Thursday, June 20, 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER mar Wonder Lake LEO HARTOG ATTENDS FUNERAL IN CANADA Mary Loa Hutof - Leo Hartog drove to Orillia, Ontario on Wednesday of last week to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Fred Hoekstra. Leo's sister, Mrs. Hoekstra, is his only relative on this side of the Atlantic. All the rest of his family live in Holland. He returned Sunday evening. W. L. Garden Club Mrs. Helen Muchow was hostess to the W. L. Garden Club on June 13. In addition to the members, two guests attended the meeting, Mrs. Helen Comesky and Mrs. Sybil Johnson. Mrs. Johnson later became a member of the club. The group sent cigars to the Valley Hi Home on Father's Day. In the Crystal Lake Flower Show -- the club was asked to set a table called "Circus Hunt •-- A safari dinner for four." Mrs. Wielock, our member in charge of this project, came back with , a third place ribbon. Congratulations, Gen. Three Generations In Elk's Installation A ceremony of note in the order of Elks took place in Oak Park Monday night, June 10, when Exalted Ruler John Hiffman, Jr., had the pleasure of installing his father, John Hiffman, Sr., 84 years young, and his son, Dennis, 21, and a Marine, into the Elks. This was something never done before in the history of the Elks. Dinner and a party followed the installation. The Hiffmans have many friends in Wonder Woods where they lived for several years. Happy Anniversary To Hazel and Bob Killam who celebrated their wedding anniversary on June 14th, undoubtedly enjoying one of the prizes Hazel won at the Legion card party. Wonder Woods Annual Picnic At the June directors' meeting, it was decided to combine the Wonder Woods annual meeting and the annual picnic, to be held Sunday, August 11, on Beach No. 1. Joe Wurm is chairman for the picnic and Lulu Carlson, chairman of the Ladies Group, will arrange for food. This meeting is for election of president, vice-president and directors and alternates in districts No. 1 and No. 3 and a discussion of the affairs of the subdivision. Mark your calendar ahead and plan to attend. Cards will be sent out later. Birthday Greetings Belated birthday greetings to Helen Muchow who celebrated June 15 and to Ann Miller who celebrated her "31st" on June 17. Profiles We continue our "Profiles" this week with more information on our local artists. Gerritt J. Beverwyk: Mr. Beverwyk lives at 3202 Greenleaf Drive in Wonder Lake. He is a graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago and is presently employed as a television art director. He was president of the Park Forest Art Fair Center and began fairs in Park Forest and also taught for three years at the Grand Rapids School of Design and instructed the Park Forest Sketch Club in watercolors for three years. Gerritt has had one man shows in Park Forest, exhibited in Detroit and Grand Rapids and Chicago shows and has exhibited for three years at the county art fairs. His wife also paints. They have three children -- 15, 12 and 7. His hobbies include collecting other artists paintings, stamps, photography, and model sports cars. Martha Thompson: Mrs. Martha Thompson received a Bachelor of Arts at Ohio State and worked toward her Masters degree. She taught art in Cincinnati, Ohio. Martha works with oils, watercolors, pen and ink, and conti crayon. She has exhibited at Libertyville, Cary, and at McHenry C.A. Fairs for six years. Martha is a homemaker and has four children. She loves to do gardening. She is organist at the Ringwood Methodist church and belongs to the Wonder1 Lake Bridge club. Her husband, Andrew, works in Whitewater, Wis. Carol Comstock: Carol has studied with Axel Raedel for the past three years. Her favorite medium is pastels. She has exhibited for the past 2 years in McHenry. Her husband, James, is employed in McHenry. The Comstocks have two children and are expecting a third. She will exhibit this year. Joyce ;Specht: Joyce has had six years of art lessons from Axel Raedel. She paints in oils and pastels. She specializes in portraits. She has exhibited in Libertyville, Cary, Greenwood and McHenry C.A. Fairs. Joyce is a homemaker and has one daughter, Jackie, a student at the University of Wisconsin. She golfs and is a member of the Woodstock Moose Lodge. Her husband, Norman, is associated with the Farm Bureau. She will exhibit this year. Bernice Stoner: She has been painting in oils for two years. She is a housewife, with four children. She has exhibited 2 years in McHenry and won a scholarship in Art in grammar school but had no special training after high school. She hopes to exhibit this year. This completes our lists of "profiles" of local artists. I hope you enjoyed reading them. Now, if you have anyone in mind that you feel is a good subject for our profiles column please let me know. I would like to keep it as a regular feature in the column. I may not be able to write up all of them but I will try to pick McHenry Shores LIST NAMES FOR BEACH DUTY FOR SUNDAY JUNE 23 By Bernice Wilson 885-4380 The boys on beach clean up June 23 will be C. Whitney, J. Verstege, C. Lindwall, D. Addante and S. Santilli. Chuck Whitney is the chairman so notify him if you can't make it. With the kids being out of school and this hot weather the old beach is getting a work out. June 24 and Nancy Winters, June 26. Best wishes to all of us. Anniversaries Ann and Don La Jone win celebrate on June 20 Carl and Helen Simonsen on June 21, Bob and Shirley Harper on June 22 and Jackie and Harold McDermott on June 23. May. they all have many more happy years together. Legals Birthday Wishes On June 20 Audrey Vann has a birthday, My big day is on June 23, Gladys Korner, out the ones that I feel are of interest to all our readers. Legion Auxiliary Card Party The card party .held at the Legion Hall last week -- June 13 -- was a tremendous success. It seems that everyone likes to play cards and the evening was very enjoyable to everyone. Only excellent teamwork behind the scenes can put over a party of this kind and Rose Strojny, president of the auxiliary, reports that she had the best kind of help and teamwork all the way. Besides Helen Caley and her top committee -- orchids to Mrs. F. Richardson, Phil Sineni, Evelyn Konecny, Chuck Caley, Rocky Rocheford, Howie Dolan, Mrs. Rocheford, and to all the business people who helped. Marion Cannon, a member now living in California sent articles for our rummage sale Memorial Day weekend. Vacation in Maine Miss Suzanne Buker, daughter of Mrs. Bob Killum, flew to Boston, June 9, where she was met by her father and she will spend the summer in Oakland, Maine. Her ticket was a graduation gift. Florida Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Swiecicki, daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. Margowski, and grandson flew to Florida Sunday for a two weeks vacation. Thompson-Armstrong Wedding Joan Thompson of McHenry and Robert Armstrong of Wonder Lake were married at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Nativity Lutheran church by Rev. W. L. Thummel. Attending the couple as best man and matron of honor were Diane and Philip Armstrong, brother and sister- in-law of the groom. The bride chose a beige silk organza street length dress with matching accessories and carried a small bouquet of white roses and a white orchid. Her attendant wore a brown sheath with beige accessories and carried a small bouquet of yellow daisies. A reception for approximately 150 relatives and friends was held at the Legion hall in Wonder Lake in the evening. After a short vacation the couple will reside in Oakwood Shores. News We welcome Irwin and Helen Wolter of Beach Drive as new members of the McHenry Shores Club. Helen had a birthday on June 9 and also she and Irwin celebrated their anniversary on the same day. Belated good wishes on both these events go to them. We hope to meet them at our next meeting in September. The Muellers took a long weekend trip to Garrison, Minn., and did sone fishing at Borden Lake but Clare said he didn't have much luck. Gerald and Virginia Fitzgerald and their son, Joe, from Milwaukee, Wis., spent Sunday at the Corcorans and helped celebrate the Corcorans' anniversary. Barbecued ribs were enjoyed by all. Virginia is Ing's niece. The Vilims* daughter, Shirley, graduated from eighth grade last week, and on Sunday, June 9 forty people gathered to celebrate the big event. Dawn Ewald is going on a long train trip to Yakima, Wash., with her grandmother, Bill Ewald's mother, and will spend two and a half weeks visiting with Bill's brother, wife, and two children. This should be the high light of Dawn's summer vacation so have a safe and enjoyable journey. McHenry Shores can be proud of our two young ladies representing our area in the Fiesta Queen contest. They are Linda Schopp and Sandi Wetzel and on July 21, we will be wishing them good luck. If Nancy Ewald is going around with a dazed look in her eyes it is because she is in charge of fifty-one children of kindergarten age for two weeks at the Methodist Church Bible school. Nancy's and Louise Winters' small children are attending and Louise is running a shuttle service bringing them back and forth. Have fun girls. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of McHenry, Illinois will receive sealed proposals at the office of the City Clerk /until 2:00 p.m., C.D.S.T., June 26, 1963 for the construction of ^ection 12-T-CS under the Illinois Highway Code. Section 12-T-CS will consist of the construction of a bituminous concrete surface course Class B, Sub-Class B-5 on Third Street i from Waukegan Road to Elm Street. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from W. A. Rakow and Associates, Municipal and Civil Engineers, 165 No. Spring Street, Elgin, Illinois, upon payment of Ten (10) Dollars which is not refundable. No proposals will be released for bidding after 11:00 A.M., C.D.- S.T., June 25, 1963. Sewing Club Meets The last meeting of the sew ing club was held at Alice Brunke's house. Phyllis Bonk, Nancy Ewald, Shirley Harper, Joyce Lexow, Dorothy Vilim and Louise Winters attended. The next meeting will be on All proposals must be accompanied by a Bank Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Bank Draft, in an amount of not less then ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid or for the amount listed in Article 2.7 of the Standard Specifications. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. No bids will be withdrawn without the consent of the Municipality for a period of 60 days after opening of bids. The contractors and sub-contractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the Municipality, Department of Labor or as determined by the court on appeal, to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under the contract. All bidders must be "prequalified" in accordance with State of Illinois requirements and proposals will be released only to bidders so pre-qualified. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities. CITY OF McHENRY Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. June 20, 1963) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JAMES C EWELL, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, August 5, 1963 is the claim date in the Estate of James C. Ewell, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HAZEL EWELL Executor Attorneys for Executor: Ross, Hardies & O'Keefe 122 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois (Pub. June 13-20-27, 1963) June 25 at Phyllis Bonk's home, so bring your sewing or your socks to be darned and have a pleasant evening. First Grandchild Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hicks proudly report their first grandchild, a girl born June 3 weighing 6 lbs., and named Donna. Their son, Don had his heart set on a boy but has decided to keep her. Maybe next time, Don. Marge's daughter's husband just received his Doctorate in Economics from Harvard and 4hey are all quite proud of his achievement. They are living in Cambridge now but expect to be sent to Israel. PL... # Lowest Prices # Complete Selection 9 Open Display Shopping # Quick Self-Service QUALITY 1 VALUE Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency ;20 W, Elm St. Jewel. Shopping Piaza jjf.i BERNIE'S SINCLAIR SERVICE Bernard HamiL prop. Grease -- Oil -- Washing Sun Equipment Tune-Ups Generator & Regulator Service Wheel Balancing Front End Alignment Brake Service Tire Repair General Car Care & Repair FREE Pickup and Delivery All Work Guaranteed HOURS: 6 a.m. to 10 pan. LAKELAND PARK. McHENRY PHONE: 385-9745 ORDINANCE NO. 63-0-10 GARBAGE TAX LEVY AN ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY OF A GARBAGE TAX FOR THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1963 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1964. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That there be and is hereby levied upon all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said Village for the year 1963, in addition to the maximum of taxes authorized for general corporate purposes, a garbage tax of not more than .10 per cent of the full, fair cash value as assessed or equalized by the Department of Revenue, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 11-19-4, Illinois Revised Statutes. 1961. Section II. That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, a certified copy of this ordinance as provided by law. Section III. That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. Section IV. That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 63-0-10. Section V. That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to have this Ordinance published in the manner provided by law. Section VI. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication" in accordance with the law. JOHN BONDER President of Village - of Lakemoor, McHenry County, Illinois PASSED: June 13, 1963 APPROVED: June 13. 1963 PUBLISHED: June 20, 1963 ATTEST: PACITA R. MORRISON Village Clerk (Pub. June 20, 1963) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ROY O. SMITH, deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, July 1, 1963 is the claim date is the estate of ROY O. SMITH; deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County; Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. -DONALD E. McKEE "Administrator I Attorneys for Administrator: - Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 338-1135 (Pub. June 13-20-27, 1963) GUESTS OF COLLEGE Ministers of the Rock River conference of the Methodist church will be guests of Iowa Wesleyan college at a breakfast Thursday, June 20. The courtesy will be during th» annual conference meeting; which is being held in Oak Park. ANOTHER "FRIENDI#" I SERVICE FROM NYEPS - Free Delivery up to 2 miles from McHenry for prescriptions and related health needs. (Small fee beyond 2 miles.) Have your Doctor phone us. NYE DRUG McHenry's Friendliest Drug Store We Are Pleased To Announce That We Are The Franchised Representatives of JERROLD FINE ARTS See our Display of Oil Portraits on Canvas Rwewuk 1?etai£ 0ui(!ef NO HIGH pressure ET55900 OQMMk SUN.9^5 FISHING FOP A WH0PPEP OF A DEAL ON THAT '63 FORD i 4^- ' s • . > vrir Then come on over to the right spot...BUSS FORD SALES... Where everyone is getting the Limit, and going home wi th something to brag about. BUSS FORD SALES NEEDS AND WANTS YOUR BUSINESS ... And will do anything p o s s i b l e to w a r r a n t i t . . . Get our offer and you'll see for yourself why BUSS FORD SUES Is the oldest reliable Ford Dealer in all of McHenry County ... We Make the Deals others talk about. s •CK •3 BUSS 7 FOPD SALES 3926 W. MAIN ST. MC HENRY, ILL PHONE 385-2000 41L°/0 Per Annum On IInnvveessttmm ent Accounts Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts HMntrg fairings and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 W. Elm St. Phone 385-3000 McHenry, I1L Our Services To You ... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository Savings Availability Your Savings Have ALWAYS Been ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE At ONCE -- Upon Your Request. 4 "That man has the confident look of one who saves for the future at McHenry Savings & Loan Assn., where he knows the money is safely insured by The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation. It also earns the highest rate of dividend consistent with safety!" S*VIN/