/ t Wednesday, July 8, 1963 McHENHY PLAINDEALB1 r#ag« Seveafcta FStiakee SENIOR CITIZEN SURPRISED WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY Kay Siellsch HYatt 7-S410 June 26, Irene ^Jovotny, Anna Cohrs, Emma Rosengart, Grace and Gloria Reinhardt and Kay Sielisch gathered at the Reinhardt home to give Gert Snell a big surprise birthday luncheon. Gert's daughter, Grace, and granddaughter, GloKia, had planned this event for some time in honor of Gert's seventieth birthday forty-ninth wedding anniversary, which was June 23 The surprise went off real well, since I had called Cert bupday to wish her hap/py birthday and asked her $nd her hubby, Rpy, if they could take me" to town Wednesday ^or stfmetjfring real important. Did you ever try to spend g,n hour looking busy with jnotbiag ^o buy? It was fun but I thought that hour would never end. Grace and Gloria served a very delicious buffet lunch with a beautiful cake. The women enjoyed playing games and being with their friend on her big day. We all hope the Snelis will be enjoying good health; Roy and Gert are realiy looking forward to a big celebration for their golden anniversary, ^t couldn't happen to a nicer couple Gert is very active m the Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital, a member of the Pistakee Highlands Woman's club and enjoys many things and both Roy and Gert love playing cards with friends and relatives. St. John's Notes The Blessed Virgin Sodality will hold its pot-luck dinner July 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the community center. Don't forget to bring a dish to pass and get a very delicious meal for your efforts. The Sodality will hold a bake sale after all of the Masses Sunday July 7, please bring your donations to the school. I really enjoyed seeing the very impressive and beautiful rite, as Father John Dording was installed as pastor of St. John's. The rites were conducted by the Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph Haaly, dean of the McHenry deanery, acting as a delegate of Bishop Lane. Since this was the first time I had ever seen this rite, I was really impressed and grateful I was on hand for it. It is a rite I shall always remember and treasure. We hope Father Dording will be very happy with his flock and I am sure we shall be happy with him. Story Hour The library board is very pleased with the large attendances for the Thursday story hour. Last week oyer fifty children were on hand for a very interesting hour under the capable leadership of Jocelyn Staudenmaier who has a special talent with children. Each week finds several ipore children qn hand {or the fun. I am sure the parents are most pleased with this added summer treat as are the kiddies. It is always pleasing to a board when the results of t&eir planning are so well received and supported. If the adults will support the library and make use of all the books available to them it will be worthwhile. Weaat Bope ClHirak Notes Jitfy 9, will .be "Fun Night" for all members of the church. The W.S.C.S. i$ sponsoring this evening. It will be pot-luck supper to be held jn the church hall beginning at .6 p.to. Every member of the parish fc most cordially invited' to attend this affair. July 2, at 7:30 p.m. the organ fund committee will hold its meeting in the home of Delores Oakley. Please, all members of this committee be -on hand, the fund is building up and plans for swelling the fund will be discussed at this meeting. All of the parishioners of the Mount Hope church were most happy to receive the news that Reverend Smith will be their pastor for another year. Rev. Sniith was notified of this at the recent Roqk River conferences in Oak 'Park. Not duly are the parishioners pleased with this good news. Many who 3,re not members of the church are equally pleased including the Sielisches, who are honored to call Rev. Smith and his wife, Florence, friends, I would like to join his flock in wishing him another happy year with us. Rev. Smith will be assisting the Rev. Ernest Carder of the McHenry Methodist church at the junior high school youth camp at Wesley Woods on Lake Geneva in Wisconsin, July 14, through July 20. Rev. Smith is eagerly looking forward to the camp «pd being with the youth. Starting July 7 a series of movies will start. They will run every week from July 7, through Sept. 29. These films wiH replace the regular Sunday school services and the lessons will be taken from the movies, the classes start as usual 9:45 a.m. The series of movies is entitled "Search for Christ." The films are very interesting and the children will not want to miss one. The schedule for the summer is as follows. July 7, "Search for Christ"; July 14, "Welcome to Zebedee"; July 21 "Visit To Cana"; July 28, "Visit to Jerusalem"; August 4, "Meeting with Nicodemus"; August 11, "Visit to Nazareth"; August 18, "Visit POODLE GROOMING Expert Handling 8c Loving Care By • s i. Intment RUDY BECKER Kennels 1018 W. Lincoln Road 1 Mile East of the SkvHne Drivc-Tn Phone (Area Code 815) 385 2436 8FEEDW4Y PROVED FOR TURNPIKt 8AFETY America's Favorite Replacement Tire SPECIAL SALE Friday & Saturday July 5 & 6 Only BL ^all While wdii 7.50-14 $1875 *2175 ill Prices Plus Tax BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 to $5 on Your Old Balieny. Complete FARM TIRE SERVICE CALL US... for your Truck Tire McHenry Tire Mart 1981 W. Main WALT FREUND, Prop. Sfc Phone 385-0294 w§ BL to Qqpharnattm"; August 25, "Seeing Jesus ; Sept. 1, "Jesus in Nairn"; Sept. 8, "Peter"; Sept. 15, "Jairus"; Sept. 22, "Jesus and the 5 thousand"; Sept. 29, "Timothy Returns Home." It woutflHbe a very good idea to clip this part of the church notes to keep for references so you will have 4&e film'title every week. After the serviceg July 14, a Sunday school picnic will be held at Qenop Park. Wis. The series of films i« hoped to be very successful aijKl that many children will be present every week. The committee has worked very hard on this series and deserves a big orchid for its efforts. , News Of Your vl Friends And Neighbors * . Jimmy Messel enjoyed a two weeks leave from the Navy with his parents and sister, Judy, seeing all his many friends in the Highlands. He had hoped to join his brother, Bud, in his newly assigned duty, which wquld l?e nice for both boys. Ji^ne ;W, Hoy and -Gert Sneli left for Chicago to attend a wedding and stayed /or a few days visiting with Gert's sisters and other relatives.'They enjoyed playing cards and visiting. They returned to the Highlands, June 22, and June 23 their daughter, Grace, had a big family dinner for them in honor of their forty-ninth wedding anniversary and Gert's seventieth birthday. Their grandchildren presented them with a buge txjuquet of flcftvers and they received "many c*rds and gifts. The owner of the farm bordering Meadow Hill Lane, Mr. Thelen, has asked the residents of Meadow Hill Lane not to allow toys and cans, bottles, etc., to be thrown in the field. When Mr. Thelen was cutting the clover he Tiroke his sickle which is very expensive. The parents are asked to instruct their children to please stay out of the field especially now when the clover has been cut for drying. The Poker Club met at the home of Audrey Misavice June 21. Dee Gregg of F4stakee Terrace, Ann Szyplebaum, Toots Sp^nkuch, Meryl Fletcher, Highlanders were op Jiqpid JPor the big night. They all missed M&rje Schliek who was in California on vacation. Audrey served some "delicious liquid refreshments along with some fancy dishes which the gals all enjoyed. This club has been together for over six years and the gals really enjoy that night out. June 23, the Morley family spent a very busy day, shopping, visiting, and taking a trip to Whitewater, Wis. The whole family enjoyed swimming and just fooling around together. Lil Orlowski was sad tp receive the news that her niece, Evelyn Pedersen, passed away Junip 22, Evelyn was the daughter of Lil's sister, Nettie, of Trevor, Wis. Evelyn was buried June 25 in Chicago, and since Lil's health does not permit her to take trips shte was unable to attend the funeral, Dorothy and Richie took the senior orlowskis place for them. We offer our sympathy to Lil and Leo. Many Highlanders attended the annual Art Fair over the weekend. They are looking forward to the Art Fair next year and let's hope we have a entrant for it then. June 24, the police were called to the Highlands when some one reported a man was hanging from the water tower. This caused quite a commotion in the Highlands. The man turned out to be a dummy that some one had hung there for a joke, which isn't funny to ^ay, the least and the leas said the better. June 23, Don and Audrey $fforin entertained their friends, Duke and Jane Zietler, and kiddies from Arlington Heights. They spent the day with Morins and enjoyed a delicious dinner. July 4, the Morins will spend the day in Park Ridge at Don's cousin's home for an open house to welcome a new j bride and groom in to the family. Please drive careful if you are going to be on the highways for the fourth of July, especially if you are lucky enough to have a four day holiday. We want you all back safe and sound. Many places will tie having affairs for the families and many residents are planning to attend them since they will he close to home. Since it is against the Jaw to have fireworks we are sure there will be no canities in that department. We have been hearing fireworks being shot off during the day and night and we only hope soq»e child is not injured by them. Joe and JLiesl Hanisoh are enjoying a two vyeeks vacation. They will be spending it working around the house and taking short trips here and there. Howard and Betty Hart have sold their home on Annabelle street and are moving closer to Howie's work. They have lived here for several years find have made m|iny friends. We wish them giod luck in their new home and much happiness wfyc\n they are all settled. Bill and Thelma Hepsley are enjoying a visit with Bill's cqusin and family from Detroit, Mich. They are very impressed with this area and they may stay here and maHe this area their home. I am very unhappy to report that Milt and Betty Saadelin have sold their home qn Broadway end are moving in to th^ir new home in Mount Prospect the end of this month. The Sandelins have been a great asset to our community and both have put many hours In to civic affairs and they have been neighbors to treasure. It will not be the same In our neighborhood with them gone. It has been a pleasure to live across from them and our loss will be Mount Prospect's gain. All the neighbors and their many friends join me in wishing them all the very best in their new home, and we hope they will rerriember all pf us. Haze Morley and kiddies and her mother spent last Wednesday in Waukegan on a big shopping spree. They enjoyed having a day to themselves especially Haze who is tied down taking care of the business. Phil and Glenda Wieck and family will move in to the home at 5615 N. Acorn Lane July 6. We want to welcome them to the Highlands and hope they will be very happy here. They have been living in Pistakee Hills and are members of the Mount Hope church and already have many friends in the Highlands. Dorothy Orlowski is enjoying a two weeks vacation, which started Jui\e 3|8. Dorothy will just take it easy, do all the add Id Personal Security JULY things gibe will tMve for with no rushing. I Ip closing may God take a liking to you all and please be kind to one another, and please be careful on the highway over the Fyurth qf July. Be s^re to call in your Fourth of July news, and your vacations, they are most welcome items. Any one in the Highlands may call in their news, it is open to all, but I can only type up news that is called in so lets hear from many more of you, thanks'. ALL FUNDS placed in your savings account here by this date will earn a £uB six months' return next Dec. 31 sL Two things enhance your Personal Security: (1) Regular additions to your account made before the 10th of each month; (2) Full employment for the dollars you save. So save early this July, and-every month MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and Loan Association 102 N. Stat* Slrwl • Marengo, Illinois • Phone 568-7258 BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED VJP.W. Auxiliary News By Jende Linda Watson, a petite strawberry blonde, received a birthday present she will never forget. Linda was crowned Fiesta queen Monday nie:ht, June 24, at the V.F.W. hall on her sixteenth birthday. Linda, a Junior in high school Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lufh'er Watson of McCullom Lake. As winner she will reign over Fiesta Day July 21. First runner up was Judy Brough 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Brtiugh, and second runner up was Melodie Losch 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jqhn Losch. Bonnie Tomm, last year's queen, placed the crown on a thr'ntM and (earful TJncl.i, who upon bearing her name announced as queen said, Oh Nob Not Me!" The a^xilliry entered L^nda in the McHenry .county queen contest wJbich is to be peld July 16. Other auxiliary news is that Delegates Daisy Smith. Vivian Meek, Dora Krocker and Irene Stoller left last Thursday to intend the department of Illinois conventjor\. A further report will be given whatt the ladies return. The steerage rates fopp passengers crossing the Atlantic some 125 years ago -- during the famous Irish potato famine --was $20 per person, including meals, such as they were. The feller who has nothing to say usually says it, while bo man who does, doesn't. WAIT! YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY ALL YOUR HARDWARE NEEDS FOR LESS BECAUSE co t&^oisr »TORIf' JOE & RAY KUNA tan N- Kivmkk nr. fytoHenry, III. IKMNMITOT0W1 Model BW 2811 Plus Normal I nstiillatiqil $20.00 NO MONEY DOWN COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER PHONFrf JAckson 6-2081 HOOVER Washer*Spin Dryer BRAND NEW! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! U::v • <-:?-j ONLY $250 Per Week (With Small Down Payment ) ttes, peaf^r fdst! Tfcfc Mv vnsftf 1 6 pound load of clothes ja pst 8 eiNtot. Spw <% oat toad «tai It another washes. Yew"* find too* for I in be kftttea. betk, or MM. And R femes as esfea counter space *not m pe. Move the Hoover Vasber anywhere on kg easf casters. Rafl it ap to the swk to wash, ftteo back to be comer art of fee way. Washes a fui 6 pounds of dothes...and nses just M gallons of water to do it Has a sufe-saver, too! Ufetwe STADU.ESS STEEL wash Wl fasti Compact! Portable! Efficient! tap |i « JnwionrtrptTiw of 4* Malty VosW-Spi«i Dry«r soon. Yo«'U b« omoxed »t way »* wasWs. CAREY APPLIANCE, Inc. 1241 N. Green Street Phone 385-5500 i>