Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1963, p. 17

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/ Thursday, July 11. 1963 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lain LUTHERAN LADIES FLAN GUIDED TOUR OF SYNOD CAMPS Mary Lou Ilaxtog - On Thursday, Aug. 22, at 8:30 a.m. the Lutheran Church Women of Nativity Lutheran church will depart from the church by car for a guided tour of the two camps operated by the Illinois Synod: Camp Augustana on Lake Geneva in Wisconsin and Camp Alpine near Richmond, 111. The tour will conclude at approximately 3:30 p.m. Reservations for this tour must be made with Mrs. William R. Johnson (653-4431) no later than Sunday, Aug. 18. Wonder Woods Picnic The Wonder Woods annua) meeting and picnic will be held Sunday, Aug. 11, at 2 p.m. on Beach No. 1 for property owners only. Highland Shores Picnic The picnic held on the beach in Highland Shores last Saturday was a big success. Pounds and pounds of barbecue, hamburger and hot dogs were sold out early in the evening. Thanks to the weather - which was ideal - there was a good crowd and there was dancing under the stars to the music of a very fine combo and everyone had a wonderful time. Deepest Sympathy To the Indelicato family on the death of Peter, brother of Jasper and John Indelicato, who died of a heart attack last Wednesday night. He had been at the Indelicato home with other relatives on Tuesday enjoying a day of boating and guitar playing. ^ Also to Mrs. Wallace Matheson on the death of her father, Howard Olson, of 3206 Pleasant Drive who died at Woodstock hospital on Saturday. Holiday Company That old weather man was a perfect gentleman for the past week and really displayed his best samples in weather over the Fourth weekend. As a result everyone seemed to have a yard full of company both on the Fourth of July and over the weekend. Joan and Sonny Speilman and their four daugh* ters, Karen, Judy, Barbara, and 4 week old Debbie, were out to visit Joan's mother, Helen Reuter, for the weekend. In Wonder Woods the Bob Killems had visitors for a week from Maine and Pel, Char and Ruth-Ann Woodward were visiting Pel's folks, the Mort Woodwards. They live in Green Bay, Wis., and this week Tony Grosso is visiting Pel and Char in Green Bay. The Bob Sandgrens had a houseful over the Fourth and Lulu Carlson had guests on Saturday July 6 to help hei celebrate her birthday. The weekend earlier Hazel Lange entertained twenty young people from Waukegan with a cook-out and they entertained the neighbors with fine harmony and guitar playing. Mrs. Helen Earl and Connie Hagen of Chicago, Carol and Fred Hummel and son, Kurt, of DesPalines and the Sam Lamonts were Fourth of July guests of us Hartogs. On Friday Betty Lamont and yours truly went on a shopping tour in DesPlaines and Mt. Prospect. We did more browsing than shopping but it was fun. Notes Every so often I have to get on my soap-box about getting news. If you have special guests or take a trip or anything that would be of interest to our readers why not tell us about it. We just can't be everyplace at once so the only way we can get news is with your cooperation. To my regulars who get their news in every weeek - Bless you! But there are many other things going on that I don't know about and have no way of knowing about unless you tell me. At times I have had people say - "I had company last week" or "I had a birthday two weeks ago" or "I was on vacation last month and how come there was nothing in the paper about it?" How am I to know about them unless you tell me? One thing I must warn you about -- don't ever give news to my better half and expect me to get it because he never remembers it until about a month or so later. Never tell him anything and expect it to get back to me in the way of news cause it will never reach me. I have been your reporter for a year now and I'd like to do a better job in the next year but I need your help to do it. Return Of The Nomads I see some of the travelers are returning from their vacations. There are probably a lot more than I know about but I do know of a few. I see Dr. Ruggero and his family are back. They were camping down in Ozark country and I understand they had a car accident while they were there but they were very fortunate that no one was hurt. Peg and Tom Thorne of Highland Shores were the lucky ones this year. They bought chances on a week's cruise thru the Great Lakes and they won. They had a wonderful allexpense paid vacaUon and traveled to Buffalo^ Mackinac, Duluth, and many other points of interest on the lakes. Some people just live right, don't they. Ruth and Jack Russell took a sneaker and went down to the Ozarks, too, on a second honeymoon. They left daughters, Sally and Susan, tending the house. They had a perfectly wonderful time and plan to go back next year-with the girls. They say it will be cheaper than those nightly phone calls home to be sure everything was O.Kl If you had a particularly nice vacation why not tell us about it. We stay-at-homes like to hear about other folks vacations. Half the fun of going somewhere is telling about it when you get back so why not let us in on your fun. We'd like to hear about it too. Local Business Urged To Sponsor Girl In Contest As of this writing only three girls have been entered in the Miss Wonder Lake contest which is being sponsored by the W. L. fire department as an annual event. In order for a girl to enter the contest she must be sponsored by a local business place. There is no obligation involved in sponsoring a girl for the contest and the local business places are asked to send in the name of their contestant. Entry blanks will be placed in all the stores or can be obtained from Walter Dean at 4106 E. Lake Shore Drive. The contest will be held at the firemen's carnival on July 27. Please get your entry blanks in as soon as possible. First prize will be $50, second prize - $25 and third prize $10. The winner will be eligible for the 1964 Miss McHenry county contest. C'mon girls, get an entry blank, ask a store to be your sponsor and get in the fun. The three girls entered so far are Barbara Jean Sergott sponsored by George's Standard Service, Nancy Houda sponsored by the Mill Inn, and Leigh Perry sponsored by The Four Seasons Shop. I'm sure there are more pretty girls than this in Wonder Lake so let's get those entry blanks in. The time is getting short. Altar And Rosary Sodality The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church will hold their July meeting tonight (Thursday) in the school hall. An exceptionally fine speaker has been engaged for the evening and you are asked to come and bring a guest. Refreshments will be served. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! Sunnyside Estates Cecil Kanters Welcome Son Joan Walczyosld S85-S105 Florence and Cecil Kanter added another branch on to their family tree on June 28. A boy, weighing 9 lbs. 6 ozs., was born at 4:35 p.m. in Harvard hospital. Florence and the baby are both home, doing just fine and Daddy (Cecil) and the other children (Steve, Mary, Johnny and Terry) couldn't be happier. The baby's name is James Earl. Congratulations to the entire Kanter family. Real Sorry To Learn 4 week ago Mtmday we received a short note from Tullahoma, Tenn., informing us that Mrs. Kimbro was in the hospital with a heart attack. It was her niece, Mrs. Shorne, writing and she said that although they expected "Mama" home in a day or so, it was definite that she would have strict rules to abide by if she was to get well. She is home now and coming along nicely, but she has to take it extremely easy for a good while. I'm sure the Kimbros would love to hear from any and all of their former neighbors. Their address is 422 East Lincoln, Tullahoma, Tenn. I'll do my best to keep you posted on her progress. Brave Young Man Ten year old Sherwood Palmer had quite an experience a week ago. In being Daddy's little helper around the house, he happened to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time and had a good deal of plywood fall on him. Although he couldn't move fast enough to avoid it entirely, he did see it coming enough to brace it somewhat with his one leg. As a result he spent two days in the hospital in traction. It seems that the strain of bracing the lumber as he did caused a bone separation, which will take some time to heal completely. Were he an adult he would have had a fracture, but being young and his bones still growing, it will heal nicely this way. He is home now but must spend the time1 out of bed in a wheelchair. Naturally, the more rest he gets, the faster the healing job. Considering the time of year and his age, this is sheer torture for poor Sherwood I'm sure. - A Real Shame It seems that there are some real nasty people in this world and apparently right in or around our community. While the Jesski family was away one day recently, one (or more) of these nasty people clipped the tops off their evergreens, no doubt to get plantings for themselves. Barbara Jesski called me to say that if someone had wanted them so badly and if they had come to her where they could be obtained and Would even have gone out of her way to get some for them; but this way she felt was unnecessary. Since the damage is done and certainly can't be undone, she expressed the hope that whoever has them would at least see to it that they have the proper care or else they won't grow for them. I think it's a real shame that people have to stoop to this to obtain things; don't you? Camping In The Rough That's what Alice Bieschke, Betty Kakowske, nineteen girls (of Girl Scout age), two boys and Tammy Bieschke did for a whole week beginning June 23. Sue Koepke, Pat Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Hosier each went up for a day to lend a hand. The girls had a grand time and enjoyed living amidst nature, plus having the fun of making moccasins for themselves, learning to make charcoal drawings, using the charcoal from the fire, and even making their own clothespins to hang their wash. The weather was beautiful except for that Thursday when (if you will recall) we had that terrific storm. Well, that night the girls got rained out and had to sleep at the farmhouse, but the next morning they got going bright and early, drying out everything and by noon they were well established in camp again. This all took place at Chapman Hills camp which is one of the official Girl Scout camps for Sybaquay Council. No doubt the girls all returned far wiser and happier for their week's stay at camp. Speaking of camp, by the time you read this we will be in our fourth day of Day Camp. Here's hoping the weather hasn't been too hot or yours truly will be expired. I'll let you know how I made out in next week's column. Weekend Guests Millie and George Kropf had company for the weekend recently. George's mother, Tillie Kropf, and Mill's mother, Mae Becvar, drove out with their friends, Florence and Walt Panther, who also came to spend the weekend at their son's home in Lakeland Park, Tiny and Elwood Crane. The weather being so very hot, they did nothing but visit and had a gooc^ time doing just that. It was nice to see them both again. Welcome We would like to take this opportunity to say welcome to one of the newer (?) residents in our community. I have just learned of their residence here. At 1616 West Oakleaf Drive we find Cheslene and Tom Brotherton and their children, Steve (age 6) Mike (age 5) and Bob (age 1). It seems that Alice Bieschke and Cheslene attended school and graduated together, and Alice received a letter from her girl friend and when she saw the address she almost flipped. It seems that Cheslene, too, knew that Alice and Ray lived hereabouts, but never dreamt it was right in the same subdivision. Small world, isn't it? A Splendid Day That's what Barb and Flo Jesski's eighteenth wedding anniversary was. After church and breakfast, Flo went fishing while Barb prepared the corned beef luncheon. After lunch they went to watch the Johnsburg Tigers play ball; then they took a drive into Round Lake Park where they enjoyed a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simcik. Upon their return they had dinner at a local restaurant. And I hear that there was a really beautiful bouquet of roses adorning their living room to keep the remembrance of the day bright for a number of days thereafter. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: On July 12, to Marge Fischer. Christine Fail, Mike Tillich, Sr., and trt little Heather Siepman, who will be six years old. On July 13 to Patrick Maule who will be seven years old and to Marge Palmer. On July 14, to LaVerne Jost. On July 15, to Ray Bieschke. And last but not least to little Cindy Tyler, who will be five years old. Happy birthday one and all and many, many more. There are no anniversaries to report this week. Signing Off There were no responses to my request for a reporter for the two weeks we will be on WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS # Service • Rebuilding # Repair # Cleaning Out # Overhauling 0 Installation # Reconditioning t Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES N I-• W -- USED -- REBUILT 385-5566 ^KofetlO WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois vacation, so It looks like next week's column will be the last for a couple of weeks. Hope you will be kind enough to held your news until that time and call me with it then. We should have a real bang-up column; just think three weeks of news rolled up into one. j Speaking of bang-up; how was your Fourth of July holiday? Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We filled the day with work and pleasure and our entire family had a happy holiday. That about does it for this week. Call me with your news please. 'Bye now! . . READ THE CLASSIFIEDS OVERHEATED MOTORS Don't hi a doggtl Radiator spoil fmt " vacation... RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATI PRICKS Every Radiator Flow Tested New & Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE S0()4 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IU. Phone: 385-0783 FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products ! -- FREE DELIVERY Locally Owned Operated l^hone~385-"0l95 or 385-0232 WmmrnmmmmmwmmmmWWMx vK-S.'! 11 ifti; : Corvair 700 Club Coupe The hardest part about paiking a Corvair is finding a nickel That may be a slight overstatement, but such jaunti- the rear. Why the rear? It gives Corvair extra traction Bess comes easily when you're a Corvair owner. on any road surface. It provides a nearly flat floor for And you can usually back it up--as easily as you^i, more useable interior space. Best of all, it produces can back up a Corvair. You'll find your- steering so light, so responsive, you wonder why no other American-made car thought of it. Corvair's engine is also air cooled, we might add, which means there's no antifreeze or water for you to add. Ever. All that pleasure from something so practical almost makes you think Corvair is unique among American cars. Which AT YOUR CHEVROUETDEALfR'S isn't surprising, because it is! CHECK HIS TNT DEALS W CHEVROLET, CHEW II. C0HVHH AMD CORVETTE CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 8 *8 mm self doing that occasionally, if only to adjust the brakes--they're self-adjusting. That's all there is to it, and that's a good example of how delightfully easy Corvair is to own, drive and maintain. But since we began by talking about driving, let's stick \yith that awhile. A large factor in the fun of driving a Corvair is the location of its engine in Summer water heater SPECIAL Get more hot water faster at lowest cost. Get a family-size gas water heater-now at special savings. 908 N. FRONT STQ|$T McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE ,85-0277 If you are not getting all the hot water you want, for every need, change to a modern "family size" gas water heater. Select from famous makes, latest models at your nearest Northern Illinois Gas showroom. * Special trade-in with attractive savings. • Sizes for every need. Wall-vented, under-counter and table-top models too* • Stepped-up burner capacities designed for fast recovery. • Lowest operating cost--% less thjui other kinds, • Long life; so dependable, gas water heaters carry generous guarantees. A new heater--if tank failure occurs within 10 years! (Phot* 385-2081 NORTHERN A ILLINOIS S/mtu mttmd ike timk

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