Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1963, p. 10

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mm ng> In \ THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Thursday. M»y 28, 1963 McCullom L«h»: - ADD NAME TO WAH MEMORIAL ON DECORATION DAY _ five LevMqw we should have an interesting strtry on tHIs trip. Mary and her companion sailed from San Francisco aboard the S. S. Lurline and we think they will return on the same ship. More on this later. of Vincent James Tomaselio will be added to the three which already appear on the Memorial at the lieach. The addition will be dedicated during our annual Memorial Day services on Thursday. Young Tomaselio lost his life a boa ix1 the U.S.S. Kawishlwi Dec. 2, 1961. His mother, Mrs. Mary Tomaselio, will place the wreath. The other three names are those of war heroes who gave their life during World War II and they include James Bailey, Jack Felter and Elmer Fox. The parade is scheduled to start about 11 a.m. We are extremely grateful to the American Legion, Post No. 491 Which includes the drum and bugle corps, the rifle squad, the auxiliary and the Viscounts for making our services possible. Mrs. Theresa JSChultz of the Cullom-Knoll Association which sponsors the affair,, is handling the details and she received a great deal of help from Harold Vycital. The Rev. Warren Thummell of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder, Lake, vvltf give the Invocation. The services of one of the Catholic'dfcrgy had not been procured.<is We went to press. Miss Dawn !*£jrentl will lead the pledge to the flag and her father, Don, will handle the mike as M.C. Hie main speaker will be Tom Birmingham, American Legtbn Post commander, and we know that his message will provide food for thought. These services are extremely inspiring and our community is indeed fortunate to have one of the loveliest memorial parks in the area. The sight of Old Glory rising into the blue with the beautiful lake in the background brings tears to everyone's eyes. Residents are asked to come to the beach early so that the program can begin promptly afld have no interruptions. Resident's Son Han Rook Published Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke ftre inordinately proud of Adelaide's son, Dc. James D. Carney of Gambier, Ohio, whose textbook dealing with philosophy was recently published. It includes recent developments in philosophy and informal logic. It was quoted as being a vast improvement over existing texts. Dr. Carney collabrated with Dr. Richard Sheer of South Dakota College. Dr. Carney is' also in the process of finishing a three volume text dealing with the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and his cohort in this writing is Professor John Cook of Lake Forest College. Adelaide and Walter returned last week from bidding the Cnrneys farewell as they prepare to leave for New Zealand this week. They will be teaching there for three years. The Caraeys--James and his wife. Eliza, have one child, Eliza, Jr., and another child expected in July. Mrs. Carney lends a great deal of assistance to her hus- Jband in his writing. "Aloha Oe" Mary Kantorski will shortly be bidding adieu (but not goodbye) to the beautiful Hawaiian Island. She has been living it up in the fiftieth state since leaving our shores on May 10. We understand that once having visited the Islands, one ye;u iin only 1o return .mil Receives Klwanl* Merit Award A journey which carried them 5,257 miles and took fifteen days to complete ended recent ly for Mi's. Loretta Mo Cnrthy, her son and family, Dawn, Lprry, and Julee McCarthy, and the youn^ Mrs. McCarthy's mother, Mrs. Trudy Tatge. The party dmve south through the U.S. and crossed the border at J^oredo, Texas. The first important stop on their journey was f-t Saltillo (pronounced saw-tayo), Mexico, where they had excellent accommodations. They viewed the arena where the bullfights were formerly hold, but everything has fallen into a state of disrepair and abandonment.. They are no longer utilized for the purpose and the economy of the city has suffered. Then, it was on to Mexico City for one dny. In this fabulous and colorful city, they missed the bullfights also because it was "off" season. The next leg of the trip brought them to Taxco which is known as the "silver city." Here, the group purchased many articles of silver to distribute and keep as mementoes of their delightful vacation, Although, Mrs. McCarthy can be quoted as saying, "The time for bargains is over." The quintet reached Acapulco where they had reservations at the world-reknown El Mirador hotel which is built into the side of the mountain directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean. They were thrilled with the spectacle of the cliff divers who soar through the air and hit the water cleanly hundreds of feet below. A breath-taking sight, we can well imagine. Each room in the hotel is equipped with a refrigerator for the purfjose of preserving the variety of fruit which tourists are encouraged to buy. Loretta raved about the delicious pineapple (grown locally, of course), the succulent watermelon, and other fruits which are available. She was entranced with the sight of cashew nuts growing! It seems as though the trees put put a delicious fruit and the nuts grow on the end of the fruit. When traveling in this southem country, one is cautioned to be careful of food and Water consumed. For this reason, the McCarthy entourage kept bottled water always available. Acapulco sounds a bit expensive when you consider that a cup of coffee costs thirty two cents and "seconds" are not encouraged! It was truly a trip of a-lifetime nnd one should provH" with pleasant memories for years to come. \ Wouldn't it be fun to listen to a discussion between Loretta McCarthy and Mary Kantorski discuss the relative merits of Mexican pineapple versus Hawaiian ditto? Gain' Spring Project From the clear skies on Friday, it appeared as though the weather would co-operate with us for the greatest rummage sale ever, on Saturday. Hope my forecast was a true one. Specific details of the event will be forthcoming in the next issue. Loud Hurrahs for Edith Brendle's help. She was first one on the job Friday!!! Attend Marriage Solemnization It was a nostalgic trip when Theresa ^Scliultz and Lynne entered the portals of Grace Lutheran church, Harlem avenue, Chicago, recently. She began her formal religious training there when the (nojk' very large) church was but a chapei. Most of our family attended with Mama and Papa Olson being charter members. This reporter and Jake repeated marriage vows within its hallowed walls. Theresa and Lynne were present to attend the solemnization of 1he marriage of her niece, Miss Karen Oberg, to Mr. David Wismer. The couple had been married by civil ceremony the previous week. The service was a solemn and beautiful one, and Thei'csa and Lynne were deeply moved. The young couple is now honeymooning in California. Another wedding forthcoming in the Schultz fami'y when another niece, Miss Patty Tamburino, becomes a bride in August. Lynne will serve as maid of honor for this event. A big thrill for a lovely 15 year old! "Tables Were Turned" It seemed more like my birthday on Thursday, May 23, when Jake "turned the tables' on me. Instead of the economic steak dinner I had promised for his special event, I was treated to one of the most startling (and romantic) adventures I have ever experienced. It was arranged through the co-operation of Sally and Papa Olsen and under-cover work by our progeny. Quite a tale, and the recovery is still not complete. I recommend it highly! Natal "Date" 'N' Mat. Milestones Belated greetings to Mrs. Elizabeth Royle as she marked ! her seventy-sixth birthday on i Monday, May 27... .Greetings I of the day are in order for Marge Olsen and Ben Gates, today, May 30. The Meyer twins, Laura and Larry, will have four candles on their 'twin" cake also today, twentyfirst anniversary greetings to Ginny and Frank Parkhurst, today....In spite of their protests, the Burg twins, Gerald and Greg, are "39ers" in good standing. They should be greeted tomorrow, June 1. This date also marks the birthday of Cynthia Tomaselio who is 18 and Petey Schmidt... .The Wilsons, Joyce end Ronald, are due for anniversary congrats on Sunday, June 2 Wedding bells rang some years ago fcr Myrt and Gerry Burg on June 4, and on this date, gallant lad Kevin McKin will turn 10. Best wishes to all who are marking a special occasion this week. Let us all proudly display the "stars 'n' stripes" tomorrow and make our village RED, WHITE, and BLUE!! See you next week. Salt and criticism each hurt more when there are some sore spots for them to get into. The Volga is Europe's largest river, and is navigable for 1,800 miles. Golfers often take two or three lumps with their tee, too. ing for. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 -- Just East Of Route 12 -- Voll, UL Phono 385-6260 You just set ONE dial with the new OIALCET H. E. BUCH & SONS PU'MlllNC. and HEATING 3012 W. Rt. 120 McIIenry From brewing time I... to taste sublime ilfctLLlNOtSj HtEmssrmuiiAt, |brewed slowly, by 6 centurles-oftf nattJr&T procestrteeFff Illinois' traditlona^beveraga ptanoderationdilghti pparkling, delicious.' knd naturally, the Brewing IndustryTs prou3roT'tTie iril^ •ions of dollars It contributes to this state's economy [through wages, advertising, rentals, insurance, transport ftation and utilities. Money made In lllinois^gpeRt_iM Illinois. In Uj|nojfc .b«lUl»tongV^^lUi^' fJN ITECTSTATES fc Ii|WERS>SSOCI ATlOrCTWk JRJURQvttUVKIOFi FLAVOR-FRESHNESS AND NUTRITION THEY'RE All IN EVERY LOAF OF * v YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE WITH PLAID STAMPS AAP's SUPER-RIGHT ALL MEAT FRANKS F vinciIED WHITE FRESH EVERT WAT . . . EVERT DAY Tm . . . cvtry crtMly tltc* . . . tvtry golden emit tl J*M Ptrktr lrt«d ii d.lty-fmti. . . *T*fy fey! T*4*y'i •a MM Mrttidl t«ll» •! tvdty'ft frtthntu an !h» iniMt! Only the fiiictl MfridiMti . . . rtx kM y«t *w ywruH ... art worthy »f uKk * fin* Im(. Qwtliiy prcttttMl by (bulvti Iritkmu ... by rifM ttmtodt «l RED RIPE Watermelons EACH 18-22 LB. SIZES FLORIDA, JUICY FLAVORFUL 89 e SKINLOS 2-79* BONELESS, ROLLED SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP ROUND ROAST or Rfttimrie Roast i* Meat Prices Jbtieciive Thru May 29 "ONLY" A&P SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Round £teak 79 > be satisfied with any cut •f A IP's Super-Right Mftats. Every Me U unconditionally guaranteed to meet your highest expectation* or your money will kt cheerfully refunded. * Frankfurter Rolls JUNE PKC. PARKER OF REG. 35c 12 31* 16 to 20 U». U.& Gov't !ns|*e*t«d y, GraeU "A" . AfcP's Super-Right Leon Tender lusty Fully Cook*d m CHARCOAL?/) it | . Plantation Brand BAI CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID Gulf qt. Brand can 29' AAP's Super-Right -- Our Finest LUNCHEON MEAT BARBECUE SAUCE Open Pit or Ann Page Both the finest quality for ywr money -- Excellent for your holiday cook-outs. 18 oz. BH. Jane Porker--Regular 49c FRESH APPLE PIE Pkkle-O-Pete Fresh DILL PICKLES Plain or Kosher Qt. Jar LZ Brand -- Fresh, Crisp 25 TOASTED PRETZELS Bag |j|r9 Goki ttrund or tibby Fromfl Drinfc* tanned Hams Crisco Shortening dexo Shortening Ty Nee Brand Imported Or Your Favorite Flavor HUts or Yukon Club Pure Vegetable Pure Vegetable 3 r.T 3-89° 3.169° dexola Shortening69' Hot Dog or Hamburger Condensed Chicken N6odlev Peanut Butter Heinz Chili Sauce Heinz Relish Heinz Soup Tomato Paste Bouillon Cubes Realemon Hi C Drinks Planter's Brand IS-oz. i«r 12-oz. btl. 11V4-OZ. i* 3 ' Contadina Brand "V Herb-ox Brand Reconstituted Lemon Juice 10%-oz. cans 26-OZ. cans 25 ct. pkg. btl. Orange Fruit Punch or Orange-Pineapple 12-oz. Grape Pineapple-Grapefruit 59c 39c 29< 57c IT 39c "69c 10 nstant Lipton Tea Facial Tissue sb-T Cut-Rite Wax Paper Waldorf Tissue Woodbury Soap Tide Detergent Condensed "All" Lux Liquid Detergent Swan Detergent Wisk Liquid Detergent 400 ct pkg. 125 ft. roll V& Price Sale Washday 1-lb., 4-oz Assorted Colors Favorite pkg. 35^ For 3-lb., l-oi. Automatic . Washers Pk9- 12-oz. btl. 12-oz. btl. qt. can 79° 39° 35° 75° Hi GRtAI ATLANTIC & PACIFIC MA COMPANY. R" PLAID ST 11 AMtniCA S OErtHDAl KT&4I K Mt All Prices Effective Thru June 1/ 1963 V check the flavor! ^check the price! famous since 1U5!I 100 OUR OWN TEA BAGS Hsutekeep^ There's a bonus rn flavor In every glass of iced Our Own Tea. It's hearty but not heavy, and that positive tea taste stays with it from first sip to last. It's delicious, refreshing and thrifty tool OUR OWN INSTANT TEA Dissolves Instantly 39 />

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