mmt+mmm n THE McREmrr PLAIWDEALEH er&onai Mr." and Mre.^ A.^J. Wirtz have SturnecT Jrandan enjoyable ten days vacation in which IJjfy - vi§i(f<1 Natfnnal GTjrier Park ia Montana and Jhen motored on into Canada where gjjo^s Vverejpiadf1 at ^JSriYf, ESVce Louise, Kenora and many other places of interest. Mr. and Mss. Howard Collins returned last week from a visit In the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Henry, in Denver. Colo. It was Mr; Collins' first acquaintance with his first grandchild, Chrislon Henry, who is now three months old. RhinelandeP, Wis., arid a trip around Lake Michigan was the choice of Mr. * and Mrs. Leroy Conway for.their vacation this year. Their son, Mike, who spent the past seven weeks with friends in R^inelander. returned to McHenry with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, the former f*at Fowler of Tulsa, Okla., spent the past week with he* grfltidmother, Mrs. John Vycitai, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago, who spent the past week in Rhinelander, Wis., are vacationing in McHenry this week. Mrs. Kathryn Low entertained her sister, Mrs. Currie of Chicago, the past week. Mr. aind Mrs. Herbert Engdahl were in Glenview Sunday where ^ they attended the Art Fair in which their daughter, Mrs. Karen Pepping, had entries. The Robert Bigelows returned to their home in Fort Jennings, Ohio, Tuesday, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake. John Bolger of Harrisburg, Pa., spent the past week with his mother, Mrs. John Bolger, and other telatives here. Mrs. Lewis Brefeld has returned from a visit in the home „ot. her Jbrother,. Jienwn Sgh- -mftt, and family in St.. Aim, Mo. While there she had the exj>erience of flying in a private plane with her brother and childrento visit her sister, Mrs. Alvina Hendrichksen, and son, Teddy, In San Francisco and friends in Los Angeles. The highlights of the trip were viewing Bouljter Dam, Grand Canypn, Lake Tahoe and other interesting places from the air. . -The Howard Dowell family has returned from a week's camping trip in Ipwa and Wisconsin. • Relatives' who visited Mrs. Rose Staines or called to extend congratulation® on her birthday which fell on July 13 were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines, Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. LC<? Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. James Whiting and son, Mr. and Mrsr" Ray Henniken, the Mervin"Sti,ir\es J&ttlUy of Woodstoek, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glhsson. J Mrs. „Anna Miller and 1 Mrs. toe Weber and daughter, Joyce, tvere atnong those "frofn h£re ,who atiended a bridal shower * at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. • ijtfo Ffifund in Barrlrtgfon Sunday honoring Miss' ^Beatrice ^ Kruff of that city who wiH* become the i?ri(^ °f tKfelr ^son, - William Freuad, next Saturday, immediate families at the Christian home was followed by open house for 100 guests at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan, in Glen Ellyn. Mrs. Mabel Powers who was BIG HOLLOW BOARD STUDIES BOND REFERENDUM Robert Kohler of H. C. Speer & Sons, a bonding firm, was ! present at the July meeting of invited to dinner at an eating ,tho Hollow School Hoard to outline their services as consultants in relation to a building bond referendum. No Jttg^27. •- and Mis. Henry Fisuhd, - Mr.* and Mrs.- A. J. Wirt®-end \ the John Wirtz family 6f Elgin Were in Glen Ellyn Saturday to attend the wedding of the folpiefs granddaughter, Miss Karen Christian, daughter of Mrs. Ernestine Christian, to , William Brennen which took place at the Catholic church in •that city. A reception for the place near Crystal Lake on her eightieth birthday, July 9, was surprised upon her arrival to find her nine children with their husbands and wives present to greet her with the happy birthday song. Following the dinner music, dancing and a general good time was enjoyed until the wee hours. Present tar the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. William Powers, Batavia; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Powers, Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. George Powers, Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and Mr. and Mrs. David Powers, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge, Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood accompanied by her sisters. Miss Lillian Behrens of LaGrange and Miss Amanda Behrens of Woodstock, vacationed in Wisconsin over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie were Sunday visitors in the George H. Johnson home. Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home were Mr. and Mrs.Robert Brugger, children, Bob and Barbara, and Miss Diane Nance of Kenosha, Wis.; Mrs. Richard Sedar and children of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wendt of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Herlihy of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Edward Thenries home. Suzanne and Marietta Herlihy who had spent the past week with their aunt, Mrs. Thennes, returned to Chicago with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller have returned from a visit with their son, Alfred, who is stationed with the Marines at Millington, Tenn. Their daughter- in-Iaw, Mrs. Alfred Miller, who has been residing here for some time, motored there with them where she remained to make her home. Mrs. Lyda DiedHch accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Evelyn Bertrang of Waukegan, is spending several days in Tucson, Ariz., where they were called by the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. George Shober, last week. Funeral services and burial took place in Tucson Tuesday. The Allan Schmitt family has moved fnem Second avenue to ther'Mnth N. Schmitt place on Court street which they have purchased. The place they have vacated will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Diedrich who have moved from an apartment on Elm street. John Klingberg arrived home from Boston, Mass., Friday, after completing a summer course in modern American music at Berklee School of Music. He plans to continue his studies there in the fall. Dr. and Mrs. Reinfried and children of Madison, Wis., spent the weekend at the home of the former's sister and family, the Herbert Reihanspergers. definite decisions have been made j>ending further investigation. Victor Salava, budget committee chairman, presented the proposed budget for 1963-1964. Other budget committee members are Jerry Bunting and Robert Behrens. Public hearfor the budget will be AID CASELOAD IN MAY LISTED FOR ALL COUNTIES me home in Park Ridge last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme and daughters, Anne and Beth, spent Sunday in the Thomas Fenwick home. Mrs. Josepe North and Mrs. Craig of Lincolnshire were visitors in the home of Genevieve Knox on Monday. Callers that evening were the Lloyd Whiting family of Elgin-,--and Mrs. D. Coleman and Mrs. R. Goff of England. ing held in the schocl 7 p.m. Sept. 19. Estimated education fund receipts are $127,H87 and after expenditures are deducted there will be an estimated balance of $8,671. The registration fee will be reduced from $5.50 to $3 I>er student. One large item in the building Fund is 850,000 alloted for building and site improvement. This includes money paid by the state to replace entrances and exits as required by fiighway improvement. C Craig Nagel 6f Long In May there was a drop ,in the public aid rolls of 12,329 persons from the previous month and 23,096 from a year ago, according to a report reoffice a1 ; leased by Harold O. Swank, i executive secretary of the Illi- 3 Public Aid Commission. The drop during the month was upper grade teacher. Mr. Nagel is a graduate of St. Olaf college. A census of the district will begin on July 29. Census takers are Mrs. Stepanie Gruschow of Duck Lake Woods,. Mrs. Albert Magnuson and Mrs. Gerda Gendi ieh, both of King's Island. Cooperation of the residents will be appreciated in order to Lake was issued a contract as'have an accurate census. confined chiefly to General Assistance and Aid to Dependent Children. Swank said the May decline brought the public aid rolls down to 430,183 recipients as compared with 442,512 the previous month and 453,279 in May 1962. Public aid expenditures in May totaled $24,288,147; the previous month expenditures amounted to $24,692,650; and in May 1962, $25,990,934. These totals include payment for burials, foster care for ADC children removed from unsuitable homes, and care for the medically indigent in Chicago and Cicero. , The caseload for McHenry county was as follows: Total, all programs, 648, $27,203; old age assistance, 183, $13,759; aid to dependent children, 174, $6,692; blind assistance, 3, $171; disability assistance, 14, $698; general assistance, 274, $5,882. Those who do not plan for the future generally have sorrow or worry for present cora- When a gal is noted for her warmth, she seldom gets it from the clothes she wears. Thursday, July 25, 1963 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and And out for yourself. Brake Sendee All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOI'K. TOWING SERVICE" 1002 N. Front St. 885-0811 McHenry. HL Mrs. Elizabeth Husch and daughter, Leona, spent last weekend in Chicago where they attended a celebration in honor of the eighty-eighth birthday of Mrs. Anna Radkin, sister of Mrs. Husch. Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick were'guests in the Elliott Timcot (TOR You'll Know Our Store. " By the Company We Keep! We Know You're Acquainted with...- «any of *e mum Map co«pan» to Mt EUvet Bl» D«p«rttnarit<l Ttw noon that male* (MM ft» •ndu»*i» or* names you'll find at COAST-TO-COAST STORES olcag wMl mm neighborly service mmi lowor pricas. %*r« proud to be • pa* of Ate OMMMlV hope «e be • pvt 4N £rowfllfc HERE ARE JUST A FEW OP OUR HUNDREDS OF F AMOUS BRANDS and FAMOUS VALUES: l.Suabeea IS. Pietnb 28. Oriho 2. DuPeat K. True TaO|MV Ckemlcab 3. General - 17. Perm ok 29. Toaka Toyt Electtit n. C«se* 30. AmerlcM 4. ABC 10. Wettingftovs* Flyer 5. No tone 30* Coleman 31. Presto 4. Hudicrtl 21. Pflueger 32. Leonard 7* Siegler 22. Oce^n Cftf 33. Harvester 8. Douglas 23. Sooth Bed 34. Ma iter craft 9. Pyrex 24. Wright 35. Double C 10. Revere Vai McGii 36. Stiver Seal 11* Winchester 25. Black & 37. Pharls 12. Remington Decker AND MANY M0REI 13. Super-X 26. Preway H Stanlaf ^ 27.ldkHew Joe & Rav Phone 385-2040 1SS1 N. fiiverside Or. EXCESS FAT REMOVES CHINE BONE REMOVED SHORT RIBS s«io ttMMTEU BrandywTne Pieces & Stems MUCK ROAST 35 SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! BLADE CUT Hankering for really delicious meat? Here it is--specially selected from grain fed beef . .. selected to measure up to our famous "Super-Right" standards. SOLD AS ROASTS ONLY c IB. RIB MAST 75:69' Mushrooms Chuck Steaks leef Rib Steaks 1st PL Thro f i. 4th RDS P IB. c All Skinless 1-lb. A&P Super-Right pkg. Liver Sausage MP Super-Right 49< *39* Fresh Dressed Smelts »23' RED PLUMS NECTARINES PASCAL CELERY 19* 19t 19* "• Redeem Valuable Mailer Coupons FOR EXTRA CASH SAVINGS AND PLAID STAMPS ON... 2SSS DINNERWARE You Still Nlave Time to Save ,W0 Extra Plaid Stamps and *2QO in Cash REDEEM 7TH WEEK COUPONS INTRODUCING CORSAGE GLASSWARE iae quality, designed to match your Corsag* Dimitrware. Juice Glass ^)4<.r59e Tumbler oa«,4«"69s Tea Glass"*0I> 4«. 79* til Chunk Pineapple lona Green Beans Or Sliced. A&P's Finest Reg. 39c each Select Quality Reg. 2/29c Size 2 S 69 2in, O r Cans 4b %3 VALUABLE COUPON VAtUABLE COUPON With the Purchase Of . . Jane Parker PtCM Brand jjg| Danish • £*! C offeecak® each • S Coupon Expires July 27, '43 I PI Limit On* Per Customer tXTRA PIAID STAMPS With the Purchau Of . . . Ann Pag* Black 8-oz. #||c Pepper pkg. Or Coupon Expires July 17, '43 Limit One Per Customer Shrimp Pies Fancy Small Morton Fruit Root Beer or Kola dexola Salad Oil Libby's Pot Pies Hi-C Drink Guff Belle Brand 4-eZo Can Apple - Cherry • Peach Custard Or Youf Favorite Flavor Hills or Yukon Club Reg. 59c. Special Reduction. Plus 7c Off Label Frozee • Beef • Chickeil • Turkey Boy 5, Get 1 Free you get Terry's Chop Suey 59c Smucker's Apple Butter25c SaladaTea Bags u™ Diet Delight Peaches 33c GleemToothpaste 39e 29' 3^35c Plus Deffc 38 oz. QQc Btl. 6~$r 3 59* 53* «:vr&;j Osange, Grape t 111-qt. 14-oz. $4OQ Orange-Pineapple; || | issfree Mien you buy 48 OUR OWN TEA BAGS at regular price! 55c 64 tea bags in all! You get a bonus In fine tea enjoyment with this special offer - 64 Our Own Tea Bags for the price of 48! Heartft vigorous Our Own is your tea* for taste, for thrift! A*P Teas prove fine test needn't be expensive! KIFOtMMCf • Good HouMkcujunj ftnufcD^ cans 48-ct. pkg. Keeps Teeth large White and . Bright Ajax Liquid Cleaner bond's Pickles White Bread Kosher, Polish or Plain-Fresh Pack. Reg. 39c 28-or. btl. \ 32-oz. I btls. 6* 1" Jane Parker 20-oz. 4 Made with Buttermilk loaf | J) HOT OA tCtO INJ OY FLAVOR HtESH-CRO™ FLAVOR Y«I CANT GET IN A CAN! Mild and MeMow EIGHT O'CLOCK ' Me* and f vkrdiwi 10 CIRCLE 59' J^IJI OAtm BOKAR Kleenex Brand Pepsodent Toothpaste 69° Facial Tissue Confidets AU Frice* CffoOlve Thru July 27# 1963 Sanitary Napkinj MMMUU IM« MMCIUUII IMCI 1H* at iHi