Pig* Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday/ June 6, 1%3 SOOETf «iKOR(iETTE KOTALIK flMrgrtte Kotallk T« Wed In August Mr. and Mrs. George Kotalik of McHenry announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Georgette, to Antlutny Marzano, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Marzanp of Wonder Lake. Miss Kotalik is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school and her fiance graduated from a Chicago school. The groom-to-be is employed as a painter for a local company. The bride-to-be is employed by her father as manager of his business. The young people plan to be married Aug. 24 at 11:30 o'clock at St. Mary's church, McHenry. Kt-nneth Pope To Take Bride Rev. and Mrs. David W. Holdon of 201 North Keystone avenue., Sayre, have an-1 nounced the engagement of j their daughter, SheHll-Elaine, to Kenneth Ross Po)>e, son of j Mr. and Mrs. W- Kenneth Pope of Ringwood. Both graduated May 24, 19G3, from the Grand Rapids School of ihe Bible and; Music, Grand Rapids, Mich, j Mr. Pope is pastor of the j Spencer Mills Community i church, Gowen. Mich. | Miss Holrien graduated from i Sayre high school in 1959, at* tended fort Wayne Bible college for two years and then transferred to Grand Rapids. With her scholastic work she has also been employed as a housemother at Christian Youth Party Honor* Oranddaufhtrr Mrs. Nick M. Justen entertained at a buffet supper Sunday night in honor of her granddaughter, Greta Martin, who graduated from St. John's school, Johnsburg that day. Present at the happy affair were the Carl Martin family of Sunnyside; the Ed Martin family of Chicago; the Frank Martin family of Mundelein; the Joe Justen family of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis May gnd Mr. and Mrs. Warner Benson of McHenry. Pftitakee Yacht Club Open SoefAl Season The first dinner dance of the year was held at Pistakee Yacht club Saturday. The chairmen were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olson who were assisted by their committee of Mr. $nd Mrs. William Ericsson, Mr. and Mrs. William Slater, Mr. and Mrs. David Grant and Mr. and M*s. Harold Westerberg. It was a very pleasant party and all of the members Who attended reported a good time. June 8 Rummage Sale -- Eastwood Manor Barn. lone 14-15 Viscount Rummage Sal GK Instrument Shop, Front Street. June 15 Fourth Annual Smorgasbord •--Sponsored by Lakeland Park Women's Club. June 25 Luncheon and Card Party-- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Sodality--St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove. June 28-29 "Once Upon A Mattress", starring Ann Varese - 8:30 p.m. McHenry Theatre. CARD OF THANKS In-this manner I wish to thank my many friends who have remembered' me with cards, visits and flowers while I am confined to the hospital. Everything helped to pass the long hours and I am very grateful. Dr. John Goetschel Veterans Administration Research Hospital, Huron Street, Room 1466, Chicago, IU. Grade school, £nd high school, still keep lots of athletes out of college. fcr'y frffrh SYflfc imw mm wm-. * * Homes in Grand Rapids. Last year she traveled with the girl's ensemble oi the school on their spring lour. A major in Christian Education, both "Ken and Shcrril received an Evangelical teacher's training certificate with their diplomas. Mr. Pope graduated from McHenry high school in 1959. During the four years of his Bible School he has been active in pastoral work and in preparation for missionary goals. Ken has also been serving as an orderly in the Grand Rapids County hospital. Both plan to attend Candate school in Kansas City, Mo., this September, following Ken's ordination in August at the Wondor Lake Bible church. The wedding will take place June 29 at the ChiUtian end Missionary Alliance church in Waverly. JUDY BARWIG BECOMES BRIDE OF RAY WIDHALM Miss Judy Barwig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barwig of 4314 W. Prairie, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Ray Widhalm, son of Mrs. Frances Widhalm of 3309 N. Third avenue, McHenry, in a lovely wedding solemnized ot 11:30 o'clock in St. Mary's Otholic church last Saturday, June 1. Escorted up the aisle by her father, the charming bride wore a nylon over taffeta dress, with chapel sweep. „It was styled wiih demure neckline adorned with alencon lace, iridescent .sequins and pearls, fitted bodice and bracelet length sleeves. The skirt had a matching, detachable, chapel length bouffant over-skirt, with alencon lace appliqued cm her semi-bell skirt. Her silk illusion, threetiered, bouffant fingertip veil fell from a silk organza pillbox crown, highlighted with lace. She carried stephanotis, Amazon lilies and ivy. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Raymond Bujak of McHenry, and bridesmaids were Eileen Huff of Johnsburg and Marcia Chesters of Chicago. They were attired in maizecolored silk organza over taffeta dresses, with fitted bodices, bracelet length sleeves banded at the waist with white alencon lace and full skirts. Their matching pillbox crowns were trimmed with alencon lace and maline circiftar veils. They carried white daisies in baskets. The pretty flower girl, Debbie Barwig, niece of the bride, wore a dress identical to that of the other attendants. Billy Barwig accompanied Debbie down the aisle as the only junior male attendant. Ronald Barwig served as best man and ushers were Larry Gaylord and Ken Bruce. Mrs. Barwig wore a tiger lily-colored, pure silk sheath dress, with matching jacket, and a white hat. She had an orchid corsage. Mrs. Widhalm chose a pale blue shantung sheath with pearl trim, white accessories and a similar coisage. A breakfast followed for twenty-five guests at the Legion home. An evening reception was held for 300. The couple left on a trip to an undisclosed destination, and upon their return will reside in McHenry. The bride is a 1959 graduate of the local high school and is employed as a secretary at the Oak Mfg. Co. Her husband attended Richmond high school and is also an employee of the Oak plant. PEONY SHOW The Men's Garden dub of Woodstock has announced that the 1963 peony show of the American Peony society, Fifth district, will be held in Woodstock on June 14 and 15, at the Congregational- Universalist church. It is open to the public and is free of charge. CARD OF THANKS We wisMo express our heart« felt appreciation to all our A-~|Twi£fibors and friends for their many acts of kindness, cards, spiritual bouquets and flowers received at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Father Holmgren and Father Weidemann. The Michels and Pitzen Families 6-6-63 PRIVATE NURSING HOME 24 Hour Duty Nurse Loving Care as One of Family -- Best of Food -- All Comforts Reasonable Prices PHONE 385-2880 a aire 3 HAIR STYLISTS 885-4)010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thro SAT. Let our staff help your coloi problems for the summer. Cftfl Us Today Reserve Seats For June Presentation Rehearsals continue for the presentation of "Once Upon a Matti*?ss" by the McHenry Theatre Playhouse on Friday and Saturday evenings, June 28 and 29. Seats will be reserved in advance the same as in metropolitan areas. Each seat is numbered, and ticket purchasers may request a definite seat at this time by stopping at the McHenry theatre box office any evening. They may also place phone or mail orders, making special requests. Persons planning to attend this musical are urged to obtain tickets soon so they will have a choice of seats. Flanders - May Vows Repeated St. Peter's church in Rockford was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Saturday, June 1, when Miss Nancy Marie Flanders became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Eugene May. Rev. Andrew Plesa officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptial ceremony, for which music was furnished by Antoinette Vacarello and Dr. Kellner, both of Rockford. Miss Flanders is the daughter of Mrs. Marie Flanders of 413 Salem street, Rockford, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. May of Ringwood. The church was decorated for the occasion with bouquets of white glads and snapdragons. The lovely bride selected a chant illy lace and silk organza dress over mist taffeta, with seed pearl trim at the neckline. It was styled with scalloped bateau neckline, short sleeves and bouffant sk'rt which extended into a chapel length train. On her head she wore a princess crown of lace, sequin and pearl trimmed, to which was attached a four-tier flyaway silk illusion veil. She carried white roses and stephanotis in a cascade bouquet. Acting as her attendants were Miss Jackie Flanders of Rockford as maid of honor, Miss Susan Ford of Rockford and Miss LaVerne Meyer of Spring Grove as bridesmaids. They wore sheer over taffeta ballerina length dresses in poudre blue, with tree tiers extending down the skirt, and bow trim in back. Their , flowers were cascade bouquets of blue tipped carnations with camellia foliage. Everett May of Ringwood served the groom as best man and groomsmen were John Ford of Rockford and Ronald May of DeKalb. Ushers were Patrick Ford of Rockford and Sam Buenzli of McHenry. The stately ring bearer was Bobby Buenzli of McHenry. A reception followed the ceremony at Inn Town motel during the afternoon. Assisting in serving were Mrs. John Ford, Mrs. Patrick Ford, Mrs. Richard Disch and Miss Andrea Williams, all of Rockford. The couple left later on a wedding trip to Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Dells for one week, after which they will make their home at 2203 Logan street, Apt. 4, Rockford. The bride is a graduate of Bishop Muldoon high school in Rockford and is employed by the Illinois National bank of Rockford. The groom graduated from McHenry high school, attended Rockford school of business and is employed by Central National bank. AWARDED CHEVRON JOHN SCHMITTS OBSERVE 40TH ANNIVERSARY 1 Bridal Couple ..M. ~ - . i. J BARBARA VOftiHT Miss Barbara Voight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Voight of Wonder Lake, has been awarded her first chevron on the completion of her six-month pre-clinical period at Cook county hospital school of nursing, where she is a student. Miss Voight is a 1982 graduate of Woodstock high school. EASTERN STAR OBSERVES GRAND LECTURER NIGHT MARRIAGE LICENSES Raymond Widhalm and Judith Barwig, both of McHenry. Wilbert Tjardes of McHenry and Margaret Chisley, Crystal Lake. William Tychewicz and Susan Lawrence, both of McHenry. DONT FORGET DAD On Father's Day NYE'S is the place to get a "SPECIAL" Gift for the man in your life. NYE DRUG McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, welcored members and officers from other chapters as they observed Grand Lecturer's night Tuesday, May, 28. Two candidates were received into the order, Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Waddell. The work was presented by the grand lecturer, with Worthy Matron Stella Chambers and Worthy Patron Clifford Chambers as hosts. Guest officers presiding were worthy matron, Harriett Dodd, grand lecturer of McHenry chapter; worthy patron, Roy Dodd, past patron of McHenry; associate matron, Anna Ditch of Supreme chapter; associate patron, Clarence Seales, past worthy grand patron of grand chapter; secretary, Edith Dowell, secretary of McHenry chapter; and a past matron; treasurer, William Hoeft, past patron of McHenry. Also conductress, Marian Hutson, Woodstock; associate conductress, Estelle O 1 s e n, Noma chapter, Capron; chaplain, Margaret Klingberg, past matron of McHenry; marshal, Eve Anderson, Pentalpha chapter; organist, Phyllis Nimt:z, organist of McHenry; Adah, Mildred Greener of Nunda; Ruth, Marian Waner of Lake Zurich; Esther, Harriett Kurshadt, Mayflower chapter; Martha Grace Aldrecht, Elgin; Electa, Alpha Kuskowski of Harvard; warder, Anita Hansen, junior past matron of McHenry; sentinel, Harry Hansen, senitinel of McHenry and junior past patron; color bearer, Charles Osborn, associate patron, Richmond; soloist, Frances Stinek of Richmond. Escorted guest of honor for the evening was Ada Mae Buelow of Supreme chapter. The ""tables in the dining room were beautifully decorated for this special evening's program. Refreshments were served by Kathryn Scholtz, Rose Murphy, Sophie Wachna, Elizabeth Fairchild, Marian Reinwall and Frances Miller. Half of the world's 400 zoos are in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sclv mitt of 1702 N. Court stre< celebrated their fortieth we< ding anniversary on Thursda May 30. An anniversary high Mat-^ was sung in their honor at K o'clock at St. Mary's church with three grandsons, Jim Frost, Ken Frost and Mike Schmitt, acting as acolytes. Following Mass, the Schmitts, their children and seventeen grandchildren returned to the family home, v^here breakfast was enjoyed. Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt treated their children to dinner out. Upon their arrival home, the couple was surprised by a visit from their brothers and sisters. A very memorable anniversary party followed. Among the guests was Fr. Holmgren of St. Mary's church. McHenry Hospital A son was born May 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bonifer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall are parents of a son born May 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Barwig announce the birth of a daughter May 30. A Round Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Kostro, are parents of a daughter born May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer of Crystal Lake are parents of a daughter born May 31. An Ingleside couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ledgerwood. became parents of a son June 2. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green are parents of a son born June 3. Harvard Hospital On May 27 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dort. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stanchuk are parents of a daughter born June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fiore Luciano of Wonder Lake became parents of a daughter June 3. Other Births Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sayler are the very proud grandparents of their second granddaughter born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clory of Evanston. The new young lady, Courtney Ann, has a year old sister, Kerrie. Mrs. McClory is the former Su«an Sayler. Mrs. Norman Eggert of Edgebrook Heights received the happy news Tuesday morning, June 4, of the birth of a son, Jon Henry, to her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert of Logan, Utah. The baby is the first grandchild for Mrs. Eggert. Her daughter and new aunt, Barbara Eggert, R. N. of Washington, D. C., is a guest of her mother this week. Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Tietjen became parents of their first child, William Scott, on June 2 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The baby weighed 5 lbs., 14 ozs., and is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Andrews and Mrs. Nicholas Tietjen. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Locke of Monroeville, Pa., announce the birth of their daughter, Nancy Teresa, on May 24 at the Pittsburgh General hospital She weighed 6 'bs., 2 ozs., and was welcomed home by a sister. Jane Ellen, 17 months old, and her maternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Ray Swenski of Lakemoor. THE RON AID GLOSSONS St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting forN a spring wedding which united in marriage Miss Sally Niesen and Mr. Ronald Qlosson, both of McHenry. Following a trip West, the newlyweds are making their home at 1507 N. Green street. DEMOCRATS TO ENJOY DINNER MEETING JUNE 8 McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Rosemarie Ochovsky, Henrietta Cox, Morris Lasco and Edward Gunger, Chicago; Olga Calliger, Spring Grove; Norbert McDaniel, Wonder Lake; Michael Wasberg, Gladys Heiman, William A. Henk, Vivian Malone and Anthony D'Ambrose, Crystal Lake; Raymond Hoeft, Cary; Pauline Knapp, Twin Lakes, Wis.; Harriette Jorgensen and Patrick Graham. Ingleside; Angelo Horton, Antioch; Roy Meyers and Wayne Felder, Janesville. Wis.; Walter Malecki and Kimberly Castillo. Fox Lake; Katerin Gavurnik, East Dundee; Otto Dettke. Lake Villa; Donna Rose Schon, Lake Zurich; John Longano and Steven Weinberg, W a u c o n d a ; E d w a r d G a i n e r , Stone Park; Edward J. Benson. Solon Mills; Eileen Homo, Arthur Stuhfeier, Carl Gustafson, Scott Fisher, Frank Schaaf. Bernard Schmitt, Fred McClellan, Edna Hamlin, Mary Jones, Kathleen Murray, John E. Megley, Jeffrey Weirich, Bernadine Wachter, LaVerne Antonson, Ruth Covey and Emily E. Rachuj, McHenry, and Floyd Feltner, Libertyville. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included William Clark, Francis Erklin, and Darlene Niemi, McHenry; Barbara LaGreca, Lawrence Fuhrer, George Meyer, Sr., Kay Stendebach and Frances Hnilo, Wonder Lake; and Master Michael Basting, Spring Grove. Harvard Hospital Mabel Noice and Douglas Nicholas of McHenry were patients during the past week at Harvard hospital. McHenry county Democrats will gather at Crystal Lake Saturday night, June 8, for « fund-raising dinner. William Giblin, chairmam Of the McHenry County Democratic Central committee, said the event will start at 7:45 p.m. and will be held at Czecho Lodge. Tickets are available frotn members of the central cortimittee. Speakers, and other details for the program are being completed this week. HOMEMAKERS TO OBSERVE 45TH YEAR JUNE 25 Mrs. Justin Wagy, president * of the Illinois Homemakers Extension federation, will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the McHenry County Homemakers Extension associatoin on June 25. The meeting will begin with a smorgasbord at the McHenry Country club. Luncheon tickets may lie secured from any unit chairman or the county office by June 7. Mrs. Wagy will tell of her travels to Australia, where she attended the bi-annual meeting of the Associated Woman of the World. The smorgaslx»rd, begins at 11:30. PRESENT FLOWER SHOW The garden clubs of Crystal Lake will present their annual flower show June 5 from 2 to 9 p.m. and June 6 from noon to 9 p.m. This year's display of floral arrangements and horticulture, titled "The Greatest Show on Earth -- A Circus of Flowers." will be held at the Legion post on Woodstock street in Crystal Lake. Tickets may be purchased from any garden club members or at the door. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Anita and Harry Hansen of 3719 Freund avenue, McHenry, observed their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on June 4. The Hansens have a daughter, Joan, and a son, William, in the U. S. Navy, stationed at the Navy air base in San Diego; also a son-in-law, Wayne Blext, and a grandchild, Tommy Blext. PERSONALS . The person who has no purpose in^life seldom shows much progress. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay of Florida were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Young on Monday. Christian Science Radio Series 9:30 a.m. WATT, 820 kc S F t A K S TO YO'J Sunday, June 9 "YOU DON'T HAVE TO DRINK" Maybe it's a good thing that men don't understand women. Women do, and don't like 'em. to We*. L"' "• A] # ClaiF? m 5Tary Abb • Elesncre 9 M*r!e?ie * * by Rust* Emerson Acne has long been a distressing condition for many young people. There are a number of salves and ointments which are beneficial in varying degrees, but a new treatment attracting some attention is the drinking of acidophilus milk -- a special kind heavy in a bacterium known as lactobacillus acidophilus. Tests showed that even ordinary certified milk resulted in some improvement, although there is a possibility that this was due in part to a lessening in the sweets eaten during the testing period of regular milk consumption. The best test of MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC.'S prescription competence, by the way, is to give us a try. Prescriptions are a specialty -- not a sideline at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. 3720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 885-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to lave discussed in this column, vrite to Russ Emerson, c/o h)e paper. THIS WEEK'S HOUSEHOLD -IINT: Have a new toothbrush that's not in use? They are good for cleaning food f hoppers, graters, etc. Ask About Our New MERCHANDISE CLUB Starting June 15th W# ow port CXdtMMb part fresfi tashio®, A&fci*>tottotaly woedeiM two-piece maSfci cf tManea stretofc NyloHb jnstwearasuifle andajantzen Hours Dally t:S0-5:S0 FHday 9:30-9:00 8717 W. Elm Street -- Mrflevy. JUL WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HORSESHOE? It entered the realm of the old-fashioned, along with the buggy whip, when automobiles appeared on the scene. As people became persuaded that the ear offered a swifter, more economical means of transportation than the horse, they took up the new way; abandoned the old... It's an American trait to embrace ways of doing things that save time and money. That's why millions of Americans use the checking service provided by America's banks. PAY YOUR BILLS THS MODERN, EFFICIENT WAYs MAIL CHECKS, DRAWN ON OUR BANK I McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving Ton -- All Ways" Since 1906 Plume 385-1040 Ifembei M^pber ] r # etfci -iu Federal Reserve System Deposit Insurance Con,-.-.. uon memmmmmrn»- <