Thursday, July 25, 1963 THE McHENBT PUUNDEALEB \ Pag* Pislakee Highland! BROTHER AND SISTER UNITEri AFTER 22 YEARS Bar SMkcfe HTatt T-MM Steve Petrov of 6003 Fox Lake Road is most happy to have his sister, Cveta Snyder of Ponecvo, Yugoslavia, with him. She will spend! 2 months in America and will divide her time between her brother, Steve, and a sister in Skokie. Cveta is a beautician in Yugoslavia and is enjoying the sights in America but most of all she and Steve are enjoying each other. It is always a very hearty warmihg news item to report when a brother and sister have been separated so many years and finally get to see each other. I only hope they will pack so much into this visit, it will last them for years to come. I am most happy for Steve, I know it must be heart breaking not to be able to see ones family and I am glad you and Cveta have been reunited. Ruth is enjoying the visit with her sister-in-law and is making every thing just grand for her. Surprise Anniversary Party Sunday, July 14, Forrest and Grace Reinhardt were given a huge surprise party in honor of their silver anniversary. The guests who came from near and far to wish this grand couple best wishes were Jeanette and Joyce Hupfer, Evelyn and Butch Johanson of Clinton, Iowa; Nellie and Charles Snell, John and Frances Snell. Warren and Letha Lignell, Frances, Red and Bob Snell, of Chicago; Marge, Donna, Beverley and Scotty Reinhardt and Fredrich Cappetta, Cicero; John, Shirley and John, Jr., Ivan, Berwyn; Janice Huff, Chicago; Ray and Dolly Ruhman and Ed. and Ruth Lucka, McHenry; A1 and Theresa Rodgers, Highlands; Oscar and Mae Holmguist, McHenry; Sue and Ed Benzli, Peoria; Sarah and Happy Neilsen, Oak Park; Clarence and Jule Fahrner, Chicago; Walter, Jane and Jim Peloquin, Highlands; Grace's mother and dad, Roy and Gert Snell, their son and daughter, Gloria and Forrest Reinhardt, and granddaughter, Denise, completed the guest list. The Reinhardts received many beautiful gifts and many cards of congratulations. Birthdays And Anniversarise Birthday wishes go to some grand folks this week, and all their friends and neighbors join me in wishing many happy returns of the day to Grace Reinhardt and Billie Jones, July 31; Cheri Janquart August 3; Madelyn Tomao, July 27; Dorothy Jenkins, August 4; Janice Janquart and Jane Malek, August 9. takes Region Legion Post 703 Notes The Lakes Region Legion Post 703 is conducting a membership drive, and if you are interested in joining the post you may contact Dick Orlowski who will be happy to see to it that you become a member, Dick will be calling on veterans and is hopeful many will join. This is a very active Post and wonderful lot of grand folks in it, the benefits are tremendous so give it some thought please. the carnival to be held August '2, 3, and 4. The other three gals are Joan Zilligen, Teena O'Malley and Betty Warczak. If we missed calling anyone and you Want to donate call Hyatt 7- 3202. Leo Orlowski brought his sister, Mamie, from Nekoosa, Wis., to spend a couple of days with the Orlowski family. She returned home last Wednesday via train and enjoyed her visit here very much. On July 11, Lil and Leo entertained friends from Chicago, Hank and Marge Glowski, and son, Vic. They spent the day with them and enjoyed talking over old times and the old neighborhood in Chicago. Charlie Murgatroyd returned to work July 15, after enjoying a wonderful two weeks with his wife and family. He got in a few games of golf and did all the things they all liked doing. George ancj., Loa Darmody celebrated their first wedding anniversary July 12. The Senior Darmodys, Saturday and Myrtle, and daughter, Caryon, were on hand to make it a big day for them. We are so very happy to have George and Loa back with us in the Highlands. Ray Cunningham returned to work last Monday after thoroughly enjoying his vacation. His dad, Peter, who makes his home with Ray and Sadie, hated to see him go back, they enjoyed each other so much. Liesel and Georgie Hanisch spent July 14 in Chicago with their friends, Eva and Jock, from Ingleside. After the day the city, they stopped in Ingleside to have supper and Joe joined them there. Both Joe and Liesl returned to work July 15. Their vacation ended all to soon. July 14, Dick and Hazel Morley entertained their frends, Lee and Harriet Marshall, and family from Johnsburg for a cook out and evening together which was a ball for all. July 16, the Morleys attended a baseball game in Chicago and Wednesday Dick returned to work. Frank and Judy Krumweide and their four kiddies spent, a week in their home on Meadow Lane. The second week of their vacation they spent on a camping trip in Wisconsin. While there they spent a few days visiting with Frank's parents in Hancock, Wis. They will stop here for a couple of days on their way back to their home in Park Ridge. All the neighbors were happy to see them if only for a week. Richie and Dorothy Orlowski spent last weekend in Aurora for a Legion convention. While there they visited some friends Dorothy worked with in Chicago. We are sorry to be losing another fine couple from the Highlands. Red and Barb Sisk will be moving in to their n§w home in Pistakee Hills the end of July. We are sorry to see them go but happy they will be living close by. Four Boy Scouts, Barry Johnson, Scott Bourbon, Bill and Randy Jackson left July 16 for Oregon where they will spend a week enjoying Scouting fun. July 14 found the Rodge home bursting at the seams with relatives and for one of Hazel's delicious dinners. Martin and Hazel entertained their \ t> * ny ctinU/FP prttl son, Roger, and his wife, Donna, BABY SHOWER FOR and their son, Scotty, Donna's News Of Your Friends And Neighmors In last week's column I did not have the complete list of names of the gals who will be calling on members of St. John's church for donation for 'dpt Lakemoor-Lilymoor HOLD SURPRISE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bachert all of Chicago, and Donna's grandmother from California and a grandfather from Chicago. They all enjoyed a day of swimming, eating and chatting. Ruth Petrov spent July 12 in Chicago to be with her father, Emil Witte, who underwent surgery for cataracts. She went in during the week as often as she could to be with him and July 19 she picked him up and took him home. The Don Krispins and daughter, Donna, and her little friend, Vicki Smith, spent July 16, at the Brookfield Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. Korostel of Fox Lake Road are enjoying a visit with their granddaughter, Nancy Kirk, who is spending two weeks with them. July 16 Audrey Morin and kiddies left for Chicago to visit with Don's parents, and to visit with Don's aunt and uncle who are visiting with the senior Morins. They are from Arizona. Audrey returned July 17 and left Dale with his grandparents to spend a week with them. July 21 Don and Audrey and family spent the day in Arlington Heights with their friends, Duke and Jenne Ziegler, and children. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and plenty of fun being together. Rev. Smith enjoyed the week as a counselor in the Junior High Camp at the Wesly Woods on Lake Geneva, and I missed my weekly chat with him, a chat I look forward to each week. His great sense of humor always gives me a much needed lift. The Mike Rittrno family returned to the Highlands July 14 after a two weeks vacation on a lake in Wisconsin. They took their beautiful boat With them and enjoyed fishing and just plain relaxing. The three Zilligen children, Glen, Jackie and Susie, spent the week of July 14 with their grandparents the senior Zilligens in River Forest. Joan had little Barbie to keep her company while they were gone My hubby, Wally, will be enjoying a two weeks vacation starting July 22 and will return to work August 5. It will be nice to get away from it all and enjoy the shortest two weeks in the year. The Bill Bischoffs' daughter, Gail, was a pretty sick little girl* -Xor-four -days last week with a severe sore throat infection. Jeanne Hillstrom and family enjoyed the rodeo in Libertyville last weekend and from all reports it was a real thriller. Notice1 to all members of the o^gan committee of the Mount Hctoe church, please be on hand for the August 1, meeting to be held at the Meckley home in the Highlands at 8 p.m. David Hillstrom suffered a freak accident last week. Whilt racing down a hill on his bike his shoe fell off and he lost hit balance. While trying to keep erect on his bike his shoeless foot was dragging the ground, DIANE FUHLER Shirley Scnuerr 585-8645 On Wednesday, July 17, Diane Fuhler went to Connie Johnson's home with all the intentions of attending a board of directors meeting. The meeting turned out to be a surprise lawn baby shower for Diane and wee-one to be. Those who attended the surprise shower were Eunice Fuhler of Crystal Lake, Leona Fantus of Waukegan, Eunice Tobey, Frida Glick, Mary Sessa, Isabelle Karmel, LaVerne Schueler, Lois Schiavone, Marion Leske, Marion Vornkahl, Lil Neumann, Lil Wijas, Toni Ehredt, Ruth Young, Tena Belline, Kathy Fuhler, Marge Polinski, £ee Bassi and Shirley Schuerr, all of Lilymoor. Hostesses for the shower were Connie Johnson and Pearle Stineman. The weeone to-be received many lovely gifts. resulting in a very badly mangled foot. It looks like ground beef. He lost the toenails and was taken to emergency at the McHenry hospital where his foot was treated and David was released. He will have to be very careful for quite a while, I sure hope David will be able to be playing real soon. I ani very sure he must be suffering agony. Mamma Jeanne suffered right along with David, happy to report both are doing fine now. I was very sorry to receive word that Reverend Father Joseph Skelly, Director of the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal in Germantown, Pa., passed away July 9. I have served as a promotor for the Shrine for more years then I can remember and I shall miss his kind messages, his prayers and inspiration. It was an honor and a pleasure to have served under his guidance and I can continue doing his work he loved. July. 13, my hubby Wally took me out for a belated twenty-thierd anniversary evening. After a delicious filet mignon dinner, we enjoyed attending the Hootenanny in Wisconsin. Afterwards we enjoyed an evening of dancing. It was an evening well worth waiting for, I hope there will be more just like it. I have always loved dancing and Wally is fast becoming a convert to the art. It is nice to ppend time together and forgetting your every day worries keeps you young. In closing may God take a liking to you all and please be kind to one another. There wasn't too much news this week but I tried and you can't win them all, so please folks get on the ball and call in your news, I really do appreciate all your calls. Have a nice week and enjoy all the nice days we are having. It's A Girl Betty Daly presented her husband George with a girl Wednesday July 17. Wee-one Kitty Maureeen weighed in at 71bs. 8 ozs. and twenty-one inches long. Waiting home to g r e e t t h e i r new s i s t e r are Billy, Kathy and Kelly. Congratulations Betty and George on your blessed event. McHenry Shorts Invitation To Teenagers By Bernlce WOm S86-UM The McCullom Lake teenagers would like to extend an invitation to all the teenagers Beach Party Everyone is invited to attend the beach party to be held at the large beach on route 120. There is a correction on the date, it will be held this Saturday, July 27, not Sunday, July 28. There will be games and refreshments. Proceeds of the party will go toward improvements on the fire-community house. Please remember the date is this Saturday, July 27. Bible School Will start Monday, July 29, and will end Friday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Children from the ages of four years to sixteen years are all welcome to attend Bible school. It will be held at the Bethal Baptist church, located in the white schoolhouse in Lilymoor. Belated Birthday greetings go to Shirley and Shelia Schuringa. The twins celebrated their fifteenth birthday Monday, July 1. Birthday Greetings go to Rita Epperson. Rita became a teenager Sunday, July 21. Greetings go to Cheril Beranek. Cheril will celebrate her nineteenth birthday Friday, Julyt 26. Greetings also go to Bertha Burger who will celebrate her big day Monday, July 29. Bertha's grandson, Kennith Schuerr, will celebrate his fourteenth birthday Tuesday, July 30. Still more greetings go to Billy and Dottie Freeman. Although they are not twins they celebrated their birthdays Tuesday, July 16. To each of ypu we say many happy returns. in McHenry Shores to come to their dances which are held at the McCullom Lake beach every Saturday night. Refreshments will be available. This invitation is going out to all sections of McHenry so they are hoping for a good turn-out, it sounds like it would be fun. Anniversary Greetings go to Roy and Eunice Tobey. They will be celebrating their wedding anniversary tomorrow Friday, July 26. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more together. Guests Mrs. Hofaman of Chicago visited her daughter and sonin- law, Pat and Squib Morrison, and children for a week. Kate Caswick is spending her summer vacation with her sister and brother-in-law, Josephine and Walter Schuerr. Get-Well Wishes go to Kay Maher. Kay is in the McHenry hospital. Here is hoping you are in the best of health and are now home, Kay. Auxiliary News A reminder that Monday, Aug. 5, is the monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary. This is an important meeting. The nominating committee will be formed for the forth coming election of officers and board of directors. Please try to attend this meeting. That is Monday, Aug. 5, in the large hall of Club Lilymow at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the August meeting are Toni Ehredt, Diane and Kathy Fuhler. B OPENS CLOGGED 4 SEWERS fcfffiflut dfggffffll % -toot DESTROYER dissolve* Roof* Paper Orooso, Sludge oasily. BUCK'S HARD WAR! WORTHMORE ESTATES IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL FESTIVAL Saturday July 27, 1963 GAMES AND FUN FOR YOUNG & OLD Featuring Chicken and Bar-B-Q Dinner Refreshments Starling at 4 p.m. till ? WORTHMORE ESTATES BEACH Located at 1S4 and Lake-McHenry County Line by Suss Emerson Here are a few facts concerning that amazing organ -- the human heart: In the course of 70 years, the heart will beat nearly three billion times and, depending on the individual's size, it will have pushed from 5 to 10 tons of blood through the veins every day. How big is this prodigious workhouse? A woman's heart weighs little more than a half a pound; a man's less than three-quarters of a pound. Usually the heart is shaped like your body -- slim if you are slim, chunky if you tend to a short, broad silhouette. Now for a heart-to-heart extra -- your physician's skill is reflected in his prescription, which we fill promptly and with precision at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. THIS WEEK'S HOUSEHOLD HINT: Remove soap and water marks from glass shower doors by rubbing lightly with sponge moistened in undiluted vinegar.5 Telephone your Chevrolet dealer for any type of truck. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES Here 'N' There The most important news item (at least to the Wilsons) is that we have added another granddaughter to our growing list. Robin Janine Wiegel was born to our daughter, Joan, on July 14 and weighed in at 9 lbs. 10 ozs., which is quite a bundle from Heaven. I know there are many grandmas in the Shores who have lots more grandchildren than I but I'll bet there aren't many who can top that size. I have been taking care of 2 year old Jeanette since Sunday so haven't had much time to worry about getting news, as they say never a dull moment with a little one around. 'Woody' and Ruth Carlisle visited the Birchfields Sunday from the far South side of Chicago and are looking around our area for a house as they like it up here very much. Well, we all think it is pretty special too. Hope they find something they want and settle up here. Louise Winter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. David Cotney from Oaklyn, N. J., were here on their annual visit to the Shores and upon returning home took David and Nancy Winters with them for a few weeks. The children will fly back after having a wonderful time with their grandparents so it wfli be a trip to be remembered foe a long time. Have a sail journey. The Corcoran* are away I# another wedding, this time ill Connecticut. This is the second of Ing's nieces to get married within a month and she still has quite a few to go. Then coming closer and closer is her trip to Sweden so she will have lots to tell us when she returns. Days Being Celebrated Carol Verstege will have a birthday on July 27, Donna Gunder on the twenty-eighth, and Walter on July 3L Beat wishes for a very happy 6ajf to all. Two of our Shores couples will have heir anniversary this week, Thomas and Mildred Hawkins on July 26 and Kenneth and Patricia Kingston on the thirtieth. Many more happy years together are wished for Tom and Mildred and Pat and Ken. Beach Detail Sunday, July 28, Clare Muller is chairman of the beach cleanup detail and H. Clausen, J. Schramm, W. Ewald, G. Mieritz and M. Whetherhult are chosen as helpers. Bring rakes and implements down with you and let Clare know if you can't make it. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS. DAILY 9 to It A.M. and 1 TO # PJL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 PJL EVENINGS BY APPOINT! PHONE 385-0452 White's Men's Shop 1214 N. Green Street McHenry* Illinois INSTANT TRIM INSTANTj UM MANDATE! MEN'S UNDERSHORTS THAT 908 N* ?RONT STREET McHENRY PHONE 385-0277 • MANDATEI instantly takes I to 2 Indies off yout waistline! • Great lor golfers, bowlers, athletes •.. real com* fort in walking, working or just plain loafing; • MANDATE! for all men who want to look &t, fed great, with trim, athletic appearance. • MANDATE! is support underwear with smartly tailored styling--featuring a non-roll waist. • • MANDATEI comfortably provides vital masculine support, braces-up tired back muscles. • MANDATE! is made of the thinnest, lightest^ most powerful elastic yarn in the world! • Revolutionary new fabric and design give MAN* DATE! the look and feel of regular underwear; no trussed-up, girdle-like appearance or constriction, • MANDATEI travels well-quick washing, fast drying I TWO STYLES: Brief and Continental Boxer fT9$ each only NAME-- 8TREETCITY ORDER BY WAIST SIZE S (30-34) M (35-37) ItMHSI XL (44-48) SIZE circl« on 8 II ML * ZONK STATE STYLE circle on* or both CONTINENTAL BOXER circle QUANTITY youdesira 1 2 8 4 f t «7S8M 12848 078910 QQigjg»lumjracci,or O&OJDu v 1 «odaao O Check oe Q WfelTFS MEN'S SHOP 1