Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1963, p. 4

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Kb* fow THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 23, 1963 By Jack Walah lltmUllUUIIIIIIiMIMItltlllllilllli Jaycee Junior' "{Olympics For Boys And Girls * Last Wednesday night WaS «cool in Comiskey Park, Jjut •watching the White Sox beat J Detroit Jtept oyr blood warfn. George Koch In State Finals V 1 •**' "' < t , < :*$L% I Joe Etten, Joe Freund and I (Believe it or not) that staunch «Cub fan, Holger Pedersen. * made up the party. Holger was /sport enough to visit the Sox * park after not entering their " gates for many years. Now, it - is 6ur turn to join him in a 'sojourn td beautiful Wrigley " Field. More fun! . . Holger didn't pour it on, but j * must have been smiling when j * that big Nicholson Struck out -on a swing that caused a * breeze." A few innings iRter, we * whooped it up .when ihe rtian * mountain blasted one into, the Tigper deck. '•Nicholson hit % fly-to right fioTcl ,y^t hav^ travelled way up tfieie where Cooper circled the globe. Everybody Jfjgt sight, of it and it^fell for a 'triple. - Nwtt. Jo. "My. . \tfjld Ii;ish Rose," "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" is our favorite song. ' Tpo Gyod To Keep -- Marge Adams walked into ' Bolger's Drug Store and asked for a stamp. When Cathy Powers asked if she wanted a 5- 'tfent stamp, Marge was alt mixed up. Somewhere alone the line that darn Post-Office- Department raised the price of stamps without notifying our hgmtrfl?" Anyone -- "Vale alw »ysrBiys the. stomps" --IfiJW how could she know I , ZiLnok. for more track n.W'4. nmrt -week. The Warrior -Varsity beajt Antioch 67-51 while an Sophs took their meet 7S-40. "In "the county' * Frosh-SopH meet, McHenry came in first, Crystal Lake second and Wood- Tstuck third. ----"Remember the conference meet is on this week at- -Mc- ' Cracken Field. "*•7"You troys who want to play I American Legion baseball this *«year ure-«sked 4o-regisUw si STartek's burlier •shop. "If --your lJittt birthday "falls before 9ept. 1, you will be too old fo> "this group. Players who Will hold uniforms must turn„tbem in at this time.first game-wiW Jr** with Harvdtd -- here' -- une 9. . PfTfes, • sr. came • home IIirtim3Uorida-ami wa have had *"«old-vreather ever since. y Daily Pinups ^TJuturist is one who looks for Mme~wishbone in the-egg. McHenry's Georgo Koch, shown on the right, qualified in the ISO yard low hurdles in the state track meet at Champaign last Friday. He finished third in the preliminaries against a strong field from throughout the state, setting a new MCHS record of 19.3. Saturday he finished - sixth in the final heat which was won by Robert Hubbard of Crane of Chicago whoso lime was :18.8. He is shown here on the victory stand after qualifying in the preliminaries. George was one of 57 qualifiers from the district ipeets throughout the state. A map has definitely reached middle -age when the girl, he wirrl^s $t thinks he has a cinder in his eye. Small children are wh»t parents mold them;-small wondei then th$j£ sojnetlmes scold them. -Letting the grass grow un 3ei"* your feet will never land you in clover. <•» #*• w %. summer report is an area of sand and water where life If? just one tanned thing after another. Spare tire: the one you check the day after you have a flat. When a minor becomes a rriajor problem the equations become a mixed solution. ANONYMOUS INESTIGATE THEFT A tractor belonging to Sam uel Mitterling of Wonder Lakt was reported stripped of startfc. P'ugs and distributor Inst weekend The sheriff's office is investigating. OPEN WEEKDAYS 6:45 .. SAT. & SUN. 2:15 p.m. TIGERS SLAM WAY TO 12-9 VICTORY AT CRYSTAL LAKE The John'sburg Timers travelled to Crystal Lake last Sunday and slam-banged their way -to a 12-9 victory in a County •League baseball gume. Sompel hurled 5 1-3 Innings for Johnsburg .before giving way to Eddie Mack. Sompel went to right field and continued to use hi« bat to good advantage, getting 3 hits and a walk in 5 trips to the plate. Dick Hiller had a home run, while Peacock and Jackson The' is old time "Tiger" George Jaetaion's son) hit- homers for 'QVysJal Lake. "Tdttt Hllemann, Lloyd Freund and Schroeder hit two-bewrgers. Next SUnday Jjd llUsburg travels to Richmond Ao meet old time-rivalsMillers Corn e r . . ' ' . fiwtjvr Lake- - • ab r h Armstrong 3b 5 1 0 Jackson 3 2 1 Schroeder. rf- 5 12 Collins c 5 1 2 Eckert lb ......... 5 2 2 King If 5 1 2 Peacock cf . .T..TT.'. 5 1 1 Seichovv 21) 5 0 0 Winkleman p ....... 1 0 C 'SJunderledge p ...... 3 0 0 J»-Sunderledge p .... 0 0 0 Totals 42 9 10 Johnsburguh r h J. Schacf^r ss i 2 0 T. Huemann c t> t 2 T. Oof fling If 4 L> 1 D. Hiller rt" 1 2 1 L. .Freund 2b 4 0 1 B. Nolan rf 2 1 0 Mack p . 3 0 p W. Fictt lb ' .. 4 2 ' 2 D. Sompel p-rf ..... 4 2 3 B. Meyer 3b 5 0 2 Totals 38 12 12 Score By Innings: Johnsburg - - 0 2 0 5. 0 0 0 44 Johnsburg ft 2 0 5 0 0 0 3 2 -12 Crystal" Lakt? 2t) 3 02200 0-9 Next to diamonds, tungsten ' I he next/ hardest . material known. , Eighteen of <;ur l'rsidehts have been of English ancestry. McHenry Every year the boatrtraffic on the Fox River and Chain of Lakes increases and as a result the waters become more and more littered with cans, bottles and other miscellaneous garbage. An effort is being made, to dear our waterways of this niess and also of natural debris, such as tree branches, logs and ild pier posts. Operation "Clean Sweep" is a marine project assigned by t he U.S. Coast Guard to the Chain of Lakes Flotilla. Assistance is requested from U.S. Power Squadron or to be cleared of all debris -- floating or submerged. The debris will >e brought ashore at predetermined Marina stations and urned. One hundred per cent paiticipation of Marina operators, is required for the success of this project. Already, John Weiss, Bob Webb, Pete Seyl. Messrs. Elwert and Dolnig, * Tessrs. Waters and Slater, Ed tans<9 and Messrs. Hale and rradvvell have pledged their Marina staffs to assist. The McHenry and Lake ('ounty Sheriff's offices have committed their deputies to assist where needed. Pistakee Yacht Club members have again accepted the^responsibility of clearing Pistakee Bay. We think that all boaters should take part in operation "Clean Sweep" on its scheduled date, May 25, and every day of the boating season. Vince Adams called the other night to inform us that early last Thursday morning, two does ambled across his yard on Maple Ave. A couple of his neighbors, George Gilpin and Leo Meyer, saw them too. It seems ironic that some hunters drive hundreds of miles and spend many dollars trying to get a deer, and never get a shot. But to have a pair walk light through one's yard showing complete unconcern, is a bit much. The third round of the Aggregate Tournament winners were as follows: Thies and Jicckenbaugh beat Yorgan and Hansen; Brown and Baker heat Tonyan and Etten- Schaeffer and Jensen beat Cote and Noonanf Petersen and 'Kulin beat Secpe and Peisert. The 70 shooters this week were: E. Buss. 76; G. Johnson, 79, p. Freund, 77; J. Caldwell, 78; P. Myer, 79; G. Schuefer, 79; and P. Overton, 7G. The event of the day was the fewest putts; won by; D. Freund and P. Overton with 26 putts, and J. Harpling with 27 in Class A. In Class B. the winners were E. Simon, H. Jensen and E. Bruns, all tied with 30 putts, EDDIE th« EDUCATOR says Tonnt Hello's Monday Nlte -- Final Scores Joyce Thiol 190-506; Lois Awe 156-443: Georgia Wilson 207-443; Nancy Piatt 476-447; Nancy J. Piatt 162-439; Nancy Cusack 166-435; Zclda Malochleb 171-442; Leoda Freund 177-434; Juanita Keith 171- 134; Sharon Thiol 164-401; Janice Huff 160-429. Simpsons 61 38 Vaculas 56 43 Violas Midwest . .53 46 Russ Foods 49'a 49'i> County TV 48'50'a Hill Toppers 47 52 Frcdrickson 451 a 531 a No. 6 >41 a 641 a On* tvt of thee* Illinois ilwdenti drop out of school boforo graduo* Hon. Will 17 or It compulsory school ago provido tho curt? Illinois Education Association BE WISE - USE THE CLASSIFIEDS The McHenry JC's are sponsoring a local JC Junior Olympic meet for the boys and girls in ihe McHenry area. Contestants are split into the following age groups - Midget (10-11 yrs.), Junior (12- 13 yrs.), and Intermediate (14- 15 yrs). Each contestant may compete in one track event - one field event-and one relay event from those events in his or her age division. Midget Boys: 50 yd. dash; 75 yd. dash; Broad Jump; Baseball throw; 220 yd. Relay. (ilrls: 50 yd. dash; 75 yd. dash; Broad Jump; Baseball throw; 220 yd. Relay. , Junior Boys: * j 50 yd. dash; 75 yd. dash; 220 yd. dash; Broad Jump; High Jump; Baseball Throw; 440 Relay. Girls: 50 yd. dash; 75 yd. dash; 100 yd. dash; Broad Jump; High Jump; Baseball Throw; 440 Relay. Intermediate Boys: aO yd. dash; 100 yd. dash; 220 yd. dash; 880 yd. dash; Broad Jump; High Jump; Baseball Throw 440 yd. Relay. Girls: 50 yd. dash; 100 yd. dash; 220 yd. dash 440 yd. dash Broad Jump; High Jump; Baseball Throw; 440 yd. R|^y. Winners of the local events will be given the opportunity to participate in the District JC Sports Jamboree at DeKalb. 111. in July. District winners will be given the opportunity to participate in the State Sports Jamboree to be held m August at Illinois State University at Normal. The meet will be held at Mc- Cracken Field this Sunday, May 26, from 1-00 p.m.' til 5:30 p.m. SOFTBALL NOTES In the first game Tuesday night McHenry Recreation edged V.F.W. - Jake's by the score of 10 to 9. McH. Rec. 000 270 1--10 17 VFW-Ja. 300 013 2-- 9 13 Homeruns--V.F.W. - Jake's: Lawrence, Koutney In the second game Old Bridge bombed Vycital's by the score of 22 to 7. Vycital's 200 130 1-- 7 i0 Old Bridge 345 226 x--22-18 Homeruns -- Vycital's: J6hn Huff; Old Bridge: Spas In Thursday night's first game, Dog House was whipped by Bimbo's by the score of 29 to 13. Bimbo's 660 944 0--29 26 Dog House 500 332 0--13 14 HomerUns -- Bimbo's: Kurts, Franz In the second game, Hettermann's beat Vycital's by the score of 13 to 5. Vycital's 001 022 0-- 5 10 Hettermann's 303 232 x--13 16 Homeruns -- Vycital's: Kas- Przyk; Hettermann's: Dick Hiller. Standings Bimbo's 2 0 Hettermann's 2 0 Old Bridge 2 0 V.F.W. - Jake's .... 1 1 McHenry Rec. 1 1 Dog House 0 3 Vycital's 0 3 Next Games: Thursday, May 23 -- 7 p.m. -- Vycital's vs. McHenry Recreation 9 p.m. -- V.F.W. - Jake's vs. Bimbo's Tuesday, May 28 -- 7 p.m. -- Hettermann's vs. Bimbo's. 9 p.m.--Vycital's vs. V.F.W.- Jake's. Some people follow their natural bent, while others are just plain lazy. u-l«: > ;•. JOHN ROURKE John Rourke will complete his third season on the McHenry High School golf team this week. John, a senior, earned a major award for the last three years. Thursday will be John's last match, as McHenry hosts Elgin Larkin here at the McHenry Country Club. After graduation, John plans to attend Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. John is a 1963 recipient of a Chick Evans Scholarship, and will enter Northwestern in September. MCHS GOLF NEWS During the past two weeks, the MCHS golf team won three matches, lost one, and tied one. As the record stands now, the team has won seven, lost three and tied one. At the Countryside Golf course in Libertyville, the McHenry team beat Mundelein 297-305. This match was called because of darkness after sixteen holes had been played. Winners in this match were John Rourke, Chris Newkirk and Tom Carlson. Bill Funk and Buzz Frett lost by one stroke. At Libertyville, the McHenry team lost a nine hole match 185-176. Scores for this match Funk 50, Chris Newkirk 45, Harold Frett 44 and Tom Carlson 46. . Against Crystal Lake a nine hole match ended in a tie, 177- 177. John Rourke and Bill Funk were medalists for McHenry, each shooting a 40. Chris Newkirk had a 49, Harold Frett 48 and Tom Carlson 49. At the District meet, held at Waukegan, the McHenry squad placed fourth out of twelve teams. Grant HS came to McHenry and lost 171 to 218. Tom Carlson, a sophomore, was medalist with a 41. Other scores were: Rourke, 44; Newkirk, 44; Funk, 42; and Frett 50. Another, winner of the Northwest Conference, played McHenry and lost 170-181. Balanced team play again proved the winning factor as all five McHenry boys stayed under 45. John Rourke had a score of 42, Newkirk a 41, Bill Funk 43, Buzz Frett 44, and Tom Carlson 45. Little League Notes By Bill Bolger BOWMAN Well fans, if you like baseball, I hope you got to see the games last weekend. In the majors on Friday, the Orioles gave the Eagles quite a scare before bowing 6 to 3. On Saturday, the Bluebirds outlasted the Falcons 5 to 4. Trees and poo known for their >lo aiv I'ruit. each t irroimnnnnnr 8'e"8~w<nnn Anchors, like fire extinguishers, all too often are never eiven much thought until they're needed. A heavy stone tied to a crude rope was the anchor used by the earliest boatmen. But it took a heap of muscle to handle stone anchors large enough to keep even a dugout canoe from straying. Today the dead-weight anchor has been replaced by far more efficient and lighter weight hooking action types. One major anchor manufacturer claims that if a lightweight anchor had been designed centuries ago, the entire history of the world might have been changed! This sounds like an extravaglht statement but it's true that the Greeks, Romans, Spanish and the English might all have handled their ships differently in exploration, trade and battle if they could have made their rigs stay still when they wanted them to. The size of the anchor you need for your boat will depend on mariy factors: the type of bottom on which the anchor will be dropped, wind velocity, exposure of the mooring location, the hull size, form and weight as well as the scope (lenght of the anchor line called anchor rode by the salty set). Weight alone has little to do with an anchor's efficiency. That the design is important is apparent when it's realized a concrete block will hold litt more than its own weigl while the modern lightweigl patent anchor with pivoting flukes can hold hundreds of times its weight. A small outboard utility of under 15' can be. anchored safely under most circumstances with a 4-pound patent anchor. A 15 to 20 foot outboard will require an 8 to 12 pounder -- the heavier the boat the heavier the anchor. A lightweight 25-foot cruiser, either outboard or inboard, should be safe from straying with a 12 to 15 pound anchor while a 30 to 30-footer will ride out a heavy blow with a patent hook of 20 to 25 pounds. The anchor line should be long enough and heavy enough / •' •/> X! so that it will cushion sudden shock loads due to wave action and should lead nearly horizontally away from the anchor, that is parallel to the bottom, even when it is under strain. As a general rule of thumb, the anchor line should be about seven times as long as the depth of the water in which the boat is anchored. In the minors, it was the Orioles over the Eagles, the Cardinals over the Owls and the Bluebirds over the Falcons. The rosters and schedules have been printed and are availaole at Ernie's Sports Center on Green St. Phone 338-0032 STARTS TON IT E Mav 23 - 25 "COME FLY WITH ME" Dolores Hart - Pamela Tiffin -• Weekdays at 7:00 & 9:15 £at. at 2:30 - 5:00 - 7:15 - 9:20 STARTS SUNDAY May 26 - 28 EDGAR ALLEN POK'S • "~~"THE RAVEN" * Vincent Price - Peter -Lori Sun. at 2:45-r 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:05 Weekdays at-7:00 & 9:15 STARTS MAY 29 "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" SATURDAY • S l i ; h i > Av STOCK CAR RACES SATURDAYS • I.ATK .AlODKLS • SPOKTS.MKN SUNDAYS MODIFIED l'luv Suortsn.'.i. (iatcs f> p.m. -- Time Trials 7':00, Kaoe 8:S0 Adults-$<..)» -- Children 25e Free Parking W. Washington St. 'L- mi. W. of Rt. 131 \z mi.-F. of 11 WAUKEGAN SPEEDWAY CRYSTAL DRIVE-IN Koutes II 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone 459-6440 THURS., FRI. & SAT. Mav 23. 24 & 25 "JACK THE GIANT KILLER" And "SAMPSON AND THE 7 MIRACLES OF THE WORLD" LATE SHOW SATURDAY MIDNITE Mav 25 "THE MINOTAUR" SIA1U1NE ^ SUN. thru WED. 4 TONY CURTIS and YUL BRYNNER in "TARAS BULBA" And ' JOHN . IlERSEY'S "THE WAR LOVER" Starring f.teve McQueen - Ko!-t. ^Vagner HILARIOUS STAGE PLA ERFOr MED BY A TOP FLITE NEW YORK CAST STARTING MAY28 IHMOUGH JUNE 9 TWIN BEDS Comedy by Margaret Mayo and Salisbury Fields Come early! Enjoy a delightful country style dinner and a city styl* cocktail, then browse through our (hops or take a relaxing stroll around our spacious grounds. lecited 3 Mi. W. of MtrenM on U.S. 90 • Ph. I15-5M-7218 Curtain Tim* 1:45 S«t 7 I 10 Sun. 7:45 Wed. 2 I »:45 SI.00 Deposit Required For All Reserved Seats Shops and Restaurant Open at Noon. Closed Mondays. i mw I'Kra - Modern One Mile East of McHenry on Route 120 Show Starts at Dusk OPEN EVERY EVENING FRI. - SAT. MAY 24 - 25 In Color "COME FLY WITH ME" Mugh O'Brian - Dolores Hart And -- "THE HOOK" with Kirk Douglas SUN., MON. & TUES. May 26. 27 & 28 All Color Program "THE RAVEN" Vincent Price - Peter Lorre -- And -- "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" STARTING WED. for 1 WEEK Mav 29 thru June 4 "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" Gregory Peck Also Color Cartoon & Short Subject OPEN EVERY EVENING onaopACooaooooflo0 00001 BlIMiET VACATIONS RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS FOR AIRLINES, RAILROADS, STEAMSHIPS, CRUISF.3 TOURS, BUS, HOTELS, U DRIVE CARS No charge for our service Your authorized travel agent CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 8917 W. Main St., McHenry Phone 385-5251 McHENRY THEATRE 11204 N. Gr., Ph. 885-01441 THURS., FRI. & SAT. May 2u, 24 & 23 The funniest fix a girl ever got into! DEBBIE REYNOLDS CILFF ROBERTSON "MY SIX LOVES" Thurs. -- 8 p.m. Fri. - Sat. -- 7-9 p.m. SUN., MON. TUES. & WED. May 26, 27, 28 & 29 Glenn Ford - Shirley Jones "COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER" Sunday --- 7-9 p.m. Weekdays -- 8 p.m. McHENRY THEATRE PLAYHOUSE Box office open every night 7:30-10:00 p.m. for reserved tickets. Broadway Musical Comedy ANN VARFSE "ONCE UPON A MATTRESS" FRI.-SAT. JUNE 28-29 8:30 Curtain Phone orders -- 385-2260 Mail Orders -- McHenry Theatre PLEASE NOTE: Reserve tickets for choice seating at your earliest convenience -- $2.00 per ticket. ' NEXT WEEK: "SON OF FLUBBER' A LAND BANK LOAN TO BUY A FARM . . TO PAY DEBTS . . . TO CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS . . . AND OTHER jiARM IMPROVEMENTS Come in and let us explain the many advantages of a . . . MK BDffl lor any agricultural purpose or other requirements of the taxm owner. FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OF Woodstock, 111. 333 E. Jackson St. Phone 1-338-0187 TOM FRET> Manager OPEN EVERY NIGHT! ^OUTDOOR GRAYSLAKE-RT 120 & z ENDS THURS. -- MAY 23 "DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS" And "MY SIX LOVES" 3TARTS FRIDAY -- MAY 24 Exclusive Showing! "It could be the most terrifying motion picture i have ever made!* -ALFRED HITCHCOCK W HITCHC0CKS ROD TAYLOR-JESSICA TANDY ; SUZANNE PLESKETTE srd !r fro ? 'TlPPf HEDREN Screenplay by EVAN HUNTER Directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK A Universal Release f umm'tmmmmm*citsucsusrimstmt' Plus Co-Hit! AUDIE MURPHY "SHOW DOWN" with KATHLEEN CROWLEY ALSO LATE SHOW Friday & Saturday JAMES STEWART "TWO RODE TOGETHER" /

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