Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1963, p. 19

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Thursday, June 13, 1963 THE McHENRY PLAWDEALEft V Lakeland Park LADIES PLAN FOURTH ANNUAL SMORGASBORD Barbara Metirer -- 885-4850 Kay Drural --385-4811 Hope all of you wonderful people plan on attending the fourth annual smorgasboard this Saturday at the community house between 5 and 7 p.m. The ladies always outdo themselves and we know this year's will be know different. Plan on bringing the whole family down and having a delicious meal and aiso helping out i Woman's club. Woman's Club Tonight, Thursday, June 13, is to be the final meeting for the club until next fall. Come on all you women let's make it a big hit, the committee has worked hard to make it a good meeting. There will be a community sing so please come dressed for the occasion, blue jeans, mickey aprons and the like will be in evidence Please, gals remember your tidbits. Hope we see you all. Happy Birthday We wish the following people a happy birthday and may they get all their wishes. June 14 Mrs. Fred Street; June 15 Shirley Meurer; Sharon Wagner; and Bill Seifert; June 18 Fran Clark and Patty Arient; June 19 Carol Knor; June 20 Barbara Gamon and Barbara Osman. Boy Scout Troop 459 One of our troops assistant scoutmaster's wrote to President Kennedy telling him of our troops planned il 4.8 mile hike and last week Trv Becker was most pleased to receive a reply from the office of the pressident. Tuesday of last week had the seventh grade members of our Indian Dance team that attend St. Mary's walk off with top honors. They not only took first place for the entire day's talent shows but behaved like perfect gentlemen. A note was sent to Scoutmaster Druml by the two mothers who applied make up and helped out. Bette Kamp and Kay Druml were more than thrilled when they heard that the following boys had taken first place; Dennis Druml, Danny Kamp, Joe DeMarco and Mike Ossler danced while Tom Morris beat out the rythmn on one of the tom-toms. These boys planned their part of the show by themselves and even arranged for proper lighting and carried the trops fire place up two long' flights of stairs. Our long awaited hike of 114.8 miles got under way last Saturday morning, with sixteen Scouts and four adult leaders leaving the community house at 6:12 a.m. Mr. Mrotz's loaded truck took off first, it is being driven by Hugh Saynor. The truck will be no more than 2 miles in front of the hikers all during the hike. It carries all the gear and food but is also ready for carrying hikers. There is a walkie talkie radio in the truck and one being carried by our Scoutmaster, so they will be in constant touch with one another. Cnns and cans of foot powder were among the supplies as well as buckets for washing and soaking feet. Feet will be checked at least four times daily. The troop plans have them reaching Starved Rock on Thursday afternoon. Parents will go out on Saturday to bring them all home. A lot of parents have been telling us they are driving out during the week at night to see the boys and men. Each home of a member of the hikers has an exact route for each day so they can be found very easily. This hike has been talked about since last September and we know that all the ones making all or any part of it will never forget it. Good Luck Scouts; Junior Assistant S. M„ Ken Prazak, Patrol Leaders; Joe DeMarco, Dennis Druml and l^anny Kamp, Assistant Patrol leaders, Mike Daurio, Mike Linnane, Walt Mrotz and Frosty Viita and to scouts Kevin Druml, Steve George, Kenny Becker, Doug Funk, Kirk Links, Jim Grothman, Mike Ossler and Frank Ficek, Jr. Hoping to keep up with the boys all the way are Scoutmaster E. Druml, Assistant Scoutmaster Joe Prazak and Committee Chairman, Walt Mrotz. Unable to go all the way because of work will be Assistant Scoutmaster Marve George. He will have hiked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for a total of 61.2 miles, he'll return to Starved Rock on Friday to be with them the balance of the affair. These men we believe deserve a special pat on the back not only for attempting to hike all that way and hoping they make it and wishing they were young again but also for giving up their vacations and taking days off to do this hike. The town of Marengo sent out pop to the campsite on Saturday and will give them all a welcome at churches on Sunday. Saturday evening saw the following families visit camp; Links, Kamps, Beckers, Frankie Vanek, Lil and Mike Druml and Kay Druml. Bette Kamp, Lil Druml, who has three grandsons hiking plus her son. Scoutmaster, Ed Druml, and Kay Druml surprised the boys by doing their dishes. The storm had the boys delayed just a little bit on Sunday morning. The following people have been more than wonderful about bringing out tid-bits and running errands for the troop, all V. F. W. clubs at towns, all police and our own parents; Links, Ficeks, Kamps and Beckers. We were told that the boys are having T. V. shots done so we hope all of you got to see the boys. This affair has been given a great deal of publicity and has taken very many people to make it come off to the success it has been so far. Page Nineteen Commuity House Schedule June 13-Thursday, 8:30, Woman's Club; June 15 - Saturday, 5 to 7 p.m. 4th Annual Smorgasbord; June 17-Monday, Theatrical Group, 8 p.m.; June 18-Tuesday, 6:30 to 7:30 Indian Dance Team; June 19- Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dancing Classes. Call Jo Rizzo for reservations at 385-2728. Cub Scouts Max Koch took eight of the boys from Shirley's den to Mc- Henry Dam for an outing last week. While there, the boys had the experience of cooking their own meal over open fires and I understand raw potatoes taste pretty good. The boys also did some hiking. Attending were Mike Daurio, Den Chief, and Cubbers, Billy Barwig, Del Gerstad, Donny Williams, David George, Bobby Matthews, Mike and John Koch and Greg Bartos. Wedding Our very best wishes for a long and happy marriage to' Ray and Judy Widhalm. The couple was married at St. Mary's church on June 1. They will reside at 1703 Highview in our park on their return from their honeymoon. For this very important occasion, Ray's grandparents came in from Nebraska, his brother was home on leave from the service and his aunt came from Indianapolis. Togetheraem Our very, very best wishes go to Eva and Mathias Bott for their 50 years of togetherness they will celebrate on June 19. We know the entire community Joins us. Get-Well Soon First of all we goofed last week saying what we did about Debbie Elshoff. She will be wearing the hip brace she has on for at least llfc years not 2 months as we said. We pray that this will do the trick for her ailing hip, it's real tough being in a brace any time but it seems even worse when it's on one so young. Hope that Bob Leone is out of the hospital by this time. Feeling better Eddie Linane? Hope so. Little Ronnie Lamberg suffered a bad cut on his forehead which required several stitches to close the wcund. He received it from a baseball bat. Let's try to be real careful with those bats and all other things this summer so 4 there aren't more accidents. Glad to see we got one less person to wish our best too but hope she takes very good care of herself. Welcome home Jessie Matthew. Little League News There is a slight change in the schedule your son should have brought home by now. Sunday, June 23, the first game will start promptly at 12, noon, dedication will be at 1:15, followed by the second game at 2 and the third game at 3:15. You will see on your schedule what game your team is to play, the only thing changed is time. The season will start on Tuesday, June 18. Hope we see large crowds out this year both mothers and fathers. At the triple header on Sunday refreshments will be served and mothers are needed to help, fathers also if they care to help. Any one wishing to help for any amount of time please, call John Johnson at 385-6504. Practice games last week were as follows: Monday, saw the Cubs defeat the Braves by 10 to 6. Tuesday, saw the Pirates taking the Braves by 12 to 1. Wednesday, the Cubs whipped the Tigers by 12 to 1 and Thursday saw the pirates and Orioles end in a 6 to 6 tie game. With the weather getting nicer every day there are more and more people attending games. It's what our boys need, parent support. Graduation Time Onee Again First of all our deepest apologies to Linda Michalik and Ronald Nicolai whose names were ommitted from the list of St. Mary's graduates last week. Wednesday evening of last week proved to be mighty important to many of our young people. Both St. Patrick's and EARL B. WALSH INSURANCE fire, Auto, Farm & Life lk Representing CJ.I.TART.II! COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone 885-0043 or 385-0958 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps , 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located In the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5253 or Residence 885-0718 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1238 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-63 5CHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 385-0950 8-63 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 V2 Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-63 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. ft Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. ft Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Coniact Lenses Phone 885-2262 8-63 junior high graduated. From each of these two classes our community had a graduate receive a merit award. As there were only six such awards given we feeT that Francine Parisi of St. Patrick's and Randy Karls of junior high deserved a special pat on the back for a job very well done. Besides Fran, Ray Bottari, Val Franklin and Mike Johnson also received their diplomas. Along with Randy from our subdivision the following were graduated; Gayle Anderson, Ray Barle, Denise Broemm, Mary Buffafato, Bill Chadwick, Ed Fesanco, Brad Grote, Pete Hellios, Virginia Karls, Donna Lamberg, Pam Lawrence, Wayne Laurence, Mike Marchesa, Mike Mathews, Harold Meyers, Mary Moll, Peter Murphy, Pete Nowell. Alan Palxic, Darlerfe Pike, Ken Prazak, Alan Raiford, Judy Rosendahl, Linda Schultz, Bill Seifert, David Stippick, Forrest Viita, Sharon Wagner and Joy Wright. To each of you and to any one we may have missed goes our very best wishes. Strolling Through The Park Maiy, Jim, Mike, Jimmy and Tommy Daurio travelled into Hillside last Friday to attend the wedding of Jim's niece, Donna Richie. During the week they had a family gathering to celebrate Tommy's fifth birthday. Attending were Jim's mother, his sister, Ann, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richie and brother John, his wife and familv. Many of our Scouts' parents got to see how they all look at 5:15 a.m. last Saturday when the following people wished our men and boys a fine hike; Kay Druml, Stella Links. Ken and Jane Grothman, Bette end Bill Kamp, Dottie Becker, A.^nes Prazak, Sue and Ron Funk, Frank Ficek, Mrs. Vitta, Mr. and Mrs. Linnane. Wondfr how many went home and crawled back in bed as our troop began its 114.8 miles hike. Mr. and Mrs. John Bernard were pleasantly surprised last week by the visit of their grandson who is home on leave from the Air Corps. The Krotfning family spent a lovely weekend at their cottagc in Fish Lake, Ind. Hear Jim Wickenkamp ran the Braves, Pony league team, for our two hikers and the team and Jim won in 9 innings by a score of 13 to 10, Nice going fellows and a special pat on the back to Jim. Hear young Tom Uttich saved the life of one of our five year old swimmers. Very proud of you Tom. Petey and Jack Oakford went to her sister's, Eilene Paulsen, on Sunday and attended nephew, Danny's graduation party. Bud and Durothy Uttich attended a wedding in St. Louie and stopped in at Lincoln's Tomb, the Capitol and Lincoln's home, had a wonderful time. Mary Uttich attend a Girl Scout camp-out on Tuesday and Wednesday at East Troy, Wis. A lovely weekend was spent by Carol Humann and her girls as they and their guests, Pat Useman, and her boys visited the Brookfield Zoo. There was a little excitement when they lost one of Pat's children and one of Carol's fell in with the Sea Lions. When they came home they decided to cool off with a swim. Just as jthey all got into the water that big wind came up and they had to rush for home. v Legal Pink Bundle Dee and Ronnie Barwig celebrated Memorial Dr>y, May 30. with the birth of their daughter, Susan Marie. Susan arrived at the McHenry hospital weighing 9 lbs. 5 ozs., and measuring 22 inches in length. She ,has t\£o sisters, Debbie and Donna, and a brother, Billy. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welcker from Charleston, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward James Barwig from Lakeland Park. Our congratulations to you all. ^ Sunday, June 16th Father's Day Remember Dad on his day, it's seldom we really stop to realize how mighty important he is and even more seldom do we take the time to tell him. Committee Meets The committee for the Lakeland Park carnival, which vvU be held June 20, 21, 22 and 23. will meet Monday, June 17, at the community house at 8 p.m. All those who are willing to work at this affair should report at this meeting. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY MARY A. McKENDRY ) Plaintiff,) VS. ) aOBERT B. McKENDRY) JR. ) Defendant.) *NO. 40420 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, ROBERT B. McKENDRY, JR., defendant in the above-entitled suit, that the above suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois by said plaintiff, MARY A. McKENDRY against you for a divorce and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said court against you, as provided by law, and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless yotl, ROBERT B. McKENDRY, JR., the said defendant, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the City of Woodstock, held in the Courthouse on or before the 1st day of July, 1963, default may be entered against you at anytime after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. LESTER EDINGER Clerk (Court Seal) John T. Kiggins 2309 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, Illinois 385-1313 (Pub. May 29, June 6-13, 1.963) FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGE8 • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 -- Just East of Route 12 -- Voll, IIL Phone 385-6230 GETS , r v ( ( (/OUR Ray-Ban From SUN GLASSES . . .$4.95 Aircraft Type -- Clip On -- Regular ELECTRIC SHAVERS • Shick • Remington From • Norelco • Sunbeam $12.95 TIMEX WATCHES From 'A'® Gillette Slim Adjustable RAZOR $1.50 GISFT LIQUORS FOR DAD "0 Y # Tobaccos # Lighters , Cigars * Pipe Racks # Cigarettes Candy for "DAD" Fannie May and Whitmans Fresh Frozen Candies ftflX BY NORCROSS Capri GOLF BALLS 3 GILLETTE Aristocrat RAZOR $co° OLD SPICE GIFT SETS From $|25 Amity WALLETS $350 Made of Fines! Leathers COMB & BRUSH 10 oo Parker PEN & PENCIL SETS From 95 '/'PERFECT GIFT vs* a dependable Kodak camera «Mta BROWNIE CAMERA OUTFIT Complete snapshot outfit ,71 at low, low costI Everything you need to copture your good times in pictures -- all in one value-packed outfit! Brownie Fiesta camera takes snaps in color and black-and-white, even color slides. Just aim, shoot for 12 big pictures on a roU. For indoor pictures, flash holder slips right on top of camera. Outfit includes camera, flash holder, fHra, bulbs, batteries, neck strap, in gift box. Kodak INSTAMATIC CAMERA Special * 1 388 Kodak Starmite CAMERA Reg. $12.95 '995 Kodak Starflash CAMERA Reg. $12.45 $05O ZnT BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 385-4500

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