I Wednesday, July 3. 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Fifteen McCuilom Lake LOCAL TEENAGER, UNDA WATSON, IS FIESTA QUEEN Ere LeveaqM Bringing honors to her family and this village, Miss Linda Watson was every inch the queen as she stepped forward regally to accept the title of Fiesta Queen last week following the judging at the V.F.W. home. With her head held high and shoulders back, the tiniest candidate ever to be so honored couldn't hold back the tears of joy. The young lady who has been honored in all of the area papers will receive much more publicity in the weeks to follow. Miss Watson is the daughter of Mildred and Luther Watson of 5112 East Lane. This is the first time that one of our "localovlies" has captured the title but first runner up was awarded to Lillian Hansen in similar judging some years ago. It was especially thrilling for Linda to win because she is an excellent example of the caliber and comeliness of the many well mannered and attractive teen age girls residing in our fair hamlet. An active participant in the local teen age club (the Griffins), Linda is the youngest and tiniest entrant ever to be awarded the title. And to the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a young woman ever received this honor on her birthday. Linda turned a very! "sweet sixteen" on June 24, as we printed two columns ago. Another luscious example of the pulchritude residing in the village was candidate Sandi Brennan, the daughter of Dorie and Bill Brennan, who was one of the six finalists. Sixteen year old Miss Brennan, with 9 traffic-stopping figure, chose an orchid strapless nylon chiffon formal trimmed with Chantilly lace for one appearance and her bathing suit was of royal blue with turquoise and white print. Sandi, who will also enter her junior year, at McHenry high when schbol bells ring out, was another of the very young candidates who competed this year. From the appearance of the rest of our teenage young women in the village, the title of Fiesta Queen may stay right here for years to come!!! The Fragrance Is Overwhelming We mean the aroma of orange blossoms which surrounds Nancy Anderson and Ken Loesch as they are caught up in the whirl of preparing for their marriage in August. The formal announcement appears on the society page of the Plaindealer. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson of Sunnyside Estates and Ken's parents are Jo and Bob Loesch of Chicago. Ken who is employed in Ringwood makes his home with his maternal grandmother, Mary Kantorski, of W. Parkview. The two handsome young people announced their intentions to both sets of parents recently^ and plan to "plight their troth" on Aug. 31, at St. Patrick's church. It will be a double Ijing ceremony during a nuptial Mass. The evening reception will be held at the American Legion home. Ed Caron will serve as best man. Both young people who were raised in the city have developed a yen for the wide open spaces, (doesn't everyone?) plan to make their home within this incorporated area. Nancy is a graduate of McHenry high, class of '62, McHenry. Ken's alma mater is Kelvyn Park high. He is employed near by, and is also on the reserve list of our police officers. We offer them our heartiest best wishes as they make their plans for a«life together. Nuptials Announced Dick Osterby surprised his parents last Wednesday a.m. with a phone call from Alaska with the happy news that he and Nadine Baxter would marry on Friday, June 28. They will continue to make their home in the 49th state. As you may remember, Dick has been living there for the past 3% years. We shall be forced to wait until the new Mrs. Osterby writes to Elsie and Ray giving the details. The senior Osterbys offered their congratulations over the phone and we know how much they would have loved to attend. Dick receives the Plaindealer and we would like to offer our best wishes to him and his new bride. Notes From The Village Board W. Jollie of Baxter and Woodman, village engineers, appeared before the president and trustees at the last council meeting Monday, June 24. Necessary documents were presented to the state. This is just another one of the many steps which must be taken before the project can be brought before our residents. Road commissioner Art Stuhlfeier reported on road oiling, sanding, and patching. Recommendations for maximum security of the beach were also discussed. This is being carried out with cooperation of the Cullom-Knoll association. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 8, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. These sessions are open to the public. Hospital Patients Afflictions have struck several of our residents recently causing them to be hospitalized. A patient in McHenry Hospital, it was reported that Mrs. Herman Langerbeck underwent surgery Thursday morning. Ed Doran was scheduled to enter Hines Veteran hospital in Maywood Friday morning for his arm which has plagued him since he broke it some time ago. Another person who was admitted to McHenry hospital last Tuesday is Mrs. Alice Bailey. She was transported by ambulance at 2 a.m. It would be so comforting to all of these people to be remembered with cherry messages. How about it? Faces Long Convalescence Following critical surgery, and 17 days in the hospital, Mrs. Edith Brendle returned home last Tuesday morning with a long time to go for complete recovery. Her voice sounded very weak on the phone but with her tenacity, she should be doing fairly well shortly. Official Results Of Water Test A letter received from Elmer Jensen, plant superintendent of McHenry's sewage treating plant, describes the official results of the test made of our lake water. His findings were verified and okayed by the State Water Board, Aurora. The tests indicate suspended solids -- 10 p.p.m., total solids -- 20 p.p.m., volatile solids--10 p.p.m., dissolved oxygen--7.5 mg-L, (June 18) dissolved oxygen-- 8.4 mg-L, (June 21), biochemical oxygen demand (5 days)--5.2 mg-I. This indicates no pollution and no fish kill. Family Reunion For The "4th" About fifty adults and children will gather in Bemis Woods Thursday, when Irene and Leo Sales gather for a reunion of her family. Irene's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McNamee of New Orleans, have been visiting with the Sales' since Saturday. They motored up from that southern city and will answer "present" when the roll is called on the Fourth. Another sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lortie of Chicago, will also attend. There will be plenty of room to romp in for the families of Bob, Jack and Jim Sales and Caroline and Chick will be on hand to greet all the aunts and uncles. Around The Lakes And Canada A grand trip for the Piotrowskis-- Lottie, Gene, and Delores, ended last Friday. Other passengers included Lottie's sister and daughter, Genevieve Sulkowski and Rosemary. The five motored around the Great Lakes and into Canada on their week's journey. One of their most enjoyable sights was the visit to Mackinac Island. We should have more to report after an interview with them. The Welcome Mat Was Out For Katherine and Runnar (Stub) Alto (one A) last week when they visited with Ginny and Ray Aalto (two A's). Ask Ray for details on the two different spellings,! "Kute Kiddie Kwote" A classical quotation was forthcoming from Gladie and Merv Schmitt's four year old Diane during the violent storm (and welcome rain) we experienced Thursday. While the hail was bouncing, she piped up with "Guess what, mommy, it's raining pop corn!" Cullom-Knoll Meets Sunday A great deal of planning and preparation is necessary for a successful summer festival on Aug 3, and you can help by attending the Cullom-Knoll meeting Sunday, July 7. It will commence at 3 p.m. in the beachhouse. Natal "Daze" Lorraine Blom and Jim Carroll (Sr.) will be in line for natal day greetings tomorrow, July 3....A very happy birthday to Rosalie Josserand as of July 5. Best wishes to these three and all others marking a special occasion this week. A "zillion" thanx to all you lovely people who made this column so easy to write! You always come through when I need you most. Keep calling and we'll keep pounding the keys. Whether your house is pink, white yellow, or green-- make it RED, White, and BLUE on Thursday! Happy "4th"!! See you next week at the regular time. HIGH RATING SCHOLAR Thomas R. Jessie of Spring Grove is among the University of Illinois college of pharmacy students honored for their outstanding scholastic achievements for the spring quarter. Those who achieved an average of "B" in all work for whiclv.. they were registered were included in the dean's list of superior students. Jessie is a sophomore. A message to men who work in air-conditioned comfort (and wives who'd like to) y\<y. it •lift Spring Grove SECOND CLASS POST OFFICE HAS NEW SCHEDULE Eva Freund As of July 1, 1963 the post office at Spring Grove will be second class. A new schedule has been set up by the post office department. Window service will be from 8 a.m. continually through 4:30 p.m. The post office will be open during the noon hour. Saturday hours are from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Lobby hours Monday thru Friday are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. On Saturday the lobby will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All mail mailed after 5 p.m. will be postmarked and dispatched the next day. Saturday deadline is 4 p.m. July 1 is also the date to stare using your zone number. The number for Spring Grove is 60081. Clubs And Social Activities There were club meetings and gatherings the past two weeks galore and I didn't have time to tell you about them. Some of the clubs that met were the birthday club at Mrs. Hattie Harms on a Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Minnie Pierce, Annie Sanders, Tillie May and Frances Mc- Nally. A lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Mary Nimsgern entertained at her home and throughout the afternoon five hundred was played. Refreshments were served. A group of ladies from here attended a meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein in Fox Lake on Wednesday night. A dessert lunch was served and the evening was spent at cards. The next night on Thursday the Christian Mothers Sodality of St. Peter's held its meeting in the parish hall. Plans were discussed for the coming carnival and chicken dinner on July 13 and 14. The ushers went out to dinner with Father Lehman as host last Wednesday night. Later they played cards in the hall. Visits And Vacation A People from up Iowa and Minnesota way visited in town the past weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Fiersching of Stacyville spent some time with relatives and friends. The Walter Browns entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel from Minnesota. Debby Thornton is visiting in Florida with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carson, in St. Petersburg. Bob and Berniece Lent en- You can have Whole-House Electric Air Conditioning in the average 6-room home for as little as 50^ a day. (This includes maintenance as well as Operating costs*) When hot, muggy weather makes you almost hate to leave your air-conditioned office for home, think how your wife feels. She's had to put up with this discomfort all day. Nowadays there's something you can do about it. It's called Whole- r» » »• O • •"> House Electric Air Conditioning, Public SCfltiCC COftWdnV and the cost is a lot lower than most * people guess. BLBCTRICITY IS SIMPLICITY For instance, to have it Installed in the average 6-room home usually costs from about $800 to $900. Operating costs will vary, but 50ff a day for operation end maintenance over a period of 120 days is close to tha average. Electric air conditioning !s simple, doesn't require wateK It adds to the desirability and market value of your home. You get a lot besides cooling. Air throughout the house is crisp, free of excess humidity. A filter in the system removes dust, and up to 98% of the pollens, from the air. To find out exactly what Whole-House Electric Air Con« ditioning would cost in your home, get in touch with the deader, distributor, or department store nearest you. The contractor you choose will be glad to give yoa a free estimate and financing id easy to arrange. © Gmimon wealth Ediaon Company <2)o t/ou ^Know *Someone ¥Jew +Qn ^Jown? The Welcome Wagon Representative would like to call on them ' and extend a welcome to the community. Please Call the Representative Below come m aaon l^epteAen tatiue Adelaide B. Patzke Phono 385-3278 joyed a few deys vacation in Wisconsin this week. Charlie and Eva Freund enjoyed having all their family home plus two little grandchildren the past week. Rev. Nicholas T. Freund from California, Mrs. Charlotte Korus from Bangor, Maine, and her two little girls, Sherri and Ginny, and Dan Freund from Grand Forks Air Force Base, No. Dakota. They are all gone again. Father Nicholas left on Thursday for Washington, D.C., where he will attend Catholic University for the summer. Charlotte and her girls are in Chicago where Chuck, her husband, will join them. They will go back to Main July 10. Dan and his bride left for No. Dakota on Friday. Pat and Jean Kagan's baby daughter was christened Mary Irene on June 9. Sponsors for the baby were Leigh Kagan and Janet Schmitz. Following the ceremony about twenty guests were entertained in their home. A delicious buffct was served. ' •- Bryan William Miller, infant son of Earl and Sonia Miller, was christened on June 23. The baby's Godparents are Doraui Larson and Gordon Miller. A dinner was server in the Miller home to the families of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Komar, and Mrs. Nora, Miller, also Sonia's brother,- Dennis Komar. Rev. Edwanf Lehman officiated at both these ceremonies. ^ BE WISE - USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, 9ttb> mersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in the Village of McCuilom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence S85-071S HURRY! HIIRRYI HURRY! Be Sure to Register This Week For McHENRY'S SWEEPSTAKES' IIFOURTH of iFlliy ® The winner will be drawn Monday, July 8