ffcuwday, May 23, 1963 THE MclffflBY PLA1NDEALEH Pagi TwnkifOM Ringwood PUPILS ELIGIBLE FOR FIRST GRADE MUST REGISTER Lmt Bman - Wi. MM Parents of children eligible to enter first grade for the 1963-64 school year are requested to complete registration on Thursday, May 23, or Friday, May 24, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Registration will be in the School Office, with Mr. Smejkals. It is not necessary that the pupils be present, but the parent should have a certificate of birth or some other evidence of the date of birth. Pupils entering first grade must be six years of age on or before Dec. 1, 1963. This early registration will help in determining arrangements of class materials and text books for next year. Any parent unable to register on the dates listed should contact the school by telephone or letter so that the school can anticipate having the child on the school roll. Come To The Picnic! This coming Sunday is the community club family picnic. It is planned for the entire community, &gardless of whether you have youngsters in school here or not. This is the one time when the community can get together for a good old-fashioned picnic and get to meet neighbors. You are asked to bring your own plates and silver, sandwiches for your family and a dish to pass. The community club will furnish the coffee, ice cream and refreshments for the little ones. There are games and other events planned for the youngsters. In case of rain, it will still be held on Sunday, but inside the school house. Oh, the time is 12 noon. Please come!!! Attended Style Show A very delicious salad bar luncheon followed by a style show was held last Wednesday afternoon in the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. Some of the ladies from here who attended were Mrs. Mable Hawley, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Mrs. Gerry Kunz, Mrs. Flora Carr, Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Mary Ann Wegener, Mrs. Georgia Bauer, Mrs. Lor Brennan, and Mrs. Mercedes Hoffman, who was itt charge of the salad committee. Also Mrs. Helen Winn and Mrs. Eleanor Runyard of Richmond attended. Mrs. John Ehlert, Mable Ehlert of Ringwood, Mrs. Hazel Bowman arid Nancy Bowman of Wonder Lake, also attended. Cancer Drive A SucceM A couple weeks ago Ringwood was solicited for funds for the Cancer drive. Pat Hogan was chairman for McHenry township and reported that Ringwood's contribution was forty dollars. Mrs. Flora Carr, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Mable Hawley were in charge of Ringwood and found all very co-operative. The money is needed in the fight of Cancer. The work was very well done by these ladies. Sr. M.Y.F. Report Linda Low reporting: Sunday, May 19, the Senior High M.Y.F. met and enjoyed the supper given by the Methodist Men's Club. Then a short meeting was held at which we all met our new M.Y.F. counselors. They are Mr. and Mrs. Doyne Baker of Ringwood. The Bakers live up on the hill in Ringwood and are the parents of four children. The Bakers will be our counselors for the next year and we hope they will enjoy us as we will enjoy them. Officers for the 1963-64 year are as follows: President, Leslie Decker; Vice-President, Jim McFarland; Secretary, Sandy Josserand; Treasurer, Glen Decker; Publicity Chairman, Linda Low; and Sub-District representatives are Donna Low and Sue Fossum. Even though we now have new officers, they won't become active until sometime in the early fall when we will have the new freshmen initiated into the Sr. Hi. After our elections, the M.Y.F. again joined the Methodist men for entertainment. To end the evening Dr. Staford from Rogers Park gave i very interesting talk. 1 Graduating Program Next Monday evening, May 27, there will be a program put on by the school children in honor of the Ringwood students graduating from McHenry junior high. Since we do not as yet have all eight grades here (starting next year we will) it was decided Ringwood would still have a party for our eighth graders. The music teacher, Mrs. Ritt, along with our teachers, has planned a program for this affair. All are invited to attend and have refreshments after the program. Let's have a good turnout for the graduation party. Entire School Enjoys Trip Last Thursday, Art SmejkaTs, Mrs. Mecklenberg, Mrs. London and Mrs. Bacon took the entire school on their yearly trip with Herb Bert driving the bus. First stop was the Museum at Wadsworth which seemed to hold the attention of all the youngsters, especially the boys, as it consisted of a great many displays of the different types of guns used during the different wars. Next on the agenda was the Hawthorne-Melody Farms in Libertyville. This fascinated the lower grades in particular, since there was also a small zoo on the farm. Last stop before going home was the McHenry Dam. Many of the youngsters had never seen it and enjoyed the sight. Back to the school in Ringwood was the next stop, and if your children came home and told you all about it as mine did, you felt just as though you'd been there. I did. It was a wonderful treat for the boys and girls, I'm sure. dinner with the Mayor and his staff of Rockford. Last Monday morning Pat was a guest on the George Menard TV program in connection with the American Dairy Association's dairy promotion. I am sorry, to say I missed seeing her, but I am told it was a very interesting program. Pat will be a busy gal during the month of June, since it will be dairy promotion month. The Arrival Of The Stork On May 14, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Griffith became the parents of a baby boy named Chester, Jr., who arrived in the McHenry hospital. The lucky little fellow has three sisters and three brothers at home. Congratulations are extended to the entire Griffith family. Attends Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Diane Wiser, to Mr. Gerald Wagner, both of Volo. The ceremony took place in St. Peter's Catholic church in Volo, with the dinner jind reception held at the American Legion in McHenry. The Wrights attended both the dinner and reception. Here «N* There Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent a few days in the Miles JeroUsik home in Melrose Park. Mrs. Joe Schmitt visited in the Bob Brennan home on Thursday. Mrs. Schmitt is from McHenry. Charlie Sowers of McHenry and Bill Huff of Richmond were visitors in the Bob Brennan home on Sunday. They then played ball at Dundee along with John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Strand of West Allis, Wis., with their six children spent Mother's Day with her parents, the Gus Carlsons. Mrs. Strand is the former Norma Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtaby attended the birthday party in honor of Bob Oxtoby who was 9 years old on Saturday. Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby of Spring Ghive. t' Mr. and Mrs. Wright were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of their nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Russell, at Twin Lakes. Ruth Henne of Chicago was a weekend guest in the Harrison home. Mrs. Bob Brennan was a caller in the Louis Winn home Prlncens Pat Kept Busy Our popular Pat Hoejan is quite busy these days with hor persbnal appearances. On May 28, Pat will be the hostess a t the meeting of the Feed De . > ers. Also on May 29, she will be a guest for the machine! \ demonstrations held at t h e Windy Knoll farm near Crysta' Lake. June 4 will find Pat at Rockford where she will attend a (BD CLEANS SEPTIC TANKS RffolvM iludge great* or watt* Opens dogged i dratnfields Easy to apply use BOYli Septic Tank Cleaner RUCK'S HARDWARE V You get more for your dollar X'K -- with MffTO-MOfflR. AS" ARE gj. by Russ Emerson The pros and cons of cigaret smoking are legion, but a new wrinkle, it seems, has been added. There is belief in some quarters that heavy smokers who stop are better off in some respects than individuals who have never smoked. It seems that once-heavy smokers who quit voluntarily had a lower incidence of heart disease than any group in the particular series of tests involved. In fact, the heart disease rates were 12c/r for heavy smokers (two or more packs a day), 5% for non-smokers, and only 3 'A for ex-smokers. Smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers all have one thing in common, however: they all appreciate the quick, courteous attention they get at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC.'S prescription counter. Prescriptions are a specialty, not a sideline, at MILLSTREAM, DRUGS INC., 8720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like tc have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. THIS WEEKS HOUSEHOLD HINT: You can soften a stiff chamois cloth by rinsing it in two quarts of water with a tablespoon of olive oil added. ' ' MORE precision cutting ... MORE con* venienca ... MORE advanced features for the money . . . this is the MOTO> MOWER standard of quality you find in these outstanding mowers. 21" Deluxe Walking Rotary HERE ARE FEATURES THAT MAKE IT THE FINEST pr Safe On-handle ^ remote impulse starter release. Magic touch height control SAF-T-TEMP blade guarantees •gainst crankshaft damage. W Meets A.S-A. \ safety standards. Look for this seal before you buy. GEO. P. FREUND Sunnyside Estates SODALITY HOLDS BAKE SALE SUNDAY AT ST. JOHN'S Wslcsyatfd SSff-3105 The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's church Will sponsor a bake sale on Sunday, May 26. The sale will take place after all the masses in the school building. All baked goods donations will be greatly appreciated for without them there would be no selection. Also, come and buy, for without this there could be no sale. Help the ladies of the parish in their many endeavors, toward helping St. John's parish. Mother's Day Doings The entire Jesski family took a trip to Amboy, 111., to celebrate Mother's Day with their Grandma Dawidiak (she's the only one in the family). When they arrived they found the rest of Grandma's family there, too. A fine day was had by all. The Walczynski family showed "Mom" a wonderful day, too. All the way from breakfast in bed to taking care of little Paul all day. We had hoped to drive lit and visit Stan's mother but little P&U1 was still feeling under the weather, therefore we spent a nice quiet day at home. Then, too, we dropped in on Mom and Dad Holtfodt for .a little whale. in Richmond on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and MrS. Eugene Oxtoby and Mr. and Mrs. Don Butler of McHenry attended the Cubs double header baseball game on Sunday afternoon in Chicago. The Cubs arid Milwaukee Braves split. With the coming of the holiday, there is an early deadline to meet for the column for next week. I must have all news in by Friday at 10 a.m. If you have any items for the Ringwood news, I would appreciate it very much if you would give me a call. That's it for now, and please, be careful over the holiday. It would be so nice to keep you all here for a long time. Hope your day was as happy as mine! Pilgrimage A couple of weeks back the Kayler family drove to Madison, Wis., to make a pilgrimage to the World Shrine of Our Lady of the Green Scapular. This shrine is open daily and is simply beautiful, I'm told. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. May Crowning Friday, May 31, is the date set for the crowning of the Blessed Virgin in St. John's church. The eighth grade girls will be selected as the queen and her court. The second grade first communicants will be the living rosary. More details next week. Did You Remember?. Today was spring clean up and pick up day for our subdivision. Did you remember to put out all the garbage you wanted to? Scout News Troop 88 had their first perfect attendance all year. Sounds odd? Not really, considering there are thirty-five girls in Alice Bieschke's troop; and with all the sickness that went around this winter, etc., it isn't easy to get that many girls together all at one time. Their meeting consisted of the following: Dues and attendance. Then the girls went outside and laid trails and other girls followed them. Next tjiey practiced, a flag ceremony and a skit for the Mother-Daughter luncheon (which was held cn Saturday, May 18). Then they talked some about camping and ended the meeting with a friendship circle. Troop 295 spent their entire meeting preparing for their Court of Awards held on Sunday, May 19. They finished the centerpieces for the tables; finished their surprises for their parents and practiced their skits. They spent the last half hour playing games outside (and they even had me running around with them). Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: On May 24 we have four birthdays: Jerry Zeiger will be twenty years old; Donna Noah will be ten years old; Kathy Farley will be eight years old; and Mark Davis will be seven years old. On May 25 we again have four birthdays: Joanne Roy will be eleven years old; Mary Kanter will be six years old; Ronald Fuqua will be four years old; and Herman Mooha isn't telling his age. On May 26 little Tammy Bieschke will be four years old. Happy birthday to each and every one of you. Have a wonderful day. Anniversaries this week are: On May 24 Pat and Dale Kuntz will celebrate eighteen years of married life. And on May 28 Mr. and Mrs. Kimbro will celebrate their fifty-second wedding anniversary. Since I know they get the paper delivered in Tullahoma, Tenn., I just had to mention their date, too. Happy anniversary to all you folks. May the Good Lord grant you many more together. Signing Off Well, that about does it for this week. If you have any news this week, please call right away. Due to Memorial Day, my deadline will be moved up one day, so get on that phone and call me NOW! Don't forget the Memorial Day Parade in town. Our scouts will be in it, as usual. It's really impressive and if you've never seen one, Why. not make it a point to go. 1 know it means getting up early on a holiday, but I think you'll find that it's well worth it. Don't forget, now, call me with your news. 'Bye now! BE WISE - USE THE CLASSIFIEDS Service Is Our Business... We at Bolger's have always tried to make your shopping easier and more convenient. Among the many services we provide, here are a few: • ACCURATE, DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE • FAST, 24-HOUR FILM DEVELOPING • NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES • MONEY ORDERS • TRUSSES AND SURGICAL BELTS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. ^reen St. Phone 385-4500 FARM .. STATISTICS ' The annual summary of 88* nois agricultural statistics for the year 1962 was issued last week by the •WSDA-IHinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service. Illinois ranked first in the nation in production of soybeans; secopd in production of corn; sixth in production of oats and seventh in production of wheat The state ranks third among all states in production of agricultural chops, valued at $1.4 billion. Copies off the report may be obtained by writing to Robert H. Moats, Illinois Crop Reporting Service, P.O. Box 429, Springfield. SHOP AT HOME Mr. Businessman! IT PAYS TO AIR Drive safely alert. Arrive at your best. Get America's top selling custom installed air conditioner... MARK IV MONITOR $279.00 us Instal'ation CALL US TODAY! A-OK ENTERPRISES •IS N. Front St 885-4004 VAIIAHT SALES ABE UP... ITHER COMPACT SUES 4102 W, Crystal Lake Road Phone 385-0420 ARE DOWN Why is Valiant's popularity growing as Falcon and Corvair sales dip? * a***-* ONE GOOD REASON: 3 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE PREFERRED IT IN A NATIONWIDE TEST! Recently 1800 people in 18 cities were asked to test-drive a Valiant and either a Falcon or a Corvair--then pick the one with the best allaround value. The result: 74.5% picked Valiant! Come in real soon for a test drive and you will discover Valiant's all-around value for yourselfT • Based on the latest available national sales figures of 1963 models in comparison with 1962 models of Valiant, Falcon and Corvair. THE PENALTY OF SUCCESS: LOTS OF USED CARS! It's true! When you sell new [•fcpQiMMy} vaiiants as fast as we do, you end up with a huge selection of used cars. So, if you'd like a good buy on a top-quality, reconditioned used car, we're the people to see! FURY MOTORS, Inc. '2508 West Route 120 McHenry