Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1963, p. 11

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Thursday, April 25.19tt TfiE JtfcBEHBT PtAINDEALER Ringwood CEMETERY FUKD BENEFITS FROM CARD PARTY MAY 2 Lor B reman - W.I* MM On May 2, there will be a card party in the Ringwood school house for the benefit of the Ringwood cemetery fund. This is a yearly affair for raising funds for the upkeep, etc. Tickets may be purchased ahead of time, or you may get them at the door. Come and bring some friends for an enjoyable evening of cards. What a nice way to visit with your neighbor or friend and relax. Community Club Events Last Tuesday at the meeting there was a voting for the ne\v officers for the Community Club for the coming school year of 1963-64. For president, Mrs. Clayton Bruce; vice-president, Mrs. Barker; secretary, Mrs. Baker; treasurer, Mrs. Alex Ramoska. The entertainment for the evening was talent and lots of it. Musical instruments, baton, singing, and we were lucky enough to get the Chipmunks to entertain us for a song. Alvin kept himself in trouble and us in stitches all during the number. Typical of Alvin, if you have seen him on TV or elsewhere. Refreshments were served to all after the program. The next affair of the Community Club is the annual family picnic. It will be held on Sunday, May 26. at the school grounds at 12:30 p.m. Let's all be there and have an old fashioned community picnic. Each family is asked to bring their own tableware, sandwiches and a dish to pass. There will be coffee and punch furnished by the community club. Th1$ is for the entire community, it doesn't make any difference if you have youngsters going to school or not. Each and every one of you folks in Ringwood are invited to come ind join your neiehbors and friends for a good old fashioned picnic in case of rain, the picnic will be held in the activity rooms of the schopl. Rain or shine, come and join the fun. There will be 1 games for the youngsters too. See you there? I hope so. Senftfr High M.Y.F. Linda Low reports: Sunday, April 21, Ringwood's Senior High MYF held the big meeting. Spring Grove. Mt. Hope. Greenwood, Zion, McHenry and McHenry and Ringwood MYF's attended the program. Rev. James R£id, a former minister of Ringwood, was our guest sneaker. His topic was integration. After he told us of the problems he's been having in his church, we broke up into discussion groups and expressed our opinions. After the program a worship service was led by Ida Mae Walkington and Sue Fossum. Refreshments were later served by Ringwood's M.Y.F. Everyone enjoyed meeting new friends and reuniting with the old opes. There were about seventy teens present. Bru^e Baby Christened The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bruce was christened Daphne Theresa last Sundav at Christ The King Catholic church at Wonder Lake. Godparents for the little girl were Mrs. Joyce Kotyza and Harold Bell, Jr. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce entertained the following for dinner. Maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Also Mr. X145 A Great DEKALB Variety with "Ail-Around Balance HIGH Bred by DeKalb Research to fight blight, borers and stalk rots--to give top yields of dry, sound grain. CORN "DEKALB" It i Hev'i'crtd Brand Nam*. Tb« Numbar it * .nty Detignttioa. CLINTON MARTIN 2505 North Martin Road 385-0527 McHenry and Mrs. Chuek Ackerman and lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family, Wesley Bruce, Wanda Tonyan, Judy, Bonnie, and Cindy Bruce, Mrs. Loraine Grames and son and Mrs. Richard Kortez and family. Princess Pat Kept Busy Last Friday and Saturday Pat Hogan, our Dairy Princess, was busy as a hostess for the birthday carnival held at a store in Woodstock. Pat and Miss V.F.W. Kay Burmeister passed out free milk at the celebration. Pat is a busy gal these days with her dairy promotion work. She is making appearances on behalf qf sour cream promotion throughout the county, so maybe on a shopping day soon, you may be greeted by our home town gaL r New Residents Of Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson have moved into their brand new house located on Route 31. The Carlsons moved from Woodstock, but are well known in Ringwood, as they resided on the Dodge farm in Ringwood for many years. The Carlsons are parents of Mi's. Clayton Bruce. A welcome to the community is extended to the Carlsons. "500- Card Chib The card club 'net in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Wednesday of last week. Miss Mae Wiedrich had high for the day, with Mrs. Mabie Hawley taking low hand. Their next affair will be a luncheon held out of town for all members of the club. Mr. Ewell Dies James E. Ewell passed away on Saturday in fas winter home in Delray Beach, Fla., He is survived by his widow, Hazel; a daughter, Mrs. Dianne Weiss; a son, James M.; and seven grandchildren. Arrangements for the services were being arranged in Chicago. The Ewells resided on Barnard Mill Road in Ringwood1. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Bernard' Peschke Sr. of McHenry announced the engagement of their daughter, Ann, to Mr. John C. Hogan during the Easter Holidays. There are no definite wedding plans set. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to the young couple. • * PARISH LADIES JOIN FORCES TO CLEAN CHURCH Betty 1 You've heard the expression "S.O.S." -- well a new one has been thought up -- "C.O.C." This means "clean our church." All the ladies of the parish are urged to be present next Tuesday morning following the 8:15 Mass to clean the church. Our church must be spotlessly clean for First Communion which takes place on May 5. It is the duty of every able bodied woman in the parish, especially mothers of the First Communicants, to come equipped with her scrub bucket and brush to assist in cleaning next Tuesday, April 30. If for some reason it is impossible, please send something for the lunch which will be served in the community club hall at noon. Hilda Thelen will also take any donations to defray the cost of the cD|aning aids. Once more a plea to all to try to lend a hand next Tuesday morning. As I've said in the past, "the more help, the faster we get through." Honor Winners Lee and Harriette Marshall have a good reason to be proud of their son, Jim. He was among the fourteen seniors enrolled in the National Honor society. Carol Sampel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sompel was also among these fourteen to receive the honor. Fourteen juniors received the honors too. Suie Nowak was one of these young people. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grage Nowak, are as proud as the Marshalls and Sompels. We all share in wishing them success in their future education. Hospital Patients We all join in nrayer foi the recovery of Diane Schafer, daughter of Frank and Marcelyoungsters were visitors in the Wiedrich-Wegener home on Friday. Callers in the home of Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., last week were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Burlington, Wis. Here *N* There Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry, (my mom) visited in the Bob Brennan home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family were dinner guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas home in McHenry, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ackerman and s(?n of Elburn were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman on Sunday. On Friday, Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Glen Jackson, Mrs. Walt Wilcox and Miss Pam Low were callers in Beverly. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn has returned home after spending the past week visiting with relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago was a guest in the Harrison home on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Leonard and That's about all there is for another week. Hope all's well. See you next week? Don't forget the card party and concert! la Schafer. Diane was badly injured in a car accident on Easter Sunday evening. She is still confined to the McHenry hospital. Our community was sorry to learn that Sister M. Theodosia was hospitalized late last week. Please remember Sister in your daily prayers. The second grade class misses her terribly. Sister has been working deligently in preparation for First Holy Communion. Last Calf For Ladies Night The entertainment committee for |he annual ladies night banquet to be held next Saturday, April 27, wishes to announce the tickets are practically gone. However the, tickets that are still available can be obtained by contacting either Emmet t Hansen/385-2292 or A1 Oeffling, 385-1259. Please keep in mind that the dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. There is much in store for this evening so plan on joining your friends in the community club hall next Saturday evening. New Members Welcomed Into Club The membership committee of the Johnsburg community club wishes to announce that at the April meeting three new members were accepted. They were Walter Dean of Wonder- Lake, Ed. Buss and Andy Mc- Carroll both of McHenry. Welcome aboard! Lady Foresters Hold Installation St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the W.C.O.F. installed new officers at the installation ceremonies last Tuesday evening. High trustee Angeline Mauer of Aurora was the instaHing o f f i c e r . S p e c i a l c o n d u c t o r s Donna Lee Freund, Marilyn Smith, Patty Schmitt, and Patricia Weber. New officers installed were; chief ranger, Marie Oeffling; Vice chief ranger, Cathrine Dehn, recording secretary; Virginia Pitzen; financial secretary Dorothy Himpelmann; treasurer, Evelyn Deidrick;trustees, Kay Bauer, Mabel Smith and Kathryn Huff, senior conductor, Kathy Schaefer, junior conductor, Laura Schmitt, innide sentinel, Lu Ann Smith; outside sentinel, Helen Decker, junenile directors, Catherine Dehn, Lou La Bay nd Joan Haag. Guests were present from St. Stephana court of Aurora and St. Clara court of McHenry. Preceding the installation about seventy members enjoy- REGISTER MAY 3-4 FOR DIOCESAN SUMMER SCHOOL Registration for diocesan summer school at St. Mary's school will be held May 3 from 3 to 5 p.m. and on May 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. Classes will be offered in remedial reading and arithmetic, and an opportunity for ^nrichrn^nt in and Spanish will be given. Classes will be limited ic fifteen. There is a registration fee (non-refundable V of five dollars. and the tuition for the summer is twenty dollars. Classes will extend from June 20 to July 31. ed a delicious dinner at Hettermann's. The calendar of activities for the coming %year was distributed at the meeting. At the May meeting the junior Foresters of the eighth grade will participate in the May crowning. Have You? Have you registered for the current bowling tournament which benefits our own rescue squad? If not do so real soon. Foshion Show Reminder Please keep in mind the date of May 7. On this date the members of St. John's home and school association will sponsor a juvenile fashion show. AH our local youngsters will model the newest fashions for the young set. The show will be held on May 7, at 8 p.m., in the community club hall. Mig Joyce and Ethel Heim are the gals to see about tickets. Ladies Attend Conference Nine ladies from our local W.C.O.F. court attended the diocesan conference in Rockford last Sunday. Mass was read by Bishop Lone in St. Anthony's church. Dinner and meeting followed the Mass. Lucille Smith and Patty Schmit were among those who participated in the initiation services. Others attending were Marie Oeffling, Virginia Pitzen Catherine Dehn, Dorothy Himpelittann, Evelyn Deidrick, Hilda Thelen and Kathyrn Huff. That's it for now. See you next week? Come In For A Demonstration Other Fine Mowers Priced From $39.95 ftLLAIffV 20" ROTARY POWER MOWER Ml 9 " c u t t i n g black--4 cycl* 2 H.F. Briggt & Stratton engine-* eHoke-a-maf!c c o n t r o l w i t h M*y Bpfn rewind starter. Staggered wheals. Curved non-clog design gives greater safety and mora grass-lift suction for easier, faster cutting. 6" diameter wheels, oit impregnated bearings. Easy height ad* justment. Vycitaf's Hardware 1228 N. Green St. McHenry Special savings start today! Join the i AMERICA'S LOWEST wowiwHtfr PRICE-American 220 2- l°w pricesi Dooi Sedan -- family room for 6, Rambler quality and famous gas economy! $4034 PR MONTH roof-toptpavsl WAGONS-Classic 550 rack! CrossCountry Wagon has 80 cubic feet of cargo space, Roof-Top Travel Rack. *5321< PER MONTH WE'RE TRADtNC H4QH! | r, vtRT IBLES-American 440 is America's lowestpriced convertible with power top standard. reclining S£AT OPTIONS! SEDANS --Classic 550 2- Door Sedan has full room for six 6-footers. Rambler extra-value features. $5122" PER MONTH NO OTHER CAR OFFERS YOU ALL THIS! Styling and engineering leadership that won Motor Trend Magazine's "Car of the Year" Award. Most miles per gallon of all cars in all classes in '63 Pure Oil Economy Trials and '63 Mobil Economy Run! (American 440) Scores of extra-value features like Double-Safety Brakes, Advanced Unit Construction, Ceramic-Armored muffler. America's lowest prices! Special savings start today at your Rambler dealer. 'Monthly paynxnU b*ud on manufactarw's juuostod retail prices for models shown 'A down payment and r36-mofith contract with normal ten pint ctierrei. ill federal taxes paid. Does not include optional equip* •tent, transportation, inwrance, strte mt local taxes, it any. $4491* SEIBEL MOTOR SALES, 4611 West Route 120, McHenry, 01. c ^ w ROTARY NEWS Our District Conforencf at the Aurora Hilton Inn April 16 and 17 is now history. It was a Star-studded Program with splendid entertainment, good speukers, wonderful fellowship with a great deal of Retary information linked with all the sessions. The Rotary Stamp display by Jack Kelsey of our club attracted much attention and many comments. Jack was rather busy answering questions regarding this collection between breaks in the program. The World Understanding Week display, by Reverend John O. Mclntyre also of our club was greatly appreciated by the delegates and came in for social mention by one of the delegates on Wednesday morning. This display showed the different areas in the world covercd by Rotary Clubs, the Iron Curtain area being very conspicuous by its lack of coverage Roy Kissling and Walter Cai'ey very kindly supplied the transportation for this rather large display to and from the conference. The three headline speakers were Dr. Ren N. Sallzman of Mountain Home, Arkansas who is a Director of Rotary International. Dr. Percy L. Julian. President Rotary Club of Franklin Park, who has degrees from DePauw, Harvard and Vienna Universities besides many scholastic achievements and diversified academic associations, including Prof, of Chemistry, West Virginia State College for Negroes, and Howard University. In 1951 receiving the Centennial Distinguished Citizen's Award from Northwestern University. Dr. Walter H. Judd was the speaker on Wednesday evening. He was formerly Congressman from Minnesota, a member of Committee on Foreign Affairs for 16 years, a delegate to General Assembly of the United Nations in 1957, and to the World Health Organization Assembly in 1950 and 1958. He livcvi in China as a medical missionary for 10 .years. The highlight for oar bers was the Crystal Lai Charter Night Tuesday eve{ ning. At that time the Ro^-. tary Club of Crystal Lake re||| ceived its charter from Disfc* trict No. 644 Governor, Drf* Charles O. Sandberg. Dr. Beit* N. Saltzman was tbe speakeri his theme being "The Internationally of Rot&ry." Twentyone members from McHenry and eleven Rotary Anns were present to help welcome Crystal Lake into the worici 6f tary. A proven way to wipe out friendships is to sponge on 'em. onto is making the test prescriptions -- with the newest drugs and the newest knowledge, let us serve yoii better, safer, at uniformly moderate prices. BOLGER'S Drug Store Registered Pharmacists Donald P. Doherty -- Arthur McKenty John A. Stewart umh Sperwue j, pRf-SCRIPT IONS rTLI BILL UVSt »uy that new Electric Range now wiring NO MONEY DOWN] FREE INSTALLATION Offer Extended One W$ek Only -- May 7, M \ FACTS ON UW1i» HMt WIRING OFFER § COOPERATION WNTH PubRc Service Company 30" Spa cemaker HI-SPEED * PUSH BUTTON CONTROLS * 23 MASTER OVEN * REMOVABLE OVEN OOOR , it FLUORESCENT SURFACE LIGHTING * AUTOMATIC TIMER OF EXTRA COST THIS SENSATIONAL 8-PIECE SAUCE PAN m YOU GET ALL THIS FOR ON FOR LIMITED TIME ONLYI CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. GREEN STREET PHONE 385-5500 f

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