,k a-1 Page Teu v;*v <, ,. THE McHENRY PLATNDEALEH Thursday, June 20/ 1963 -- Pertonafd -- *%Among-the folks from her? attended" the walce or funeral of Mrs. Anna Ekstrom al the Schmidt funeral home in Elgin, last week, were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams ' fflld Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mat- ---thews -of Evatwton were Sun- ~ flay visitors in the home of his 1 .mother, Mrs. Delia Matthews. Guests in the home of Mrs. Z Irene Guffey, Friday, wore Mr. ». and Mrs. Arthur Porter of - Hinsdale and Mrs. R. E. ~ ISSlh^rtpfe and children of Cry- - «4a4 -Lake. ~ ~*Dr. and Mrs. Richard Vycital Z returned to their home in Boise, - Idaho, Friday. Their son. Ricky, 2, rfftiained to spend the summer • in»the home of his uncle, Stun- *' ley Vycital. " .Mrs. Alvin Miller and chH- - dren and Mrs. Rose Staines re- ~ turned Saturday from a few 2. days visit with relatives in •* "Humboldt, Iowa. Gary Vycital spent a few days last week in St. Paul, Minn., where he made plans to attend the college of St. Thomas the cominej school year. Included In the out-of-trtwn folks ,here to attend the wake cT*ftmeral of Mrs. Martin Con- W5#y la^t week were Mr. and Mwv Charles Sourek of Cicero, Mi*. Tnnd Mrs. John Foster, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cairns and Mrs. Henry Ber/in of^Tortli Chid&go, Mrs. Alice Woods and Mrs. Winifred Boon, ®Ufn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saelens, St. Charles, John Ayl- WBirl, Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. •QJomas McCabe, Waukogan. «Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer attended the wedding of Miss Marilyn Hubbard and Lt. James Hughes at the First Methodist Church in Aurora at 8 o'clock, S&turday evenihg, with a reception following in the church Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Uodtl of Crystal Lake called on Mc- Hdtjry friends Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Claud Harris have returned to their home JVflami, Fla., after a visit with her mother, Mrs. John yyrttnl,"Mid other relatives her^. They Were accompanied home by their nephew, Ronnie, son of ' the Stanley Vycitals, vyho will ..spend the summer with them# Mrs. Robfert Conway, daughter, Judy, and Nancy Gardiner attended a dinner honoring the rifsl rict talent teens search winners held' at Bensenville --" Monday of last week. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steilen * and Terry- of LaGrange visited * his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Steil len, Friday evening. * Mark- Vycital aoeompanied ; by a fri^WBjTVqnrls 'Bloome of ' Minnesota, has * fieen enjoying • a-vacation in Florida from ! whftre th£y motored tt)1St. Paul to attend a wedding on Saturday. Mt Qfld Mrs. Paul Yanda visited in the home of Iher "aunt and also with other relatives . and. iriends in Toulon* JU-. the past- -week. A reunion of twenty mem* beix of the Vycital family was ' held at the Art hur Hoppe home on June 9 honoring their outof- town guests, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Vycital, Sherry and Ricky, of Boise, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Harris ot Miami, Fla. Mrs. Anna Diedrich, daughter, Van, Mr. and Mrs. Alex * Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ' Thennes, James, Jack and Jerry, attended a gathering in the Michael Thill home in Aurora, ' Sunday, honoring their son, David, who graduated from the eighth grade of Our Lady of 1 Good Council school on that - day. Mrs. Robert Conway, daugh- I ter, Judy, Mrs. William Wey- * land, Mrs. Russell Weyland, * Mrs. Harry Mueller, Bob Beck- * enbaugh, Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, - Mrs. Bob Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey attended the . home talent play "Pajama * Game" given at the Crystal * Lake theatre Saturday evening. - Judy Conway and John Purvey, " son of Mrs. Clarice Purvey of Crystal Lake, were two of the * players. Mr. and Mrs. ~IT. Johnson were honored guests at a belated dinner party at a popular eating place near Marengo Sunday, the occasion celebrating their forty-ninth wedding anniversary and Mrs. Johnson's birthday which both fell on June 3. Present for the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie, Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. Betty Nielsen, Mc- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Freund and sons have moved from Cooney Heights to the upper apartment in the Peter Freund building, John and Center streets, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swedo who moved out of town. Rev. Fr. L. B. Delire of Chicago spent a few days last week in the home of his sister, Mrs. James Powers. Father Delire, who has been assistant, pastor at Holy Rosary church. Chicago, for some time, has recently been appointed as pastor of St. Bonaventurtf church in that city. The James Powers and Jack Powers families visited Father Delire on Sunday. Rev. Fr. James Weber of Aurora visited his mother, Mrs. Henry Weber, Sunday, and also attended the open house honoring Father Clare'ice Thennes at the John Thennes home. Mrs. Roy Jackson and Mrs. Richard Sedar of Waukegan were visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patzke and son have moved from the Mrs. Pearl Patzke place on Waukegan street to the Vandenhoom house on the same street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Frisby and sons, Gary and Donald, of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Rev. Fr. Clarence Thennes returned to Stockton Monday after a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes, where he was honored at open house Sunday in observance of the silver anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Scores of people were in attendance from Milwaukee, Grafton, Manitowoc, West Bend and Saukville, Wis., as well as many other places in this vicinity. Father A. Rennell, former assistant at St. Mary's here, and his mother from Aurora were among the guests. Fathers Morgcnthaler and Deemer of Chicago called on Father Thennes Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John May of Waukegan visited Evelyn Blake at the McHenry hospital arid Mrs. Eleanor Young and other relatives in McHenry Sunday. KIWANIS MEMBERS PLAN TO ATTEND JULY CONVENTION Ed Guettler and William Collatz, members of the Kiwanis club of McHenry, will attend the forty-enghth annual convention of Kiwanis International in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 30 to July 4. More than 16,000 Kiwanians and their families from the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas are expected to gather in the city of the Boardwalk for the four and a half day event. Convention sessions will be held in Atlantic City's Convention hall, the largest of its type in the world. Work to be accomplished at the convention will include the election of officers for 1963-64, a recognition of the top clubs and Kiwanis districts, based on community service activities; and the adoption of resolutions upon which the organization's 1963-64 community service program will be based. ANOTHER "FRIENDLY" SERVICE FROM NYE'S Free Delivery up to 2 miles from McHenry for prescriptions and related health needs. (Small fee beyond 2 miles.) Have your Doctor phone us. NYE DRUG McHenry's Friendliest Drug Store FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products I-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 185-0195 • 385-0232 P.U W. jU» & Son OXYGEN EQXJTFPED AMBULANCE &LRVICE Phone 385-0063 MOOSE LODGE On Sunday, June 9, all Illinois Moose memlwrs, families, friends and relatives were invited to Mooseheart for Illinois day. Dale Thomas was in charge of getting members from Moose Lodge 691 to help direct traffic for the day. His helpers were Ed O/.og, Bill De- Vries, Bill Haynes and John Flannigan. They left at 6 a.m. and had breakfast at Batavia Moose lodge, prepared and served by members there. At Mooseheart there were guided tours through the grounds which proved very interesting. It was heartwarming to see the wonderful things they do for Mooseheart children. / In the afternoon there was an enrollment ceremony for new Moose members, races for the children of visiting families, performances by the Bellietfe«. drum and bugle corps of Bellville, the Mooseheart drum and bugle corp and the candy man for the children of Mooseheart baby village. It was a (>eautiiul sight and made you tingle a i l over to see their performance. Another bit of news about chairman of the Legion of the Moose, Dale Thomas, and his wife, Mabel. They have become proud grandparents again. This time it was for little Julie Lynn Thomas, who was born to their son, Larry, and his wife, Carrie Lou, at McHenry hospital on June 13, weighing in at 6 lbs. 1 oz. This sweet lit i le miss Is the first grandchild for maternal grandparents, Mi and Mrs. Harold Juul of Fox Lake. Legal Sorghum came to us from Africa, where, for centuries, natives had chewed sections of the sweet tasting grass. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JAMES P. LANG Deceased Notice :r. hereby given to all persons that Monday, July 1st, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of JAMES P. LANG, Deceased, pending in (he County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate,, on or before said date without issuance of summons. MARGARET E. LANG and HOME STATE BANK of Crystal Lake Executors Cowl in & Cowlin Attorney 88 North Williams Street Crystal Lake, Illinois Telephone: 815-459-5300 (Pub. June 6-13-20, 1963) Art Fair Robert Tucker of West Manor Lane, an award winner at the 1962 Country Art Fair, will exhibit his superb water .colors at the show again this year. He is an architect with a Chicago firm, and exhibits at the Wrigley building. Eva Altmann of West South street is a talented grandmother who has exhibited every year at the Country Art Fair. She works in oils and pastels in a wide variety of subjects. Karen Engdahl Pepping will exhibit at the Country Art Fair this month. She works as» a dental hygienist and is the mother of two boys; age 4 and 2V&, but still finds time to paint and has^ recently sold two painting^. > Country Art Fair include Carroll Anne B^ck, Laura Christensen and Chrys Leuesque. Carroll and Chrys are former exhibitors; Laura will be showing her work for the first time. This will be the first year that high school paintings will be judged in a show exclusively for talented teeners in the McHenry county area. After -all, it's the sunshine that makes the shadows. Teen age exhibitors at the* Your Health and Chiropractic by Dr. Carleton Smith McHenry, 111. FEEL BAD? No ,healthy person can really sympathize with the sick until he has felt the same distress. How wonderful it is to enjoy vibrant health. Wealth means nothing when Health is gone. The best investment a person can make is health improvement. W I T H C O U P O N FROM BOOKLET MAILED TO YOU AND PURCHASE •! *5.00 «r MORE " a;, This ii the last week you can take advantage of the free "Corsage" Mel mac 3 piece dinnerware place setting witfi coupon and $5.00 purchase V! from your A*P mailer. If you did not receive your Booklet, pick one up to<k^ from your friendly A&P Store Manager WEEK'S COUPONS MA'ILER nt OFF REQULAR PURCHASE MICE yev purckiu |-pi<ce etmpMer OFF REGULAR PURCHASE PHI0C wktu you purchiM • )-pec« plicc wit EXTRA PIAID STAMPS BONUS PLAID STAMPS witk par- YOU GET eh«M of 1-pitce ctnilittr tit. EXTRA FREE PLAID STAMPS wM purchase •( $5.00 er mere. EXTRA FREE PIAI0 STAMPS Ihe purchiw oi i Mb packigt tf Skinltii Franks rf| EXTRA FREE PLAI0 STAMPS Qll mNi Ik* purckiu •! • IJ-oi. ptclu|< «l Amtnun •> Pimento Mel-0-lit Chtcw. REDEEM THESE 1AA ADDITIONAL COUPONS FOR 1UU PPLLAAIIDD SSTTAAMMPPS VALUABLE COUP«N VALUABLE COUPON Page Strawberry f••tarvai '•'ly pfcg. imit onuts One Per Cwito vpen Bip. 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SjM Sultana Fine Quality Reg. 3 for 87c PEACHES Yellow Freestone in Heavy Syrup 3 - 79- COLOEN CORN 2 29 FLORIDA GROWN Watermelon Libby's Cream Style Special This Week Reg. 2 39c k RED, RIPE, JUICY NONE PRICED ANY HIGHER HUNT: KETCHUP 2 - 29 to* 69. py u' mf White, Yellow or Dc«- Food CAKE MIXES College Inn 5-ex. Brand OR FROSTING MIXIS Your Choice Chocolate Drink 16-oz Mix can looa Jrand Cut Beeis Nabisco Pretzels *7'** Superose Sweetner Stick SIOc 25< £59< Sp. ,-w4 week (s-..:. ; Pack) Reg. 45c S.O.S. SOAP PADS 5 35 Pa t r i i iun Brai - a - sorted Colors Boned Chicken Nestle Quik Allsweet Margarine SwiitTnins Shortening 3 - 77 Bayer A 49< 45< 2:: 59' cnipan For Fasl Relie^ Spirin of Headaches at 100 /9 pkf. t-cz FACIAL TISSUE 2:29< Superior Paper Plates^ .,'189' Ajax Liquid Cleaner 39< Butter Silverbrook Brand, 90 score l -- Churned from pasteurized * farm cream -- high quality Print 5? Tuna Flakes 3 2 - 39 le COMING (RAND OPENING CELEBRATION Tuesday, June 25th, 9 a.m TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON TUESDAY -- 500 Jane Parker Hamburger Buns -- 8 pk. ON WEDNESDAY -- 250 Jane Parker Pies ON THURSDAY -- 300 Ann Page Barbeque Sauce -- 18 oz. ON FRIDAY -- 500 A&P Needle Kits t ON SATURDAY -- 500 Super Right Franks -- 8 oz.