Thursday, April 11, 1963 THE McHENRY PUUNDEALER McHenry Hospital Auxiliary News High winds, but sunny skies accompanied over 275 smartly attired ladies to the annual spring card party and fashion show, held on April 3, at the Wing 'N Fin clubhouse. The huge dining room was crowded with members and guests from McHenry, Crystal Lake, Waukegan, Lake Geneva and Palatine, marking this henefit a smash success. A festive mood prevailed throughout the program, which included an Easter fashion preview ably narrated by Mrs. Herbert Engdahl, committee chairman. Mrs. Dennis Martell did a fine job as fashion coordinator. Others of the committee included Mrs. Vaughn Jones, Mrs. Raymond Sponr, Mrs. William Fowler, Mrs. Ben Joshel and Mrs. Jerrold Michaels of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Bill Hay, Mrs. Fred Bond, and Mrs. Oscar Holmgren of Ringwood. Speakers included Mrs. Wm. Strout, auxiliary president, who encouraged old and new members to pay their 1963 dues, as the 1963-64 year book will go to press shortly. Those interested may call Mrs. C. L. McCallum at 385-2877. Miss Mary Klein, one of the McHenry Country Art Fair cochairman, and Mrs. Harold Bickford of Crystal Lake, the promotion chairman, announced plans for the fair to be held at the McHenry Junior high school on June 21, 22 and 23. Patron pledges are already being accepted. Members of the recently completed Wonder -Shop series on creative stitchery have been invited to exhibit their lovely projects at the Art Fair. Mrs. Frank 131ake and her auxiliary sewing committee are working on children's smocks designed to carry out the theme of the Art Fair's orange and black colors and unique gremlin decoration. These items will be introduced at the quarterly meeting to be held during May and also be on sale at the fair. . With the McHenry hospital's building and expansion prcgram getting under way soon, the auxiliary has an even more impressive goal than in previous years. Anyone interested in participating in any of the many projects carried on by the auxiliary may call Mrs. Berman at 385-1386. News About Ovr Servicemen Terry F. Hales, airman, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hales of 4905 Lakeshore drive, Wonder Lake, a member of Helicopter Antisubmarine squadron eight at Imperial Beach, Calif., received a letter of commendation for participation in operations which resulted in the squadron winning the Pacific Fleet Battle Efficiency "E" award. The competition period was July 1, 1961 through Oct. 31, 1962, and involved Pacific Fleet squadrons. Navy Rear Admiral Marshall W. White, commander Fleet Air, San. Diego, made the award presentation recently. Anti - Submarine Squadron Eight's mission is the detection, location, and destruction of enemy submarines. UNIT 491 The McHenry County Council met April 5 in Union. Eleventh District Director Lucille Sandburg and her secretary, Beth Stevenson, were special guests. Attending from McHenry were President Dorothy Weichmann, Marie Howe, Delia Freund, Mary Kantorski and Dorothy Diedrich. The Junior Auxiliary of the county will hold a picnic May 5 at 1 p.m. in Crystal Lake. If any McHenry juniors wish to go they should contact Mrs. Weichmann. On May 6 there will be another party at Elgin. Everyone is invited to attend. District Director Lucille Sandburg will preside over the eleventh district convention June 2 at Manhattan, 111. This Will be a joint convention with the American Legion. The McHenry County Past Presidents will hold a dinner at Harvard Legion home on April 18. Please call your reservations in to Mary Einspar before the thirteenth of April. The McHenry' Past Presidents' regular meeting in April has been cancelled because of Easter. They will meet sometime in May. All past presidents will notified of the correct date. McHenry unit will hold their next regular meeting- April 15 at 8 p.m. Please try to atteni Ronald D. Akers, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Akers of 706 South Lily Lake road, McHenry, is serving aboard the guided Missile frigate USS Farragut, which returned to her homeport, Mayport, Fla., recently after a seven-month tour of duty with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. Foreign ports of call for the Farragut included cities in France, Italy, -Greece, Turkey and Spain. Private First Class Steven M. Boedecker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wood row S. Boedecker of Route 1, and Lance Corporal James F. Zaleski, son of Mrs. Josephine Zaleski of 2508 Orchard Beach drive, both of McHenry, participated in a major amphibious exercise held March 2 through 10, off the coast of Southern California. The exercise provided training for }.he men of the First Marine division and the First Fleet. More than 440 ships and 24,- 000 Marines took part in the exercise. It included antisubmarine operations, amphibious landing, replenishment at sea, nine warfare, aerial and subsurface reconnaissance, and Marine simulated combat operations ashore. Pvt. E 2 Robert Borchardt of 611 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, has been home on leave from Ft. Knox, Ky. Robert enlisted in the Army on Aug. 31, 1962. He has since completed his basic training and the small arms repair course, plus a few weeks of advanced training in weapons. Robert is now assigned to Fort Knox, Ky., the same place that he took his basic training. He will soon be leaving for an assignment overseas. Robert enlisted through the U.S. Army recruiting office at Woodstock 111. KATHY PRAWL NEW MANAGER THEATER GROUP CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Father Holmgren and to all my friends and neighbors who sent cards and1 visited me during my recent illness in McHenry hospital. Henry Schmitt *41-1-63 REMEMBER -- It's Nye's for Easter Candy Gifts Cosmetics McHenry's Friendly Drugstore Miss Kathy Prawl, a junior at the University of Illinois, has been appointed senior personnel manager of University theater. In this capacity she will serve on the University theater board, which includes both faculty and student members. Together with her pledge daughter, Kathy also won the Delta Zeta sorority's special award for high scholarship for the last school term. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Prawl, 2812 N. Shorewood drive, Kathy graduated in 1960 from McHenry high school. Legal NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOSEPHINE A. ESCH Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 3, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of JOSEPHINE A. ESCH, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GUSTAV E. BEERLY, JR ALBERT F. TRANKS Executors Looze and Kinne Attorneys 3431 West Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 385-1580 (Pub. Apr. 11, 18, 25, 1963) RE-ELECT ROBERT BRENNAN SCHOOL BOARD DIRECTOR Rlngwood School District No. 34 SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH Polling Place: Btngwood School Building Polls Open: 4 p.m. to 7 pun. MARIAN WILL GIVE "MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER" "The Man Who Came To Dinner," will also come to the stage of Marian Central high school on April 27 and 28. This three-act play written by George Kaufman and Moss Hart is a story concerning Sheridan Whiteside, big-time TV and radio personality, who comes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanley for dinner. But as he enters the home, he falls and breaks his hip on the ice. The Stanleys graciously agree to have him stay with them for the following three weeks, but little do they know of the extraordinary circumstances that are to follow. Mr. Whiteside receives some very unusual gifts and "guests," whom all will enjoy meeting in this uproariously funny comedy cm the Marian stage. Women of the Moose If Carol Sturmer ha1 attended the April 2 meeting of the Women of the Moose she would have received the attendance award. Winner of other prizes were Margaret Falknor and new co-worker, Carole Knor. Womemaking Chairman Jean Green was in charge of the Chapter Night program. Due to her absence, other members of the chapter volunteered to help. All members are asked to donate one dozen cooked colored eggs for the children's Easter party, which will be held April 14 at the Moose home. The eggs may be brought to the lodge either Friday or Saturday of that week. The next meeting will be held April 16. Please try to attend. The sponsors' dinner will be held April 22. The sponsors will be notified and they are to notify their candidates. The Loyal Order of Moose will hold their installation of new officers on April 23. The escorting of the men will be done by the Women of the Moose, accompanied by Eunice Tobey on the piano. This is the time of the year for our chapter to be thinking of the election of new officers. The nominating committee will meet on April 30. Anyone wishing to run for office or nominate someone else may contact the senior regent. Junior Graduate Regent Ethel Bruce has received many invitations to attend Green Cap Chapter Night programs. On April 9 she will fill the chair as junior regent at Crystal Lake. On April 10 at Elmhurst she has also been asked to fill the chair as junior regent. Several invitations lor the month of May have also been received. On Thursday, April 4, Elgin chapter honored their Green Cap Girl. Our Green Cap Girl, Ethel Bruce, did a magnificent job of filling the chair as junior regent for the ritualistic ceremony of the evening. The other six girls from McHenry who enjoyed the evening were Hazel Struwe, Ethel Hagberg, Carole Knor, Mabel Thomas, Betty Walker and Marjorie Fernstrom. Hazel Struwe very graciously filled a chairman's chair for the evening. Speaker for this Green Cap Night was Antionette Marinello, College of Regents president. There were seventeen College of Regents present, including two from McHenry. There were also thirty-six academy of Friendship members and four Star Recorders present. Also present was Illinois Past Deputy Grand Regent Imogene Ruckstahl. Our Green Cap Girl, Ethel Bruce, and the other six Green Cap Girls were presented gifts by Elgin's honored girl, Carmel Sarro. There were nine chapters from Illinois represented. There were seven from McHenry. Speaking for the girls from McHenry, a very enjoyable evening was had by all. Marcella Strossner, Publicity Chairman HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS NEW PLUMBING COMPANY A plumbing sales and service company has been formed to serve the Wonder I^ake community and surrounding areas. Owner and manager, George Brabenec, has been active as a licensed plumber contractor serving Chicago and Western suburbs for over twenty-five years. After ten years of summer residency in the community, he moved to the area with his family and established a permanent home here about a year and a half ago. SHOP AT HOME FOOD-FURNITURE MART The Food and Furniture Mart opened in the former National Tea building at 3814 W. Elm street this week. Owners and operators are John and Harriett Harden. The business Will specialize in furniture, auto carts and supplies, foods and appliances. The Hardens, who are now planning a grand opening, have similar businesses in Island Lake, Algonquin and Elmhurst. PLANT DEPARTMENT MOVES One department of Anderson Controls on Elm street will be moving to another location within the next few weeks, but the firm will continue operations in McHenry. CLEAN STREAMS MEETING There will be a meeting of the Clean Streams group on Tuesday, April 16, at 8 o'clock in the city hall. COURT BRIEFS JUSTIC COURT Charges of criminal damage to property were dismissed by Justice of the Peace Joseph Ritter recently against three local young men. They were George Kawell and James Brady of Lakemoor and Tony Manzano of Wonder Lake. They had been accused of having thrown candy around, and into washing machines in a Woodstock laundry. Magistrate Court A number of cases were heard in the court of Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday. David Scarbrough of Broad street, McHenry, received a $15 fine for speeding. A $10 fine was imposed on William Houser of Lincoln road, McHenry, for following too closely. Failure to yield the right of way was the charge against Anton Raysby, Jr., of Fox Lake, who paid a $10 fine. Thomas O'Leary of Emerald Ct., McHenry, paid a $15 fine for disobeying a traffic signal when the light turned red. Reckless driving charges were made against James Thompson, Jr., of Pearl street, McHenry, and Elmer Glosson, Jr., of John street. McHenry, both of whom paid $20 fines. Six charges of speeding were made against motorists in the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday. They included Vincent Marengo of Norridge, 111., and Walter Wolff of Round Lake, $7; Norman Cavedo of Lake Geneva, Wis., $9; Linda Pedecone of 3015 Mary Lane, McHenry, $10; Mildred W. Strickman of Elgin, $11; and Raymond A. Miller of Spring Grove, $15. FRESHMEN ENROLL Enrollment in the local high school may well continue to rise next fall if freshman registration last Monday night was any indication. A total of 334 signed up to attend classes with the opening of the new term. Another thirty-five are known to be planning to attend. Mrs. John Bolger, faculty member in charge of the program, was pleased with the response of parents. Vote For 0 ARTHUR V. JACKSON FOR ALDERMAN -- 2nd Ward on Tuesday, April 16, 1963 Polling Place: Buss Ford Sales -- Main St. 6:00 a.m. io 6:00 pjn. Your Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated Pigi ma# REGISTER FOR KINDERGARTEN IN TWO LOCATIONS Parents are again reminded °f the kindergarten registrat i o n s c h e d u l e d f r o m 9 t o 1 1 ; ) a.m. from 1 to 3 p.»n. Fridii . April 19, at Edgebrook elementary school, 701 N. Gre street, and Hilltop elementa school, 2615 W. Lincoln ro?> ' McHenry. A $3 fee for si plies must be paid on the d \ of registration. Parents of children Hvin in the following areas are ; register at Hilltop elementa school: River road down Holiday Hills; Fernwood su division; Eastwood Mam Lilymoor and Lakemoor; Frit sche's Estates and Lily Lake road; Worthmore Estates; Chapel Hill, Pistakee Bay and Regner roads, etc; Hunterville Park; Merryville Estates; Route 120 East. Parents of children liviir in the following areas are to register at Edgebrook elementary school: Holiday Hills; Island Lake; Burtons Bridge; Vaupell's subdivision; Griswold Lake; McCullom Lake; Lakewood subdivision; W. Shore Beach; Route 120 West; Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores; Orchard Heights; McHenry Shores; Country Club Estates; Edgebrook Heights; Country Club subdiviskm; Aqua Lane Estates; Huemann's subdivision; Orchard Beach; Wonder View; Cooney Heights; Crystal Lake Black Top; Bull Valley; city of McHenry. MASONIC ORDER WILL ORGANIZE BUILDERS CHAPTER Young Men Invested Iif "St.^ Pa trick's Church Knights Of Altar Membership A concerted effort to organize an "Order of the Builders" Chapter for young men between the ages of 13 to 21 was initiated at a recent meeting of the Masonic lodge members in McHenry. Conducted by Dale Ellis, Grand Master Builder of the state of Illinois, and Glenn Bowers, Sr., assistant to the grand secretary, both of Villa Park, the following advisory council officers were elected: Theodore H Guy, chairman; Edwarfi S. Heyward, co-chairman; Harry R. Hansen, secretary; William P. Schmidt, treasurer; Kenneth H. Schopp, marshal; George W. Cina, Jr., ritual instructor. Interested parties can obtain necessary information by writing to Harry R. Hansen, 3719 W. Freund street, McHenry, or call 385-3285. McHENRY COLLEGE MAN PARTICIPATES IN BIKE MARATHON Carrying out a carefully planned effort, members of the student body at Taft college, Taft, Calif., successfully completed a 500-mile bicycle marathon at Martin Memorial stadium, traveling the distance in t w e n t y - s i x h o u r s , f o u r t e e n minutes. Getting under way al 4 p.m., Friday, March 29, the TC collegians kept the speciallybuilt two wheelers rolling through the night and the next day, finishing the course at 6:14 p.m. the following day. Among the participants was Anthony G. Freels, of McHenry, now at TC, majoring in criminology. Freels is a graduate of San Diego high school. SHOP at this SIGN of Dependability See thasm ouhtamdmg MMf COPS ffcfc W6«lc«Nirf 1962 Ghia Convertible, Black 1962 V.W. Station Wagon Camper, Green 1961 V.W. Sun Roof Sedan, Green 1961 V.W. Sun Roof Sedan, White 1961 V.W. Sedan, White 1959 V.W. Sun Roof Sedan, Grey 1958 Karmann Ghia Coupe 1955 V.W. Sun Roof, Blue 1961 Valiant 2-dr. Hardtop 1961 Ford 2-dr., 6-cyl., St. Trans. 1956 Ford 2-dr., V-8, Auto. 1955 Olds, 2-dr., Hardtop McHENRY COUNTY Import Motors, Inc. SALES - SERVICE 114 Rand Road (Lakemoor) McHenry, III. Ph. 385-4100 , SIX LICENSES ARE SUSPENDED FOR VIOLATIONS The office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspension of the driver licenses of Vola Foute of 504 W. North Lake, Gunnar N. Nelson of 1507 W. Cedar street, Bruce C. Peck of l^J.6 W. Orchard Beach, and Robert P. Prat her of Rt. 3, McHenry; Ann Miller of Crystal Lake and Frederick L. Quilico of Holiday Hills, all for three violations. William D. Andrea of 8918 Oriole Trail, Wonder Lake, was granted a probationary permit. # FOLKLORE READING TO BE FEATURE OF BENEFIT PROGRAM Reading of humorous bits of folklore will be a part of "An Evening Of Schmaltz With William Boyd Andrews" to be presented Friday and Saturday evening, April 19 and 20, in the McHenry Junior high school auditorium. The selections were chosen to be representative of old favorites, new experimentation in literature and of humorous folklore. Intended as a benefit performance to secure capital funds for the McHenry Playcrafters, the presentation will also feature vocal solos by Sara Borchardt, and several innovations of oral renderings by the Playerafters Greek Vocal chorus. Included in the chorus are Jack Fulton, Frank Harrison, Storm Andrews, Leota Stinespring, Kathleen Beck, Kathleen Bolger, Kathleen Thomas, Renee Leight, James Devos, Iluth Lightner, Lois Harrison and Carl Johnson. Although Mr. Andrews is a nationally well-known lecturer and business consultant, this is the first time he has consented to appear professionally in the Mc-IIenry area. Tickets may be purchased from members of the McHenry Playerafters, or at the door. Curtain is at 8 o'clock for both performances. PERSONALS Mrs. Elmer Freund, Connie and Greg, ami1 Jill Johnston left Tuesday morning for a two weeks vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Alford Johnston and daughter, Arlette, left Tuesday afternoon from O'Hare field for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, called there because of the critical illness of Marshall Needham, the former's father The Johnston family had spent the past weekend in the Iowa city visiting Mr. Needham in St. Luke's Methodist hospital. ACCIDENT PATIENTS IMPROVE TWo patients admitted to McHenry hospital following accidents last Thursday have been released. They are Nancy Darwin of Wonder Lake, who suffered an injury to her left hand in a punch press accident at Modine Mfg. Co., and Kenneth Burbee, of Salem, Wis., who was hurt after falling from a tree in Sunnyside, where he was employed by a tree surgeon firm. ELECTED TO OFFICE Jean Borchardt, daughter of F. P. Borchardt of 611 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, has been elected floor president at Van Doren House. She was among twenty-three coeds elected to office in residence of the Women's Independent Student association at the University of Illinois. These boys were invested recently ill the Knights of the Altar at St. Patrick's Catholic church and promoted to various ranks. First row, left to right: Peter Stilling, Patrick Long, James Franklin, David Guzzardo, James Larkin, Patrick McAndrews, George Whiting, Frank Cuda, George Smolzer, and Kenneth Becker. Second row: Gary Schaefer, Donakl Reinboldt, Martin Conway, Dennis Aylward, John Zimny, Chris Wirtz, Michael Daurio, Gary Guzzardo, Joseph Hanley, Robert Wirfs and Harold Stilling. Third row: Raymond Bottari, James Bolda, Michael Schneider, Joseph M oersehba cher, Paul Kilday, Fr. Eugene Parker, Richard Doherty, Jack Tbennes, Michael Johnson, 'Robert Freres and William Saunders., Not present when the picture was taken were Thomas Calla-- glan, Craig Toussaint, William Harris, Timothy Poran and Dennis Hamil. Officers are Thomas Callagban, supreme grand knight; Joseph Moerschbacher, treasurer; William Saunders, vice-supreme grand knight; and Har* old Stilling, secretary. li.tiw' ' CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, cards, gifts and to all who visited me during my recent stay in the hospital. Special thanks to the V.F.W. Auxiliary. Doris E. Moffett •4-11-63 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- VoO, IK. Phone 385-6260 its Easter m IT'S EASTER, season of rejoicing . . . time when hope shines forth most brightly, and the glorious message of life eternal is told in song and story. May you and yours have a full measure of Easter joy. McHENRY STATE BANK "Always, serving you -- ALL ways tinea 1906" Corner Green & Elm Streets Phone 385-1040 We will close ai Noon on Good Friday