take advantage of her unusual talent. HOSPITAL MEETING The District 2 meeting of hospital auxiliaries and administrators will be held on Wednesday, April 10, at the Aurora Y.M.C.A. 460 Garfield avenue. The White Cross auxiliary of Copley is the hostess auxiliary. The guest speaker will be Harry Kinser, attorney for the Illinois Hospital association. He will speak on "Pending Legislation Vital to Hospitals and Nursing." Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Berman by April 6, 385-1386. N O T I C E The following voting precinct for the coming school board election on Saturday, March 13, 1963, has been changed. The polling place for High School District 156, Precinct Number VII and Community Consolidated School District Number 15, Precinct Number IV, will be as follows: Fredrich D. Amour Residence, Circle Drive, Island Lake, Illinois. HOLY WEEK SERVICES At St. Paul's Episcopal church, there will be blessing and distribution of Palms at 7:30 a.m. and blessing, distribution and procession of Palms at 9 a.m. On Maundy Thursday, there will be a 7:15 o'clock worning Mass, and a family Mass, followed by pot-luck supper, at 6 p.m. PLEDGES SORORITY Miss Ardis May of McHenry has been pledged to Kappa Delta sorority at Northern Illinois university. She is among 127 coeds at the school pledged to nine sororities this semester. VALUABLE COUPON # HAIRSTYLISTS aire J 385-0010 1320 N. GREEN ST. Bring this coupon you and it will entitle you to a $20.00 permanent for MON. $15.00 thru SAT. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wed. • Claire #Mnry Ann • Elennore • Mnrlene This Coupon expires May 11, 1 foffB Hats . . . Suits . . . Handbags. .g Dresses . . . Gloves . . . Jewelry . . . y SPECIAL! Now until Easter . . . One pair of our famous $1.35 Berkshire Hose FREE with each $10.00 or more purchase to complete your Easter Ensemble 0° fh** rK AW Aw A# U*e Dry It's time to send in your Spriug Clothes and let our magic Sanitone Service make them as bright and crisp as the day you bought them! Every trace of dirt disappears. Spots are gone. Colors, and textures recapture their original beautyj Our better press lasts longer and there's oo cleaning odor. Hurry, don't wait till the last minute, trust us with your things now and be all ready to step out looking like a million for Spring! Remember,' better Sanitone Service costs no more than ordinary dry cleaning. Try it! Dial 385-0927 For PICKUP SERVICES at CASH and CARRY PRICES Hours: Dally 9:30-5:30 Fri. 9:30-9 3717 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St., McHenry Across from A. P. Freund Ball Park Store Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. There's Always Plenty Of FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE-IN