Ttf* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wednesday, July 3, 1963 * • . < NEWLYWEDS TO MAKE HOME IN FERN DALE, MICH. * * IP**; ^ :-4. NANCY ANDEKSOlf ; AMMHIM Engagement Of Nancy Anderson ] Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ander- ,' son, 4407 N. Poplar drive, Sun- • nyside Estates, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Joyce, to Mr. Kenneth R. Loesch of 5310 W. Parkview, McCullom Lake., His parents are -Mr. - and Mm Robert Ijnos£h, 2939 LogaB Wvd., C 'hirrigo. The young couple will Charge vo^ys at .St., Patrick s church, McHenry, as 31. D.A.R. Chapter T» Hold Benefit Tea The Kishwaukee Trail chi«p ter of Daughters of the American Revolution will hold a program- tea on the afternoon of •Monday, July 29, In the Congregatioriftl- XTniYersalist church of Woodstock. At 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon the Rev. Weston * Stevens will reacl some American poetry, followed by a short program of the folk songs which originated in the early days of our country. These lyrics will be sung by Darlene Fiske, who will accompany herself on the guitar. . A tea will be served in the social room, Mrs. Charles Wright is chairman of the committee on arrangements assisted by Mrs. Robert E. Pickle, Mrs. E. E. Peeler, Mrs. John W. McConnell, Mrs. Charles Lethen and Mrs. Rolland Main. Tickets may be obtained from members of trie PAR, or • at the «i«or in the afternoon of the benefit tea. The- pufclio la cordially invited. •leanetto Marie May napttzed Recently The infant daughter" of Mi rind Mrs. Dermis May was bapi «ted Jeanette Marie at St. Patrick's church by Rev. Fr. Kugene Parker recently. Sponsors were Janice May an-' Harry Diedrich. Following the ceremony dinner was held at the May home for the sponsors and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nischan, and Mr. and Mrs. Warner Benson and 'Irs. Harry Diedrich afid smlly. Wed June 22 a '/'•("Ai A MMMm. /"•+ &•< \ k W'i: V'• J a=; -, wr -*/,• "< & BEVERLY SELZER MARRIED IN ST. MARY'S CHURCH Bffias Beverly J. Selaer walked down the aisle of St. Mary's Catholic church last Saturday, June 29, to meet her bridegroom, wearing a traditional chantilly lace, floorlength dress. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officiate# at the nuptial rite that united in marriage the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sclzer, of 4609 Home avenue, McHenry and Mr. William A. Resch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Resch of 1214 W. Schubert, Chicago. The ceremony was performed at 11:3Q o'clock in a church decorated with bouquets of yellow and white flowers. Bart Walgamont led the participation Mass. ~ Miss Selzer choae a crown of pearls, from' which fell a fingertip veil, the same headpiece worn by her two sisters at their weddings. Ellie Heniiessy of- Gilberts acted as jpaid of hdftor and the bridesmaids ware Joyce and Judy Selzer -of 'McHenry, twin sister^ of the htfde. They wore yellow,-street length dresses with lace bodices and chiffon {itealed skirts, . and had chiffon picture hats. Their cascade bouquets included yellow spider mums, white pom poms and ivy. Robert Resch, of Chicago served his brother as best man and groomsmen were James McArdle of Broadview and Daniel Resch of Chicago^ the groom's brother. Mrs. Selzer selected a threetiered skirt, sheath dress of blue silk organza, white access sories and a cymbidium orchid corsage. Mrs. Resch had an aqua linen sheath with, matching accessories and a similar corsage. A reception for 150 guests at the McHenry Country club followed the cetemony, after which the eeuple left on a trip into Wisconsin. They will make their future home at 3607 W. Dickens, Chicago. The bride attendee! Northern Illinois university, the university of Illinois and took training at Carle hospital, Urbana, She is employed as a medical technologist. The groorrt attended Loras college in low., the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois, from where he was graduated in January of 1963. He is employed JB& an-.electrical engineer for the Motorola company, Chicago. Kevin Photo THE ROBERT SHELDON8 Before her marriage on Saturday, June 22, in St. Mary's Catholic church, to Mr. Robert Sheldon of Manistique, Mich., this lovely bride was Miss Sandra Adams of Oriswold Lake. GREGORY GREEN AT UNIVERSITY SUMMER WORKSHOP Gregory C. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of McHenry, and a Junior at Campion Jesuit high school, Prairie du Chien, Wis., has been elected to the seven-member student cabinet of the thirteenth annual forensics summer workshop at Ohio university. Green will assist the cabinet In the directing of the workshop in speech, debate, oratory and interpretative reading during the final week of its operation. Hs is a member of the speech team and of the National Forensics League, the secretary of the school debate society, a reporter for the school paper. He is also ranking first in his class. July 5-6 Rummage Sale -- Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal Church -- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday; 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday. July 10 C.D. of A. Annual Picnic -- Pot-luck Dinner--1 p.m. -- K. of C. hall. Public Card Party -- Noon-- Pistakee Yacht Club -- Sponsored by Yacht Club -- Reservations to July 7. August 14 Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 12:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by St. Mary's P.T.A. Association. August 28-24 Community Methodist Church Rummage Sale -- Engdahl's Barn. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for prayers, cards, gifts and 'other kindnesses shown me during my recent stay at Woodstock Memorial hospital. A special thanks to Fr. Coakley and Fr. Parker. Your many kindnesses will long be remembered. Jean Degen •7-3-63 Montgomery Studio Photo THE BOB KRIXYS Miss Beverly Ann Kueck, daughter of Mrs. Herman Kueck and the late Herman Kueck of Rt. 2, Harvard, became the bride of Robert Arthur Kelly of Ferndale, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Kelly of 1923 Wood lawn Park avenue, McHenry, in a wedding which took place Saturday afternoon, June 22, In Trinity Lutheran church, Harvard. Attending the bride were the twin sister of the groom, Patricia McCarroll, as matron of honor and Miss Caro Lynn Smith, friend of the bride, homas Kueck, brother of the i.nde, was best man and groomsman was Frank Chesen. n hers were William McCarroll and Lee Seyferth. Following a reception, the couple left on a trip into northern Wisconsin, and upon their return June 28 took up residence in Ferndale, Mich. The bride is a 1960 graduate of Harvard high school. The groom attended St. John's Military academy high school and is a service station manager. Plan Summer Fashion Show St. Mary's P.T.A. association will hold Its twenty-sixth annual fall fashion show and luncheon at the V.F.W. hall on Wednesday, Aug. 13, at 12:30 o'clock. Fall fashions will be presented by Genevieve's (formerly Betty Nielsen shop) in McHenry. A wonderful selection of attire is being chosen to make this presentation one of the best. A delicious lunch will be served and many beautiful prizes will be awarded. Tickets will be available at the door. Elaine Nell chairman of this event and her committee includes Tickets, Phyllis Afeld and Dorothy Bassi; publicity, Clare Olson; food, Ethel Blake and Lorraine Frost; table setting Clara Rosing; flowers, Betty Smith; waitresses, Kay S t i l l i n g ; c o o k i e s , B a r b a r a Leight and Dolores Chelini; prizes, Marilyn Harrison and Mrs. Abbink; program, Barb Gilpin; piano, Alice Barbian; buffet tables, Annette Schmit; stage, Elaine Nell; narrator, Barbara Gilpin; registration, Joan Buss and Janice Pieroni. Holden-Pope Nuptial Rite Mtss Sherll Elaine Holden, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. David W. Holden of 201 N. Keystone avenue, Sayre, Pa., became the bride of Mr. Kenneth R. Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pope of Ringwood, In a beautiful wedding rite solemnized in Christian and Missionary Alliance church, Waverly, New York, on Saturday. June 29. Rev. David W. Holden, father of the bride, officiated at the 2 o'clock ceremony, which was written by the late Rev. F. S. Holden, grandfather ' of the bride. Soloist for the wedding Was Rev. W. C. May, who sang "Each for the Other," "The Ring" and "Dedication Prayer," against a background of evergreens and daisies. The full length bridal gown of lovely Miss Holden was styled with a bodice of chantilly lace over taffeta, with long sleeves and a sabrina neckline. The skirt was silk organza over taffeta, with an insert of chantilly lace, caught with a rosette. The fingertip veil fell from a crown of pearls, and she carried a white Bible, topped with an orchid. Ac.ting as her maid of honor was Miss Joanne Preston of Grand Rapids, Mich., and bridesmaids were Mrs. Paul Clark of Nichols, New York, and Miss Judy Pope of Ringwood, sister of the groom. Sheila Pope of Pana, 111., niece of the groom, was the pretty flower girl. The attendants were attired similarly in yellow taffeta dresses with silk organza overskirts. Their veils were attached to a circlet of pearls, and they carried bouquets of yellow sweetheart roses. » Darrell Pope of Pana, Til., served as best man and ushers were Paul Clark of Nichols, New York, and Gerald Ward of Grand Rapids, Mich. The ring bearer was Tommy Pope of Ringwood, brother of the groom. Mrs. Holden selected a beige embroidered, silk organza over taffeta dress with light green accessories, and a corsage of cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Pope wore a light green dress with white accessories and a corsage of cymbidium orchids. Immediately following the wedding, a reception was held in the church, after which the couple left on a trip to Atlantic City and southern Pennsylvania. They will reside at 215 Indiana N. W., Grand Rapids! Mich. The bride is a graduate of Sayre high sehool in 1959, and with the groom, a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school, graduated from the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music on May 24. He is now pastor of the Spencer Mills Community church in Gowen, Mich. Install Women Of Moose Rudy Bryant Photo This photo was taken recently at the installation of the Women of the Moose. Seated, left to right, Bthel Hagberg, junior regent; and Olga Johnson, senior regent. Standing, left to right: Mabel Thomas, recorder; Helen Haynes, pianist; Eunice Tobey, chaplain; Betty Walker, guide; Alyce Kowal, Junior graduate regent; and I la Hogan, treasurer. Sunday, June 23, at the McHenry Moose home the installation of new officers was held. Those being installed were Olga Johnson, senior regent; Alyce Kowal, junior graduate regent; Ethel Hagberg, junior regent; Eunice Tobey, chaplain; Mabel Thomas, recorder; Ila Hogan, treaisurer; Betty Walker, guide; Marcella Strossnor, assistant guide; Kay ZSt Mahoney, sentinel; Carole Knor, Argus, Helen Haynes, pianist. Names of chairmen for the following year will be published in a later issue. Nancy Bowman was the installing chairman, and with the help of her committee planned the day perfectly for all who attended. Installing officers were Mar- GIRL JUVENILE-. FORESTERS PLAN SUMMER OUTING The Girl Juvenile Foresters of St. Clara's Court, No. 659, as a summer outing will travel to see International Show Time as seen on TV with Don Ameche as host, in Dundee Wednesday, July 24. Busses will leave St. Mary's at 12:30 o'clock, with bus fare, tickets and supper to be furnished by the court. The tickets will serve as free admission to the amusement area, and each child is asked to bring his own spending money. Reservations should be made by Monday, July 8, at 8 p.m. with Mary Kay Fenske, Mrs. George Rodenkirch or Mrs. Frances Schmit t. IT PAYS TO ADVERT18I ge Fernstrom, installing regent; Ann Rodenkerch, installing chaplain; Hazel Struwe, installing guide; Flora Parks, installing pianist. And we mustn't forget the eight members of the Loyal Order of The Moose who did a grand job as escorts for this occasion. Afterwards there was a delicious buffet style dinner served to all. Gloria Flannigan, Publicity Chairman Couple Weds DeWane Studio Photo THE DANIEL FREUNDS A-3c Daniel N. Freund of Spring Grove claimed as his bride Miss Ruth Dunham 6f Woodstock in a nuptial ceremony which took place June 15 in St. Mary's church, Woodstock. Ringwood Girls At Church Music Camp Ida Walkington, 5306 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, and Cristy Fossum of 4914 Barnard Mill road are among ninetysix high school students from throughout the midwest who were on the Cornell college campus Mount Vernon, Iowa, last week to take part in the college's sixth annual church music camp for youth. The week-long program provided the students with intensive classroom study in music theory, hymnology, church music and conducting, as well as participation in the camp choir and orchestra. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes received on the occasion of our twenty-fifth anniversary. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stilling •7-3-63 PERSONALS • Mr snd Mr£ IrVln TSretirnT and family spent the past we^k (,«gr! with relatives in Austin Mia*. _ . . a cured BEAUTY SALON DIAL 385-0927 For Pickup Service At 885-0010 CASH * CARRY PRICl S ISM N. GREEN ST. MON. tbn SAT. to Ctosei ft f ialre • Mary Give your holiday hairstyle a bang with a new hair fashion from our staff of professionals. Call Us Ttdap Az>» # Eleanor© # Wlrtni THREE NAMED TO DEAN'S LIST AT CLARKE COLLEGE Three McHenry students at Clarke college, Dubuque, Iowa, are on the second semester dean's list. They are a senior, Ellen Clark, 811 W. John, a junior, Lynne Buckie, 1109 N. 4th., and a sophomore, Patricia Walsh, 1506 N. Green. Miss Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Clark, leads all classes with a perfect "A" average. A June graduate of Clarke, she majored in history. Daughter of Mrs. Mary K. Buckie and a graduate of McHenry Community high school, Miss Buckie is majoring in Spanish at Clarke. Miss Walsh, a sociology major, is a graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Walsh. A 3.4 grade-point average is required for dean's list rating. 4% ON SAVINGS CERTIFICATES c 0 M P L E T E B A N K 1 N G S E R V I C E there's no substitute for MONEY IN THE BANK in a bank you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in ihe Bank." 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