v : y**rir ;#•. •• -,- **?•: " Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday# April 18, 1963 Dinner Honors Anniversary Mr. and Mri. Richard Brod and baby, Beverly Jean, of Johnsburg celebrated t h e Couple's wedding anniversary recently at the home of her parents on Green street. Dinner was served in their honor, with friends railing later in the evening to extend congratulations. ANN PKKCIIKE Mim Peschke Engaged To Wed Announcement has been mad* by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Peschke, Sr., of 1211 W. Route 120, McHenry, of the engagement of their daughter, Ann Lee, to Mr. John C. Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ho- gan of 6606 Barnard Mill road, .ingwood. Miss Peschke Is a 1960 graduate of McHenry high school and is now a junior student at Rosary college, River Forest. Her fiance graduated in 1957 from the local high school and is self employed. No; wedding date has been set ' i«rir.im rut i LEE RENWICK, EDWARD CRICK WED SATURDAY An Informal service at 3:15 o'clock. Saturday united the lives of Mrs. Lee Reriwick and Mr. Edward J. Crick, both of McCullom Lake, at the Ringwood Methodist church. The Rev. Bruce Brenenian officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Renwick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kingston, 153 E. Walnut, Kankakee. She resides at 3007 N. Spring road in the village. Mr. Crick Jived with his mother, Mrs. Edward J. Crick, Sr., at 5108 W. Orchard Drive. For her wedding, the attractive auburn-haired bride chose a street length dress of beige lace, with beige accessories, and wore a corsage of red rosebuds. Her matron-of-honor, Mrs. Sam Lamont of 4702 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, enhanced the wedding party by Wearing a beige suit, also with matching accessories and a red rosebud corsage. Sam Lamont of Wonder Lake served Mr. Crick in the capacity of best man. For her son's nuptials, Mrs. Crick chose a lavender silk print street length dress. Brown accessories and a light green orchid corsage completed her costume. In the evening, about seventyfive guests (relatiyes and friends) congregated at Whitey And Bernice's in McCollom Lake for the wedding reception. Refreshments were served buffet style. Ole Olsen was in charge of passing the guest book. The newly weeded couple now reside at 3007^N. Spring road and their family includes Mrs. Crick's two sons by a former marriage, Charles, 14, and Michael, 8. Mrs. Crick is employed at Rae Motors, McHenry. Mr. Crick, a veteran of World War II, is an electrician. DIVORCE GRANTED Madeline Pyle has been granted a divorce from Rexford Pyle of McHenry in Circuit court by Judge William M. Carroll. CARD OP THANKS Many thanks to my many friends who voted for me in the Ringwood Board of Directors Election held last week. Robert Brennan •4-18-63 Chibtiu Bdeii Radio Series 9:30 a.m. WATT. 820 k Bund*?, April tl THE MEANING OF ANTON K M ENT" w i,f;m m"- i JUDY PHANNENSTILL Tell Engagement Of MIm Phannennttll Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill of 908 N. Allen avenue, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy M., to C. Richard Antonson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Antonson of Martinsville, New Jersey, formerly of McHenry. The bride-to-be is a 1961 gradtiiite of McHenry high school and is presently employed as a secretary in the city. The prospective groom is a 1959 graduate of the local high school and is completing his final year at the University of Notre Dame, mcijoring in chemical engineering. In the fall he will begin graduate work at Northwestern university. No immediate plans for the wedding have been made. The young couple were honored at a cocktail party given by Mr. and Mrs. Antonson on April 13 in their New Jersey home. LEE PICKRUM NEW PRESIDENT HARRISON PtA New officers of Harrison P/T.A. were elected for the 19G3-64 term, and delegates named to attend the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers association in Chicago April 25-2*7. Officers are Lee Pickrum, I resident; Maxine Bixby, vicepresident; Harriet V;m Kanenan, secretary; and Gerry Sullivan, treasurer. Mr s Pickrum moved up from vice-president to succecd Ardell Bell, who is completing two terms as president. Mrs. Bixby as secretary this year. Mrs. Van Kanegan is taking her nrst office in P.T.A., and Mi's. Sullivan is serving another term as treasurer. Mrs. Pickrum moved up from will attend the P.T.A. congress being held at the Hilton Hotel. The new officers, elected by unfinimous acclaim at the April meeting, will be installed at the May meeting, which also will feature the award of life membership in P.T.A. to an outstanding resident of Wonder Lake. SANDRA JONES Betrothal Of Sandra Jones Told Mr. and Mrs. Roy Redwanz announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Janet, to Mr. Larry Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bender of Newman, 111. The groom-to-be will graduate from the University of Illinois next June and will continue his studies at Princeton in the fall. A late summer wedding is planned. SORORITY OFFICER Judith Hans, 1503 Liner road, McHenry, student at tt.- University of Wisconsin, w.i recently elected recording se< retary of Kappa Alpha The! sorority at the state university 0SRITAL IflotU Michelle (Juffey of Richmond suffered injuries in a fall on Tuesday and is confined to McHenry hospital. McHenry Howpltal During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Bert McDermott and William F. Hironimus, Wauconda; Randall Baker, Raymond C. DeWire, Island Lake; Joseph Buszta, Antioch; Henry Rosman, May Bishop, Russell M. O'Hara, Michael Ruge, Alice Louise Reinert and Thomas Keiffer, Crystal Lake; James Doskar and Timothy Yocum, Barrington; Anthony Perkins, Erna Sanberg, Augusta C. Paulson, Anita A. Gottwald and Jerold Quick, Ingleside; Vern Reeves and James Aleander Ormistan, Fox River Grove; Virgil Burch, Jr., and Claudia Palmer, Wonder Lake; Jill Johnson, Fox Lake; Gladys Shackleford, Richmond; Faye Wilma Heinmiller, Gloria Mielke, Thomas Keevins, Henry Worm, Frank Pittrof, Arnold Eckstein, Sherry Lee Boling, Lloyd Davis, Judith Hay, Norma A. Slack, William Bischoff, Robert A. Nyberg, Willard Albert, Jessie Corbett, Cheryl Lynn Thacker, Leo F. Noah, James Tl. Johnson, Robert J. Bartelt, Mathew Rittorno, Edwin V. Knort and Judy Newkirk, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to the Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Master Christopher Foltz, Joseph Stephenhagon, Josephine Roti, Master Donald Booker, June Keller and James Stendebach, Wonder Lake; and Laurel Peterson, Arthur Hoppe and Nick Pitzen, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Herbert Kane, Anthony Rosier and Joseph Adamik of McHenry were patients during the past week in the Harvard ho^n'tal. J^erdonafd +•* Eluiter Sunday guests in tile Joseph L. Bauer home were and James Alexander Ormis- Dr. and Mi's. Ray fiatifcr and children of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer of Milwaukee, Wis., the Andrew Steinsdorfer family and Donald Bauer and children of McHenry. Karen Parkhurst, Joan Adams, Harold Foss, John Boyle and Bob Rodde, students at Loyola, spend the Easter holiday at their respective homes. Mrs. Hazel Benson, son, John, of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Marquish of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and Norbert were Easter guests in the Thomas Adams home. Mr. ami Mrs. Michael Thill, Janice and David, of Aurora, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. Robert Winkle, Judy Phannenstill, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska of McHenry and Richard Antonson of Notre Dame were Easter guests in the Carl L. Antonson home in Mariinsville, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker and children were guesis in the William Morgan home in Elkhorn, Wis., Easter Sunday. Larry Phalin of Cary left Wednesday by jet from O'Hare Field for a week's business trip to Germany. C. H. Duker spent the Easter holidays in the home of his son, Guy and family in Champaign. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz have returned from a three months vacation in Florida. Art Smith and Joseph Regner spent the past two weeks at Little Rock, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnickol of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton have returned from a vacation in Florida. Miss Gertrude Weber was an Easter guest in the home of her niece, Mrs. Earl York, and family in Zenda, Wis. Miss Anita Beckenbaugh a senior at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, and Robert Beckenbaugh, a freshman at the University of Illinois, Champaign, have resumed their studies after a vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh. Howard Wattles returned from Florida last week wheri he spent the winter months. Guests in the Fred Fowles home during the past week included Mrs. Jessie Runyard and Mrs. Edna Cable of Antioch, Miss Berniece Fowles of Grass Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowles of Liberty ville. Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns of Waukegan, who have just returned from Fort Richey, Fla., where they spent the winter, were callers in the Rena Scheid and Clarence Glosson homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steels ef Grand Rapids, Mich., were recent visitors in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Leslie Olsen. They were accompanied by another sister, Miss Edna Speaker of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Engdahl spent a few days recently in the home of their son, Herbert, Jr., and fafnily in I^avonia, Mich. Mark Vycital wag home from hts studies at the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., to spend the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital. The Jay Seymour family of Wheeling and the Norman Freufid family of Waucdnda were entertained in the John R. Freund home Easter. Guests in the home of Mrs. A. D. Foley in Easter included Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Winnetka, the James Mahoney and William Phelan families of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wade, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wade, Jr., and baby of Crystal Lake, and the Maurice Foley and Martin Foley families of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fitzgerald and son, Raymond, of Marycrest, Kankakee, were weekend guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch. Their son, Ronald, who spent the past three months with his grandmother, returned home with them. Guests in the Leo Blake home over the Easter weekend included Mr. and Mrs. Louis Girding and five children of Glendorf. Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow and daughter of Fort Jennings, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. William German and two daughters of Delphos, Ohio. Miss Margaret Hall of Chicago was entertained in the Miller-Moritz home over the weekend. Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel were Sunday visitors in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Charles Frett, in Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Evanston visited his mother, Mrs. Delia Matthews Sunday. Misses Julia, Rose and Margaret Stilling and Rena Scheid were Easter dinner guests in the home of Mrs. John J. Scheid in Woodstock. Others present were the Elmer and Norman Scheid families of Woodstock. Mrs. Charles Gibbs spent the Easter holidays with relatives in Macomb. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and son,. Frank, accompanied by the former's sister, Mrs. Erie Geer, of Crystal Lake, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder in Evanston Sunday. Mrs. John Anderson has returned from a several weeks vacation in Florida. Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock to Harvard Saturday where they attended the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Vaiofa Barnes, who died as the result of injuries sustained in kn auto accident. Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes attended the funeral of Joseph Raycraft in Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. George Pattison, the Mervin Staines family of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson of McHenry were Easter guests in the William Staines home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs. Mrs. Emma Rolfs and Mrs. Valerie Romer of Kenosha Wis., called on McHenry rela tives Sunday. Ahhur Larson of Hayward, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Mundelein were dinner guests in the Alfons Adams home Saturday evening. Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter, Clarene, were entertained in the Carl Martin home in Sunny side Easter. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen, McHenry, the Joseph Justen family, Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis May and Mr. and Mrs. Warner Benson, Wonder Lake. Mrs. Kirk Schroeder, daugh>> ter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Benson, Kristine and Michael, and Richard Ormsby of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the Florence Antholz home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lawson and daughter, Laurie, of Barrington visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Pidgeon and Mrs. Alma McAuliff of Chicago were visitors in the Walter Brooks home Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Heuser spent the weekend with Chicago relatives. Misses Judy Bacon, home from her studies at Loretta Heights college, Denver, Colo., and Gene Bacon, a student ai Loras college, Dubuque, Iowa were among the out of town folks who called on their g r a n d m o t h e r , M r s . N e l l i e Eacon, last week. Wed Fifty Years Marriage License Donald J. Powers and Irene Slobinski, both of McHenry. ON HONOR ROLL Jean E. Marsh of McHenry is one of the students at Western Illinois university, Macomb, to have been named to the wintei quarter honor roll at the school. THE ALBERT R. KETELS In celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Ketel of Wonder Lake will be feted at an open house Sunday, April 28, at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton A. Palmer, Jr., 408 MacArthur drive, Mount Prospect. Friends are invited to call in the afternoon from 2 to 5 p.j!n. Mrs. Ketel, the former Jeannette Davis of Indianapolis, met her husband, a native of Wisconsin, when both were employed at the Schlosser creamery in Indianapolis. They were united in marriage Feb. 13, 1913, by Rev. Dobney of the Christian Church of Indiana. Business brought the family to Elburn, Crystal Lake and finally Barrington in 1920. Mr. Ketel was manager of the Bowman Dairy plant in Barrington until it closed, after whieffi he worked as a field man and inspector. He was responsible for blowing the Bowman Dairy whistle for all fires in the community until a fire alarm was installed in the city. Mr. Ketel served on the Barrington school board for nine years. Mrs. Ketel was a member of the Barrington Woman's club. Both were active members of the United Brethren Evangelical church during their twer)tysix years in that community. Mr. Ketel retired Oct. l5S, 1962, after fifty-two years In the business. The couple has two daughters, Mrs. Floyd (June) Crosby of Fremont, Mich., and Mrs. Carlton (Leona) Palmer, Jr., of Mount Prospect; and five grandchildren, Robert, Terry and Charlene Crosby and Janice and Richard Palmer. a aired HAIR STYLISTS 885-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thru SAT. 8 ua to 6 paau closed Wed. • Claire • Mary Ann • Eleanore • Marlene Now is the time to think of something for Mother. A gift certificate for beautiful hair is just the thing. LIGHTEN HOUSE CLEANING WORK AND WORRY... CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to those who by their votes,, of confidence reelected me to the high school board of education. Vale Adartr *4-18-'. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the voters for their support in the April 16th election. We will do our best to work for the better ment of our village. John Sulok and Anna Brzezinski *4-18-6?. PRIVATE NURSING HOME 24 Hour Duty Nurse Loving Care as One of Family -- Best of Food -- All Comforts Reasonable Prices PHONE 385-2880 S A N i T 0 N E Yet Have Bright** Cleaner-than-ever Drapes, Blankets A Slip Covers! SANIT0NE DRY CLEANING DOES ITS Y<mH marvd « the wmj oar special Samtone Service transform* draperies, curtains, slip covers, blankets-- everything clean- • hie! We make them as bright and gay as the day you bought them--no dirt, no spots; colors, patterns •fid textures look like new •gain. Sec fof youielftail todayt Diol 385-0927 For PICKUP SERVICE at CASH and CARRY PRICES RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St., McHenry Across from A. P. Freund Ball Park Store Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Fri Eves, to 9 p.ra. There's Always Plenty of FREE PARKING AT RAINBOWS DRIVE-IN APRIL New Car Special Bank Rates ARE LOWER NEW CAR LOAN REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ^ 12 mos. 18 mos. 24 mos. 30 mos. 36 mos. $1,000 C^ 1o1#1 #O9Vl $ 59.72 $ 45.83 $37.50 $ 31.94 $1,500 131.25 89.58 68.75 56.25 47.92 $2,000 175.00 119.44 91.67 75.00 63.89 $2,500 218.75 149.31 114.58 93.75 79.86 These are the exact amounts required to repay your New Car Loan! No Hidden Charges! Creditors Life Insurance Included! No requirement to buy "Ceiicmi Insurance" to Qualify! Buy your auto insurance from the "AGENT OF YOUR CHOICE" INSIST ON BANK FINANCING The Best in Rates and Service Also Available on Late Model Used Cars McHenry State Bank COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE SINCE 1906 TELEPHONE 385-1040 BANK $