Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1963, p. 18

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Pag# HflhtedT THE MeRENItt PLMNDBALEB Thursday# May 23, 1963 Pistakee Highland* OFFER SYMPATHY O ZENNER FAMILY iN LOSS OF BABY Kay Siellseli HYatt 7-3414 s My deepest sympathy goes to Henry and Betty Zenner. Thenbaby daughter, Jean, born May 9, passed away May 11 and was buried at St. John's May 13. All your friends and neighbors join me in extending our sympathy to you at this time, and I am sure your little angle will be an inspiration to you always and you will be comforted in iho thought she will be watching over you and your family. All y(Jur friends are standing by to help you through your sorrcrw and feel comforted to know you tipth have so manv friends reaty to help at any t»me. Bt» Service To Fox Lake "The good news that we will once again have, a bus service to Fox Lake gives all -of us who affe wihtout cars a huge moral lift. The bus will arrive in the Highlands at 9:30 a.m. It will gd down Fox Lake Road t<p Burr Street, then to Louella, down Broadway to Meadow Hfil Lane and out on Bunny, so that you all may get the biis with out a long walk for any of you. The bus will be here every Tuesday and it will be in Fox Lake two hours, giving you plenty of time to da ail the things you want to do. This is very good news for the plder citizens <^ho do not have cars and it will give them 'a wonderful sense of freedom. This bus will also service .Pistakee Hills tuld Whispering Hills. Library Notes A bake sale will be held May 25 at the community center starting at 10 a.nj. until everything is sold. All donations of bake goods will be greatly appreciated and all proceeds will go in to the fund to boost the library services. If you can bake for the sale please call Blanche Haefliger or Jocelyn Staudenmaier. buring vacation the library will be open on Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in addition to the Saturday hours of 10 a.m. to 12. Every Thursday from 1:30 p.m. there will be a story hour for the children and this program will be in effect for six weeks. The library will also be open after the association meetings as well as the woman's club meetings. These hours will give every one a chance to use the library. It is hoped that more adults will make use of the large selection of books offered for adult reading. Many hours of hard work have gone In to this worthy community service and there are books for every one's taste and soon there Will be many more on the shelves. our young people and we are very proud of you Linda and we all shall be looking for .great things of you in the future. Mount Hope Church Notes A special quarterly conference for the election of church officers will be held at 8 p.m. May 27, in the church meeting hall. Sunday school classes are held at 9:45 a.m. for the nursery, kindergarten, first and serond primary, junior, senior and adult classes. Church services are held at 11 a.m. and Reverend Smith is most pleased with the attendance and a drive for new members has been going well and next week's column will have a more complete report. - Blesited Virgin Sodality News At the regular monthly meeting of the Blessed Virgin Sodality it was voted to have a bake *ale, May 26, after all Masses in the school. Those attending from the Highlands, •were: Kay Sielisch, Mabel Gregg, Freida Micheals and Ann Guyser. W.S.C.S. Elect Slate Of Officers May 14, the election of officers fer the W.S.C.S. was held and the new slate of officers are: Shirley Wiley, president; Phyllis Mepkley, vicepresident; Delores Gregg, secretary; Delores Oakley, treasurer and Hazel Rodge, spiritual life secretary. We wish them every success in their term of office and we are sure they will do very well. Local Girl Receives Award Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sluga, who are justly proud of their daughter, Linda, who received t he Kiwanis award at a banquet held in Wonder Lake, We are glad to report such nice things aboyt News Of Your Friends And Neighbors May 11 Dick and Haze Morley attended a surprise birthday party for Dick's mother held in Zion. All the children gathered to make their mother's birthday a day she will long remember. May 10 Leo Orlowski spent the day in Chicago on business and was happy to spend some time visiting with all his former co-workers. It is nice to see Leo relaxing a bit and we hope his health will be Improving so he may enjoy many years with us in our community. May 12 George Hanson celebrated his seventh birthday by taking seven of his chums to a show. Charlie and Diana Murgatroyd and' the darling kiddies spent May 11 with Charlie's mother in Ingleside to celebrate Mother's Day. Sunday, May 12, they spent the day in Maywood at Diana's mother, Mrs. La Belle, to help hpr celebrate the big day. May 11 Dorothy and Richie Orlowski enjoyed a delicious banquet in Chicago given by their bowling league which closes the season for them. They both have many trophies £?or the bowling. I just had to take time out to watch Gordon Cooper take bff into orbit, and some how envy him, it must be grand to be way out in orbit away from all the strife in the world. This is indeed an age of wonderful events, of course there are days when I think I am in orbit. May 13, the auxiliary to Lake Regions Post 703 held a gold star banquet in Fox Lake. Dorothy Orlowski and Joyce Heir enjoyed the annual banquet to honor these brave mot hers. I would like to add my deepest sympathy along with a'l the neighbors and friends of Kd and Ginny Thoren, on the death of Kd's mother, Mary A. Thoren, who had been ill for quite some time, Funeral services, were held at 1 :.H0 p.m. at Meiszner funeral home in Chicago with interment in Mount Olive cemetery. I am sure her loss will be felt by many and I know Ed and Ginny have many wonderful memories to cherish that will lighten the sorrow for them. We hope by now John and Joan Megley have calmed down a bit after their terrifying experience, and want them to know we are all standing by and hope from now on things will be all roses for this grand couple. Sorry we missed little Amy Jo Jackson's birthday, who was 4 on May 11. Sunday May 12, Ron and Pat Jackson and h!1 their kiddies went to Chicago to help their mothers celebrate Mother's Day and to celebrate Amy Jo's birthday. PLEASE call your news in to Hazel this week and next week. You all have been so grand about calling in your news to me and I am most greateful to you all for taking the time. It makes my job so much eaiser. Please get your calls in early the week of May 25, since Memorial Day is May 30, the deadline for the news is a day earlier. Welcome The Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club extends an invitation to all of the women of the surrounding areas who would like to join the club. The May meeting will be open to all and members are urged to bring guests. The meeting will start promptly at 8 p.m., at the community center on May 29. Mrs. Frances Shotliff from the Lotus Country Woman's Club will be the guest speaker. Her topic will furnish information on the Federation. This should be especially interesting to all new mefnbers as the Lotus Country Woman's Club has been federated for over 50 years. Mrs. Shotliff will answer any questions. She has been a member for nearly 50 years. Refreshments will be offered to all. The new officers of the Woman's Club for 1963-64 held an executive meeting May 13 Johnsburg SCHEDULE SALE OF BAKERY GOODS SUNDAY MAY 26 Betty Htttennawi Next Sunday, May 16, the Sodality will sponsor a bake sale in St. John's school. These sales have proved most successful in the past. Let's maintain this record by baking up a storfn. I mean let every pari*h lady bake a double batch of whatever she intended to make and donate to this sale. An> homemade article such as: bread, biscuits, cupcakes, pies, cookies, cakes, as well as baked beans and potato salad will be most welcomed. Of course we need buyers as well as bakers to-make this endeavar another success. Plan to stock up your weekend needs next Sunday after all the Masses at the bake sale sponsored by the {Sodality. Double Trouble It wasn't bad enough that Marge Barth ended up in the Woodstock hospital recently but son, Scott, did too. Marge had received a whiplash neck as a result of an accident which took place near Fox Lake a few weeks ago. She has been wearing a neck brace but the pain was so terrific, hospitalization was necessary. While mom was confined, son Scott fell and broke his arm. Both shared the same room until their discharge. Marge is still confined to her neck brace and Scott has his arm in a cast but both are most happy to be home. We all hope this is the end of their misfortune. Best Wishes Department Belated anniversary wishes to Marie and Alfred Oeffiing who completed 28 years of togetherness on May 15. Young Timmy O'Connor lit three big candles on his cake last week. Seven years is what Douglas Freund turned last week. The ripe*#t>ld age of 20 is what Joe Hetterm^rtn turned on May 21. We wish these and any other May celebrants lots of heall h 1 and happiness. at the home of vice-president Juanita Blackburn. The past officers of 1962-63 attended to lend a helping hand. Beverly Lewandowski volunteered to serve as the refreshment chairman fcr 1963-64. Barb Sisk is our new "Sunshine Chairman" and Jane Malek is the co-chairman. These girls would appreciate your calls if you know of any one in need of a little sunshine. You may pay your dues at the May meeting and all dues paid at this time will be greatly appreciated. Don't forget to bring a guest at the May meeting. Which will be all for the Summer. The meeting will resume in September. Notice To Whispering Hills The Fox Lake bus will service your subdivision every Tuesday at 9 a.m. You may call Mr. Frenden at Hyatt 7-3175 and he will be happy to answer your questions. The last report I had the women who have signed up for bus service for kindergarten for 1963-64 have been coming along fine. More women are asked to sign up. All women from Pistakee. Hills, Pistakee Terrace and Sunnyside and Sunnyside Estates are welcome to call Joan Zilligen, Hyatt 7- 3489, or Sylvia Murray, Hyatt 7-3435. Early Deadline Due to the Memorial Day holiday, an early deadline for this column is necessary. Instead of the regular Monday noon deadline, Friday noon will be the deadline for this week only. If you have any news items for next week's paper, please call before noon this Friday. Mother-Daughter Tea Along with more than thirty other mothers, I had the honor jof attending the Mother- Daughter Tea last Saturday. This was for members of Girl Scouts troop 88 and their mothers. It was held in the Johnsburg public school in the multi-purpose room. The leaders of this troop, Alice Bieschke and Sylvia Obstfelder, are to be congratulated. Their committee women are also in line for congratulations for their terrific job of sewing. Much of the food was prepared by the girls themselves. All in all it was a most enjoyable luncheon. Many of the scouts in the troop received awards on their badge work. / Longtime Resident Passes On Our community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Catherine Smith last Wednesday afternoon. She will be sorely missed by everyone who has ever come in contact with her. Besides the many friends and relatives, Mrs. Smith is survived by six daughters, one son, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was laid to rest in St. John's cemetery following services held in the church. Our sincere sympathies to all the members or Mrs. Smith's family. Association to Meet The last meeting of .this season for St. John's Home and School Association will take place next Monday evening, May 27, in the community club hall. All members are urged to be present at this time. The new slate of officers of the 1963-64 school year will be presented as well as other important topics. Plan on attending this final meeting of this semester. • Recent Addition The Donald Dowe family of Urhana increased to four on May 18. Don and Betty Lou welcomed their second daughter. Little Debbie who is almost three is quite anxious to get acquainted with her new sister. Paternal grandparents are the Herman Dowes of McHenry while the maternal grandparents are Jack and Ollie Keenan of Pompano Beach, Fla. This young Miss has no idea of how many relatives she has in this neck of the woods. Has she got a surprise coming! That's about it for another week. Please keep in mind the Friday deadline for this week. Delightful Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams returned last Saturday afternoon from a week's stay in Park Falls, Wis. They spent this time visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams. It's hard to get ahead of a person, and get even, ^hoth at the same time. TUNA CONSUMPTION The consumption of canned tuna fish in Illinois has de- Creased approximately 50 p«r cent, according to reports from industry officials to the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Ray Cowperthwaite, superintendent of the department's Division of Foods and Dairies, pointed out that "there never was any reSion for particular concern in Illinois, as none of the particular shipment of contaminated turiS fish from ft newly established plant of a. West Coast packer was sent into this state." Cowperthwaite explained two simple methods of determining whether to buy and use canned foods. "Never buy or use a can that is bulged or with a bulged lid; and never buy or use a damaged can." FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone~385-0l95 or 385-0232 2 More BIG SPECIALS For Our 40* ANNIVERSARY SALE Nov DIAL the powet ion oeed vQh (he cleaner tbafs 30% wore efiioeci»«gs_ Bfc fees out Ml tods. NEW HOOVER DIALA-MATIC • Cteaas mgs m i Hoover C3b becauso ft teats, as i sweep*, as a deans. * Kteg sue thmmmm bag conpietafc OILTj150 wk. CttiRMK A POWERFUL I ONLY EFFICIENT • $>|O40 LIGHTWEIGHT 7 New "slimline" design that features mo*e portability and wore mobility...yet less weight. New high power motor with specially engineered tools means faster, easitf, •ore efficient cleaning. See the new Two Thousand now! 1241 N. Green Street CAREY APPLIANCE. Inc Phone 385-5500 *Z%osf R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE" 1002 N. Front St. S85-0811 McHenry, 111. SHOP at this SIGN of DEPENDABILITY See these outstanding Used-Cars this Weekend 1962 Karmann Ghia, Convertible 1962 Camper Station Wagon 1962 V.W. Sedan, Black 1962 V.W. Sedan, White 1961 V.W. Sedan, Blue 1961 V.W. Sedan, White 1961 V.W. Sun Roof, Green 1960 V.W. Sedan, White 1958 Ghia, Coupe, Grey (100% Guarantee on all Volkswagons) Closed Sunday McHenry County Import Motors, Inc. ® 4WTMORIZC9 MALE* SALES - SERVICE 114 RAND ROAD LAKEMOOR, McHENRY, ILL. 815-885-4100 The only range better than a good old gas range... is a good new gas range W ••TO.nm "Exciting" fe the won! that best describes the many new features on today's gas ranges... features that make your time in the kitchen more pleasant, more productive. Best proof is to see the new ranges firsthand. When you do, you'll find features like these-- yours only with a great new gas range, • "Program Cooking"--automatio'oven controls that start and stop the cooking process, then keep food at serving temperature for hours. utomatlc top burners--Precise control of selected temperatures; spy vessel an "aikoooatic** appliance. e Smokeless broiling--Too broil with the broiler door closed. S he gas flame consumes greasy smoke that otherwise would <eteape into the kitchen. • Precise control--Countless shades of heat between high and low--instantly. And when you turn gas off, it's off. No hangover heat to raise kitchen temperature. e Beauty--The modernity of gas range cooking features is matched by handsome, up-to-the-minute styling that brightens your kitchen like a jewel. • More for your money--You know gas cooks better for less. Now see the new gas ranges, including models with the built-in look that don't have to be built ulj; Stop this week at your appliance dealer's or Northern I llinois Gas Com; any showroom and see why a good ..jw gas range is the only rangs better than a good old gi PhMM 385-2081 > •

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