•M- •>, »'«»:<#. ,,'--52i| Thursday, May e. 1913 THE McHEWgr PUUNDEALER #ag» Nlnt Lakeland Park FIRST QUARTER DUES PAYMENT NOW PAYABLE Barbara Meurer -- SS5-4S86 Kay Dra^nl -- 885-4811 111 11 The new association year started as of May 1 and your captains will certainly appreciate your co-operation in getting your first quarter payments to them as quickly as possible. The dues are set at $10 for the year, but if paid by May 31 will only be $5. For those who would like to pay your garbage, dues and road fund for the whole year the total will be $28 for Lakeland Parkers and $23 for Lakeland Shores people. If there are any questions concerning this your block captain will be glad to explain further. Welcome Party Another of those terrific welcome parties will be held tonight, May 9, at our community house. All of the women from the park who are new residents and any old timers who have never attended one are invited. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Niesen of McHenry last Saturday at St. Mary's church. Sally and Bill will reside on Green Street in McHenry upon their return from their honeymoon. To this fine couple go our wishes for the very best of luck for many, many years. Cub Scout Pack Meeting May 20 The last Cub Scout pack meeting until September will be held on Monday, May 20, at the community house. Parents, please! come out for this last meeting. Community House Schedule May 10 Friday - Dancing classes 2 to 6 p.m. Minstrel Group with children 8 p.m. Monday May 13 Regular L.P.P.O.A. Board meeting 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, Dancing classes 3 to 6 p.m. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Indian Dance Practice. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Boy Scout meeting May 16, Thursday, 8 p.m. Democratic Club. All bookings for the community house are made through Jo Rizzo 385-2728. Field Clean Up Remember, Saturday is work day at the new Little League field. All of the managers, coaches, players and parents please, spare an hour or so to help ready the field for a safe and happy season. Home On Leave Marine Private David Druml arrived home at midnight last Tuesday from boot camp in San Diego, Calif. The Druml family and Dave's girl, Penny, have been waiting anxiously for this leave. Hope your twenty days at home will be filled with good weather and good times. Congratulations Brad Qnte Brad Grote received the American Legion Music Award on Friday of last week. This entitles him to a week's vacation at the Egyptian Music Camp at Duquoin, 111. He won first places recently, one at the district meet and one at the state meet. Ronald - Gl<mon Weds Ronald Glosson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glosson took as his wife the lovely Sally Niesen, For The Interest Of All Women The Women's club meeting turn out could have been a little better. The installation of officers took placc and we offer our congratulations to them: Barb Meurer is the new first vice-president and Janet Kozy is the secretary. Other than these two new officers these ladies are serving another term; Vicki Bottari as president, Jo Rizzo as second vicepresident and Lyda Radisch as treasurer. Our past and present president received a gift from the' Women's Club. L.P.W.C. wish to express its deepest gratitude to Gloria Flannagan and Sue Grizley for a job well done as former officers. The women were left in awe as they opened the community house door. The hall was in complete darkness except for a spotlight which highlighted the May pole and table. The Maypole which extended from the table to the ceiling was gaily done in pastel colors, surrounding the table were cup cakes with miniature May poles. For the border, there were pastel flowers which the ladies received after the business meeting. A smorgasbord is being planned for Saturday, June 15. More details in the paper at a later date. Remember, the June meeting will be Thursday, June 13. The refreshment and entertainment committee have a hard times party planned for the month of June. Bottom Parents of Little Leaguers, we have ordered hundreds of buttons in hopes that the boys will be popping them off at a fast rate when they make a good play. We have the boys to do it now all we need is the parents support and attendance at all of our games. We work hard for funds to run the league and don't want it wasted on unused buttons. Make sure your boys chests will swell with pride. Be there when he plays ball. Trip To Chicago Forty nine of our young folks recently took a most interesting trip tp the Museum of Science and Industry, Planetarium, Museum of Natural History and the Aquarium. They came home bubbling over with many interesting facts and still full of plenty of pep which their chaperons had suddenly lost. The trip was made via bus and left McHenry at 8 a.m. They returned home around 6 p.m. The very tired and also very capable chaperons were Mrs. Lloyd Wagner and Mrs. Ascola. "Strolling Through The Park" Just happened to notice those two lovely young ladies, Kathy Becker and Sherry Jones leaving for the Girl Scout banquet oil last Wednesday. The girls escorts were their very proud dads; Irv and Rich. The girls are membera of Troop 192. Young Norbie Kwiatek has been having to wear a patch over his left eye due to a freak accident at school. Norbie was sharpening pencils and blew out the dust from the sharpener, a piece flew up and scratched Norbie's eye. Hope by now the patch has been removed. Real glad to have seen Mrs. Rose Prazak home again. We all pray there will be no more trips to the hospital. My fellow correspondent really takes our country's physical fittness program to heart--saw her going on a nice long walk the other day- Barb's got a lot more ambition than I have. Speaking of walking (I really rode) we covered the Boy Scoyts hike route last week and • arranged for all the troops camping spots. It was a wonderful ride, watching Mother nature spring back to life is one of the things that will always fascinate me. I know the Boy Scouts are really going to enjoy their hike. Troop 459 has been planning this hike since last September. We know the boys will make it but we wonder about the leaders. We'd like to welcome to the park our newly married couple, Chris and Rich Mercure. They were married last Saturday at St. Mary's. I was told it was a beautiful wedding. Hope you two fine people enjoy many, many years of wedded bliss. Several of the parks fine musicians participated in the annual spring concert on last Friday. Among these fine aspiring young folks were Brad Grote, Pam and Paul Schwegel and Beth Okal. They will be in the musicial program to be held tonight. From the above group Brad Grote took a top place rank and Pam Schwegel a second at the state competition held last month. Our heartiest congratulations to all of you. Confirmed last Sunday at St. Paul's church were Darlene, Donald, Polly and John Licastro. Knew we'd miss some of our First Communions and we did Terry Brooks made hers at St. Patrick's as did Paul Rogers and Debra Holas at St. Mary's. We are sorry and please accept our belated best wishes. Had the pleasure of talking to Helen Strandquist the other evening and as you can guess we naturally got around to talking of our sons. Did learn that their son, Wayne, will be giving instructions starting in July to top Navy brass from admirals on down. Wayne is one of only seventeen instructors qualified to teach in this particular field in the United States. Dottie Becker and her aunt Margaret took a jaunt to Holy Hill, Wis., on last Sunday. They picked a beautiful day for this very inspirational trip. Kay Druml, while attending one of her niece's Confirmation last Friday in Evanston, had the pleasure of seeing and talking to Jeannie Meyers formerly OUALITY 1 VALUE Phi... * Lowest Prices « Complete Selection # Open Display Shopping # Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries A--- Midstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza of Lakeland Park. Jeannie asked about her many friends and asked Kay to say hello to all for her. Our condolences are expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Douglas. Their 3Va year old grandson passed away in Denver, Colo., where their son is stationed In the Air Corps as a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas attended the burial which was in Minnesota. To Jessie Matthew* and little Eddie Unane go all of the park's very best get-well wishes. Bridge Player* tlttr women's Bridge club had as hostess fcr last week, Joyce Braun. Taking home the bacon for first place was that bridge shark Ruth McMahon, next best went to Lucille Deitz. Joining the above three players were Ann Herzog, Louise Mc- Enery, Ivy Lezak, Ruth Chadwick and Ann Leigh. Apology I've an apology to make to the Jack Lavin family. I really goofed when I wrote last week that young Jack was in San Diego. I completly misunderstood. Young Jack had his training at San Diego but is still over seas. Marine Promoted Jack Lavin was recently promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. Young Jack has not seen his parents since October of 1961. Hi's been stationed on Okinawa since January of 1962. This fine Marine is in Communications and is an excellent ham operator. He manages through his radio and ham operators here in the states to get frequent messages to his family. Just last Wednesday und the Wednesday before that he phoned home. One phone call was through Phoenix, Ariz., and the other through Waukegan. His very proud dad told me he sounds just wonderful. Besides his phone calls,, messages through ham operators, letters and radia-grams the Lavins also have a tape recording of Jack's marine life. Young Jack states that the island of Guam to him is the most beautiful of the islands. He manages to keep very comfortable in his radio shack with the aid of 3 air conditioners. It's really hot. Among the many gifts sent home to his family have been Japanese money both paper and coin, Japanese calendars, chopsticks, clogs and most cherished by his proud mother is her pink kimono which is v«5ry beautiful and is pronounced key-mona according to her son. Dad proudly shows his handsome smoking jacket and to his kid brother Kevin, it's a jacket complete with embroidered dragons and his name. Jack should be getting home early next year. He'll be in Okinawa until January. It's boys like Jack who make us feel that our country is in good hands. Birthdays On May 10 Susan Ludwig had three candles on her cake. Betty Walker also celebrates that date. On May 13 Kim Casey turns 6, and Helen Gerambio celebrates on May 15, and Lyda Radisch on May 16. A belated birthday wish also goes to Donna Kwiatek on May 1. Get-WeH Wishes Our prayers and good wishes go to Mrs. Joseph Lanz's mother, Mrs. Jewell Hickman, for a speedy recovery. She went into surgery on Wednesday in Owensboro, Ky. Get-well wishes also to Mrs. Mabel Schaefegen who is in McHenry hospital. Birthday Party Melvin Morgenson celebrated his ninth birthday last Saturday with nine boys participating in the party. They were Alan Meurer, Chuckie Campo, Donald Prazak, Michael Oberhuber, Robbie Wickenkamp, Fred, Clark Bierman, Donald Kaminski, Jerry Sullivan and two girls, Kathy Campo and Mel's sister Candy. Games were played with prizes for the winners and food was served. Baby Shower Adella Kroening was cohostess for a baby shower for her sister-in-law, Esther Kroening, last Sunday in Mundelein. Her girls, Ann, Bonnie, Teresa and Margie also shared in all the excitement while Bob and Bobby spent the day with a cousin. A delicious buffet supper was served. The day must have been too much for Esther because when the company left, she was counting the minutes between pains. Confirmation Mary Moll was confirmed at t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church last Sunday. Attending the party afterward were her great grandma, Mrs. W. Glander, and her grandma Mrs. M. Glander, her sponsor, Mrs. Vernon Anderson and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wolter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glander and family Mr. and Mrs. Herman Glander and family, Harvey Glander, Miss Betty Glander, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glander and family, Mr. and Mrs. Everet Oelerking^, Stye also received best wishes from all of her dad's relatives. They live in Arkansas 3jnd were unable to be present. Wedding Anniversary Our congratulations and best wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks who celebrated their twenty-second wedding anniversary last Monday, May 6. Their celebration took place in Chicago with old friends, their daughter-in-law and their grandchildren. Ann Marie and Pete Johnson celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss on May 16, and a belated anniversary wish to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plucinski who celebrated their twelfth year of togetherness on May 5. Strolling Through The Park Sue Grizley and children celebrated belated Easter and birthday with their grandma last Sunday. Celebrating was detained because the birthday girl was ill at the time of her day. The people in Lakeland Shores are happy to see Mr. and Mrs. Hayden back in their home. The Don Gerstad family spent last Sunday in their hometown of Sun Prairie, Wis. Spring Luncheon Time Please, keep May 29 open so you can attend the annual spring luncheon at the Community house. It's that wonderful, zesty spaghetti lunch. Service as usual will be efficient, so all men can attend and still be back to work on time. COLOR GUARDS PRESENT FINE CONTEST SHOWS Recently, the Viscounts color guard and the Vi-Kettes color guard competed in the midwest championship color guard show at Maine East high school in DesPlaines for the last show of the color guard season. There were twenty-three guards competing in the afternoon preliminaries. In very keen competition, the Vi- Kettes, the feeder group, placed twenty-fifth with a 68.7. The Viscounts placed sixth with 88.95. These ratings led to a very exciting final show in the evening, with only the top ten winners competing. In this show the Viscounts placed ninth, but worked very hard and put on a beautiful exhibition. It was in this show that the Mariners beat the Shadows by one full point with gin 89.0. They are; now the owners of the midwest championship flag. In order to keep this flag it must be won three years in a row. Those who saw them were very proud of both the Viscounts and the Vi-Kettes. The Vi-Kettes are younger girls and compete with guards much member. A card, letter call or visit will mean more than you can realize. Tell her you love her in some way on her special day SUNDAL, MOTHER'S DAY. older. They have placed ahead •f several guards which haM* had more experience. McHemiy has a fine group of girls in th Viscounts guard, and boys the drum and bugle corps. This coming Sunday the girif will be leading the Viscount drum and bugle corps in the Loyalty Day parade in Elgin, This will be the beginning <3f the busy parade and contest season for the drum corps. SEAL CAMPAIGN WINS AWARD FOR COUNTY TB GROUP The McHenry County Tuberculosis association was presented a Christmas Seal campaign award at the fifty-fourth annual meeting of the Illinojfc Tuberculosis association held in Peoria recently. The award read "in recognition and appreciation for surpassing the previous year'* final Christmas Seal Campaign total in the county, Thereby making more funds available t® carry out a better tuberculosis control program." Residents of McHenry county contributed $21,282.41, whicD was a $1,413.84 increase ovaat the 1961 Christmas Seal cantpaign for a county per capital of 23.6 cent. The total downstate 1968 Christmas Seal campaign wap $1,020.78, which was a $19,228U 99 increase over last year fdl a state per capita of 20 cent. SHOP IN McltENttV M O M *ff!W TMV bt^DAY, WSff COTTON DRESSES Sliest 12-20 W/J-UVI *2.79 40-52 26'/:-82,/j FREE GIFT WRAPPING '2.98 RiwxAide "Rctaiit Ouifei NO HIGH PRESSORS Happy Mothers Day Sunday is a day we hope each and every one will re- I G; '~'Mituiij fcfcv? iiliU* w IrL, T, -r- t ' - ' 'J - - . S I I S I P ^ ^ V Xv/v You'll admire the 1963 Cadillacjall the more when you drive itl The car's youthfully fithe and vigorous lines are only a hint of the eager action that awaits you at ,the wheel. Your dealer has a Cadillac awaiting your most exacting inspection. You'll find it an enlightening experience. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET • PHONE 385-bOOO 41U°/o Annum . On Investment Account! Annum On Regular Savings Accounts 2jV4% _Annum Urilwtrjj i^aimuja and, LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 W. Elm St. Phone 385-3000 SAVINGS .. GIVE YOU BOTH ! ' YOU CAN'T always predict when money needs will come up. But your foresight in providing for them will help you take emergencies in stride. Saving regularly here gives you dependable security and liberal earnings, too. Save a few dollars with us next payday . . . every payday! INSURED to *Save --