Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1963, p. 2

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... WQt TWb THE McHENRY PLAINPEALER Thursday, Awjiwi 15, 1963 WOMAN'S CLUB OPENS SEASON WITH LUNCHEON Mrty Attni •Ikflly Rranioa Immediate members of the Nick Nett family and other relatives gathered at their borne on Riverside Drive last Sunday for a family reunion. A social day was enjoyed by the* iarge group, who came from Fox Lake, Johnsburg,1 Evanslon, Ridgefield and Wilmette for the gathering. A buffet supper concluded* the day's festivities. Bride-to-be CNmt At Shower* Miss Diane Rietesel, a bride of the near future, was guest of honor at two showers recently. On July 31, the was honored at a personal shower given by Mrs. Daniel Weber. Last Sunday, Aug. 11, she was guest at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Kenneth Douglas. Miss Rietesel win become the bride of Jack Walsh on Aug. 24. RoM Fjimfty • BennloB Sunday The home of Mrs. Loretta Juergens was the scene of a gathering on Sunday, when relat ives of her daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Ellen McKee of Chicago, held a family reunion. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moran and family of Syracuse, N. Y., the Harold McGee family of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moran and the Joseph Kelly family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran of Antioch and Mrs. Hay Warden of Chicago. Chrlstea SOB Of *Min J. Just ens The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Justen of 1508 N. Green street was christened Jeffrey John in a baptismal service solemnized Sunday, Aug. 11, in St. Mary's Catholic church. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officited at the 2 o'clock ceremony. Sponsors for the baby were William J. Nye, a family friend and Susan Ekholm of Elgin, a cousin of the baby. Later, a buffet dinner, was served at the Justen home to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nye and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ekholm and family of Elgin and the baby's paternal grandmother, Mrs. J6ftn R. Justen of McHenry, ' letoert Knox, Jr., Baptized Recently " "" Robert William HMk, Jr., •on of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox of Crystal Lake, was baptized recently at St. Thomas Catholic church in that city by Rev. Fr. Eipers. Sponsors wtt-e Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer. The baby's brothers and sistecs are Michael, Judy, Janet, Teddy, Joseph, Timothy, Mary BaUi and James,. ... ... JOYCE MOORE Announce Mitw Moore's Approaching Marriage Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of 7214 Delaware road, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Joyce Elaine, to Mr. Robert Fish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Fish of Yuba, Wis. , The young couple are planning an Aug. 31 wedding in Evangelical United Brethren church, Rockbridge, Wis. vTPLETE PROJECT DAVE PALMER Dave Palmer of McHenry Is shown giving an oral interpretation at the final projects session of Northern Illinois university's summer speech workshop for high school students. He chose Robert Frost's 'The Wood Pile." The seventeen high school students who did their final projects were among twenty-six from the upper 10 per cent of their high school classes selected to attend the three-week workshop. Plat Family Holds Reunion A total of 113 persons were present at a reunion of members of the family of the late John Pint of McHenry, held at Lord's Park, Elgin, recently. Attending from McHenry were Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarlty, Linda and George Worts, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Maribeth and Tommy, Mrs. Nick Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark, Ricky ar>d Susan. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards, gifts, prayers and to everyone who visited me during my stay at the hospital. Special thanks to Father Coakley and Father Parker for visits and prayers. Harold (Red) Hobbs *8-15-63 Auguit i Bake Sale -- Starts at 10 p.m. -- Mary Mecko Home, Circle Drive, Pistakee Terrace -- Sponsored by Terrace Women's Auxiliary. Mt. Hope Methodist Church Organ Committee 'Chuck Wagon Ramble." On Church Grounds 4 -8 p.m. Bake Sale--10 a.m. to 4 p.m. --J uk ten's Furniture Store-- Sponsored hy Cub Scout Pack 162. August. 2S-24 Community Methodist Church Rummage Sale -- Engdahl's Barn. August 24 Rummage and Bake Sale-- St. Peter's School, Volo--Sponsored by St. Peter's Church. August 2.1 Knights of Columbus Basket Picnic -- City Park. MODELS IN SHOW Cheryl Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Adams of Griswold Lake, a senior in the local high school this fall, was scheduled to model at a fashion show in one of the large Meadowdale stores on Wednesday night of this week. Mrs. Raymond Spohr, president of the McHenry Woman's club, entertained the official board at her home last week for the first meeting of the 1963-64 fiscal year. The club's program chairman, Mrs. Hugh Locker, announced a most interesting and unusual array of programs for the coming season. The club will open with the fall luncheon, which is scheduled for Sept. 11 at Martinet ti's, when three of Crystal Lake's leading musical and dramatic performers will give their presentation of "Carnival". Members and guests are cordially invited to attend, and may make reservations by/ contacting Mrs. Spohr. McHenry Hospitals Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tiedeman of 2613 Myang avenue, McHenry, are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 7. A son was born Aug. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schaefer of 3915 W. Waukegan road, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hopkins of Crystal Lake announce the birth of a son on Aug. 7. A girl was born Aug. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman of Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy of Cary welcomed a daughter on -Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. David Popenhagen of Richmond became the parents of a daughter on Aug, 11. A boy was bom Aug. 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boneosky of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. Peterson of 1238 W. Green street, McHenry, became the parents of a son on Aug. 11. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Roger Grauman of Wonder Lake welcomed a girl on Aug. 11. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Charles John Wight man announce the birth of a son, Charles Mancel, on Aug. 7 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The new baby has a brother, Teddy, 4%. Maternal grandparents are the W. B. Dixons of McHenry and paternal grandparents are the Charles Wightmans of Grayslake. Mary Catherine is the name chosen for the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Buss of Milwaukee, born July 30 and Weighing 9 lbs., 11 oz. She was welcomed home by two sisters, Beverly and Susan. Mrs. Buss is the former Adele Schmitt, daughter.of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schmitt of Johnsburg. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. Ella Buss of Bohner's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Freund of 1101-A N. Green street, McHenry, are the parents of a 4 lb. 13 oz. son, Kurtis Richard, born Aug. 9 in Sherman hospital, Elgin. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thurlwell of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund of Johnsburg. It isn't how much a man knows that counts, but how he can apply that knowledge to the environment in which he finds himself. Lance Parks Claims Bride MARCIA PRETZMAN BECOMES BRIDE OF CRYSTAL LAKE MAN St. Mary's Catholic church in Sycamore was the setting for a beautiful wedding last Saturday, Adg. 10, when Mr. Lance Kenneth Parks of McHenry took as his bride Miss Sarah Neil McCormick of Sycamore. Mr. Parks is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lance M. Parks of 5416 W. Euclid drive, and his wife is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCormick. Rev. Fr. James Murphy officiated at the 10:30 o'clock mass which united the youn^ couple in marriage. The church was decorated for the pccasion with altar bouquets of white glads. Special music was provided for the ceremony by Miss Eleanor Huber of Genoa, a friend of the bride, who was organist, and Tom McFall of Cherry Valley, a classmate of the couple, who was vocal soloist. Miss McCormick was radiant in a floor length dress of imported silk organza, designed with sabrina neckline enhanced with sequins and tiny seed pearls. It was styled with chantilly lace, fitted basque bodice and long, Juliet sleeves, with lace edging the bouffant, shepherdess skirt that fell into a full, chapel sweep train. A cluster of pearlized orange blossoms secured her double silk illusion veil. Miss McCormick carried a round bouquet of white gladioli centered with tiny pink rosebuds. A sentimental feature of her bouquet was the attractive arrangement of three white lace handkerchiefs. One was a lace heirloom made by her great-great grandmother and carried by all of the brides in her mother's family for generations. Miss McCormick was the first bride in the fourth generation to do so. One handkedchief was borrowed and the other a gift from the groom's family. Acting as maid of honor was Mary McCormick, twin sister of the bride, and bridesmaids were Joline Anderson of Las Vegas, Nev., a friend of the couple, and Janice DeYoung 6f Chicago, the bride's college roommate. They wore identical sheath dresses of turquoise imported silk organza, with bouffant overskirts. The attendants had matching hair braid tiaras with turquoise blusher veils and carried round bouquets of pink and white carnations. Edward Parks, the groom's brother, Michael Meeker of McHenry, his college roommate, and Arnold Hampel of DeKalb, a friend of the couple, attended the bridegroom. Mrs. McCormick selected a lace dress in the color of ashes of roses, with which she wore white accessories. Mrs. Parks wore a brown crepe dress with beige accessories. Following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held in the church hall. The couple will make their home in Shebonah, 111., where the bride will teach speech and English at the high school. Mr. Parks will continue his studies at Northern Illinois university, where he is a senior. The bride is a graduate of that school. Wrinkles may be a sign of age, but not on fenders. NOTICE the office of Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist will be closed from Monday, August 19th to Tuesday, Sept. 3rd -- 9 a.m. PHONE 885-0899 for Appointments. I * Certificate rok cue it to a mem Your Child's Picture. . . FREE! •M1H THIS CERTIFICATE) We wffl gwe you ABSOLUTELY FRtE a toe* 5 X 7 pofraft Pto^phasj; special get acquainted gift! Up to 12cuta poseswillbe taken. There is NO CHARGE andNO OBLIGA. TION to buy anything. Youmay, if you afch, onler additional duea fern tte studio but ttat to V> to jm THURS., FRI., SAT. -- AUG. 15, 16, 17 /yWESTVALE STUDIOS 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Portraits of chil* CWdw from 2 months up w - - --v. -a ACE HARDWARE ZLJi OS*RIT Al La VERNE MEYER TO GRADUATE AS NURSE AUG. 25 THE M. J. SLEPCEVICHE8 On Aug. 3, Miss Marcia Jean Pretzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pretzman of Island Lake, became the bride of Michael J. Slepcevich, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slepcevich, Sr., of Crystal Lake. The vows were exchanged at 12:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Catholic church in Crystal Lake, with the Rev. Griffin officiating. The matron of honor was Mrs. Charles Sowers of McHenry, a friend of the bride, and her two bridesmaids were Miss Lorrie DiLeonardo and Miss Mary Ann Pas, both of McHenry and also friends of the bride. The best man was Charles Sowers of McHenry, and the ushers were Robert Keith of Crystal Lake, friend of the bridegroom, andDavid Slepcevich, brother of the bridegroom. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held at the American Legion hall in Crystal Lake. After a two-week honeymoon touring the western states, the newlyweds will reside at 45 Elmhurst st., Crystal Lake. The bride is a 1962 graduate of McHenry high school and is now employed as a secretary in Crystal Lake. The bridegroom graduated from Crystal Lake high school and is employed by Sherman Plumbing and Heating in Crystal Lake. CARD OF THANKS To all my friends, neighbors and relatives: Many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards, prayers and all kindnesses shown during my recent stay in the hospital and convalescence at home. Special thanks to Father Baumhofer, Sisters of St. Mary's, and Father Holmgren. Alex Adams •8-15-63 ANOTHER "FRIENDLY** SERVICE FROM NYE'S Free prescription delivery in the McHenry area. Have your doctor contact us for McHenry's Friendliest Prescription service. NYE DRUG McHenry Hoapital Patients in McHenry hospital this past week included James Navlyt, George Fehling, Francis M. Naughton and Charlotte G. Tetzner of Wonder Lake; Robert Damski, Richard Piatt. Wynne Hegner, Charlotte Delfeld, Robert Humphreys, Thelma Falk, Ernest Sundt, Martin Klein, Rose Boutmans, Walter Haugen, Lonnie Vann, Henrietta Bruce, Donald F. Kibbe, Dorothy Langeloh, Emmet J. Barden, Lucille Herdrich and Vera Baumgartner of McHenry; Rita Prestwood ana Selma Wogstad Of Cary; Leon ard Hakanson of Round Lake; William Peck, Judy A. Browne and Julia Simmons of Wauconda; John B. Jackson and Alice Wagner of Spring Grove; Sandra Howe of Algonquin; Stephanie Gruschow of Ingleside; Kent Duncan of Richmond; Karen Otner and Orville G. Smith of Lake Villa; Victor Squeo, Richard McClanahan and William H. Fischer of Crystal Lake; George Wyrwa and Joseph DeMarco of Chicago and James T. Orr of Racine, Wis. Memorial Hospital Admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week were Michael Weber, Linda Detwiler, Wendy Sellek, William Johns and David Meadie of Wonder Lake; A. Dolinski, Setven Koeber, Mina Westphall and Edward Wadell of McHenry. Harvard Hospital Patients in Harvard hospital from this area during the past week were Richard VanLanduyt of Ringwood; Mrs. William Schabow, Phillip Miller, Mrs. Charles DeVos and John Metzger of Mcftenry. REV. HETTERMANN TO ATTEND HOLY NAME CONVENTION Plans are being made for the Rockford Catholic diocesan convention to be held in Rockford Sept. 14, with parishes to be represented by their Holy Name societies. Since the Rev. Raymond M. Hettermann, assistant spiritual director of the Diocesan Holy Name Union and pastor of St. Andrew parish, Rock Falls, intends to attend the Quadrennial convention of the National Holy Name society in Buffalo Aug. 23 to 25, it is planned to have him give the delegates a summary of that meeting. Fr. Hettermann is a native of Johnsburg and well known throughout the McHenry area. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our relatives, neighbors and friends for the flowers, spiritual bouquets and other acts of sympathy received at the time of our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful to Father Dording, the George Justen Funeral home and Dr. W. A. Nye. The Richard' Guyser Family *8-15-63 •tVERNE MEYER Miss LaVerne Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer of Meyer road, Spring Grove, will be among the thirty- two students who will graduate during the commencement exercises Sunday, Aug. 25, at 1 p.m. at St. Therese hospital school of nursing, Waukegan. Miss Meyer is a graduate of St. Peter's grade school, Spring Grove, and Burton high school, Richmond. After graduation, Miss Meyer plans to enter a nursing career at Passavant hospital, Chicago. The commencement program will include a high Mass by the chaplain, Rev. Peter F. Hayes, to which selected guests will be invited by the graduates. The freshmen-junior chorus will sing the "Missa Brevis" by Montani with a brunch following. At 1 p.m. the commencement exercises will begin. The Rev. Raymond J. Spitzer, C.Ss.R. of Pine City, Minn., uncle of one of the graduates, will be the guest speaker. Diplomas will be conferred by thfe director, Sister Annella, S. Sp.s., and benediction will follow. HURT IN EXPLOSION James Doherty of Lincoln road is confined to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, with injuries sustained Tuesday when a furnace exploded in the machine shop in which he is employed at Crystal Lake. WED SATURDAY Richard F. Bykowski and Sandra Counly, both of the Lakemoor-Lilymoor area, were married Saturday morning, Aug. 10, at110 o'clock by Justice of the Peace Joseph Ritter. DIVORCES GRANTED Judge William M. Carroll last week granted a divorce to Verlin Snowberg of McHenry from his wife, Beatrice. Jean Fisher of McHenry was granted a divorce from William Fisher. Walter M. Garrelts of Mc Henry won a divorce fron Peggy Garrelts. Kites are one of the oldest of all toys--they are mentioned in the earliest writings of Egypt and Asia. OUTDOOR ART FAIR Hie popular Barrington Outdoor Art Fair is being held this year in conjunction with the city-wide celebration of its centennial year. The Jewel parking lot at 144 West Main street will have the fair from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 25. The Barrington Woman's Club sponsors the show case of talent which is varied as many professional artists live in the area. Along with Sunday painters, ninety exhibitors will show their arts and crafts. Admission is free. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank the following people for donating their time and money to help make this a most successful year for our Littlel League; McDonald's Tavern, J. R. Levesque, V.F.W. Post No. 4600, Charles W. Brennan, Kiwanis of Wonder Lake, Riverside Retail Store, Mike's Fireside Tavern, Whitey & Bernice's Tavern, West Shore Beach Women's Club, West Shore Beach Property Owners Association, Art Stuhlfier, McHenry County Well & Pump Company, Bill Brennan, Ray Stilling, Bill Walter, Delores Piotrowski; also the managers Bill Scheid, Gene Johnson, Don Lorch, the assistant managers and coaches. McCullom Lake Little League, Merv Schmitt, President. *8-15-63 CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbors, friends and relatives. Your cards, helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Special thanks to Doctor Ruggero, Father Vanderpool, Father Baumhofer and Father Coakley. The Anthony Piotrowski Family *8-15-63 TRUCK TELLS YOUR Xcm &a hi Cor DIAL 385-0927 For Pickup Service At CASH & CA'isK; PRICES V* i k P £ Y & A * (SANITONE Chuck Wagon Restaurant 208 Rand Road Lakemoor "HOME COOKED MEALS" -- Truckers Welcome OPEN DAILY 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. SUNDAYS 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Breakfast -- Lunch -- Dinner "DAILY SPECIAL" Now Registering for Fall Term ^Tantadu 'arm. DAY NURSERY COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping • 6 Acres of Playground with Slides, Swing, Merry- Go-Round, etc. j • Chickens, Duck, Pheasants and Lambs for the Kids to Feed and Play With • Story Telling, Reading and Inside Play • Hot Meals -- Morning and Afternoon Snacks • Napping Facilities • An Opportunity for Your Child to Play with and Get Along with Others. Call 385-2499 for Dally and Weekly Rates You Can Afford State Licensed Lwatii »4 Hfle Boats «f MeHwry •a tike old Crystal Lake mack Top Road "How soon can V draw a check against on* I've deposited with you?" Just as soon as our baak collects the amount of the deposited check ftouu the bank on which k is drawn. The time varies with the distance of die other bank. When you deposit a check on another bank, ask our teller how long it will take to collect k. That way, you can avoid the embarrassment of drawing a check against uncollected funds and having k returned unpaid. Fully and properly used, your checking account is an invaluable aid to personal money management; to real efficiency, economy. Make the most of k! McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving Ton -- AH Ways" Since 190C Phone 385-1040 Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation j: -uSuKSS" ,

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