Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1963, p. 12

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mppmwmh t • i #v' Twtlrt" *». .. Plslak## Ttrract ^ SPRING DANCE ^ ^ ^CAROUSEL"" AT*©* JOHNSBURG MAY 11 Joyce loepper -- 385-3044 There is only one more week to line up your babysitters and get your tickets for the association spring dance "Carousel" to be held at the Johnsburg community club, Saturday evening. May 11. The usual buffet will be served. Additional tickets may be obtained from Birdie Deppoaeier. Meeting Time Again Your next association meeting will be held May 6 at the Calvin Vyduna home beginning at 8 p.m. The Terrace Women's auxiliary will commence at the Eleanor Moore home on May 9. Last Call For Square Danrrrs Last reminder for the square dance to be held at the Grant high school, Fox Lake on May 4. The dance begins at 8 p.m. and is sponsored by the Mount Hope Methodist church with the proceeds going into the organ fund. The caller will walk everyone through the dances for those who are rusty. Terrace Children To Be Fashion Models Recommended for an evening of fun is the Children's fashion show sponsored by St. John's Home and School association to be held at the Johnsburg Community club on Tuesday evening, May 7, 8 p.m. Among the children modeling will be Terry Connerty, Mark Wiggerman, Cathy and Karen Stbull. Clothespins Gone To Birds Although the rest of us are beginning to hang our clothes out in the beautiful spring weather, the Deppmeier-Hiliman household has had to resoft to the use of their automatic dryer. It seems two robins have decided to use the clothespin bag hanging in the garage as their nest. The clothespins are off limits now until the three eggs have hatched and the robin family takes their leave of the Deppmeier- Hillman hospitality. First to the dogs, now to the birds. Anniversary Celebration Saturday evening William and Marie Kern accompanied lay Jerry, Don and Loretta and the Richard Kerns of Wheaton dined out at a Chicago restaurant, in celebration of their fortieth wedding anniversary. The band honored the Kerns with the playing of the anniversary waltz during dinner. Following the meal the party had front row seats at a local theater presentation. . Terrace Tidings Arriving Friday night for a week's stay at the Mierzwa home were their brother-inlaw and nephew, Adam and Craig Ortinau of Chicago. Gathering for an evening of bowling at Johnsburg and snacks at Lilymoor on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Norb Mierzwa, George and Mary Mecko, Jim and Birdie Deppmeier, Bob and Bea Froehlig, Kenny Froehling, Jim Terrace, Adam Mierzwa and Jack Walters, Chicago. The Kurowski family attended the first communion of niece Maryann Hayes in Chicago on Sunday. Dud and Dee Gregg attended the cerebral palsy dinner and dance on Wednesday evening held in a Chicago restaurant. Having a "falling good time" at the Troop 88 roller skating party held Sunday afternoon in McHenry were Laura Gregg, Debbie Stull, Regina Kern and Margaret Moore. The Tom Merhaut family spent Sunday at the Frank Vesely home in Westmont helping Pat's niece, Diana Voightman, celebrate her sixth birthday. Monday visitors of the Norbert and La Verne Mierzwas were his mother, Mary Mierzwa and aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rafalsky, Chicago. Joyce, Lance and Lorin Toepper were luncheon guests on Wednesday of Julia Henry, Crystal Lake. Wednesday dinner guests of the Robert Rabbs were the Jack Adair family in celebration of Marion Rabb's birthday. Visitors oh Sunday at the Mierzwa horpe were Mike and Lola Tremoht, Wauconda. The Norbert Cisewski family returned home on Tuesday from a eight day vacation which began Easter Monday. They journeyed to Winona, Minn., to attend the wedding of Norb's niece Marilyn Moloek to Anthony Stigler. Debbie Cisewski was flower girl for her cousin. Tom Merhaut was witness to an accident on Tuesday. His truck broke down on Highway 53 north of Palatine and as he waited for help a car crashed into the back of the truck. The boy driving the car was injured slightly while his mother riding in the car was hospitalized. f Birthday Parties Guest of honor at his fifth birthday party on Wednesday afternoon was Mickey Jourdan. Enjoying the cake, ice cream and games were Donna and Mike Pritchard, Sonja and Vera Treptau and Mickey's sister, Debby. Lori Parker entertained five of her friends as she celebrated her sixth (not fifth as I erroneously reported two weeks ago) birthday on Saturday afternoon. Guests included Jean and Jennie WadeeHS, Linda Kettner, Denise Pradelski, Carolyn Mierzwa and Lori's sister, Barbara. Illnesses Little Mitch Sabaj broke out on Monday with a rash, fever, and sore throat which the doctor diagnosed as Scarlet Fever. He was most fortunate to have a light case and wasn't sick enough to give Mother Bonnie too much trouble. Birthday* Many happy returns of the day to Wilma Stader whose birthday is May 3, Wayne Walters on May 4 and Jim Walters on May 5. TAX COOPERATION The state of Illinois and the Internal Revenue Service have concluded an agreement for cooperation in tax administration, Gov. Otto Kerner and Douglas L. Barnes, IRS regional commissioner in Chicago, have announced. Illinois is the 17th state to conclude such an agreement with the Internal Revenue Service. Since Illinois does not assess an income tax, the agreement provides mainly for the exchange of information in various excise tax areas, especially motor fuel and highway use taxes. MANY NEW SPRING & SUMMER ITEMS ARE IN -MAY WE SHOW YOU? APPAREL - PATIO PICNIC - SPORTS FREE Twelve 12" LP Records $35.76 Value -- Free with pun-liase of any phonograph or Stereo by Philco - Westinghouse » Phonola - Webcor - Arvin or Gotham • YOU CAN BUY ON CREDIT OR CHARGE IT • CATALOG ORDERS -- PROMPT SERVICE • FAMOUS BRAND ITEMS -- FULL GUARANTEE i i japan-- Sunnyild* EsiaM FRIENDS HAPPY CHET BANKER HAS IMPROVED HEALTH Joan Walczynski 885-31.05 THE McHENRY PIJUNDEALEH Thursday. May 11963 So many of my columns have begun with sad news lately, that I shall begin this short one with good news at least. I was pleased to learn that Chet Banker is doing much better. Last word was that he is able to sit in a wheel chair now and is gaining his strength back slowly. His father was down from Wisconsin for a visit with him again. I'm sure every act of kindness means an awful lot to him at this time. Chet is still in Hines hospital for those of you who would like to drop him a card. Chet's mother-in-law, Bessie Schweiger, was hospitalized for a week recently. We are happy to learn that she is back home now and well once more. Birthday Dinner <*' Mill and George Kropf drove into Chicago last weekend for a dinner party in honor of the birthday of Mill's sister, Vi Crane. Guests included Vi's inlaws, Florence and Will Panther; her brother-in-law, Ken Crane; George's mom, Tillie Kropf; and, of course, Mill and George. Her mom, Mae Becvar, had a most delicious dinner, as always. Cooffratalattona To Father Weideman of St. John's Church on the anniversary of his ordination to the holy priesthood. Tomorrow, May 3, is his eighth anniversary and we would like to take this opportunity to extend to him our offer of prayers for many future years of services and blessings in his calling. Last Reminder , Tuesday evening, May. 7* is the date of the Children's style show and party sponsored by St. John's Home and School Association. I'm sure that everyone who attends will have a most enjoyable evening. Job Well Done I was sorry to learn too late about the date set for the cleaning of St. John's church, thus making it impossible for me -to let you know through my column. By the time you read this, the church will be shining like new from the thorough scrubbing that the women of the parish gave it on Tuesday. It is done at this time of the year so that it will be sparkling for the First Holy Communicants. Their big day this year is Sunday, May 5. Another Dale A week from tonight, May 9, is the meeting of Sunnyside Estates Home Owners Association. The meeting will take place at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg public school. Our Sympathy To Alice Bieschke on the unexpected death of her aunt, Grace Beutin, of Chicago Although she had been ill for a while, no one had any idea that her time would come at the early age of tfiirty-nine years. She leayes^ner husband and three /Childrenv/ jDur sincere sympathies to her family at this sad time. Scout News Thursday evening, April 25. was the night of the semiannual meeting of the Girl Scouts Sybaquay Council at Elgin, which I attended, along with six other adult members of scouting. It was a rather lengthy, but very informative and stimulating meeting; and being my first, I especially en- Joyed it. Special Day Troop 88 had a roller skating party last Sunday at the local roller rink. Over twenty of the troop members attended and a real grand time was had. At their regular meeting on Thursday evening, Troop 88, accomplished a good deal. After their usual business meeting the girls first of all finished their sit-upons. Next they finished making the place cards for the banquet. Some of the little ladies painted, plaques; some practiced their skit and the rest of them played games. Next they presented some of t h e i r badge r e q u i r e m e n t s . Cookie hostesses for the evening were Kathy Jensen and Lynda Kosior. Troop 295 Although I know it sounds very repetitious, our weekly meeting Was once again spent practicing for our part in the entertainment for the Father- Daughter Banquet. (By the time you read this the banquet will be over. It was held on Wednesday, May 1, I'll let you know next week just how we made out. Also the girls got the props made for the entertainment. The treat at this meeting was furnished by Mary Farley. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: On May 4 to Lois Anderson, your former reporter; On May 5 to Debra Fuqua who will be six years old and to Jack Davis. On May 7 to Martin Williams; and on May 8 to Kenny Botr who will be eight years old and to Bud Kennebeck and Wally Roy. Happy birthday one and all. I'm sorry to say we have no anniversaries to report this week. Cupid took a rest this week it seems. Hope they will be more plentiful next week 'Bye now! Workmen uneartfied a skeleton of a human who would have been at least 10 feet tall, near Leixlip, Ireland, recently --and a large ring of pure gold, with it V Signing Off Well, once again that wraps it up for this week. The calls were very few and far between. Can Help "Whip" Yield Robbers and Save Profits Don't be "caught short," Plant special DeKalb Varieties bred for extra resistance to borers, aphids, leaf blight and stalk rota. SEE ME FOR SPECIFIC VARIETY RECOMMENDATIONS r* j ivTON MARTIN N*»r tii Martin Road 885-0527 McHenry t c a n a STORES & CATALOG OUTLETS 1880 N. Riverside Dr. NEW STORE HOURS: McHenry, Illinois DAILY -- 9 a.m. to 6 pan. Phone: 885-4080 FltlDAY -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAT. -- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Two Other Stores Nearby To Serve You. Route 69 & Grass Lake Bi 501 E. Lange St. Antioch, Illinois Mundelein, Illinois Phone: 895-3650 Phone: 566-5400 -- XT 80 PUBLIC NOTICE STARTING FRIDAY. MAY 3id . 10 aji. SHARP & CONTINUING DAILY 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. EVERY NITE . . . UNTIL COMPLETE 8c FINAL LIQUIDATION IS REACHED An Amazing Array of Fabulous Furniture from the Nation's Leading Manufacturers! SACRIFICED IN A SALE OF ABSOLUTE NECESSITY ... AS ONE OF THE FINEST. QUALITY STORES IN McHENRY COUNTY... says GOODBYE FOREVER! TO ITS PRESENT LOCATION AFTER YEARS OF FAIR AND HONORABLE SERVICE ^Jke ^J4ouie oi furniture LOCATED ON ROUTE 1!, IN RICHMOND, ILLINOIS FORCED TO ACCEPT A HUGE LOSS BECAUSE AN EMERGENCY NOW EXISTS -- THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS HAVE BEEN SLASHED OFF ALL REGULAR PRICES ... HUNDREDS OF ITEMS GOING AT ACTUAL COST ... MANY BELOW OUR ACTUAL WHOLESALE COSTI YOU MUST SAVE 30% - 40% - 50% - AND MORE OFF REGULAR PRICES MUST IS MASTER ... WE ACCEPT INEVITABLE LOSS . . . MONEY TALKS LOST OUR LEASE * MUST VACATE * HAVE NO CHOICE In The HEART Of The HILLVIEW SHOPPING CENTER Open Every Nite 'Til 9 p.m. -- CLOSED SUNDAY -- IMPORTANT NOTICE! You can buy with confidence -- we have lost our lease -- but we are definitely going to relocate in the immediate area. Though discounts and savings are np to 50% and more our guarantee for 100% satisfaction will be honored in the future at our new location. Charles D. Smith AMERICA'S BIG NAMES bEALY - SIMMONS - BRANDWEIN INNERSPRING MATTRESSES OR BOX SPRINGS Reg. $49.95 to $69.95 Samples, some of the most expensive represented. Mismatched. ftfi Samples, but all brand new " ••OO Reg. $10.95 "Simmons" Steel Hollywood BED FRAMES $4.88 Adjustable with 4 Nylon Castors '^14:95'^~ POLE LAMPS Go at $7.77 Your Choice 2 Styles 9x12 EARLY AMERICAN OVAL RUGS $44.19 100% Wool B'rd. 5 Wanted Colors "JOERNS" Walnut 3-pc. BEDROOM SUITE $158.20 Dresser, Bed, Chest to $59.95 "LANE" OCCASSIONAL TABLES $21.97 End, Step, Chairside & cocktailwalnut ... Reg. $14.95 TABLE LAMPS Below Cost $7.77 Modern & Early Am. Complete with shades « RULES OF SALE • In fairness to all -- because of Genuine Discounts to 507c and more - all sales final -- no exchanges -- deposit must accompany every purcha: -- small delivery charge will be add< to all prices quoted -- no sales dealers. These savings are for our customers. DON'T LET LACK OF READY CASH KEEP YOU FROM SAVING -- WE CAN ARRANQE CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET IS19.M S PC. SECTIONAL f urved modern. Reg. $319.00 modern, am filled in wanted color. Lost our i' ase liquidation 1'rice NOW *149.40 $875.00 7 PC. MODERN WALNUT CEABODY DESIGN' DINING GROUP ( eg. $875.00 "Richardson-Nemschoff" sviodern, Walnut & Cane, Hutch Base, Kound Table, 4 Chairs Sacrifice below our cost. NOW *463.12 $225.00 to $269.0.> MODERN, EARLY AMERICAN, PROVINCIAL AND CONTEMPORARY SOFAS Special group, floor sample, foam and spring construction. All sacrificed below cost as "we must vacate" *127.70 $347.00 EARLY AMERICAN 6 PC. DINING SUITE Reg. $547.00 "formica drop-leaf" hard rock maple, table, 3 mates chairs, capi tin chair and complete glass door and t.pen hutch with storage base -- Sacrificed as we sell-out OA NOW "vOtfcO BUNK BEDS & ODD CHESTS S(>9.95 Maple Bunk Beds .. v„,£39.99 SS4.95 Maple Bunk Beds .... $49.99 M9.95 Maple Bunk Beds • • • • $57.99 S-54.95 Odd Chests $33.99 $t>9.95 Odd Chests $38.99 Plus Many More • SUPERB BEDROOM SUITES AMERICA S FINEST MANUFACTURERS Danish Design -- Early American -- Contemporary -- Modern -- Classic-by-United, Kroehler, Basic Witz, Basset, American and others of equal reputation -- All styles -- all sizes -- all finishes, cherry, cordovan, mahogany, maple, grey tones, fruitwood. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 pc. group ings. All at Deep! Deep! Lost lease sales prices! $159.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $ 88.33 $249.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $138.20 $329.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $159.26 $349.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $177.10 $379.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $199.46 - Luxury Bedrooms • • at Fantastic Savings -- $399.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $229.30 $499.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $238.90 $549.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $267.76 $599.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $299.30 $649.95 BEDROOM SUITE, Sale Price $328.20 Plus Many More For Cash Or Credit • CHAIRS -- SWIVELS -- ROCKERS Recliners -- Swivels -- Rockers -- Occassional -- Grouping & TV chairs in this huge array -- every style, period, size, shape, imaginable. Every one cut price up to actual cost and below cost to move out during this great furniture lost lease sale! $ 54.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $24.77 $ 64.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $29.77 $ 69.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $34.77 $ 79.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $38.77 $ 89.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $44.77 $119.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $49.77 $129.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $59.77 $159.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $69.77 $179.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $79.77 $189.95 CHAIRS, Slashed to $89.77 Many More For Cash Or Terms GLAMOUR FORMICA DINETTES Sparkling Creations by Brody -- Virtue -- Howell -- Duchess -- Douglas -- Formica tops in chrome, bronze, black, gold tones and brass accents -- round, oval and oblong shapes^ All wanted styles and colors. 5 & 7 Pc. Groupings At genuine quitting business discounts $ 89.95 Dinettes NOW .(. $47.99 $109.95 Dinettes NOW $58.99 $129.95 Dinettes NOW A $69.99 $149.95 Dinettes NOW $77.99 $179.95 Dinettes NOW $96.99 Buy For Cash Or Terms $595.00 CUSTOM BUILT S-PC. FRENCH PROVINCIAL SECTIONAL Reg. $595.00, fruitwood frame, imported matelesse, deep tufted back Caba Of) S a c r i f i c e d below cost at . . . . f899.00 "INTERNATIONAL" 4-PC. NYLON SECTIONAL Reg. $399.00, 4-pc. sectional in 100% nylon. Modern wedge back center, two ends and armless seetion. Fills that long <|QQ (£f) wall NOW CUT TO WSIolfU FABULOUS SAVINGS! EARLY AMERICAN $ 19.95 EARLY AMERICAN LAMPS $ 11.88 $ 34.95 EARLY AMERICAN TABLES $18.88 $239.95 EARLY AMERICAN SOFA $128.40 $279.95 EARLY AMERICAN SOFA $149.60 $99.95 EARLY AMERICAN CHAIR $49.77 $399.95 3-pc. BEDROOM SUITE .. $229.30 Buy For Cash Or Credit • LUXURIOUS SECTIONAL SOFAS Howard -- Belz -- Hausske -- Atistic -- Zin> craft -- Gordon -- Reese. Select from the et tire and complete "breath-taking" display t i Quality Furniture all at Must Move Discounl Modern -- Early, American -- Danish Inspir* d -- Contemporary Classic -- In the finest ir ported and Domestic Covers -- 100% nylon nubby weaves, f r i e z e s , m a t e l a s s e , s p r i n g ai«s foam filled. A sensational display at equal sensational savings -- 3, 4 & 5-pc. sectional $349.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $166.; $369.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $177.1 $399.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $199.». $449.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $222 » $494.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $239.: > $574.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $268.1 $599.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $299.20 $639.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $326.40 $679.95 QUALITY SECTIONAL $349.16 $695.00 QUALITY SECTIONAL $359.1' You May Buy & Save -- For Cash Or Terr • QUALITY SOFAS AND 2-PC. SUITES EVERYONE REDUCED! Let your own ey ; see the values and saviiigs. All sacrificed • traditional provincial, and contemporary in iai sizes and lengths. ALL CUT PRICE. -- Here's just a few 2-pc. Suites & Sofas -- $249.95 REGULAR SELLERS $129 90 $289.95 REGULAR SELLERS $138 28 $299.95 REGULAR SELLERS $144 3" $339.95 REGULAR SELLERS $168 ! $389.95 REGULAR SELLERS $188; $399.95 REGULAR SELLERS $209 $449.95 REGULAR SELLERS $228 $489.95 REGULAR SELLERS $248 $524.00 REGULAR SELLERS $288.40 Plus Many More -- For Cash Or Terms f OLE LAMPS -- TABLE LAMPS -- FLOOR LAMPS -- MIRRORS -- PICTURES -- DIVIDERS -- HASSOCKS WALL DE'CORE FOR MODERN CONTEMPORARY AND EARLY AMERICAN. All Reduced because "we • st our l e a s e " Up to •• off the regular price 60% ^Jhe ^Jroude ol Jurniture IN THE HILLVIEW SHOPPING CENTER -- SOUTH SIDE OF TOWN U.S. Highway 12 Richmond, I1L BARGAINS GALORE! HERE'S JUST A FE OF MANY. HURRY, MANY SHORT LOT AND ONE-OF-A-KIND $119.95 Bench Cocktail Table $ 64. $294.95 Kroehler Sleeper $166.1 $ 19.95 Back of Door Mirrors $ 9. $ 14.95 Hassocks 5 g. $ 79.95 Hollywood Beds $ 49. $ 39.95 Handpainted Picture $ 19. $ 9.95 Card Table Chairs $ 5. o

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