Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1963, p. 5

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TfcnrwJar. June 20. 1963 THE MeHENBT RJUKDEAUER McHENRY PLAINDEALER ttl2 West Elm 8treet Established 1875 Turtle 385-017* Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY. %Mry E. Lund -- Publisher Allele Froehlich, Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois NATIONAL EDITORIAL 196S WTuinoit 7--9 PRESS HUH! HI I Hi Subscription Rates In McHenry County Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos $2.25 6 Mos. $2.50 * Mos. $150 2 Mos. $1.75 MASONIC MEMBERS TO BE PRESENTED FIFTY-YEAR PINS ! Charles Ray Page, better known to friends as Ray Page, of 1210 North Court street, McHenry, and Alfred F. Fruehling of 522 Mineral Springs drive, McHenry, received their fifty- year Masonic pins and cards on Tuesday, June 18. The presentation of pins and cards was made by Deputy Grand Master Clarenco P. Schwarz of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of the state of Illinois. Ray Page was born in McHenry and was employed by the United States government as a rural mail earner until he retired. At the age of 24, he petitioned McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A.F. & A.M. He served as worshipful master in the years of 1923 and 1924. He also served for several years as secretary of McHenry lodge, and he was very proficient in the lectures and degree work. Alfred F. Freuhling petitioned Eagle Lodge, No. 12, of Keokuek, Iowa, in the year of 1909. He then demitted to Metropolitan Lodge, No. 860, Chicago, and on Jan. 19, 1948, he demitted to McHenry Lodge, No. 158 Alfred F. Fruehling has been convalescing at home from an operation. After a short, stated meeting refreshments were served and Deputy Clarence P. Schwarz presented each brother with a fifty-year pin. Dr. Milton Lee Smith, a member of the St. Cloud, Minn., Masonic lodge, received his pin and fifty-year card along with the other McHenry men.. MEDICAL MEETING v r At a dinner meeting in Crystal Lake June 20, the McHenry County Medical .society WllJL hoar a t,alk on "The Evaluation of Ulcer Treatment with Gastric Freezer" by the McHenry Medical Group. SLOUGH FIRE Firemen were called to property near the Oakmount Game club about 8 o'clock last week Wednesday evening to Extinguish a slough fire. COURT BRIEFS Magistrate Court Two speeding charges were answered and fines paid in the cdurt of Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday night. Daniel Green of 1505 N. Park, McHenry, had a $15 fine imposed, and Tobert Prowell of Riverside Drive, McHenry, paid $10. Ohituarieg OTTO KLEMM Otto Klemm of Volo^ well known business man in this area for many years, died unexpectedly of a heart attack Sunday, June 16, about 10 o'clock in the evening. He was 69 years of age. The Klemms resided in the Volo area for the past thirtyeight years, and more recently had operated the Merrill Woolen Mills store there. He was born in Germany May 26, 1894. Survivors are his wife, Rose; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy McNally and Mrs. Elaine Cross of Volo; two sisters, Mrs. Wanda Gunderson and Mrs. Olga Salico of Kenosha; atid eight grandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Rev. Carl Lobitz of Zion Lutheran church officiated at last rites. Burial was in Fort Hill cemetery near Round Lake. Nicholas DiMaggio of Cleveland Drive, McHenry, was fined $15 for driving too fast for conditions. Justice Court Armand J. Paquin of Chicago was fined $115 for reckless driving when he appeared in the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday. Speeding charges were made against a number of drivers who paid fines as follows: Donald E. Person, Genoa City, Wis., $17; William L. Melsek of 828 River road, McHenry, $15; Roy D. Moss, 411 N. Mineral Springs, McHenry, $13; Ellen Holian. Richmond $11; Fred R. Cooper, 6620, W. Rte. 120, | McHenry, Robert Honeycutt, ! Milwaukee, Wis., Mary Agasim, ! Chicago, and Howard Keith, I Crystal Lake, each $10; Howard Beauchamp, Northlake, Robert English, 3409 W. Elm, and Frank May, 3710 Freund avenue, all of McHenry, $7. FREDERICK SIMMONS Frederick A. Simmons, 65, died early Monday, June 17, in Sarasota, Fla., He was the father of Mrs. Raymond (Shirley) Tansey of Johnsburg. Other survivors include his wife, Mary Terry Simmons, and one granddaughter, Barbara Ann Tansey. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen Sr. Son funeral Wednesday evening. The funeral will be conducted Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Justen chapel, with Rev. Ernest Carder of the Community Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Ridgewood cemetery, DesPlaines. Jerome G. Reinhard of 4310 W. Waukegan, McHenry, paid a $15 fine for having an expired safety sticker. Robert H. Strossner of 1510 Catalpa, McHenry, had a $12 fine imposed for defective brakes. An $8 fine was imposed on June A. Radloff of 4311 Prairie, McHenry, for an improper t t i m - " - Eugene Dowe of 412 Fronf street, McHenry, was fined $15 for no registration. Richard L. Wright of 3205 Pleasant, McHenry, paid $10 for the same offense. VALBORG LUNDSBERG Funeral services were held Monday from the Charles W. Anderson chapel on Armitage avenue, Chicago, for Valborg Marie Lundsberg of Round Lake, who died Thursday evening, June 13, in McHenry hospital. Burial was in Irving Park cemetery. The deceased was born Nov. paid $15 on a charge of making an improper left turn. Carl Meyer of Woodstock was fined $7 for illegal passing. Peter J. Ureche of Wonder Lake was fined $8 for defective mufflers. A $7 fine was imposed on Charles Martin of 403 S. Highlantj* McHenry, for illegal passing. Harry Collier of Harvard Donald E. Person of Genoi City, Wis., was charged witl having no operator's license ou person and paid $8. A $30 fine was imposed on William R. Spuehr of 2811 Myang, McHenry, for having no operator's license. ~ >l , < "V- * : ""IIII Iftum JEEP GLADMTOR Wherever your work takes you. The 'Jeep' Gladiator is built to do the job. It's the first 4-wheel drive truck to offer passenger car smoothness on the highway, sure-footed 'Jeep' traction off the road. POWER. The only overhead camshaft engine in toy American truck. It gives you longer life, lower gas and service bills than comparable conventional engines. 'JEEP' 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTION. A single selector knob makes shifting simple. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. No other 4-WD truck offers you these optional features. Choose the Gladiator J-200 with 120-inch wheelbase and 7-ft. box, or J-300 with 126-inch wheelbase and 8-ft box. with GVW's from / // J 4000 to 8600 lbs. STEP IN. SIZE [(ill H(*IV/ • T TRV ,T OUT AT YOUR 'JEEP' DEALER'S. KAiser Jeep corporation World's largest manufacturer of 4-wheel drive vehicle* McHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front Si. Phone 385-0403 McHenry. I1L KAISER WILLYS PRESENTS THE LLOYD BRIDGkS SHOW (Tusg.. 7:00 pjn.) P»ge On 23, 1894, In Ontario, Canada, unid had been a resident of Round Lake for the past seven and one-half years. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home before being transferred to Chicago. AGNES MARTIN A former Wonder Lake Resident, Mrs. Agnes Martin, died Tuesday afternoon, June 18, at her home in Tombstone, Ariz. She is survived by her husband, Wilhelm, and six children including Carl Martin of Sunnyside. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin of Chicago and Frank Martin of Mundelein, left Wednesday for Arizona to attend funeral services. THEODORE R. BREYER Theodore R. Bi-eyer of Chicago, one of the early property owners at McCullom Lake and a frequent visitor to this area during the summer, died June 18. " Mr. Breyer, well known in the McHenry area, was a member of McHenry Lodge, AF & AM, and the Plumbers Union Local 130. He was the son of the late Fred and Lldia Breyer. His only survivor is a sister, Melvina Breyer. Masonic services will be held Thursday at 8:30 p.m. and Friday at 10:30 o'clock from the John M. Pedersen & Sons chapel, 4338 W. Fullerton avenue, Chicago. Interment will be in Woodland cemetery, McHenry. PEARL J. GANNON Pearl J. Gannon, 70, 109 S. Sheridan road, Lakemoor, died late Wednesday momingv June 19, at the McHenry hospital where she had been a patient for 10 days. She was born in Freeport, 111., Jan. 1, 1893. Services are pending at' the George R. Justen and Son funeral home as the Plaindealer goes to press. ANOTHER "FRIENDLY" \ SERVICE FROM NYE'S Free Delivery up to 2 miles from McHenry for prescriptions and related health needs. (Small fee beyond 2 miles.) Have your Doctor phone us. NYE DRUG McHenry's Friendliest Drug Store Use Tbp Classifieds EXTRA TENDER Crash Causes Serious Injury A number of accidents occurred in the McHfcnry area over the past weekend, but serious injuries resulted in only one. Harold R. Steger, Jr., of 2904 Cherry street, Wonder Lake, sustained one fractured leg and another that was badly smashed when his truck left Lincoln road and struck a large tree. Steger was reported to be driving home from work about 12:15 a.m. Sunday when his truck failed to straighten out after making a curve. The accident occurred on the turn about a mile east of the outdoor theatre. Three cars were involved in another accident on fit. 120, just east of the city, at 8 o'clock. Donald Aeverman of 3003 W. Victoria, Country Club subdivision, stopped to allow another car in front to turn. The car directly behind, driven by Joe Rio of 2819 Rose Marie, Wonder Lake, stopped, but his car was struck tyy another vehicle driven by LaVern A. Forester of 2312 Greenwood road, Woodstock. The impact caused the Rio auto to hit the Aeverman car. Rio and two passengers, Darlene Schaefer in the Aeverman car and Nancy Walker in the Foerster auto, complained ot minor injuries. In an accident at 11:40 p.m. Saturday, Raymond DeWitt of 5006 Orchard drive, McHenry, escaped injury when he lost control of his car on Lincoln road, a mile east of the theatre, and left the road, coming to a rest in the orchard on the Walter Schaefer. farm. Neither De- Witt nor a passenger, LaVerne 40/8 NATIONAL COMMANDER TO^ VISIT McHENRY * " Chef de Gare H. J. Sayftor, Sr., of McHenry and his comrade voyageurs of Voiture S78 the little voiture with a big heart, are making final preparations for a special event that will take place at their regular promenade on Thursday evening, June 20. The special event is the greatest honor that could pos- V.F.W. NEWS By Anton Regel The Lakemoor Scouts drill teams and color guard have been busy this past month getting ready to enter competition at the V. F. W. State Convention in Peoria. Entering competition will be the twenty- girl drill team, six-girl color guard and a twelve-boy rifle drill team. They will also participate in the parade scheduled for June 29 at Peoria. Through the sponsorship of Post 4600, the Scouts were in forty parades last year and worked very hard through the winter to get ready for this event. Through the Parent association, the girls are purchasing new blouses for their uniforms. On June 23, the team will have an all-day schedule of parades and exhibitions. June 30 they will appear in Mundelein. Tentative plans at this date include traveling to cities in Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois to appear before the pubic. sibly be bestowed upon the voiture,® visit from the chef de chemin de fer (national commander of the 40/8). Chef de chemin de fer J. Frank Graham,. Jr., has notified Ch£f Saynor that he will fly from his home town of Tyler, Texas, and arrive sometime Thursday afternoon at one of the Chicago airports, and will" attend the regular promenade. Chef de Chemin de Fer Graham accepted the invitattyb of Chef Saynor to visit tha voiture as he is most interested in the fine programs that Have 1jeen' promoting in accordance with those of voiture nationale, riam^Ty the t^nty-six nurses scholarships that have been presented to restdent** of Mc- IlCniX county.. To date, McHenry County Voiture 578 holds "top honors The promejMule" wilf^ftuhell tkt the Amewew* Legta*- hotnc m Huntley, An annual 'smrwfall of • 600 inches in' The Sierra Nevada Mountains isn't unusual, and there are records , of over 300 inches. DeWitt, was injured. The sheriff's office investigated the three accidents. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS. DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 TO S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 STORE for MEN PLEASUREWEAR BY VAN HEUSgNT fs for Sportsmen, Spectators and Specialists in leisurt living. PLEASUREWEAR.. .truly a pleasure to wear. Complete selection, ready for your inspection. 5"TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St McHenry Phone 885-0047 Open Dally 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA EXTRA TENDER EXTRA TENDER NOW FEATURING at your Certified Food Store in McHenry Western Lazy Aged Beef Tenderness In Every Cut Every Time Pleasure Packed with Goodness, Tenderness and Natural Beef Flavor GUARANTEED TENDER OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK This Is the Beef that Is Making Meat History. Never before such. Tender Luscious Beef. LI/Mil Oscar Mayer Sk'less Aft NUW WEINERS lb, cello *±73 U. S. CHOICE WASTERS LAZY AGED Pot Roast 39 c lb. FRESHLY (.liOl MI _ 2 LBS. A GROUND BEEF . . 98 WESTERN LAZY AGED 5* SIRLOIN STEAKS..89 iC lb I<ean Boneless Beef Stew 69* WESTERN LAZY AGED SIRLOIN TIP ROAST9ou, 59* Round Bone Pot Roast RAGGEDY ANN _ Qt. i|00 Tomato Juice . • • •. O I RAGGEDY ANN •Ok oiives wtsra**..... * 29c RAGGEDY ANN q, OQC Hamburger Slices • • • * «•* 2 7 £fi6,SSANM« 3 301 CO6 Pee Wee Peas • • • • 3 OT RAGGEDY ANN _ 30J Peas & Carrots • • • • 3 Tin» 49 RAGGEDY ANN * AQc S y r u p « • • • • • • • • • • t » RAGGEDY ANN ^ Sauerkraut • •••••«•"* IU ToppingSf?53S3 ... 2'^49' Jett Puff Manhmallows. 19' KRAFT At? /y | A* Miniature MarjhmaHowt 19 39e KRAFT Deluxe Dinners FRESH PRODUCE DAILY GOLDEN RIPE CALIFORNIA BEAUTY BANANAS PLUMS 10l 2 ^ 4 9 LAIUiK TEXAS BIBB PEPPERS LETTUCE U. S. Choice Tender WESTERN LAZY AGED ROUND STEAKS. 79 tt> WESTERN LAZY AGED Choice Flat Bone CKUCK ROAST . 49k WESTERN LAZY AGED 5-7th Choice RIB ROAST. . .69 !t> COOK OUT CORNER Country Style Back Ribs Boneless D'monico Steaks ea Arm Cut Broil CO Steak .... w5# 49 98 ib tb "Oh So Good" thresh Polish CfeQ Sausage DSj. Lean Meaty Chuck ; EC'n, Steaks. .. •• Western--'Lacy Aged Rib "fCI Steaks # w n> ^ RED SHMOIT 7Qf HYDROX SODA An> Flavo. 6Pak29* ; .V>; - V,. * jj* I-Lb. Tin % V e 4> tV.'. t.'*y 10 oz. plus dep. RINGO DRINK Orange, Grape, Fruit Punch -- Vi Gal. oo oot n PILLSBURY » Cake Mix 3 fiji. $|00 PILLSBURY Cake Decorator »wST* Re). Six* 59' SAF-T IU* R* 27' THOMAS J. WEBB Coffee 'will'* *• • • • • • 2-lk Tw *|os BORDENS Chocolate S53T. . 35< 31-Ot. Pl9. 79' • HPV. i I KRAFT WHIP Jar <=3 .- HILLS BROS* COFFEE 1 lb. Tin Reg. or Dup 39" with m i? m rchase *' Excluding 'fTganpttes ** ICRAFT : w . • •• -t --i •»». ^ _ Sliced ShaffS Cheddar \ V •*T 59c KRAFT ' - ' . - C '.11 All' American Slices'•'. . .:j 39c KRAFT ' " . Halfmoon Longhorns ** 39c 6 for 19C 2 liea<,s IS OriMM* 4 n FOOD CENTERS Sni. Hat. S JiUK \

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