Ttumdayw JIim* 2U 1963 THZ McHENSY PLASMDEALEB »»Uday HlUt CIRCUS, PARADE FEATURES OF CUB SCOUT PROGRAM Inez Toaa^| The Holiday Hills Cub, Scouts held their Pack meeting at the Connell home on Friday, Junq. 7. The program featured a circus, complete with ringmaster, clowns' peep show and all that goes with it. All circus' begin with a parade and, so did tljjs one. Alter the parade, the following awards were presented: Steven Schmidt, silver arrow; Scott Lundelius, wolf badge ajtyl geld arrow;- Michael Bayrd, Bobcat pin; Hoy Lundelius, lion badge and gold- arrow; Doq/i Hjeise, beaif badge, bold antf si'ver arrows; Marl* ELitthalei;, wolf badge and gold arrow; J^ffery Kasprzyk, wolf (badge; Joey Foreman, gold arrow; John Connell, dggpgij's badge silver arrow; Billy Schmidt, silver arrow; and John LgtSr kowski, jassistant denner's badn ge and jwo silver arrows. The circus featured Tom Janik as ringmaster John Connell, Jeff Kasprzyk and Mike Baird as clowns, John Laskowski, snake charmer, Billy Schmidt the strong man, Mark Ritthaler, tall man, Joey Foreman, the wild man, Ray Baird, Jr., fat lady, Roy Lundelius, Jr., the tightrope daredevil, Dean Heise animal trainer for Mark Ritthaler the lion, Steve Schmidt the fighting leopard 9nd Scott Lundelius the grisley bear. Den mascots Jimmy Mc- Williams and Gary Connell were the two headed lady. The storm that evening spoiled what was to have been an outdoor program, so the hoys were unable to do some of the things they had planned. The mothers of dens 1 and 2 furnished the refreshments for the evening. on a day like' that- Normally serving Until noon, the men stayed on another two hours to see that all who came were served all that they wanted. They plan to serve again later in the supuper. They tell me they're cna^y enough to serve in any kk|d of weather, so w^ch for the date, and rest assured tihat they'tti no maAWc what. Congratulation* Betsy Haufe, who had the A honor roll all year, did it again on her last report card. Betsy, who was in the sixth graote at McHengy junor high will be m sevenjtJh next year, and j'H, bet, cQwipg through with the same A's she'a been bringing home. Keep up the good work, Betsy. My daughter, Ga#i, made the B honor roll in the last term of her junjftj; year a£ MqHenry high. I have no way of, finding out about- these honpx eqII students, buA X dp think they should be given recognition. If you parents will give me a call, they will get the credit they deserve. On June 22, the boys will meet at the Connell home at 12:30 to visit the Illinois State fish hatchery in Spring Grove. All of the Cub Scouts, with the exception of the Webelos Den, will discontinue meeting until September. The Webelo's dpn will meet every other Tuesday through the summer to Work on their Webelo's badge. Fashion Show The Woman's Club enjoyed ^ fashion show, featuring clothps made from feed sack material and nationally known patterns. Models for the show, which took place at the June meeting, were May White, Loretta Exline, Carol Krysiak, Midge Teuber, Jo Janik, Kay Mc- Williams, Helen Boetcher and I*ez Young. The commentary was presented by Elaine Schmitt, Vi Abbink was in charge of decorations and behind the scene workers were Irene Weiss and Bernice Malstrom. Bake Sale Coining Up The Woman's Club will hold a bake sale in Island Lake on Friday evening, July 12 and continue through Saturday, July 13. There will be no cakes made from cake mixes. Items will include home made bread, coffee cakes, cakes and pies. Wet Breakfast It looked for a while that the weather man doesn't eat breakfast on Sunday, June 9, when the athletic club had their outdoor breakfast. But the dampness didn't scare the fellas into cancelling, and the many people who came must aty have been old followers of the breakfast. Only someone who has enjoyed the breakfast before would brave the weather Sympathy Gjur sincere sympathy, ia extended this week to the Heise family on the death oft Chuck's dad. Charles Heise, Sr., 82 years old, had been ill for the past 5 years, and confined to McHenry hospital for several; weeks recently. He died at his home in Emerald Park Qn Sunday, June 9, and funeral services were held in Chicago on Wednesday, June 12. He leaves his wife, affectionately known as Grandma Heise to many, his son, Charles, daughter-inlaw, Eunice, and two grandchildren, Dean and Dawn. Patty's Progress The Woman's Club enjoyed a note from their favorite patient these days, Patty Baird She said she just loves to get mail. Patty continues to improve with each passing day. Credit is due to her cooperation, the efforts of her doctors, nurses and the hospital plus eyeryones prayers. Bonnie's Birthday Bonnie McWilliams had a two day party to celebrate her eleventh birthdqy on Juue 8. She and her friends, Linda Green, Linda Uhlman and Gail Dunn, started out swimming at the beach, followed by dinner and sleeping out in tents, in spite of the weather. Sunday morning they all went "out to breakfast" at Raven's farm, served by the Athletic club. Greetings A happy birthday to one of my favorite neighbors, Linda Abbink, who is 14 years old today. Blast!! Belated greetings to Eileen Connell who was 5 years old last Saturday, June 15, apd to another of my neighbors whose birthday was last Tuesday, Jupe 18. Trouble is that Gerry Smith wouldn't say how old he was, and neither would Jack Connell whose birthday is next Supday, June 23. Belated anniversary greetings to Chady and Mac Ary whose seventeenth wedding anniversary was Wednesday, June 12. Farewell Our best wishes to Norm Strossner who left here on Sunday, June 9, to finish up the last 14 months in the Army which he will serve in France where he was before he came home on leave. Why is it that leave time goes so fast, and the rest of the months so slowly? Yesterday's hits won't help much today -- in baseball, in golf, or in life. 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A W&te* System or W®W 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2> Largest pump inventory hi the county (Jets* Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes inclu&ng Moii^gomary Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we dp. both well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER PUMPS IN g|TOCK McHenry County Well & ?mp WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in ihf Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on McCuHom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5262 or Residence 885-0718 Pfetotaft Twrot ZAMASTIL FAMILY TOURS NIAGARA FALLS ON TRIP Joyce Toepper -- 885-8044 The Don Zamastil family left on Sunday, June 2, heading east, destination New York. Traveling through Detroit, they crossed the border to Canada* Following a, stop at Storybook Park in Canada n Monday they arrived at Niagara Falls in the evening. From the Canadian side one can, see the American and the Horseshoe falls as well as the Canadian and with the colored lights it makes a pretty sight. On Tuesday they snapped pictures and took the 5 minute cable car trip across the narrowest gorge of the falls. Continuing the journey they arrived in New York on Tuesday evening. Wednesday they visited a winery and a glass factory befgre driving on to Barb's brother's home in Saugerties, N.Y. While staying with the William Zimmermans, Thursday and Friday, the Zamagtils toured the Catskil Game Farms and got a glimpse of New York model homes. Barb attended a baby shower in honor of her sister-in-law, Ellen Zimmerman, on Friday evening. They started the trip home on. Saturday morning through Pennsylvania stopping, to see the Amish fa^ms before arriving borne' late Sunday evening. More Gcadtrntfem Newa Coming from LaSalle to see Janice Bush graduate from McHenry high on June 6 were hes aunt and uncle, the Joseph Grenwalds. Mr. and Mrs, Art Rohar, River Terrace drive, attended the McHenry high school graduation exercises for granddaughter, Nancy Phillips. They returned to the Phillips home for ic4 cream, cake and coffee following the proceedings. Mount Hope Methodist , Bible School. The Mt. Hope Methodist church will be holding vacation church school August 5 to 9, and to 16 for any child between age 3 years to age 14 years or ninth grade. Registration wili be held on successive July Saturdays, the 13, 20, and 27 and a small fee per child will be needed to cover' the cost of materials.. les.. It seems everyone had a wonderful time playing password passing the candle along with the word, especially when the candle got quite small. Loretta's birthday club held a special luncheon in her hbnor on Tuesday at the McHenry Country club. Attending were Marge Peterson, Arlene Dehn, Grace Sullivan, Clio Jorgensen, Joanne Haag. Harriet Marshall, and Loretta. Wednesday evening, Loretta, Marlyn Wiggerman, Arlene Connerty, Marly PritchaixJ, a»d Marie Kern enjoyed dinner apd theater in Wheeling. Sunny side Aetata OFFER SYMPATHY TO McDONALDS ON DEATH OF MOTHER Joan Wak-zyraki 38r>-3lQS Going-Away Parties The Don Kern family have been busy getting ready to leave us on July 11 for Pennsylvania "where Don has been transfered. Surprising the Kerns on Saturday evening at the Wiggerr man home were Jerry and Arlene Connerty, Bill and Marty Pritchard and William and Marie Kern. Due to. the storm, the Wiggermans. were without lights part of the evening, causing the necessity of cand- ° Terrace Tidings Jjeepniejo Benoche spent Sunday, June 9, through Saturday, June 15, at cheerleading camp held on the campus of Illinois State Normal in Bloomington. They learned new cheers and competed with twenty-five other groups placing second. Eola Hillman spent Monday through Friday visiting Loretta Gohde in Chicago. June 2 visitors at the Paul F e d o r c h a k h o m e h o n o r i n g Nicole's first birthday were Don Morozek, Barb Kleekamp and Ronnie Lamberg, Chicago^ and the Tom Merhaut family. Carter Gregg is taking swimming lessons June 10 to 2,1 ill Antioch. ' Linda Kettner stayed with her grandparents, the Frank Gutes, in Carroll, Iowa, when her parents, the Bob Kettners, returned home from their Memorial day visit in Iowa, Saturday guests in the Merhaut home included Frank and Anna Vesely, Mary Voigthman and children, Westmont and Tom Siwiec, a marine stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Karen Bush, arriving home from school on June 5 left again for an eight week summer session, on June 16 in order to get American history and speech into her packed curriculum, at Illinois State Normal university, BJoomington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daugird, Nancy and Pam, Jean Kay, Bernie Jackaboski, Ted Wipski and Joe Carrol visited in the Fedorchak home on Sunday, June 9, in observance of Nicole's first birthday. Sunday guests at the Bob Kettner home included the Chester SeKga family, BiHBrya family and Jimmy Brya for a barbecue. * Stopping at the Mecko home pn Sunday were brother A1 Mecko and family, Al's daughter and family, the Dick Pierhoffers and Al's sons, Don, wife, Pat, $nd Alex, Jr., and girl frend, Rita, of Chicago. Spending Sunday with the Tom Merhauts we're the senior Merhauts, Ronnie Lamberg, Joe Fiala, Chicago and Karen Merhaut, Pittsburgh, Pa. Visiting with Eola Hillman on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Des Jenks of Chicago. Our very deepest sympathies to Lois McDonald and her family on the unexpected passing of her mother, Valborg Lundsberg. Mrs. Lundsberg was well known here, since she lived at the McDonald home the majority of the time. There are ho. words to fill the void, only our offer to help if we can. l^alirious Misebfe^ Does your child own a gun? Does he know the proper use of it? Do you know where he goes and what he does with it'.' Where was your son and his gun on Saturday, June 8? Was he one of the boys that climbed the fence into private property adjoining Sunnyside Estates to practice shooting? And did he get bored with shooting at lapse On Monday with his bout with the mumps. Marie Kern has been fighting a virus since Tuesday. Dolores Kurowski caught the chicken pox from sister, Theresa. Jimmy Phillips missed the Cub Scout fishing derby due to an ear infection and cold. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to the following June birthday celebrates: Mary Cisewski, who will be two on June 21, her brother Tommy who will be three on June 24, Dan Davidson also on June 24, Dale Zamastil who will be five and Doreen Davidson on June 25, and Joan Lima on June 27. Aanniversary Wishes Congratulations and best wishes to Jerry and Arlene Connerty who celebrate their wedding anniversary on June 25. stationary objects and try for a live one? Was he the one who shot the male swaji in the lake? The boys were seen runp aipg away £rom the swan an<j| the poor defenseless anima^ had a hole in his leg. But be. wasn't dead, not then, The owners carried food and water to him a number of times a day and he lived until Thursday morning. But now he is dead; the result of a boy and a gun. But it doesn't end there. Hear the rest. Did you know that swans mate for life; which means that his female mate will never bear another young. The folks they belong to have another male swan, but his mate was also shot some years back. So they now have a male and a female, who cannot mate, and the young already there. But if they desire to continue haying th£ beautiful animals on the lake they shall have to purchase anothed pair. All because some "child" didn't know or didn't care how to handle a gUn. Who is responsible? _ Retreat Donnie Voight shared in a three-day retreat at St. Thomas hall at the seminary in Rockford. The retreat was both pleasant and inspiring; the boys all had a wonderful tinje. Bishop Lane celebrated thp Mass on Wednesday, the final day of their stay. The entire Voight family tc»ok advantage of the opportunity to drive to Rockford and pick Donnie up for his return home. ANOTHER "FRIENDLY" SERVICE FROM NYE'S Free Delivery up to 2 miles from McHenry for prescriptions and related health needs. (Small fee beyond 2 miles.) Have your Doctor phone us. NYE DRUG McHenry's Friendliest Drug Store Double Trouble The Jerry Olsen residence sure did things up good in the sick list department. During the past few weeks, Fran has been mighty busy trying to keep the children amused while indoors, first with the mumps and then the measles; and as children will-, they take turns breaking out. It was, if you'll recall, the time of the extremely hot weather; which certainly didn't help matters. Guess Fran will have to order a wig if she's like me; I'd have had all my hair torn out just about that time. But now they are all back in the pink of health. Hope they stay that way. I*ear Ye! Hear Ye! Come one! Come all? To the Art Fair. When? Saturtiny today ami Ja&ting until Sunday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Where? Jn the Junior High School in McHen,ry. Oh, yes, some of our local resident $ will; have works o£ aft in the exhibit. Cecil Kanter is one and Jerry Ojsen is another. Little Steve K^anter had the good fortune* to have hfe art worlf chosen from the first gi;acLe a,t St. John.'9 to be part of the children's exhibit. Try and make it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings this week go to the following: On June 22; Carol Wekner will be six years old. On June 24 Jackie Current will celebrate her fifth birthday and Bob Lakowske will celebrate his ????. On June 25 Michael Anderson will be eleven years old. And on June 26 Jerry Olsen will celebrate his natal day. Happy birthday one and all. Anniversary greetings today, June 20, to Katherine and Paul (Legs) Bute on their twentyseventh wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to you both. Many more to share together. And I pulled another goof. I forget to mention in last week's column that we were about to celebrate Father's Day. May I now wish each and every father who reads this column a year filled with happiness from his family and hope that he had a really happy Father's Day. Hope he wasn't forgotten by his own, like he was forgotten in the column. But better late than never, I trust? Signing Off That's about it again. Not much of a column is it? I don't feel that it is what it should be. Perhaps it's. me. If the calls continue to merely dribble in, I tl «vr fresh ta^nt to the column. If we can't make It Interesting enough to read or flUt •n enough. read about, ttjpn there's realty no, point in having a colppni is there? I'd lf<e to hear your comments on it. Pro oc. caU iW with jfflur news «r your conwipints. Hye now-' by Rum Emerson Hiccupping, one of life's mnor annoyances has been known on occasion to develpp into long, wracking sieges of discomfort which defy relief. In general, a hundred people will offer up a hundred surefire cures, ranging from mfd< ically accepted relief measures to rather fanciful cures dredged up from ancient folklore. Usually a simple me«siir0 such as holding the breath or rebreathing from a paper bjag is sufficient to suppress hiccups. A new measure effective in stubborn cases which defy the more conventional cures is several rapid swallows o| juice of canned pineapple. We can't guarantee the effectiveness of this cure, but we can guarantee quick and efficient filling of all prescript ions at MILLSTRE^M DRUGS, INC. We can alpo guarantee that you will find a complete sundries section at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 8720 West Elm -- Jewel Shqp* ping Plaza. Phone 885-5057. If you have any questic regarding pharmacy or pub| health which you would like have discussed in this coll write to Russ Emerson, c/o this pnwr- SJck List Mike Gavin suffesed a re^ **!*n*t Regular check-upa and maintenance by our experts* means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find gut for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling DUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE" 1002 N. Front St. U811 McHenry, I1L Tom get a whole tot more than that '5S Chevrolet fereajt as it was!) could offer, Some big improvements, some small, some lor savings, some for performance, some for comfort. A few of them: EASY CARE--Airwashed rocker panels help fight rust, while a longer testing exhaust system, sell-adjusting brakes Mid battery-saving new Deicotron AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALfRS Top: 135$ Jmpala Spott Cet&l, bebm 196S Inpakt UpCttCt&k generator eat costs, too. PER FORM" A a wider eboice of horsepower from the economical 140-hp Turbo-Tferift 6 up to a 425-hp V8*. SAVINGS--from Chevrolet's tradition ally higher resale value and the special deals your Chevrolet dealer is making during Trade 'N' Travel Time- See him now for a Jpfc smooth '63 Chevrolet. *Opti(mal at extra eotL CHECK HIS TNT DEALS Mi CHEVROtH, CHEWS, CORVAIR AND CORVETTE CLARK CHEVROLET SALES m m % ft<m street w i s i 1' j y , " ' x - j u p m mmesmems McHEWV. ILMNCUSi .means mm* REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Deriga Service 8c Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crewa TREE ESTIMATES Phone*. *7&2861 Evening* -- McHenry Representative 885-2874 mi IT'S AN ART SHOW -- Hundreds of origin^ paintings by McHenry County artists, excitingly displayed ITS A WORKSHOP --r» Live demonstration* by potters, weavers, painters, metal workers, sculptors, and experts in maay other media. IT'S A HOOTENANNY -- For the first time, folk singers and instrumentalists from •all over the county in a gay program of authentic country musip, IT'S A BENEFIT -- For the McHenry Hosfli* 1|at and tljte cornmuAity ijf sei?vW IT'S FOR KIDS -- Educational, cultural, an<| entertainrpeut a/ctivitiesu A children's show, a judged teen-age exhibit, origr inal demonstratioos, a community mural to paint on. IT'S FOR ADULTS -- A silent auction, pic-, tures and sculpture for sale in a wide price range, a chance to vote for your favorite picture, baby sitters, refresh-, ments. IT S THE SEVENTH ANNUAL COUNTRY ART FAIR McHenry Junior High School Jvm 2L, 23. Noon until 10 pan. Da% Donation $1.00 for Achate