Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1963, p. 2

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WSfP4 T THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, June 13, 1983 nk- r.!u.» Sho«i* Honor* Mr*. Ttionins A surprise baby shower was heM on Friday evening. June 7, fgr .Mrs Larry Thomas of Kent Acres, Co-hostesses were Mrs. Davitt Kent and Mrs. John Yardas. The festivities were held at the home of Mrs. Kent and ineluded games, refreshments and the presentation of many lovely intent gifts. Guesta ut attendance included Mrs. Forrest Berg, Jr., Mr*. Homer Bassett, Mn. Carolyn Ozark, Mrs. Harold Juul, Mrs. Dale , Thomas, Mrs. jCharles Fernstrom, Mrs. J. M. Potts. Jr., Mrs. Charles Slice, Mrs. Eugene Matesi. Mrs. Artnur Beck. Mrs. E. J. Zendfcr, Jr., Mrs. R. E. Brooks, Mrs. Ray Jensen, Mrs. LeRoy York. Mrs. Thomas Russell, Miss Barbara Eggert and lira. Alan Freund. Newlyweds Fetor K. Wad Fifty Yewra Mr. and Mrs. t'eter.ft. Freund of Crystal Lak?, former Johnsburg residents, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday. June 9. The day began with a Mass at St. Thomas church at Crystal Lake at 10.15, followed by a reception for 100 held at the K. of C. hall in MeHeiiry from 4 to 8 p.m. The Freunds have four children and twelve grandchildren, all living, in the Crystal Lake area. Miss Hildtager Shower Guest Miss Beverly Hildinger of -Linden-hurst was guest of honor Sunday at a miscellaneous bridal shower held at tfie Elmer Smith home at Spring Grove. About thiMy guests attended to enjoy an afternoon spent in games a nd visi trng;. Miss Hildinger was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts which were placed under a large yellow and white umbrella. A tasty lunch wait served by the hostesses, Mrs. Carol Berg, Sharon and Nancy Smith, who will be attendants at the wedding. Miss Hildinger will become the bride of David Smith at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, on July 6. Mary Anne Mayfleld To Marry July # • Mr. and Mrs. Eiiiwt Schroeder announce thedppfoachbig marriage of their daughter, Mary Anne MayfieW, to Mr. Robert Wiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiles. The wedding will take place July 6 at St. Mary's Catholic church. McHenry Hospital During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital Included Maybelle Nelson, Anzia B. Kirbach, Walter Schimke, Sr., and Barbara Jacobson, Wonder Lake; Wilbur Peters, Gustav Ziemer and Dustin W. Wilson, Woodstock; Jean Velva ar:d Brian Lit<viler, Ingleside; John Porterfield, Cecil Shaler, Helen Carter, Louise Schiller, Terry Talbot, Phyllis Fetzner and Jerry Vratny, Crystal Lake; Helen Dowell, Antioch; Aita Becknell, Island Lake; Leo Nemiro, Round Lai»i ^owarT ^ateria1' Purse and Emery, Huntley; Robert Hass, Wauconda; Vern Brown and Anna Schmitt, Spring Grove; Ralph Fox, Bsrrington; Wendy Stocking and James Kahn, Chicago; Edith B. Brendle, McCul- !o»m Lake; Dolores Miller and Barbara King, Cary; Georgt Rakushin, Jr., Fox Lake; Ann Zidron, Berkeley; Herman Langerbeck, Robert Leone, Alfred F. Fruehling, Carl Gustafson, Alma Rowe, Margaret Conte, Bruno Karas, Charles Kocher, Vernon Holm, Margaret Polinaki, Leonard E. Fair, Roger Mroz, Virginia Hodges, Elmer Taylor, Gary Peterson, Harry Fricksen, David Christopher, Larry Brasfad, Sr., and Pearl Gannon, McHenry, and Helen A. Kirchoff, Lake Villa. A J. Schneider is a patient at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. John Bolton was a surreal patient at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, during the past week. Harvard Hospital Steven and Harold Brunow, William Urban, Karin Mecic, Mack Falknor, Jr., and Catherine Schneider of McHenry were patients during the past week la the Harvard hospital. Memorial Hospital Woodstock Admittances in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Lamar Schiller, Patricia O'Malley, Patricia McMahon, Master Thomas Meath and Lorraine Moll, McHenry; and Ronald xeuscher, Mae Jadwick, Patricia Dukes and Clare HJggins, Wonder Lake. Langdon Studio Photo TOE JAMES SCHMIDTS Ruth Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Miller of McHenry, was married on May to Mr. James D. Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Schmidt of Aurora. The newlyweds are making their home at 311 S. Fourth street in Aurora. MISS LOIS MAY WED SATURDAY IN WOODSTOCK St. Ann's Episcopal church in Woodstock was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday, June 8, when Mis* Lois Ann May became the bride of Mr. Ronald Robert Wclke. Miss May is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. May of 3615 W. John street, McHenry, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Clausen of 514 S. Jefferson street, Woodstock. Rev. Thomas A. Vanderslich officiated at the 11:30 o'clock nuptial rite, for which Mrs. E. W. Hall acted as organist. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with altar arrangements of white gladioli and pompoms and pew bouquets of yellow and white pompoms. The attractive, dark-haired bride chose a gown of imported silk organza and chant illy lace. Her fitted lace bodice with sabrina neckline and long, tapered sleeves accented her controlled lace front bell skirt, and the softly gathered back of the gown was highlighted by a bow of organza and fell into a soft chapel train. Organza lilies accentuated her forehead piece with dainty orange blossoms and a tiered ballerina veil. Acting as matron of honor was her sister, Mrs. Robert Kelley, of Antioch, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Ashley Granger of McHenry and Miss Georgia Knuth of Woodstock. They were attired in maize silk organza over taffeta gowns, highlighted by detachable overskirts featuring shepherdess backs and dramatizing simple sheaths beneath. Petals in self fabric adorned the heads of the bridesmaids, who wore maize shoes and white gloves. Ernie Welke, brother of the groom, of Woodstock, served as best man and groomsmen were Peter Christiansen and Thomas Paggett of Woodstock. Ashley Granger of McHenry and Anthony Brasile of Woodstock were ushers. Mrs. May selected a sheath dress of beige lace over taffeta, accented by an avocado bow at the waistline. With it she wore an avocado hat of matching gloves. Her corsage was of Amazon lilies and stephanotis. Mrs. Clausen wore a foam green sheath of taffeta brocade with matching redingote, matching pillbox hat and white shoes. She had a corsage of Amazon lilies and stephanotis. A breakfast at 1:30 was served at the McHenry Country club, and 425 friends and relatives gathered later at the V.F.W. clubhouse in Woodstock for an evening reception. The couple will spend two weeks in Atlanta, Ga., and upon their return will reside at 502 E. Jackson, Woodstock. The bride is a graduate of McHenry high school and is employed as service representative for Illinois Bell Telephone Co. in Woodstock. The groom graduated from Woodstock high school and received his diploma from the Automation institute in Chicago. He is an employee of the credit department of Northern Illinois Gas company in Crystal Lake. PLAN INSTALLATION The installation of Job's Daughters will be held Saturday, June 15, at the Masonic Temple or Court street at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. CARD OF THANKS I want to take this way of thanking the many friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, prayers, gifts and visits during the time I suffered from pleurisy and in my convalescence. They were very much appreciated. Mrs. Marie Schaefer •6-13-63 DONNA DEMAR, GEORGE DIEDRICH MARRIED JUNE 8 *A story book brtde was petite and pretty Doina Joan DeMar as she came down the aisle of St. Mary's church, escorted by her father, to meet her waiting bridegroom, George J. Diedrich, Saturday morning. Father Eugene Baumhofer recited thf nuptial Mass during which thr iuple exchange rings. Misn i >eMar 4s the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joseph DeMar of 4520 W. Parkview, McCuiJom Lake, while the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George P. Diedrich of 3504 W. Miller road, McHenry. The church, beautifully decorated with white mums and yellow gladioli, resounded with t he music sung by the children's choir, directed by Sister Andreela. Miss DeMar's floor length bridal gown was fashioned of moon lotus (white) taffeta which featured an oval neckline, three-quarter sleeves, and a detachable chapel train which fastened at the back of the bride's waist. Two soft, unpressed pleats with a bow at the front waist adorned the beautiful hooped gown. Her headpiece was a matching pillbox with tnree tiers of bouffant illusion veil, elbow length. Her jewelry was a single strand of pearls, a gift from the groom. The brida- bouquet was white roses and str-phanotis in cascade. Home from school for the occasion, the bride's sister, Mary DcMar, served as maid of honor. Brdesmaids were Germaine Diedrich, the groom's sister; Mn. Wilfred Blake, Mrs. David Young, and Barbara K. DeMar, another sister of t h e b r i d e . T h e y o u n g women were lovely in street length gowns of yellow champeau which featured SCOOD nccks, cap sleeves, lace bodices and controlled bell skirts. Sheer floating panels flowed from the back neckline. Their headpieces were matching open mesh braid pill boxes with blusher veils. They also wore matching accessories. The maid-of-honor's bouquet was of all white daisies in cascade while the other attendants Carried yellow and white daisies in cascade. The groom's brother, Larry Diedrich, serving in the Army, acted in the capacity of best man. Groomsmen were the bride's brother, John DeMar, Jim Smith and William Cornstock of Johnsburg. Uncles of the couple, Stanley Diedrich of McHenry and John DeMar of Mt. Prospect, were ushers. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. DeMar chose an aqua silk eyelet sheath which featured a tucked bodice, white accessories ar.d wore a corsage of white roses. The groom's mother was attired in a beige lace jacket dress, white accessories, and a corsage of white roses. A wedding breakfast for the bridal party and immediate family was served at the groom's home at 1 p.m. and a reception for 275 guests was held at the V.F.W. hall, Mc Henry, at 6 p.m. A four-tiei wedding cake adorned with yellow roses was cut by the groom's aunt, Mrs. James Miller. The groom's three sisters, Mary, Emily, and Doris Diedrich, passed the guest register. The newly wedded couple will honeymoon in the west and upon their return will reside in McHenry. The new Mrs. Diedrich is a graduate of McHenry high school, class of '59, and is currently employed at the Ben Franklin store. The groom graduated from Richmond-Burton high school, class of '59, and is employed by Tunyan Construction Co. iv-v?...!1../: Wed Sixtv Years June 14-15 Viscount Rummage Sale--AOK Instrument Shop, Front Street. June 15 Fourth Annual Smorgasbord --Sponsored by Lakeland Park Women's Club. June 18 McHenry Township GOP Women's Club -- 8 p.m. -- V.F.W., McHenry. June 20 C.D. of A. Installation of Officers -- Pot-luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. -- K. of C. hall. June 25 Luncheon and Card Party-- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Sodality--St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove. June 28-89 "Once Upon A Mattress", starring Ann Varese - 8:30 p.m. McHenry Theatre. July 10 C.D. of A. Annual Picnic -- Pot-luck Dinner--1 pjn. -- K. of C. hall. CARD OF THANKS To all my friends and neighbors: Many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards and all kindnesses shown during my recent inactivity. Special thanks to the nurses at McHenry Hospital and to Father Weideman. Leo Hiller •6-13-63 DONALD LISTON CLAIMS BRIDE ON SATURDAY MR. AND MRS. PAH, SCHULZ Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schul/. of Johnsburg will observe their sixtieth wedding anniversary Sunday, June 23, at their home from 2 to 5 p.m., with an open house planned. The Schulz' reside at 1914 West sunnyside Beach drive, McHenry. Paul F. Schulz and Emma S. Grede were married June 27, 1903, in Chicago and lived in the Logan Square area until 1938. After moving to Johnsburg, Mr. Schulz continued his work in Chicago as an electro plater, commuting to the city daily. He retired in 1954 at the age of 75. They have four children, Kenneth and Wesley Schulz and Mrs. Savina RLx, all of Chicago, and Robert of Harvard. A son, Paul G., died in 1958. They have seven grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. The Schulz' would like their friends in the area to help them celebrate this occasion by attending the open house. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and Mr. and Mrs. James Blake visited the former's daughter, Sister Charles Marie, at Marycrest, Kankakee, Sunday. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, the George Rodenkirch family,\Sandra and Gerald Rodenkirch and George Steilen accompanied ^by James Gorham of Woodstock attended a graduation dinner at the George Fitzgerald home in Marycrest, Kankakee, Sunday, honoring the former's grandson, Raymond Fitzgerald, who graduated from the Kankakee high school. > Mrs. Norbert Yegge attended the Liston-Zoia wedding in Woodstock Saturday and also was a guest at the breakfast which followed at the Richmond country club. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Huizinfca were pleasantly surprised last week when her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dasing and Kevin, came from Mesquite, Texas, to spend two weeks in their home, McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heelein, Twin Lakes, Wis., are parents of a daughter born June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nolan became parents of a son June 3. A son was born June 4 to a Crystal Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conrow. A daughter was born June 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatfield of Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Kurtz of Crystal Lake are parents of a daughter born June 4. A Spring Grove couple, Mr.* and Mrs. Earl Miller, became parents of a son June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dietrich of Crystal Lake announce the birth of a daughter June 5. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Greissinger of Ingleside are parents of a daughter born June 6. A son was born June 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald West of Wauconda. On June 9 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Efrain Pedraza. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt welcomed a son born June 5. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weldt announce the birth of a son June 4. Other Births A son was born June 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas English of Champaign. The new baby has a sister 21 months old. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie of Boston, Mass., and the paternal ones are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph English of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Quist of Kent Acres announce the birth of a son, David Edward, June 4 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The new baby who weighed 8 lbs. 3 ozs., has two sisters, Deborah, 5, and Theresa, 3. Mr. and Mrs. James Mo Andrews are the proud parents of a daughter, Colleen Maria, born June 7 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. MARRIAGE LICENSES Walter Berg and Marlene Freund, both of McHenry. EILEEN HOMO TO ATTEND FHA STATE MEETING Eileen Homo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Homo McHenry, has been selected by the McHenry chapter of Future Homemakers of America as a delegate to the eighteenth state leadership conference to be held June 20 through June 22 at Illinois State Normal university, Normal. Eileen is a junior at McHenry Community high school and is president of her FHA chapter. Her special responsibility at the 1963 conference will include being a committee member and also a member of the state leadership conference. Future Homemakers of America is a national organization of students studying home economics in junior and senior high schools. In their chapter activities, they work toward the over-all goal of helping individuals improve personal, family and community living. The Illinois association has a membership of 29,- 745 members in 598 high schools. Approximately 625 delegates will attend the conference. The three-day conference is planned and carried out by the teenagers. TEEN DANCE The Viscounts will hold a ieen dance on Friday, June 14, at the Legion home from 7:30 to 11 o'clock Girls are asked not to wear slacks or shorts. A policeman will be on duty at this adult-chaperoned dance. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere "Thank You" to all our friends and neighbors for their cards, memorials and other expressions of sympathy at the time our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. The family of Paul Stoffel •6-13-63 EDDIE lltt ED9CH0R soys wiBE* Hw IM* •# a* mdinldwl to ctvtyt, Yo doMQT of chok* li l» itself. In a beautiful ceremony solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church in Woodstock, a former resident of McCullom Lake, Donald Liston, claimed as his bride Mi^s Eileen Marie Zoia on Saturday, June 8. Rev. Father Joseph Egan officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptial Mass. Mr. Liston is the son of Mrm. Edward Liston or Woodstock and the late Edward Liston, ' former residents of this area. The bride is the daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zoia of Woodstock. Immediately following the wedding a breakfast was held | at the Hunter Country club at Richmond. The bridal couple left on a ten-day trip around Lake Michigan and will be at home to their many friends at 585 Washington street, Woodstock. ROBERT PRINCE MARRIED JUNE 8 IN SPRINGFIELD A wedding of local interest took place last Saturday, June 8, in Springfield, when Mr. Robert P. Prince of McHenry, claimed as his bride Miss Rosary Rockford of Springfield. Mr. Prince is the son of Mrs. Mary Prince of Fox River Grove and the late Anton Prince, and his t>rlde is the daughter of Mrs. Rose Rockford of Springfield. Both young people are gra<J uates of the University of Illinois. She has been teaching music in the Springfield school system, and her husband is an English instructor in the Johnsburg school. RUMMAGE SALE The Viscounts will hold a rummage sale on June 14 and 15 in the store vacated by Ace Hardware on Riverside Drive. HOLD FLOWER SHOW The Grayslake Garden club wil; present its seventh flower show, "This World of Ours", on Friday, June 21, from 1 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 22, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at the G r a y s l a k e C o m m u n i t y h i g h school. GOP WOMEN'S CLUB TO ORGANIZE FOR 1963-64 SEASON The last meeting of the 1962-63 season of the McHenry Township Republican Women's club will be held on Tuesday, June 18, at 8 p.m. at the V.F.W., McHenry. There will be no formal program for the evening, as it is intended as an organizational meeting for the 1963-64 season. All members and prospective members are urged to attend as their guidance and suggestions are most sincerely sought. The president, Mrs. "Chuck" (Dorothy) Miller will announce the new selection of precinct chairwomen for the club, and seek constructive criticism of the preceding year's programs. A special event is planned for August, which will be hosted by club members of Precinct 2. Anyone who desires more information, or faces a transportation problem, should call either Mrs. Charles J. Miller or Mrs. Thomas Davis. INVITE PUBLIC TO JUNE PEONY SHOW IN COUNTY Exhibition of prize peony blooms and new varieties, peony arrangements, and panel discussions on the growing of peonies highlight the 1963 peony show of the American Peony society, fifth district, to be held in Woodstock on June 14 and 15. The show is open to the public at no charge, and will be held in the Congregational church in Woodstock. Panel discussions on the care, cultivation and growing of peonies will be held at 3 p.m. and 7 p m. on June 14 and at 3 p.m. on June 15. The panels will be composed of members of the society, and they will discuss every aspect of peony culture. Detailed information and programs and schedules may be obtained from Theodore Mysyk of Hebron and from James Hecht of the Woodstock Men's Garden club. a aired HAIR STYLISTS N. GREEN MOM. Your hair is always a problem in hot weather. Let our staff help your problems. Call Us Today • mmwun • Mariana BAT. Closed Wed. Visit Election Coffee Bar "••TlKi-UJUNrY The first guests of the Tri-County Republican club's coffee bar at the judicial election last week were, left to right, Harry Kinne, executive vice-president of Tri-County Republican club for McHenry e&tfrity; Jake Levesque, chairman of McHenry County Republican Central committee; A. B. McConnell, representative 32nd district (Illinois Legislature) ; and Paul Jadwick, committeeman, Greenwood township. The coffee bar was opened as a service to voters, by the Tri-County Republican club. Free coffee, rolls and iced tea were served to each voter as he left the polls, and each received an "I have voted" tag, courtesy of the club. Ladies from McHenry who manned the coffee urn were: Mrs. Charles "Chuck" Miller, Mrs. Thomas Fenwick, Mrs. John B. Smith, Mris. G. T. Snively and Mrs. Thomas Davis. The Lake county members of the Tri-County club had a refreshment wagon set up outside the Waukegan polling place, also. The next executive board meeting of the Tri-County Republican club will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green, Algonquin on Tuesday, July 2. Obituaries HILDA NORTHWAY Father Russell Northway, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry, has returned from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he was called by '* the death of his mother, Mrs. Hilda Northway. She died May 29 following a short illness. Last rites were held at St. Hilda's Episcopal church in Toronto on the thirty-first of the month, with Fr. Northway officiating at the committal at the grave. Besides her husband, Henry George, and her son in McHenry, she leaves one daughter, Mrs. Carol Melvin, and two sons, George and Melville, all of Canada. ANNA EKSTROM Mrs. Anna Ekstrom, 72, of Elgin, a former McHenry resident, died Monday monring, June 10, in Sherman hospital, Elgin. Mrs. Ekstrom was born June 24, 1890, in Sweden and came to this country when she was 21. She resided in the McHenry community before her marriage and later she and her husband farmed in the area before moving to Crystal Lake. She had made her home in Elgin for the past twenty-nine years. Mrs. Ekstrom was a member of the Swedish Covenant church of Elgin and1 the Swedish Ladies of the Vikings of Crystal Lake. Her husband, John, died in 1959, and she was also preceded in death by two sons in infancy and another, Richard, in World War II. Survivors are two sons, Roland and Lester Ekstrom, both of Elgin; six grandchildren; two sisters and one1 brother in Sweden. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 at Schmidt Funeral heme, Elgin, with the Rev. Waldemar Neilander, pastor of Swedish Covenant church, officiating. Buried was in Union cemetery, Crystal Lake. ALBERT HOLLY Albert Holly, brother of the late Joseph Holly of McHenry and a former McHenry resident, died at his home in Genoa, 111., of a heart attack on May 30. He was 83 years of age. His wife, Ethyl, preceded him in death in 1951. He leaves twin sons, Carroll of Hillsdale and Merle of Love's Park; another son, Rev. Ray Holly, pastor of the Episcopal church at Love's Park; and a daughter, Mrs. Mavis Mease, of Genoa. 950,000 SUIT A suit for $50,000 has been filed in circuit court by Clarence Ketchum, asking judgment from Richard Sokolowski. The suit results from a traffic accident last summer on Rt. 31 and Three Oaks road in which cars driven by Ketchum and^Sokolowski were involved. Kiwanis Pancakes & Sausage July 14. 1963 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Adults -- $1.00 Children -- 50c fjgf "Why are there service charges on a checking account?" Pure logic: When the cost of the bank's services to a checking depositor is greater than the interest wfyich the depositor's loanable balance allows the bank to earn, the bank must make a charge. But if you are a checking depositor at our bank you can avoid service charges by maintaining a balance large enough to compensate us for the number of checks you draw. Ask us to work out actual figures-- and use our economical checking service fully! McHENRY STATE BANK "aiwaja serving Yon -- All Ways" Since 1IN • Phone 385-1040 - Member Federal Reserve System ' Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation t

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