Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1963, p. 3

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9k Thursday, July 11, 1963 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH Wed In June p. er&onalA -- WIE RICHARD BEAHLKRS Miss Diane Marie Wengartner, daughter of Mrs. Harriet. Michel of Crown Point, Ind., was married June 22, at Trinity Lutheran church, Crown Point, to Mr. Richard Allen Beahler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Beahler of McHenry. The couple is living in McHenry after a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. The bride is a 1963 graduate of McHenry high school. The groom also attended the local high school and is employed in Huntley. CHILDREN HOLD SURPRISE PARTY FOR PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill were honored on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a surprise party and charivari given by their children Ruth Ann Granger, Judy, Joyce, Janie, Jeanie and Richard. Relatives and friends attended from Waukegan, Maple Park, Volo, Elgin, Wauconda, Kenosha and Chicago. The guests participated in a mock wedding. Mrs. Phannenstill's wedding dress was worn by her son, Richard. The gfOom was James Geier, maid bt honor, Dave Granger, groomsman, Frances Bradley, ring bearers, Joe and Jim Wiser, and the preacher was Harry Conway. A three tier wedding cake with the original bridal piece was made by their daughter, Ruth Ann. IN MEMORIAM Hudecek, Melvin F. In loving memory of my dear husband on our anniversary, July 14, 1963. Happy anniversary Angel. What would I give his hand to clasp, His patient face to see To hear his voice, to see hip smile, As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we'll fheet again, Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each others hand once more, In Heaven, that happy life. Loving wife, Joan *7-11-63 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Leo Diedrir# 7-11-63 Breasted Chicken! Coming Soon 7-11-63 , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping and sons returned to their home in Glen view, Monday after a few days visit with relatives here enroute from a vacation in Minnesota. Mrs. John Husch, daughter, Leona, and Miss Lena Stoffel have returned from an eleven day trip to Williamsburg, Pa.; and other points of interest in the east. Mr. and Mrs. John Zoia and children, John, Julie and Janet, returned to their home in Minneapolis, Minn., Monday after a several days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. John Thennes visited h e r b r o t h e r - i n - l a w , A r t h u r Broeker, in Sherman hospital, Elgin, Friday. Mrs. James Althoff, sons, Tim, and Tom Susan Conway and Mrs. William. H. Althoff visited the* latter's grandson, James Winter, at St. Coletta's school, Jefferson, Wis., Saturday. Lester D. Bacon returned Saturday from Camp LeJuene, N. C., where he spent two weeks with the Marine reserves. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Diane, of Waukegan, visited reuatives here Saturday afternoon and evening. Mrs. A. W. Porter of Hinsdale and Mrs. Frances Lacount of Wester Springs, spent Wednesday as the guests of Mrs. Irene Guffey. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and Miss Clara Miller were in Woodstock Sunday to visit Mrs. Fred Merrill of Fresno, Calif., who is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Abbott. Megdames Barbara Gilpin, Ann Rodenkirch, Elizabeth Thompson, Frances Widhalm, Bobby May, Helen Heuser, Anna Miller, Rose Staines, Irene Guffey and Misses Laura Weber and Bertilla Freund entertained the boys at Downey Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. J. Aicher left Wednesday by plane for San Mateo, Calif., where she will attend the wedding of her grand niece, Barbara Engels, on Saturday, July 13. She plans to spend a few weeks in the west. Earl McAndrews received word of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Edward Reilly, in Cluny, Alberta, Canada, last week. She was the former Mary Courtney of Wauconda. Mrs. Eileen Claybaugh, Mrs. Mary Vycital and Miss Leta Clark paid their last ' respect to Mrs. Frank Putnam at funeral home in Waukesh; Wis., last week. Mrs. Putnam was the mother of Robert Pu< nam, principal of Landmark school. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mahoi and sons of Wurtsmith A t Base, Mich., visited her gran mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon Sunday. It was Mrs. Bacor first acquaintance with h« latest great grandchild, Kev Barry Mahony, who was bo «< on May 27. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pa] ., and children, Jean and Jo, Chicago were guests in tl« home of her parents, Mr. ai i Mrs. Earl McAndrews the pa week. While here accompany , by Mrs. McAndrews they vac. tioned in Dubuque for a fe days and also visited a cousin Sister Wilfrida, there. A gathering of relatives w»> held at the home of Mr. add Mrs. Nick Miller Sunday .honor ing the seventy-fifth birthday of ris mother, Mrs. Anna Mil ler, and the Henth birthday » her granddaughter, Yvoni Nueman. Out of town folks : • attendance were Mrs. Vio! Miller, Pat and Tom, Fox Riv» Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Williao Miller, Cary; Mr. and Mrs. Bi. Parrish, Crystal Lake; Mi Clara Hermance and Doni. * Rae of Richmond and the Vei f» Thelen family of Spring Grov= Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolh You're not babying your eyes whet, you wemr the test sun glass**- you can buy .you re protecting the only pair you. from harsh glare and eye fatigue. Fashion-modeled Kay-Ban Son Glasses by Bausch & Lomb come in over 70 styles and eolors. Every pair hat ground - and - polished optical lenses to keep your eyes fresh alive. Come in today ana try on i .. .yn mtfi mMb tot teas. BAUSCH & LOMB Ik*I *SUN 'eGtL ASSES BOLGER S DRUG STORE and Mr. and Mrs. Al Amo and daughter, Kathleen, of Kenosha, Wis., visited relatives hei<e Sunday. Mrs. Lester D. Bacon and son were Champaign visitors Tuesday. Her niece and nephew, Claudia and Mike Satt, who had been spending the past week here returned to Champaign with her. She then motored on to Tuscola, 111., to pick up her cousin, Mrs. Gene Hill, and daughters, Candus and Barbara, who returned home with her for a week's visit. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Godwin arrived by plane last Friday from Hawaii where they spent a few days enroute from Japan where he has been serving with the Marine* the past year. They spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Velma Douglas, before leaving for the Marine Base at El Toro, Calif., where he will be stationed for the next year and a half when he expects to be released from service. Louis Whiting, an old time resident of this vicinity, who was here to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Edith Hayes, on June 26, returned to his home in Love!and, Colo., last week after visiting his many relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Malvina Breyer of Chicago spent July 4 at her summer home at McCullom Lake. Among the out of town folks here to attend the wake or funeral of Walter Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. John Girard, Van Nuys, Calif.; Mr. and Mi's. George McAuliffe, Sharon Mc- Auliffe, Mrs. Gertrude Pidgeon, Eugene and Laura Brennan, Mrs. Alma McAuliffe, Mrs. Gertrude Casey and family and Philip Seskind, Chicago; Mrs. Marilyn Anderson, Maywood; Mr. and Mrs. L. Giameschi, Mt. Prospect; Mrs. Edward Brooks and Bernice Stevenson, Midlothian; Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Bana, Western Springs; Mr. and Mrs. C. Matthys, Glenview and James Matthew, Hines. Mrs. Robert Burleigh and grandsbn, Edward Schuenemann of Ingleside, were visitors in the Albert Pui-vey home Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Robel, Billy and David, and Mrs. Rose Hansen have returned from a two weeks trip to Denver, Colo., Where they visited the former's son, Alan, at the National Jewish Home for asthmatic children. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence returned to their home in Chicago Sunday after spending the Fourth of July holidays with relatives here. Joan Adams returned to Chicago, Monday morning after spening the Fourth of July holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfbns Adams. McHenry County Past Oracles club met at the home of. Mrs. Gladys McCarthy in Gurnee on Tuesday, July 2, with Kalhrvn Worts, Mary Freund, Alpha Pedersen, Ethel Holly, Mabel Johnson and Agenes Wissetl in attendance from McHenry. A delicious pot-luck luncheon at noon was followed by an afternoon of games. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Ida Eggers in Elgin on Tuesday, Aug. 6. Mr. and Mrs. James Caparelli and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caparelli of Chicago attended the silver wedding of their step-brother, Art. Stilling and his wife, recently. Among those attending the wake or funeral of Mrs. Edith Hayes were Mr, and Mrs. Howard Duffy, Niles; Syl.via Porembshi Mrs. Florence Barr, Mrs. Sara Ruckdeschell, Mrs. Nell Teahan, Catherine Homan, Marie Healy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, Jr., Mrs. Alice Bernico, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bernico and family, E. J. McBride Zaleski, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Rosalie Munroe and Marian Zaleski, Chicago. Sister Margaret Julie of St. Robert's Chicago, accompanied Sister Stephen Marie, the former Mary Jeanne Hayes, granddaughter of Mrs. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Guettler and William Collatz are attending the forty-eighth annual convention of Kiwanis International at Convention Hall, Atlantic City. A total of about 15,000 people are on hand for the affair, one of Kiwanis' largest, and the fifth to be held at the seaside resort. Rodney Melsek of Fort Myers, Fla., is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Tillie Englen, and other relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Eva Aebischer and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aebischer of Palos Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee were Sunday guests in the Louis Stoffel home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake, Jr., and Mrs. Blake's brother, Terrance Doran, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morey Amsterdam of the Dick Van Dyke show at their suite at a Chi* cago hotel, June 29. ]P»g» Tim Couple Weds ANOTHER "FRIENDLY" SERVICE FROM NYE'S. Ask about our Insulin Club, NYE DRUG THE ALVIN THOMASES In a lovely ceremony performed in Fort Myers, Fla., a former McHenry resident, Miss Salty Ann Patzke, daughter of the Harold Patzkes, became the bride of Mr. Alvin Doren Thomas, June 20. August 14 Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 12:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by St. Mary's P.T.A. Association. Aug. 17 Mt. Hope Methodist Church Organ Committee 'Chuck Wagon Ramble." On Church Grounds 4 -8 p.m. August 23-24 Community Methodist Church Rummage Sale -- Engdahl's Barn. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, cards, gifts and to all who visited me during my recent illness at St. Joseph's Hospital and while convalescing at home. Sandy Schmunk 7-11-63 CARD OF THANKS I want to thank friends and relatives for visiting me and remembering me with prayers, gifts, cards and many kind deeds. During the time I was in the hospital and at home after my accident. Mrs. Bernard Tonyan *7-11-63 ROTARY NEWS - This week Thursday will Ih» Herb Reihanperger's first meeting as president, and the high lights which we hope to giv«^ f you next week. Tuesday, July 5*. Herb., Jack Kelsey, Al. Bai- | bian and Ray McGee will at ! tend a luncheon meeting ai 1 Ray Foley's Restaurant Touhy nd Lincoln Rd. honoring the new International President lor 1963-64 Carl P. Miller of j l.os Angeles. The host clui> was Skokic, the home club of | our own District No. 644 Gover- | nor Dick Longtin. Carl Miller who will chart Rotary's course for the year ahead, is well prepared to carry out the program which he outlined in a major address at the International Convention in St. Louis, Mo. June 13th of this year entitled "Rotaiy's Challenge in This Space Age." The challenge to Rotary and our new President will involve the Rotary world in a unique and practical program of international exchange on three levels: district to district, club to club, Rotarian to Rotarian. Rotarian Carl Miller, a native of Riley, Kansas, has been a member of the Rotary Club of Los Angelese since 1939, being a Past President of that club. He has served Rotary International as a Vice President, Director, District Governor, Committee Chairman and member. For 1962-'63, Carl is an R.I. director and a member of the Executive committee of the board of directors. Our incoming President Carl has owned, managed, edited, and published more than 20 newspapers, and for 34 years has been executive director 0ft the Pacific Coast edition oi the "Wall Street Journal," the most widely read financial newspaper in the U.S.A. He has served as national ( U.S.) president of the Sigma Delta Chi., professional journalistic society, secretary-treasurer of the California Newspaper Publishers Assn , and vice president of the Advertising Association of the West. His business affiliations include the presidency of one company and directorship in three others. Al Barbian who was the Voting Delegate for our club at the recent International Convention, is responsible for the delegation representing Mc- 120 N. Greert Street f MwtWWmw REPEATING FOR THIS WEEK Foam Padded CHAIRS with Deluxe Floral Prints Only $795 MOHAWK TIRES First Line & Premium. Nylon. 100% Road Hazard Guarantee Regular Our Price 7.50-14 Blackwall 17.20 ^13*50piug tax 7.80-14 Whitewall ^15 •50 plus tax JET CHIEF LOW CONTOUR l is USELESS 7.50-14 Blackwall $27.15 ^18»95 plus tax 7.50-14 Whitewall $32.10 *21.95 plus tax STRATO CHIEF 160 LEVEL TIRE STYLES 7.50-14 or 6.70-15 $65.15 *25.96 plus tax LOOK New New New MILK in Plastic Gallons Only 87c Pcr Gallon BREAD 19c l'/i-lb. Loaf 48-02. Plastic Bottle CHIFFON Reg. Q<5 98c OOC DX MOTOR OIL Power ."37 Diamond Heavy Duty X-Heavy Duty 4 qis. 99c -- Case $5.50 qt. 31c -- Case $6.25 qt. 33c -- Case $6.95 qt. 35c -- Case $7.35 MR. WATER SOFTENER OWNER! Are you paying too much for salt? Not a Weekend Special, but our everyday price same on Tuesday as Saturday. Morton'< --- SERVICE NEWS | Frank P. Matz, son of Mr. {and Mrt. Paul Mate of Wonder Lake, has been appointed a major $n the United States army. Me has been stationed in Korel for about 2 years. His wife is with him. They have a daughter, Patsy Smolley, who lives in Champaign, IIL. Next February Major Matz will have completed twenty years in the service of his country. June Bride , ^ ^ < , t Richard E. Schafer, Machinist's mate first class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Schnfer of 2916 North Riverside dr., is a crewniember of the guided missile destroyer USS Hoel, a P ac i f i c Fleet unit which recently participated in First Fleet exercises conducted off the coast of California during the President's two-day visit June 6-7. The operations included amphibious mine warfare demonstrations. anti-air warfare exercises incolving the attack aircraft carriers USS Oriskany and Kitty Hawk, missile demonstrations and antisubmarine exercises. Hoel is homeported at San Diego, Calif. Henry at the above mentioned luncheon honoring our new International President. Al. made the personal acquaintenance of Carl, the incoming President of Rotary International and insisted that a delegation from our club attend this function. DcWane Studio Photo MRS. KENNETH POPE Miss Sheril Elaine Holden of Sayre, Pa., became the bride of Mr. Kenneth R. Pope, son of the Kenneth Popes of Ringwood, in a lovely nuptial rfte which took place in the Missionary Alliance church, Waverly, New York, on June 29. A pessimist expects nothing on a silver platter, excefrt tarnish. POODLE GROOMING Expert Handling & Loring Car* By Appointment RUDY BECKER K«»d. 1018 W. Lincoln Road 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-I* Phone (Area Code 815) 385-2436 :Sts REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK | of Mr] Illinois, at the close of business i on June 29, 1963, a State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State of Illinois and. a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accord- »«;e with a call made by the Director of the Department of f lancial Institutions and by the Federal Reserve Bank of r tus District. ... . A S 8 • T • • ~ J. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection . ..$ 2,425,169.60 2. United States Government ob- .** ligations, direct and guaranteed $ 8,034,962.63 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,039,951.51 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures (including $725,116.66 securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by U. S.) 725,116.66 . 5. Total securities 9,800,050.80 6. Less reserves applicable to items (2), (3) and (4) 9,800,050.80 7. Corporate stocks (including $24,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) .. 24,000.00 8. Loans and discounts (including $5,476.28 overdrafts) 10,050,745.13 9. Less reserve for bad debts 238,467.26 . 9,812,277.87 10. Bank premises owned $139,999.00 furniture and fixtures 19,175.22 159,174.22 11. Real estate owned other than bank premises 1.00 14 Other assets 8,035.71 15 TOTAL ASSETS $22,228,709.20 L I A B I L I T I E S 16. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 6,590,049.22 17. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 11,686,932.22 18. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 363,101.68 19. Deposits of States and political subdivisions .. 1,284,477.15 21. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 306,252.51 22. TOTAL DEPOSITS $20,230,812.78 (a) Total demand deposits 8,201,880.56 (b) Total time deposits 12,028,932.22 26. Other liabilities 27. TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 UTS -- 100-lb. Bag $1.99 Special Only Reg. $39.95 Hostess Chairs FOOD and FURNITURE MART 3814 West Elm Street McHenry, I1L section of Rts. 120 8c 31 ATTENTION -- Snack Shops, Drive-ins, Clubs and Small Grocery Owners. We stock and specialize in gallons and cases. Priced right for your business. i SHOP DAILY -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. NITELY (3 nites per week) Moa., Thurs. 8c Fri. 'til 9 p.m. 142,691.15 -$20,373,503.97 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 28. Capital (a) Common stock, total par value $200,000.00 200,000.00 29. Surplus 600,000.00 30. Undivided profits 313,365.27 31. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 741,839.96 32. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,855,205.23 33. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $22,228,709.20 --. --.--.---- ----.-- -- -* • M E M O R A N D A 34. Assets pledged or assigned to secure .UabttitiM. and lor other purposes 1,341,500.00 I, THOMAS F. BOLGER, Cashier, oT the* abovenamed bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. Directors ROBERT L. WEBER GERALD J,. CAREY W. A. NYE, MJX State of Illinois County of McHenry ss»: _ Sworn to and subscribed before me jthis 9th day of July, 1963. MARY WEISENBERGER Notary Public r (Pub. July U, 1963)

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