Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1963, p. 19

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Thursday, May 29, 136S THE McffiNRY PLAINDE ALEH Page Tweftiy-&ft£ Pirtakee Terrace DISCUSS WATER SUPPLY, RATES AT VYDUNA HOME •oyce Toepper -- S85-S044 *The Pistakee Terrace association will meet Monday, June 3, 8 p.m. at the Calvin Vyduna home. Of prime importance is a discussion on water rates and proceeding with other subdivisions in regard to bettering our water supply as well as keeping water rates within reason. We urge that at least one from each home be represented at this very important meeting. Following the regular meettog, representatives from the citizens committee of School District 12 will be present to discuss the results of the®- year of survey work. This committee working with a consultant staff headed by Dr. Ralph Belnap of Northern Illinois University at DeKalb has done an extensive study of our local school as well as surrounding schools, some of which send pupils to McHenry high school. They have considered curriculum offerings and tax structures of these various schools. A sub-committee studied the present school building and site and made some concrete recommendations. Another group made a thorough study of present population and projected population growth for several years hence. These studies were relayed to the school board ol District 12 who in turn haVe considered definite action. All of this will be relayed to our community at this meeting. Those local people who attended the May 21 P.T.A. meeting feel we have much to gain from the proposals made and encourage all to become wellinformed. Serving on this citizens committee are N. D. Gregg and Grace Vyduna of the Terrace, Gloria Colandrea of Rtvercale and Norbert Mierzwa from Oeffling's subdivision. Girl Scout Receive Awards Girl Scout Troop 88 held a Mother and Daughter luncheon at the Johnsburg grade school cn Saturday. Enjoying the open-faced sandwiches and desserts made by the girls and the salads donated by their mothers were Dee and Laura Gregg, Loretta and Begina Kern, Eleanor and Margaret Moore and Joan and Debby Stull. Various badges were awarded to those who have completed the necessary requirements including a cooking badge to Laura Gregg and a library badge to Margaret Moore. A short business meeting was held, a song and dance skit presented and games played completing the program. Girl Scout Troop 295 held a court of awards at the home of Joan Walczynski in Sunnyside Estates on Sunday. Attending the supper and enjoying the skits performed were RusaeJI and Dorothy Parker and daughter, Kathi, from the Terrace. The Scouts presented their parents with an individual picture of themselves in unifortn and the girls received their hard earned badges. Kathi Parker received a five year pin and her second clam badge. Local Girl* la Dance Redtal Two of our girls participated In a dance recital held at the McHenry junior high school on Sunday. Carolyn Mierzwa and Pamela Perrewe teamed up for a Dutch dance duet and joined other members of the dance class in the performance of a Harem dance and a tap dance. Joining George, Lois and Jimmy Perrewe lead the applause for Pamela were her great uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lemmens, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Perrewe, aunt and uncle Marshal and Qwen Perrewe of Chicago and grandparents, Mr." and Mrs. James Chadeurn, Wonder Lake. Helping LaVerne, Norbert and Keith lead the cheers for Carolyn Mierzwa were Grandmother Mierzwa, grandparents Schroeder and Aunt Amanda Rafalski, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bcrgis and Mrs. Mary Phillips, Riverdale, Mary Beth WDliams, Sunnyside,. and Denlse Pradelski, Barbara Parker, James Walters ahd the Deppmeier twins, Brent and Brad. Danny Turner Completes Freshman Track Year Danny Turner, freshman at McHenry high school, is a member of their track team, placed in everyone of his meets this year and will be on the sophomore track team next year. Danny, who runs the mile, also is a member of the freshman four mile relay team which took fifth place in a recent track meet and helped the freshmen team of McHenry high school become county champions. Terrace Tidings Jeanniejo Benoche, representative of the sophomore class, joined other members of the McHenry high school student council for dinner at Dundee on Monday evening. Entertainment for the evening included guitar playing and singing by Ed and Ron Parks, also members of the council. Attending the Cub Scout fun night for parents only of present and future scouts at Mount Hope Methodist church on Saturday evening were Dud Gregg, activities chairman, and his wife, Dee, and Joan Stull. The Zamastil family drove to Richland Center, Wis., on Saturday stopping for a picnic lunch at a wayside park and enjoying an evening dinner at Janesville before returning home in time for the children's bedtime. Guests at the George Stader home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Monkman and Bruce of Downers Grove. Attending a joint birthday dinner lor Harriet and Jimmy Phillips on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Art Rohar, Hiver Terrace. Sunday visitors aft the George Mecko home were Dorothy and Bob Blank and family, Bartlett and Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Blank, Aurora. Enjoying dinner, cake and <?offee at the Donald Kern home on Monday in celebration of Don's birthday were William and Marie Kern: Gathering at the Perrewe home on Wednesday afternoon to help Jimmy celebrate his fourth birthday were Kathy, Karen and Cindy Stull, Carter Gregg, Frankie and Jimmy Kaiser, Keith Mierzwa and David Williams. The Anthony Kurowski family attended the Communion party for their grand nephew, Micheal Richter, on Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richter, Nilcs. Ewald and his brother, Louis, got in some fishing on Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pradelski, Chicago came out for the day! The Ron Wiggermans witnessed the wedding on Saturday of his cousin, Pete Nielsen, to Dolores Morse at St. Bede's church, Fox Lake. Following the eleven o'clock Mass a reception was held at the Fox Lake Lions club. Barbara find Don Zamastil joined Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horenberger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sundby in Holiday Hills on Saturday evening. Holiday Hills ASSOCIATION HEARS TALK BY BABIES OFFICER lues Youag Sick Notes Eola Hillman has a combination cold and virus that she can't seem to shake for over a week now. Birthdays My apologies to Harriet and Jimmy Phillips last week in leaving them out of t,he birthday list. Mother and son celebrated their birthdays on Wednesday, May 22. Belated wishes. Many happy returns of the day to birthday celebrants, Rolf Schilling, on May 30, Russell Parker, June 1, Nicole Fedorchak who will be one year old on June 2, Bobby Froehlig also June 2, Conrad Pohlman, June 3, Richard Anderson, June 5, and Jean Benoche on June 6. Anniversary Greetings Congratulations go to Mickey and Pat Ferrell on June 3 a*, they celebrate their second wedding anniversary. BE WISE - USE THE CLASSIFIEDS THE INSIDE STORY. • • OX THE IVTTW VjrC ET** HUfmaftf Dalfnitoljrt I. Handl-- Loads Other Wmgmnm CmXl The rear opening la Highar (cargo height & ft. 5 inches), Wider (4 It. 7 inohee), and with tailgate open it has a cargo length of over 9 ft. •. Optional antoauMe hansiiaatim aai 4-wfc»»l tfrftv*. 8. ftafl* «ate«tor knob far 'J--p' 4WD traction. 4. Optional Independent front avqMuloa, first in anjr 4-wheel drive wagon. 0. America's only automotive overhead camshaft engine, the Tornado--OHO--offers longer engine life, lower maintenance costs. •. Higher, wider. Baaier-to-Enter Doors. The new 'Jeep' Wagoneer is the first station wagon ever built to offer the comfort, silence, speed and smoothness of a pas* eenger car--PLUS the traction and safety of 4-wheel drive. It's the one family wag">r> yotr can drive almost anywhere, in almost any weather. It's also available in 2-wheel drive models. Step ial 8iae it 19! Try it oat at your 'Jeep' Dealer's. /(Milti&UDl TAUMMN Jtop CORPORATION WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEE1 B1MV€ McHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front St Phone 385-0403 McHenry. 111. KAISER-WILLYS PRESENTS THE LLOTD BRIDGES SHOW (Tue*„ 7:00 pjn.) Mr. Jelinek, the rabies control officer of McHenry County, was the guest speaker at the iast meeting of the H.H.P.O.A. There are few hemes in the subdivision without dogs, and dogs--our own and strays, have from time to time presented problems. Mr. Jelinek spoke on the responsibilities of dog owners. The state requires that all dogs be innoculated against rabies once each year. If any dog is picked up, it will be taken to a vet, and the owner will be responsible for the cosr of board and a rabies shot. If, however, he has a rabies tag. he can be traced to his owner and returned immediately. He stated that the county would much rather find the owners and return the dogs. • He enlightened us on some facts on rabies. The skunk, so popular in this area, is the chief reservoir of rabies, and the incidence of rabid skunks is unusually high this year. If your dog tangles with a rabid skunk and he is not protected by a shot, he will contact rabies and die. In the meantime, he may bite one or more members of your family and this would result in a series of painful shots to save the life of anyone he bites. Taking all of this into consideration, the price of a shot for positive protection, seems very small against such odds. A brief business meeting follow ed the talk by Mr. Jelintfc and this by a social time. The evening was marred by several members finding the air left out of their tires and a hub cap missing. An investigation is going on to find those guilty of such maliciousness. Malzahns' Catc h Of The Year Alice and Wayne Malzahn announce their catch of the year in their newest son, Todd H. weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz., and measuring 20 in. He was caught at Sherman hospital on May 18. This is the second big catch these two anglers have made. They already have one fine son at home, Bryan who is almost two years old. Our best wishes to the whole family. Swimming Registration Registration for swimming classes will take place at the lake beach on the day before the lessons beinn, Monday, June 17. The lessons will start on Tuesday, June 18. If you wish further information, you may contact one of the committee members; Chady Ary, Virginia Lundelius, Mary Mahon or Jimmie Justes. June 9 Sunday, Jun<* 9, mbans breakfast out for the family. The Griswold Lake Athletic club will hold the first breakfast of the season on that day. Tickets are .ivailable from any member of the club. Feeling Like Dancing? Then hurry up and get your tickets for the Holiday Hills spring dance "Dance in Stardust" held at the McHenry V.F.W. on Saturday, June 15. Those of us who have iieen' to dances before, can't wait. -- it always means a night of real fun. See you there. Newt Busy Again Once again we owe a debt of gratitude to Newt Pahlke for putting our roads in better shape by running the grader over them. Orchids to you, Newt, it's much easier on the cars and passengers since you've been through. Mark Jende Celebrates Mark Jende celebrated his sixth birthday with a party for his buddies. Dressed in Indian headdresses and enjoying the fun were Glenn Exline, Bobert Sundby, Keith Teuber, Roy Breede and Danny Krostal. Also on hand were Loretta Exline and little Laura, Gerry Breede and Keith and David Krostal and their Mom, and Inst, but not •-- - Mark's eister, Jjeslie. They all enjoyed black cows and birthday cake while Mark had fun opening all of his wonderful gifts. Luau The Couples Club of St. John's Lutheran church enjoyed their luau in a Hawaiian atmosphere with food from the islands and dressed like islanders on Sunday, May 19. Next month's meeting will be a steak fry at the home of Eleanor and Bob Behrends. Greetings A great big happy birthday to Bill Mahon whose birthday is today, May 29, and to his neighbor, Jackie Sawish, who c e l e b r a t e s h e r s t o m o r r o w , May 30. Congratulations, Victor Our congratulations to Victor Justes, who received special recommit ion in a recent National Educational Dpvelopement test taken at the high school. A certificate of achievement will be awarded for placing in the top 25 per cent of those tested in the state of Illinois. CONTEST WINNERS The BUSY REAVERS 4-H club of Cary won top honors from a field of twenty-four McHcnry County 4-H Clubs at the recently held spring rally. Winning the county award means they will be competing for state honors during the State Fair in August at Springfield. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Wapc SLcL, Jnc. 4001 W, Main St. MeHenry, Illinois FEMALE HELP WANTED • Experienced Sewing Machine Operators • Full and Part Time • Inexperienced--Will Train • Vacation Pay • Holiday Pay .. * Bonus Pay SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION you plan to buy, build or refinance SELECT THE RIGHT HOME FINANCING PLAN dividends on Will this mortgage lead to debt free home savings ownership? What about the interest rate? • What will the monthly payment amount to? • What about the loan cost? What can we afford? Come to Marengo Federal to Answer -This List. <1 MUiuaL COMPANY ORGANIZED IN 1925 • TOTAL ASSETS OVER $16,000,000.00 TOP-HONOR GIFTS for GRADUATES 1 ; I , i to ^beiiyltl your favorite yrad. • . choose a yift from our wide defection . . . for every ladle, every pocketlook Universal Men's HAIR COMB & DRYER BRUSH SETS *9** * up $395 w V PARKER PEN AND PERFUME AND COLOGNE GO WALLETS Men's & Women's PENCIL SETS Delightful Fragrances, fiift Ps -c»d $5.00 VALUE From *39* From $295 TIMEX WATCHES & M AF WEST* i TKAVETTE CLOCKS Leather-Covered Travel-Alarm. *695 FANNIE MAY "FROZEN FRESH" or KODAK CAMERA'S COMPLETE LINE &A95 *695 & WHITMAN'S & „p BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Street Phone 385-4500

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